Construction Plan for Basic Information Database Management Systemcatalogue1. Overall design conce

Construction Plan for Basic Information Database Management System
1. Overall design concept 3
2 Business Process 4
3 Functional Design 6
3.1 System Settings 6
3.2 Basic Information Processing 8
3.3 Query Analysis 10
3.4 Statistical Reports 10
3.5 Data Transmission 11
1. Overall design concept
Firstly, the basic information database system is an information collection and process review system. Based on the actual situation of the Finance Bureau, design various basic information filling reports, including: budget unit staffing, in-service personnel, retirees, assets and vehicles, and other basic information; The basic information is filled out by the grassroots budget unit and submitted to the department. After being reviewed and summarized by the superior department, the department's basic database is updated and submitted to the finance department. The finance department collects the basic information data reported by the budget department and reviews the basic information data according to internal authority division.
Secondly, the basic information database system is also a financial basic database and a basic information storage system. The finance department collects basic information data reported by the budget department and transfers it to the finance department's basic database. Develop basic information management system and big platform data interface program to achieve data sharing of basic information among various business systems on the big platform. When various business subsystems in the integrated system need to use information from the basic database, they uniformly extract information from the platform's basic information database system. Any changes to information in the basic database are synchronized to the platform in a timely manner. With the advancement of integrated management, the ultimate goal is to integrate basic information into the platform for unified management.
The basic information database mainly includes financial support personnel information, budget unit asset information, budget standard information (including quota and staffing information), and policy and regulatory information management. The basic information database fully utilizes the storage technology of the database, standardizes the data storage format, and provides financial basic information services to users. The basic information database provides two maintenance mechanisms: static and dynamic. System management functions can be used to input or export basic information data, and data from business management processes can be dynamically updated into the information database.
The basic information database mainly includes financial support personnel information, budget unit asset information, budget standard information (including quota and staffing information), and policy and regulatory information management. The basic information database fully utilizes the storage technology of the database, standardizes the data storage format, and provides financial basic information services to users. The basic information database provides two maintenance mechanisms: static and dynamic. System management functions can be used to input or export basic information data, and data from business management processes can be dynamically updated into the information database.
Figure 3.1 1 Basic Information Management Structure Diagram
The specific content of basic information includes:
Financial support personnel information: achieve personnel classification management and daily personnel management. Personnel classification management includes basic information such as employees, retirees, communities, preferential care, and social rescue personnel in various budget units, and forms personnel budget based on various policies. Daily personnel management includes the approval of personnel additions, departures, and reductions, as well as external links with personnel departments, organizational departments, senior cadre management departments, and retirement management departments. Link personnel information management with budget review system and budget indicator system to achieve information sharing and exchange.
Budget unit asset information: Asset procurement and disposal asset classification management includes common information related to generating public budgets, such as vehicle conditions, house area, office equipment, etc. Based on standard quotas, a public budget is formed, which can achieve functions such as report preparation and summary query. Daily asset management includes functions such as asset acquisition, disposal, and evaluation.
2 Business processes
[1] Define the basic information collection table template by the Basic Information Management Department and distribute it to various business departments.
[2] The business department will distribute the template to the budget unit.
[3] The budget unit shall fill in the basic information of the unit according to the template requirements and report it to the business department
[4] After the modification and review by the business department, the data will be summarized and the final basic information will be imported into the department budget system.
Figure 3.1 1 Basic Data Collection Business Process
3 Functional Design
3.1 System Settings
System setup is the first step in using basic information management, which is mainly used to define basic information, data processing business, system permissions, data review, maintain data versions, and interface with department budgets, etc. Whether the system settings are correct will directly affect the use of basic information management. The system settings include the following functions:
[1] System report settings
Define the structure, content, special business processing settings, and formula refresh method of the basic information report that needs to be filled out by the unit. The functional points are as follows:
Basic information definition:
a) Add report: Define a new basic information report;
b) Delete Report: Delete a defined report;
c) Modify report: Modify defined report information;
d) Enter report description information: Define the description information of the report;
e) Report data column maintenance: Maintain the column information of the basic information report;
f) Reference settings: Maintain references to fixed row and column reports, and fixed column reports that can be inserted into row reports;
g) Single page entry definition: defines the pop-up entry interface for basic situation reports, fixed row and column reports, and fixed column reports that can be inserted into rows.
Import template settings:
a) Create new import settings;
b) Delete import settings;
c) Renaming import settings;
Definition of data processing business:
a) Add definition of data processing business;
b) Delete data processing business definitions;
Batch data processing
a) Batch processing of new data;
b) Batch processing of calculation data;
c) Batch processing of deleted data;
d) Delete all batches;
Delete report data
Specific formula refresh
a) Function settings;
b) Marking;
c) Refresh;
d) Mark refresh;
Formula recalculation settings
Refresh all formulas
[2] Report template settings
Define the format and content of fixed row and column reports and fixed column insertable row classes. The functional points are as follows:
Fixed column reference maintenance:
a) Add fixed column references;
b) Insert fixed column references;
c) Delete fixed column references;
d) Fixed column reference maintenance;
e) Data inspection;
f) Data import;
Report template data generation:
a) Execute SQL statements;
b) Synchronize all data;
Definition of report template
a) Insert records;
b) Data synchronization;
c) Add new records;
d) Delete records;
e) Data import;
f) Data export;
g) Select area data to copy/paste;
h) Can region selection be performed;
i) Display as a zero digit;
j) Input direction setting;
k) Definition of formulas in the table;
l) Automatic summary
[3] Data audit settings:
Define the manual view registration and inter table and intra table cross checking relationships for the basic information data entry table that needs to be reviewed during the review of special requirements. The functional points are as follows:
Review view registration;
Definition of data review:
a) Increase review;
b) Delete review;
c) Export audit records;
d) Import audit definitions;
e) Copy/paste the audit definition;
f) Review corresponding units;
g) Review definition check;
[4] Data version maintenance:
Complete the creation, deletion, and recovery of data versions.
[5] Calculation of hierarchical coding:
Batch refresh of unit fixed row and column reports, and codes for fixed column insertable row reports.
3.2 Basic Information Processing
[1] Basic information entry: Basic information entry completes the entry, modification, and review of basic data.
Basic numerical report: A basic numerical report is a table that expands the header of a report by row, meaning that the table has only one primary key. The direction of report entry is vertical. Basic digital reports mainly complete the entry of basic information such as unit personnel establishment and fixed assets.
Basic situation report: A basic situation report is a table whose header is expanded by columns, meaning that the table has two or more fields as the primary key. The input direction of the report is horizontal. The combination of all primary key fields in basic situation reports is not allowed to be duplicate. The basic situation report mainly completes the entry of detailed information such as unit personnel salaries and motor vehicles.
a) Add new records;
b) Insert records;
c) Delete records;
d) Data import;
e) Data export;
f) Can region selection be performed;
g) Select area data to copy/paste;
h) Copy data in the same column;
i) Display as a zero digit;
j) Input direction setting;
k) Automatic summary;
l) User defined business;
m) Organize serial numbers;
n) Unit adjustment;
o) Index maintenance;
p) Review;
q) Field queries and sorting;
r) Reset row data;
Fixed row and column reports: Fixed row and column reports refer to reports whose row and column numbers cannot be modified in the input table. The format of this report is defined in the "Report Template Settings" submenu under the "System Management" menu.
a) Group calculation;
b) Data export;
c) Group summary;
d) Display as a zero digit;
e) Input direction setting;
f) Automatic summary;
g) Review;
Fixed column insertable row type report: Fixed column insertable row type report refers to the number of rows that can be added or deleted in this report; The number of columns cannot be modified in the input table. The format of this report is defined by the "Report Template Definition" submenu and "Report Basic Definition" under the "System Management" menu and "System Report Settings".
a) Insert final level;
b) Group calculation;
c) Add non final level;
d) Data export;
e) Group summary;
f) Can region selection be performed;
g) Display as a zero digit;
h) Automatic summary;
i) Index maintenance;
j) Review;
[2] Text file import: Text file import is the process of importing basic situation reports in the compressed format of this article's file. When importing text files, multiple units of a table can be imported at once. Only when the import template settings have set the permission to import reports as text files, can they be imported, and the name and format of the imported file must be consistent with the customized template.
Import text file: The imported file must be in the zip compressed format of the text file, and the naming convention of the imported data file package must be correct. The txt file must start with data. The import file names corresponding to different reports must be different.
Text import file description: When the report is allowed to be imported, the program has provided explanations for it. Before performing the import operation, be sure to read the import instructions in detail. The explanations for different reports are different.
[3] Excel file import: Excel data import is the process of importing fixed row and column reports and fixed column insertable row reports into an Excel file. When importing Excel data, multiple tables of multiple units can be imported at once. Only when the financial version has been set to allow importing Excel data can it be imported, and the first few digits of the imported file name must be the unit code. The sheet name and format in the file must be consistent with the customized template.
Import Excel data file: The imported file must be in Excel format and the Excel program cannot be opened during import. The sheet page name, data start column, data start row, and data end row in the file must be the same as those customized for the import template. The program automatically creates two folders, successful and failed, in the directory where the imported files are located. All successfully imported files are placed in the successful directory, while those that were not successfully imported are placed in the failed directory.
Excel file import instructions: When the basic data of a department cannot be reported in a timely manner or when the finance department needs to add basic data to the budget unit, this menu can be used to add basic data, while also completing the modification and review of the unit's basic data.
[4] Information comprehensive processing: Basic information is used to comprehensively process the basic data of budget units. Custom queries, data exports, version comparisons, data analysis, data auditing, and other operations can be performed on existing basic data.
Basic information data:
a) Display column settings;
b) Data export;
c) Custom query;
d) Compare current data with version data;
e) Display of version differences;
f) Display of data changes;
g) Single table duplicate data viewing;
h) View duplicate data in multiple tables;
Version data: used to view data from previous versions.
Data analysis: used to analyze and compare data from different versions and periods.
a) Compare column settings;
b) Data export;
c) Query definition;
d) Display of version differences;
e) Display of data changes;
f) Single table duplicate data viewing;
g) View duplicate data in multiple tables;
Data review: The review of the basic information table after the data review is completed and submitted for review.
3.3 Query Analysis
Query analysis is the process of querying and analyzing basic information data based on the format and content defined by the query report subsystem.
[1] Operating procedures: There are no sequential constraints for query analysis, but report data can only be obtained by performing pre query analysis after the basic data is compiled.
[2] Data Query: The program provides a customized budget data query function in the query report subsystem.
[3] Data analysis: The program not only provides customized query functions in the query report subsystem to retrieve data, but also allows for flexible data analysis in conjunction with Excel's pivot report function.
Create a pivot chart report;
Use pivot chart reports;
[4] General query: A general query is a simple query of data.
3.4 Statistical reports
Calculate and print various output reports according to the report format and content defined by the query report subsystem, including issuing unit reports, departmental budget reports, financial reports, and reports to the People's Congress.
[1] Report view registration: Report view registration is the registration of data objects, registering the views of each report for reference in the report subsystem.
[2] Daily statistical reports: Count and print various output reports according to the report format and content defined by the query report subsystem.
3.5 Data transmission
Data transmission is used to achieve the transmission of basic data between budget units and financial departments. The business process of basic information management is basically consistent with the department budget, and data exchange is also achieved through data transmission.
Data transmission includes the following content:
[1] Distribute unit data;
[2] Distribute EXCEL templates;
[3] Receiving unit data;
[4] Data transfer log browsing.

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