Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)

一. Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP),   an authentication framework which supports multiple authentication   methods.  EAP typically runs directly over data link layers such as   Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) or IEEE 802, without requiring IP.  EAP   provides its own support for duplicate elimination and   retransmission, but is reliant on lower layer ordering guarantees.   Fragmentation is not supported within EAP itself; however, individual   EAP methods may support this.
To date, EAP has been implemented   with hosts and routers that connect via switched circuits or dial-up   lines using PPP [RFC1661].  It has also been implemented with switches and access points using IEEE 802 [IEEE-802].  EAP   encapsulation on IEEE 802 wired media is described in [IEEE-802.1X],   and encapsulation on IEEE wireless LANs in [IEEE-802.11i].

二. EAP was designed for use in network access authentication, where IP   layer connectivity may not be available.  Use of EAP for other   purposes, such as bulk data transport, is NOT RECOMMENDED.

EAP is a lock-step protocol which only supports a single packet in   flight.  As a result, EAP cannot efficiently transport bulk data,   unlike transport protocols such as TCP [RFC793] or SCTP [RFC2960].

三. Conceptually, EAP implementations consist of the following
   [a] Lower layer.  The lower layer is responsible for transmitting and
       receiving EAP frames between the peer and authenticator.  EAP has
       been run over a variety of lower layers including PPP, wired IEEE
       802 LANs [IEEE-802.1X], IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs [IEEE-802.11],
       UDP (L2TP [RFC2661] and IKEv2 [IKEv2]), and TCP [PIC].  Lower
       layer behavior is discussed in Section 3.
   [b] EAP layer.  The EAP layer receives and transmits EAP packets via
       the lower layer, implements duplicate detection and
       retransmission, and delivers and receives EAP messages to and
       from the EAP peer and authenticator layers.
   [c] EAP peer and authenticator layers.  Based on the Code field, the
       EAP layer demultiplexes incoming EAP packets to the EAP peer and
       authenticator layers.  Typically, an EAP implementation on a
       given host will support either peer or authenticator
       functionality, but it is possible for a host to act as both an
       EAP peer and authenticator.  In such an implementation both EAP
       peer and authenticator layers will be present.
   [d] EAP method layers.  EAP methods implement the authentication
       algorithms and receive and transmit EAP messages via the EAP peer
       and authenticator layers.  Since fragmentation support is not
       provided by EAP itself, this is the responsibility of EAP
       methods, which are discussed in Section 5.
   The EAP multiplexing model is illustrated in Figure 1 below.  Note
   that there is no requirement that an implementation conform to this
   model, as long as the on-the-wire behavior is consistent with it.

         +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
         |           |           |  |           |           |
         | EAP method| EAP method|  | EAP method| EAP method|
         | Type = X  | Type = Y  |  | Type = X  | Type = Y  |
         |       V   |           |  |       ^   |           |
         +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
         |       !               |  |       !               |
         |  EAP  ! Peer layer    |  |  EAP  ! Auth. layer   |
         |       !               |  |       !               |
         +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
         |       !               |  |       !               |
         |  EAP  ! layer         |  |  EAP  ! layer         |
         |       !               |  |       !               |
         +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
         |       !               |  |       !               |
         | Lower ! layer         |  | Lower ! layer         |
         |       !               |  |       !               |
         +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
                 !                          !
                 !   Peer                   ! Authenticator
                     Figure 1: EAP Multiplexing Model

Lower layer: 传输不一定可靠,错误检测机制,不一定是安全的,最小MTU为1020字节, packet ordering guarantees

四、After EAP authentication is complete, the peer will typically transmit and receive data via the authenticator. It is desirable to provide assurance that the entities transmitting data are the same ones that successfully completed EAP authentication. To accomplish  this, it is necessary for the lower layer to provide per-packet integrity, authentication and replay protection, and to bind these per-packet services to the keys derived during EAP authentication. Otherwise, it is possible for subsequent data traffic to be modified,spoofed, or replayed.
Where keying material for the lower layer ciphersuite is itself provided by EAP, ciphersuite negotiation and key activation are controlled by the lower layer. In PPP, ciphersuites are negotiated within ECP so that it is not possible to use keys derived from EAP authentication until the completion of ECP. Therefore, an initial
EAP exchange cannot be protected by a PPP ciphersuite, although EAP re-authentication can be protected.
In IEEE 802 media, initial key activation also typically occurs after completion of EAP authentication. Therefore an initial EAP exchange typically cannot be protected by the lower layer ciphersuite, although an EAP re-authentication or pre-authentication exchange can be protected.


0                   1                   2                   3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
| Code       | Identifier | Length      |
| Data ...
The Code field is one octet and identifies the Type of EAP packet.
EAP Codes are assigned as follows:
1 Request
2 Response
3 Success
4 Failure
Since EAP only defines Codes 1-4, EAP packets with other codes
MUST be silently discarded by both authenticators and peers.

总结: 这个文档里面也提到了一些security攻击的问题,但这个文档没有EAP-TLS这些内容,只是EAP层的东西。EAP-TLS架在EAP层之上。





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