In the cat country, any cat family can be regarded as a rooted tree. As we all know, a kind of zombie virus hides in all the cats' bodies. Therefore, a cat family may consist of cats and zombies. When a cat is born, it may become a zombie. If a cat becomes a zombie, all of its offspring will also become zombies.
Now given an integer K, you should construct a cat family with exactly K ways to mark the identities (cat or zombie) of members of this family. Two ways are considered different if and only if there is at least one member that is marked as a cat in one way and marked as a zombie in the other way.
Formally, the vertices in a rooted tree will be marked black or white, and if a vertex is marked black, all the vertices in its subtree should also be marked black. Given a rooted tree, it's easy to calculate the number of possible valid ways to mark the vertices in the tree. Your task is to construct a rooted tree with exactly K ways to mark your tree's vertices. Two ways are considered different if and only if there is at least one vertex such that in one way is marked black and marked white in the other way.
The only line contains an integer K (2≤K≤2⋅1018) – the number of valid ways to mark the vertices in the tree.Output
Let's denote the number of vertices of the tree you construct as n, and label the vertices from 1 to n where vertex 1 is the root.The output should contain n lines. In the first line, print one integer n (1≤n≤105). In the each of the next n−1 lines, print two integers u,v (1≤u,v≤n,u≠v) describing an edge in your rooted tree.
It is guaranteed that at least one solution exists. If there are several possible valid solutions, you can print any of them.
3 1 2 1 3
该题最开始想时,是弄一个每个节点只有一个子节点的树,每多一个方案就在下面加一个节点,但由于题目要求输出的节点数要小于100000,所以理所当然的wa了 ort...
既然这种单枝树要用的节点太多,那就只能换种构建方法 。
当只有一个节点时,只能涂黑色或白色,所以方案数为2。当该节点增加一个子节点时,则方案数+1。增加两个子节点,也就是一对兄弟节点时,方案数为 以左节点为根节点的方案数 乘以 以右节点为根节点的方案数 加一 (l*r+1)(+1是当根节点为黑色时的情况)。
为偶数或为3时,在当前节点位置加一个子节点,并且K --,重复以上操作,直到K=2为止 。
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
typedef pair<int, int> PII;
vector<PII> v; //用来记录点
int main()
cin.tie(0), cout.tie(0);
cin >> K;
int ans = 1; //当前所在节点,以及节点总数
if(K&1) //K为奇数时
if(K==3) v.push_back({ans ++, ans}); //K==3时,增加一个子节点
else //增加一对兄弟节点。
ans += 2;
v.push_back({ans-2, ans-1});
v.push_back({ans-2, ans});
K >>= 1; //由于是向下整除,所以减一可以省略。
else //K为偶数时
K --;
v.push_back({ans ++, ans});
cout << ans << endl;
for(auto &i: v) cout << i.first << " " << i.second << endl;
return 0;