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原创 Decomposition and Reductions|cs61b 2019 lec 27 |图总结

Graph Problems So FarDepthFirstPaths.javaBreadthFirstPaths.javaDijkstrasSP.javaA*: Same as Dijkstra’s but with h(v, goal) added to priority of each vertex.LazyPrimMST.javaPrimMST.javaKruskalM...

2020-03-26 22:33:26 296

原创 Lecture 23: Graphs and Traversals | cs61b 2019

Lecture 23: Graphs and TraversalsTree TraversalsGraphsDepth First SearchBreadth First SearchTrees and TraversalsTree DefinitionA tree consists of:A set of nodes.A set of edges that connect...

2020-03-26 20:13:33 341

原创 Lecture 26: Minimum Spanning Trees | cs61b 2019

Lecture 26: Minimum Spanning TreesMST, Cut Property, Generic MST AlgorithmPrim’s AlgorithmKruskal’s AlgorithmSpanning TreesMST vs. SPTA shortest paths tree depends on the start vertex:Becau...

2020-03-26 13:54:14 341

原创 Lecture 25: Shortest Paths| CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019

CategoriesSummary So Far: DFS vs. BFSDijkstra’s AlgorithmDijkstra’s Correctness and RuntimeA*A* Heuristics (188 preview)demo1demo2>As we discussed last time, BFS would not be a good ch...

2020-03-25 22:59:42 294

原创 Lecture 24: Graphs II: Graph Traversal Implementations |cs61b 2019

Lecture 24: Graphs II: Graph Traversal ImplementationsTree and Graph TraversalsJust as there are many tree traversals:Preorder: DBACFEGInorder: ABCDEFGPostorder: ACBEGFDLevel order: DBFACEGg...

2020-03-25 15:30:31 291

原创 Wildcard (Java)

wikiA bounded wildcard is one with either an upper or a lower inheritance constraint. The bounds can be both class and interface types. Upper bounds are expressed using the extends keyword and lower ...

2020-03-25 01:21:46 240

原创 HW 3: Hashing| CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019

equalsAs mentioned in class, writing a proper equals method is a little tricker than it might sound at first blush. According to the Java language specification, your equals method should have the fo...

2020-03-25 01:07:38 213

原创 clab8 总结|CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019

实战总结Lab 8: HashMap/****************************************************************************** * Compilation: javac SeparateChainingHashST.java * Execution: java SeparateChainingHashST &l...

2020-03-25 00:55:03 496

原创 Range Searching and Multi-Dimensional Data|Quadtrees|K-d Trees|CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019

Multi-Dimensional DataMotivation: 2D Range Finding and Nearest NeighborsSuppose we want to perform operations on a set of Body objects in space?2D Range Searching: How many objects are in the high...

2020-03-23 15:41:54 264

原创 Prefix Operations and Tries | CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019

Data Structures SummaryThe problem we are presented: Given a stream of data, retrieve(搜索) information of interest.All of the data structures we have discussed so far have been to solve the search pr...

2020-03-23 03:16:09 523

原创 Heaps and PQs(The Priority Queue) | CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019

Heaps and PQs(The Priority Queue)The Priority Queue InterfaceIf we want to cared more about quickly finding the smallest or largest element instead of quickly searchingNow we come to the Abstract ...

2020-03-22 22:37:09 611

原创 Hashing | CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019

Hashingreading: 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, Algs 458-468, 478-479, 468-475 (extra)Lecture 19: HashingSet Implementations, DataIndexedIntegerSetInteger Representations of Strings, Integer Overfl...

2020-03-20 02:44:54 534

原创 Red Black Trees | CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019

Red Black Trees | CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019reading:11.4, 11.5, Algs 424-431, 432-448 (extra)Why we need Red black TreesWonderfully balanced as they are, B-Trees are really difficult to im...

2020-03-19 19:23:11 660

原创 B-Trees|CS 61B Data Structures, Spring 2019


2020-03-19 03:04:54 190



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