
SIGMOD 2021 将于6月20日到6月25日在西安召开,作为数据库领域毋庸置疑的顶会,今年收录了7篇区块链相关的论文,其中1篇 demo paper,6篇 research paper。这篇博客简单介绍了其中的三篇。

Why do my blockchain transactions fail? A study of Hyperledger Fabric

这篇论文对 Fabric 中由于 OCC 导致的 transaction failure 进行了研究,定义了三种不同的 failure 类型,并提出了一个 benchmark 框架对 Fabric、Fabric++、StreamChain、FabricSharp进行了充分测试,提出对不同的应用场景应该如何对系统参数进行配置。

我觉得这篇论文最大的问题在于,所有的实验中 TPS 最高只有200。考虑到即使放弃 OCC 转而使用串行执行,TPS 也可以达到 1000+(比如 Quorum),而 Fabric 原本的 TPS 可以达到 3000+, 个人觉得这篇论文使用 200 TPS 的 setting 来测试 transaction failure 并不能充分说明问题。

Do the rich get richer? Fairness analysis for blockchain incentives

PoS 会导致富者更富吗? 为了回答这个问题,作者定义了两类公平性指标:

  • expectational fairness (EF): 期望挖矿收入正比于初始资产
  • robust fairness (RF): 衡量挖矿收入的不确定性

举个例子来说明上述两个指标:加入一个矿工拥有 20% 的 stake,EF 指他的挖矿的回报是否是所有人挖矿回报之和的 20%; RF是指,由于该矿工不是每个 block 都收到 20% 的回报,而是自己挖到的收到100%的回报,别人挖到的自己啥也没有,虽然最后该矿工的期望回报仍是 20%,但是这种机制增加了不确定性。

分析表明,PoW 总是可以保证公平性;PoS 在不同的激励模型下表现出不同的公平性:

  • ML-PoS (multi-lottery PoS,用于 Qtum 和 Blackcoin) 实现了 EF 但是没有保证 RF;
  • SL-PoS (single-lottery PoS,用于 NXT) 对 EF 和 RF 都没有保证;
  • C-PoS (compound PoS, 用于 Ethereum 2.0) 在比 ML-PoS 支持了更好的 RF 的同时保证
    了 EF.


SharPer: sharding permissioned blockchains over network clusters

sharding 用于区块链的论文不少了,这篇论文通过使用 DAG 和并行执行高效的解决跨 shard 的 transaction。 shard 内的 transaciton 串行执行,不同 shard 可以并行;跨 shard 的 transaction 需要先排序。整个 blockchain 组织成一个 DAG,每个 shard 只需要保存和自己相关的 transaction。

粗略浏览了一下arxiv上的版本,没感觉到啥亮点,中规中矩吧。容错能力比较差,要求节点数量远大于 3f+1。大部分章节都用来写 Paxos 和 PBFT 了,对于跨 shard 的 conflict transaction 的解决方案又比较 trivial,而且跨 shard 做共识的节点数量又是 ( 3 f + 1 ) ∗ # s h a r d (3f+1)*\#{shard} (3f+1)#shard,在节点多的时候通信开销可能成为瓶颈,实验部分好像也只测了 f=1 的情况。只能说在跨 shard 的 transaction 数量少且 conflict rate 低的情况下性能应该不错吧。

P2B-Trace: Privacy-preserving blockchain-based contact tracing to combat pandemics



Blockchains vs. Distributed Databases: Dichotomy and Fusion


DIV: Resolving the Dynamic Issues of Zero-knowledge Set Membership Proof in the Blockchain


A Byzantine Fault Tolerant Storage for Permissioned Blockchain



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这是前面的13篇论文 1 Keyword search on structured and semi-structured data Yi Chen, Wei Wang, Ziyang Liu, Xuemin Lin Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data 2 Efficient type-ahead search on relational data: a TASTIER approach Guoliang Li, Shengyue Ji, Chen Li, Jianhua Feng 3 FlashLogging: exploiting flash devices for synchronous logging performance Shimin Chen 4 Query processing techniques for solid state drives Dimitris Tsirogiannis, Stavros Harizopoulos, Mehul A. Shah, Janet L. Wiener, Goetz Graefe 5 A revised r*-tree in comparison with related index structures Norbert Beckmann, Bernhard Seeger 6 ZStream: a cost-based query processor for adaptively detecting composite events Yuan Mei, Samuel Madden Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Composite (or Complex) event processing (CEP) systems search sequences of incoming events for occurrences of user-specified event patterns. Recently, they have gained more attention in a variety of areas due to their powerful and expressive ... 7 A comparison of flexible schemas for software as a service Stefan Aulbach, Dean Jacobs, Alfons Kemper, Michael Seibold Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data A multi-tenant database system for Software as a Service (SaaS) should offer schemas that are flexible in that they can be extended different versions of the application and dynamically modified while the system is on-line. This ... 8 Query optimizers: time to rethink the contract? Surajit Chaudhuri Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Query Optimization is expected to produce good execution plans for complex queries while taking relatively small optimization time. Moreover, it is expected to pick the execution plans with rather limited knowledge of data and without any ... 9 Keyword search in databases: the power of RDBMS Lu Qin, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Lijun Chang Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Keyword search in relational databases (RDBs) has been extensively studied recently. A keyword search (or a keyword query) in RDBs is specified by a set of keywords to explore the interconnected tuple structures in an RDB ... 10 ROX: run-time optimization of XQueries Riham Abdel Kader, Peter Boncz, Stefan Manegold, Maurice van Keulen Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Optimization of complex XQueries combining many XPath steps and joins is currently hindered by the absence of good cardinality estimation and cost models for XQuery. Additionally, the state-of-the-art of even relational query optimization still ... 11 Query by output Quoc Trung Tran, Chee-Yong Chan, Srinivasan Parthasarathy Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data It has recently been asserted that the usability of a database is as important as its capability. Understanding the database schema, the hidden relationships among attributes in the data all play an important role in this context. Subscribing ... 12 Ranking distributed probabilistic data Feifei Li, Ke Yi, Jeffrey Jestes Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Ranking queries are essential tools to process large amounts of probabilistic data that encode exponentially many possible deterministic instances. In many applications where uncertainty and fuzzy information arise, data are collected from ... 13 Authenticated join processing in outsourced databases Yin Yang, Dimitris Papadias, Stavros Papadopoulos, Panos Kalnis Jun. 2009 Proceedings of the 35th SIGMOD international conference on Management of data Database outsourcing requires that a query server constructs a proof of result correctness, which can be verified by the client using the data owner's signature. Previous authentication techniques deal with range queries on a single relation ...
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