[Ubuntu / Firefox] How to use Advanced Video Upload feature of YouTube

Recently I noticed that YouTube has an "Advanced Video Upload" feature, which can upload file > 2GB. It also provided resumable upload.

Screenshot-YouTube - Upload your video - Mozilla Firefox

On the page it says "Java required".

I have sun-java6-jre installed on my Ubuntu Netbook Remix 10.04, so I clicked on the link.

Then I noticed on the bottom-left of my Firefox web browser, it says something like Loading Applet, but then it will indicate that Applet was not loaded, and YouTube showed this message:

Screenshot-YouTube - Upload your video - Mozilla Firefox-1

You do not have Java Installed or enabled. You can learn more about enabling Java, or go back and try the standard upload page.

Google search showed only a handful of results, but this blog post Step by step guide to screencasting for Ubuntu users mentioned that I need to have sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin .

So I launched Ubuntu Software Center, typed sun-java and clicked Search.
Screenshot-Ubuntu Software Center

Indeed, while sun-java6-jre is installed, sun-java6-plugin is NOT!!

Screenshot-Ubuntu Software Center-1

Screenshot-Ubuntu Software Center-2

Screenshot-Ubuntu Software Center-3
A few clicks I have sun-java6-plugin installed.

STILL, YouTube showed the same error message:

You do not have Java Installed or enabled. You can learn more about enabling Java, or go back and try the standard upload page.

I DO know that there's another Freedom-loving implementation of Java called IcedTea , and I noticed that my Ubuntu has some icedtea packages installed.

So I checked my Firefox plugin from Firefox browser memu Tools > Plug-in, and indeed the icedtea-plugin showed up, while the Sun Java Plugin is missing.

Screenshot-Ubuntu Software Center-4

Screenshot-Ubuntu Software Center-5

So I launch Ubuntu Software Center again, remove Icedtea Java Plugin(ya ya call me a Freedom-hater), then I restarted Firefox and checked its plug-in again:

Good, now Java(TM) Plug-in 1.6.0_20 kicked in :D

I tried the YouTube Advanced Video Upload page again, and got this pop-up:

Screenshot-警告 - 安全

From my experience that means the Applet is asking for permission, which is a good sign so I clicked Yes/Execute

Screenshot-YouTube - Upload your video - Mozilla Firefox-3

Viola! Now I finally saw the yellow upload button!

Already tested okay by uploading two videos (though they're rather small in size); the file picking window was very Java-ugly (you know what I mean), and all the Traditional Chinese characters turned into squares (yikes!). However if you click on it, it will show Trad. Chinese characters just fine......

Comments are welcome in English/Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese

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Ubuntu Kylin是一个基于Ubuntu的中文操作系统,旨在为中国用户提供更好的本地化体验。要构建Ubuntu Kylin的ISO映像,请按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 下载Ubuntu Kylin的ISO映像和Ubuntu Kylin的源代码。 2. 安装Ubuntu Kylin的编译环境和必要的依赖项。在终端中输入以下命令来安装这些软件包: ``` sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git ubuntu-dev-tools build-essential dh-make debhelper devscripts ``` 3. 解压缩Ubuntu Kylin的源代码,并切换到源代码目录中。在终端中输入以下命令: ``` tar -xzvf ubuntukylin.tar.gz cd ubuntukylin ``` 4. 在源代码目录中构建软件包。在终端中输入以下命令: ``` debuild -b -uc -us ``` 这将构建所有源代码中的软件包,并在构建完成后生成deb二进制文件。 5. 创建一个新目录,将生成的deb二进制文件和ISO映像复制到该目录中。 6. 创建一个新的ISO映像。在终端中输入以下命令: ``` sudo mkisofs -o /path/to/new/image.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -R -J -V "Ubuntu Kylin" . ``` 这将创建一个新的ISO映像,并在指定的路径下保存。请注意,您需要将“/path/to/new/image.iso”替换为您要保存ISO映像的实际路径。 7. 等待ISO映像创建完成,并验证它是否可以正常启动。 以上是构建Ubuntu Kylin ISO映像的简要步骤。请注意,这只是一个简单的示例,实际的构建过程可能会更加复杂,具体取决于您的系统配置和软件包需求。


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