#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
@author: lele Ye
@contact: 1750112338@qq.com
@software: pycharm 2018.2
@file: 04max_position.py
@time: 2019/4/30 16:32
@desc: 找到图片每个通道中最大值的位置坐标,
下面得出一张三通道图像中每个通道的最大值位置分别为[(4, 1), (3, 6), (3, 2)]
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
list_image = [
[[[92, 18, 57],
[66, 28, 38],
[46, 29, 46],
[25, 23, 90],
[70, 13, 27],
[56, 75, 20],
[47, 21, 31],
[12, 52, 98]],
[[45, 18, 57],
[66, 28, 38],
[46, 29, 46],
[25, 23, 90],
[170, 13, 27],
[56, 375, 20],
[147, 21, 31],
[12, 52, 98]],
[[65, 18, 57],
[66, 28, 211],
[16, 29, 21],
[25, 23, 90],
[60, 13, 27],
[56, 378, 20],
[47, 201, 31],
[45, 52, 98]],
[[233, 34, 75],
[15, 264, 52],
[42, 62, 14],
[31, 39, 59],
[59, 20, 82],
[61, 66, 22],
[100, 34, 37],
[15, 264, 52]],
[[42, 62, 14],
[31, 39, 59],
[59, 20, 82],
[61, 66, 22],
[100, 34, 37],
[15, 164, 52],
[42, 62, 14],
[31, 30, 54]],
[[59, 20, 82],
[61, 6, 22],
[43, 12,90],
array_image = np.squeeze(list_image,axis=0)
[[ 18 28 29 23 13 75 21 52]
[ 18 28 29 23 13 375 21 52]
[ 18 28 29 23 13 378 201 52]
[ 34 264 62 39 20 66 34 264]
[ 62 39 20 66 34 164 62 30]
[ 20 6 12 28 21 87 124 89]]
image = tf.convert_to_tensor(array_image)
image1 = tf.expand_dims(image,axis=0)
# 全局最大池化,要求ksize于输入特征图维度大小相同
global_pool = tf.nn.max_pool(image1,ksize=[1,6,8,1],strides=[1,1,1,1],padding="VALID")
# 对二维张量(矩阵)求最大值的位置坐标
def get_max_position(sess,image):
height, width, channels = sess.run(tf.shape(image))
position_list = []
for i in range(channels):
max_index = tf.argmax(tf.reshape(image[:,:,i], [height * width])) # get the max index
position = sess.run(max_index)
position_list.append((position // width + 1,position % width + 1))
return position_list
with tf.Session() as sess:
position_list = get_max_position(sess, image)
print(sess.run(global_pool)) # [[[[233 378 211]]]]
print(position_list) # [(4, 1), (3, 6), (3, 2)]