Dry Goods | The monitoring and management issues you care most about regarding ad placement!

How to carry out advertising placement is a discipline. It's not a quick fix, but a matter of continuous learning, practice, and then experience, and specifying appropriate strategies.

Before learning how to optimize advertising, we introduce a practical advertising management tool - Tikadpro, which is mainly used for data monitoring and batch management of multiple accounts after advertising.


Tikadpro monitors ad data in real time, combining strategy execution data, ad placement and ad cost consumption, helping the trader to control the overall placement situation more efficiently, and timely find out the ad placement consumption variation to ensure the full utilization of ad budget. Moreover, it can develop different advertising strategies and run different monitoring strategies for different ads to help them specify targeted strategies.


Multi-account batch management

Tikadpro relies on big data and intelligent analysis and AI intelligent technology to provide comprehensive, intelligent and efficient multi-account batch management services for ad pitchers, and implements a variety of automated operation and comprehensive monitoring functions to fully improve ad placement efficiency, efficiently save placement costs and achieve fast and stable conversion.


After understanding this tool, it is beneficial to our learning later. Now let's take a look at how to optimize the management after the ad placement.

1、Continuous optimization strategy

Brand advertisers should optimize the reach of their campaigns or the number of video views according to their advertising objectives, and effect advertisers should adjust their cross-border e-commerce TikTok strategies to bring at least 50 conversions per week. After completing this milestone, higher targets can be re-evaluated and set.

3. Focus on innovation

When creating ad campaigns, be sure to provide resources for each group of ads that contain 5-6 different ad materials. By placing multiple materials in your ad series, you can keep updating them and avoid readers from getting bored.

4. User group targeting

It is possible to create a database for loyal customer groups on other established social media at the same time. When you upload this part of the database to TikTok, TikTok will identify the characteristics in the group and look for matches with the same characteristics. Ultimately, this approach will help you find the right target audience. Theoretically, these people will like your brand and are more likely to become loyal consumers in the future.

In addition, be careful to avoid audience overlap, which is essentially when an audience belongs to several segments at the same time. If a user belongs to four segments, he will receive one ad from each segment and your overall CPA will go up. Even though they may have converted on one of the ads in one of the campaigns, they actually received a total of four ads. Make sure your audiences don't overlap whenever possible. Not only does this increase customer acquisition costs, but it can also turn your audience off by viewing the same ad over and over again.


 Before placing an ad, you can test it in order to find a more accurate placement. The following are 2 common types of targeting tests.

Precise targeting settings

According to the tags of geography, age, gender, marriage status, interests, etc., it is precisely pushed to the target customers to effectively control the conversion cost.

Wide targeting settings

On the basis of precise targeting settings, broad targeting user groups, in order to obtain higher exposure within an effective time, while tapping potential users.

That's all I have to share today, hope it helps you!





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