软件开发的 20 条基本原则:LoD、SoC、SOLID 等

Introduction 介绍

Software design principles are the foundation of software development. As a software engineer, you can find them in your work tools, languages, frameworks, paradigms, and patterns. They are the core pillars of “good” and “readable” code. Once you understand them, you can see them everywhere.

The skill of seeing and applying them is what distinguishes a good engineer from a bad one. No one framework or tool can improve your quality of writing good code without understanding the fundamentals; moreover, without them, you become a hostage of that tool.

This article isn’t a reference guide but rather my try to systemize a list of core principles that need to be refreshed from time to time.

Abstraction 抽象

Abstraction is one of the most significant principles in general. To abstract something means to focus on the important part while neglecting other details. Abstraction can be interpreted in two main ways: as a process of generalization and as the result of this generalization itself.

In software development, it often comes paired with encapsulation, a method used to hide the implementation of the abstracted parts. You can observe abstraction in various forms. For example, when you define a type, you abstract yourself from the memory representation of a variable. Similarly, when you abstract an interface or the signature of a function, you focus on what’s important: the contract to work with. When designing a class, you select only the relevant attributes for your domain and the specific business use cases. There are tons of other examples, but
在软件开发中,它通常与封装相结合,封装是一种用于隐藏抽象部分的实现的方法。您可以观察各种形式的抽象。例如,当您定义类型时,您将自己从变量的内存表示中抽象出来。同样,当您抽象接口或函数签名时,您会关注重要的事情:要使用的契约。设计类时,您只需选择与您的领域和特定业务用例相关的属性。还有大量其他示例,但抽象的主要目的是您不需要了解实现的细节即可使用某些东西;因此,您可以更好地专注于对您来说至关重要的事情。the main purpose of abstraction is that you don’t need to know the details of implementation to work with something; therefore, you can better focus on what is essential for you.

This principle is not exclusive to application development. You, as a programmer, abstracted through language syntax from underlying actions with an operation system. The OS, in turn, abstract your language translater from underlying operations with a CPU, memory, NIC, and so on. The more you go deeper, the more you understand that this is just a matter of abstraction.
这一原则并不只适用于应用程序开发。作为一名程序员,您通过语言语法从操作系统的底层操作中进行抽象。反过来,操作系统将语言翻译器从 CPU、内存、NIC 等底层操作中抽象出来。你越深入,你就越明白这只是一个抽象的问题。

Source: Reddit 来源:Reddit

Encapsulate what varies 封装不同的内容

As you can see, abstraction can manifest itself in different forms — from data (implementation) abstraction to hierarchical. A general rule of thumb for using abstraction is the principle: “Encapsulate what varies.” Identify the potentially changeable part and declare a concrete interface for it. This way, even if the internal logic changes, the client will still have the same interaction.

Suppose you need to calculate a currency conversion. At the moment, you only have two currencies. You can come up with something like this:

if (baseCurrency == "USD" and targetCurrency == "EUR") return amount * 0.90;
if (baseCurrency == "EUR" and targetCurrency == "USD") return amount * 1.90;

But another type of currency may be added in the future, which would require changes to the client code. Instead, it is better to abstract and encapsulate all the logic in a separate method and call that method from the client side when needed.

function convertCurrency(amount, baseCurrency, targetCurrency) {
  if (baseCurrency == "USD" and targetCurrency == "EUR") return amount * 0.90;
  if (baseCurrency == "EUR" and targetCurrency == "USD") return amount * 1.90;
  if (baseCurrency == "USD" and targetCurrency == "UAH") return amount * 38.24;

DRY 干燥

DRY (don’t repeat yourself), also known as DIE (duplication is evil), states that you shouldn’t duplicate information or knowledge across your code base.
DRY(不要重复自己),也称为 DIE(重复是邪恶的),指出您不应在代码库中重复信息或知识。

“Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system” — Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas, The Pragmatic Programmer.

The benefit of reducing code repetition is the simplicity of changing and maintaining. If you duplicate your logic in several places and then find a bug, you’re likely to forget to change it in one of the places, which will lead to different behavior for seemingly identical functionality. Instead, find a repetitive functionality, abstract it in the form of a procedure, class, etc., give it a meaningful name and use it where needed. This advocates a single point of change and minimizes the breaking of unrelated functionality.


The KISS (keep it simple, stupid) phrase was coined by aircraft engineer Kelly Johnson, who challenged his engineering team that the jet aircraft they were designing must be repairable by an average mechanic in the field under combat conditions with only specific tools.

The main idea behind it is to focus on the simplicity of a system, which increases understanding and reduces overengineering while using only the tools you really need.


When you design a solution to the problem, you are thinking about two things: how to better adapt it to the current system and how to make it extensible for possible future requirements. In the second case, the desire to build a premature feature for the sake of better extensibility is usually wrong: even if you now think that this will reduce the cost of integration, the maintenance and debugging of such code may not be obvious and unnecessarily complicated. Thus, you violate the previous principle by increasing the redundant complexity of the solution to the current problem. Also, don’t forget here’s a good chance that your presumed functionality may not be needed in the future, and then you’re just wasting resources.

That’s is what YAGNI or “You aren’t gonna need it” all about. Don’t get it wrong; you should think about what will be with your solution in the future, but only add code when you actually need it.
这就是 YAGNI 或“你不需要它”的全部内容。别误会;您应该考虑您的解决方案将来的用途,但仅在实际需要时添加代码。

LoD 详细程度

The Law of Demeter (LoD), sometimes referred to as the principle of least knowledge, advises against talking to “strangers”. Because LoD is usually considered with OOP, a “stranger” in that context means any object not directly associated with the current one.
德米特法则 (LoD),有时被称为最少知识原则,建议不要与“陌生人”交谈。由于 LoD 通常与 OOP 一起考虑,因此上下文中的“陌生人”意味着与当前对象不直接关联的任何对象。

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