Design Pattern - Mediator(C#)





Define an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently.


    The classes and/or objects participating in this pattern are:

  • Mediator  (IChatroom) 
    • Defines an interface for communicating with Colleague objects
  • ConcreteMediator  (Chatroom) 
    • Implements cooperative behavior by coordinating Colleague objects
    • Knows and maintains its colleagues
  • Colleague classes  (Participant) 
    • Each Colleague class knows its Mediator object
    • Each colleague communicates with its mediator whenever it would have otherwise communicated with another colleague

Sample Code in C#

This structural code demonstrates the Mediator pattern facilitating loosely coupled communication between different objects and object types. The mediator is a central hub through which all interaction must take place.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// <copyright company="Chimomo's Company" file="Program.cs">// Respect the work.// </copyright>// <summary>// Structural Mediator Design Pattern.// </summary>// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------namespace CSharpLearning{    using System;    /// <summary>    /// Startup class for Structural Mediator Design Pattern.    /// </summary>    internal static class Program    {        #region Methods        /// <summary>        /// Entry point into console application.        /// </summary>        private static void Main()        {            var m = new ConcreteMediator();            var c1 = new ConcreteColleague1(m);            var c2 = new ConcreteColleague2(m);            m.Colleague1 = c1;            m.Colleague2 = c2;            c1.Send("How are you?");            c2.Send("Fine, thanks");        }        #endregion    }    /// <summary>    /// The 'Mediator' abstract class    /// </summary>    internal abstract class Mediator    {        #region Public Methods and Operators        /// <summary>        /// The send.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        /// <param name="colleague">        /// The colleague.        /// </param>        public abstract void Send(string message, Colleague colleague);        #endregion    }    /// <summary>    /// The 'ConcreteMediator' class    /// </summary>    internal class ConcreteMediator : Mediator    {        #region Fields        /// <summary>        /// The colleague 1.        /// </summary>        private ConcreteColleague1 colleague1;        /// <summary>        /// The colleague 2.        /// </summary>        private ConcreteColleague2 colleague2;        #endregion        #region Public Properties        /// <summary>        /// Sets the colleague 1.        /// </summary>        public ConcreteColleague1 Colleague1        {            set            {                this.colleague1 = value;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Sets the colleague 2.        /// </summary>        public ConcreteColleague2 Colleague2        {            set            {                this.colleague2 = value;            }        }        #endregion        #region Public Methods and Operators        /// <summary>        /// The send.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        /// <param name="colleague">        /// The colleague.        /// </param>        public override void Send(string message, Colleague colleague)        {            if (colleague == this.colleague1)            {                this.colleague2.Notify(message);            }            else            {                this.colleague1.Notify(message);            }        }        #endregion    }    /// <summary>    /// The 'Colleague' abstract class    /// </summary>    internal abstract class Colleague    {        #region Fields        /// <summary>        /// The mediator.        /// </summary>        protected readonly Mediator Mediator;        #endregion        // Constructor        #region Constructors and Destructors        /// <summary>        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Colleague"/> class.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="mediator">        /// The mediator.        /// </param>        protected Colleague(Mediator mediator)        {            this.Mediator = mediator;        }        #endregion    }    /// <summary>    /// A 'ConcreteColleague' class    /// </summary>    internal class ConcreteColleague1 : Colleague    {        // Constructor        #region Constructors and Destructors        /// <summary>        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConcreteColleague1"/> class.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="mediator">        /// The mediator.        /// </param>        public ConcreteColleague1(Mediator mediator)            : base(mediator)        {        }        #endregion        #region Public Methods and Operators        /// <summary>        /// The notify.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        public void Notify(string message)        {            Console.WriteLine("Colleague1 gets message: " + message);        }        /// <summary>        /// The send.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        public void Send(string message)        {            this.Mediator.Send(message, this);        }        #endregion    }    /// <summary>    /// A 'ConcreteColleague' class    /// </summary>    internal class ConcreteColleague2 : Colleague    {        // Constructor        #region Constructors and Destructors        /// <summary>        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ConcreteColleague2"/> class.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="mediator">        /// The mediator.        /// </param>        public ConcreteColleague2(Mediator mediator)            : base(mediator)        {        }        #endregion        #region Public Methods and Operators        /// <summary>        /// The notify.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        public void Notify(string message)        {            Console.WriteLine("Colleague2 gets message: " + message);        }        /// <summary>        /// The send.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        public void Send(string message)        {            this.Mediator.Send(message, this);        }        #endregion    }}// Output:/*Colleague2 gets message: How are you?Colleague1 gets message: Fine, thanks*/


This real-world code demonstrates the Mediator pattern facilitating loosely coupled communication between different Participants registering with a Chat room. The Chatroom is the central hub through which all communication takes place. At this point only one-to-one communication is implemented in the Chatroom, but would be trivial to change to one-to-many.

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// <copyright company="Chimomo's Company" file="Program.cs">// Respect the work.// </copyright>// <summary>// Real-World Mediator Design Pattern.// </summary>// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------namespace CSharpLearning{    using System;    using System.Collections.Generic;    /// <summary>    /// Startup class for Real-World Mediator Design Pattern.    /// </summary>    internal static class Program    {        #region Methods        /// <summary>        /// Entry point into console application.        /// </summary>        private static void Main()        {            // Create chat room            var chatroom = new Chatroom();            // Create participants and register them            Participant george = new Beatle("George");            Participant paul = new Beatle("Paul");            Participant ringo = new Beatle("Ringo");            Participant john = new Beatle("John");            Participant yoko = new NonBeatle("Yoko");            chatroom.Register(george);            chatroom.Register(paul);            chatroom.Register(ringo);            chatroom.Register(john);            chatroom.Register(yoko);            // Chatting participants            yoko.Send("John", "Hi John!");            paul.Send("Ringo", "All you need is love");            ringo.Send("George", "My sweet Lord");            paul.Send("John", "Can't buy me love");            john.Send("Yoko", "My sweet love");        }        #endregion    }    /// <summary>    /// The 'Mediator' abstract class    /// </summary>    internal abstract class AbstractChatroom    {        #region Public Methods and Operators        /// <summary>        /// The register.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="participant">        /// The participant.        /// </param>        public abstract void Register(Participant participant);        /// <summary>        /// The send.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="from">        /// The from.        /// </param>        /// <param name="to">        /// The to.        /// </param>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        public abstract void Send(string from, string to, string message);        #endregion    }    /// <summary>    /// The 'ConcreteMediator' class    /// </summary>    internal class Chatroom : AbstractChatroom    {        #region Fields        /// <summary>        /// The participants.        /// </summary>        private Dictionary<string, Participant> participants = new Dictionary<string, Participant>();        #endregion        #region Public Methods and Operators        /// <summary>        /// The register.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="participant">        /// The participant.        /// </param>        public override void Register(Participant participant)        {            if (!this.participants.ContainsValue(participant))            {                this.participants[participant.Name] = participant;            }            participant.Chatroom = this;        }        /// <summary>        /// The send.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="from">        /// The from.        /// </param>        /// <param name="to">        /// The to.        /// </param>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        public override void Send(string from, string to, string message)        {            Participant participant = this.participants[to];            if (participant != null)            {                participant.Receive(from, message);            }        }        #endregion    }    /// <summary>    /// The 'AbstractColleague' class    /// </summary>    internal class Participant    {        #region Fields        /// <summary>        /// The chatroom.        /// </summary>        private Chatroom chatroom;        #endregion        // Constructor        #region Constructors and Destructors        /// <summary>        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Participant"/> class.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="name">        /// The name.        /// </param>        public Participant(string name)        {            this.Name = name;        }        #endregion        // Gets chatroom        #region Public Properties        /// <summary>        /// Gets or sets the chatroom.        /// </summary>        public Chatroom Chatroom        {            get            {                return this.chatroom;            }            set            {                this.chatroom = value;            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Gets the name.        /// </summary>        public string Name { get; private set; }        #endregion        #region Public Methods and Operators        /// <summary>        /// Receives message from given participant.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="from">        /// The from.        /// </param>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        public virtual void Receive(string from, string message)        {            Console.WriteLine("{0} to {1}: '{2}'", from, this.Name, message);        }        /// <summary>        /// Sends message to given participant.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="to">        /// The to.        /// </param>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        public void Send(string to, string message)        {            this.chatroom.Send(this.Name, to, message);        }        #endregion    }    /// <summary>    /// A 'ConcreteColleague' class    /// </summary>    internal class Beatle : Participant    {        // Constructor        #region Constructors and Destructors        /// <summary>        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Beatle"/> class.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="name">        /// The name.        /// </param>        public Beatle(string name)            : base(name)        {        }        #endregion        #region Public Methods and Operators        /// <summary>        /// The receive.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="from">        /// The from.        /// </param>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        public override void Receive(string from, string message)        {            Console.Write("To a Beatle: ");            base.Receive(from, message);        }        #endregion    }    /// <summary>    /// A 'ConcreteColleague' class    /// </summary>    internal class NonBeatle : Participant    {        // Constructor        #region Constructors and Destructors        /// <summary>        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NonBeatle"/> class.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="name">        /// The name.        /// </param>        public NonBeatle(string name)            : base(name)        {        }        #endregion        #region Public Methods and Operators        /// <summary>        /// The receive.        /// </summary>        /// <param name="from">        /// The from.        /// </param>        /// <param name="message">        /// The message.        /// </param>        public override void Receive(string from, string message)        {            Console.Write("To a non-Beatle: ");            base.Receive(from, message);        }        #endregion    }}// Output:/*To a Beatle: Yoko to John: 'Hi John!'To a Beatle: Paul to Ringo: 'All you need is love'To a Beatle: Ringo to George: 'My sweet Lord'To a Beatle: Paul to John: 'Can't buy me love'To a non-Beatle: John to Yoko: 'My sweet love'*/





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