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转载 HBase

RDBMS Surface down to deep inside: an ecosystem with many tools (jdbc, jpa...) Language support - SQL. Structured data (table, column, ...

2017-08-11 19:24:00 125

转载 Distributed -

Definition Doing the work with Implication 1980~: RPC 1990~: CORBA 2000~: CAP CP System: Consensus System: Chubby, Doozer -...

2017-08-09 12:09:00 141

转载 数据分析&时序数据库

四种类型的数据分析模式 什么是数据科学家最重要的能力 - 最重要的能力将是能够把数据转化为对非专业人士而言清楚而有意义的见解。 描述型:发生了什么? 这是最常见的一种。在业务中,它向分析师们提供业务的重要衡量标准的概览。一个例子是每月的利润和损失账单。类似地,分析师可以获得大批客户的...

2017-07-30 18:45:00 248

转载 Kafka

实例 安装配置 http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#quickstart https://www.confluent.io/blog/tutorial-getting-started-with-the-new-apache-k...

2017-07-30 13:09:00 157

转载 Storm

Overview Easily defining the level of parallelism for each bolt and spout across the cluster, so that you can scale your topology indefinitely. ...

2017-07-30 01:03:00 73

转载 Hadoop Spark

Resilient Distributed Dataset RDDs -> Transformation -> ... -> Transformation -> RDDs -> Action -> Result/Persistent Storage ...

2017-07-26 00:08:00 65

转载 Hadoop HBase

Comparison RDBMS HBase Overview Master HBase Master Node orchestrates a cluster of one or more Region Servers Bootstrap a virgin ...

2017-07-25 00:27:00 70

转载 Hadoop Flume&Sqoop

Flume Overview Using Flume to collect logfiles from a bank of web servers, then moving the log events from those files into new aggregated file...

2017-07-23 23:01:00 95

转载 Hadoop Hive

Hive Service Hive Shell/CLI, beeline, HiveServer2, Hive Web Interface, jar, metastore. Hive Shell The primary way to interact with Hive by i...

2017-07-23 19:58:00 80

转载 Hadoop MapReduce Overview

MapReduce Job Overview Client -> Submit Job -> YARN Resource Manager -> YARN Node Manager -> Application Master andTasks ...

2017-07-22 17:56:00 160

转载 Data Warehouse

Business Intelligence is the act of transforming raw/operational data into useful information for business analysis BI based on Data Warehous...

2017-07-10 21:41:00 225

转载 Spark First Touch

Big Data Analytics Is the process of examining large data sets to uncover hidden patterns, unknown correlations. Big Data Analytics Types Ba...

2017-07-10 12:05:00 89

转载 NoSQL and HBase

NoSQL No only SQL or a *database* without SQL interface, allowing people to dump data and query data. Scalability Speed Query and Navigati...

2017-07-05 10:27:00 88

转载 Hadoop First Touch

Yarn Elements Resource Manager: manage the use of resources across the cluster. Node Manager: running on all the nodes in the cluster to l...

2017-07-02 20:53:00 346

转载 Dubbo

参考 http://dubbo.io/Developer+Guide-zh.htm 摘要 背景 随着互联网的发展,网站应用的规模不断扩大,常规的垂直应用架构已无法应对,分布式服务架构以及流动计算架构势在必行,亟需一个治理系统确保架构有条不紊的演进。 单一应用架构 ...

2017-06-27 10:04:00 114

转载 多线程 摘要

Background Concurrency Hanlding Listener & Worker : Listener : to listen and accept user request; Worker : to handle and res...

2017-06-25 21:01:00 81

转载 Netty

Netty Intro Background Synchronized Worker public class Server { public static void main(String[] args) { ... server(); ...

2017-06-24 22:09:00 111

转载 Web Security 摘要

Resource https://martinfowler.com/articles/web-security-basics.html Abstract Input Data that falls outside of an expected set of values...

2017-06-24 14:21:00 106

转载 SQL v.s. Domain Logic 摘要

Resource https://martinfowler.com/articles/dblogic.html Digest Where to implement logic : SQL - Database Side Code - In-Memory ...

2017-06-22 23:11:00 63

转载 Cloud Definition 摘要

Resources https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CloudComputing.html https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/infrastructure-code-iron-age-cloud-a...

2017-06-22 18:53:00 128

转载 Event Collaboration 摘要

Resource https://martinfowler.com/eaaDev/EventCollaboration.html Digest Interaction Model Not limitted to WS type of thing, butthings ...

2017-06-22 00:18:00 110

转载 Measure Productivity 摘要

Resource https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CannotMeasureProductivity.html Key Points In particular we have no way of reasonably measuring pr...

2017-06-21 23:08:00 134

转载 Published Interface

Resources https://martinfowler.com/ieeeSoftware/published.pdf Published Interface Refers to a class interface that's used outside the cod...

2017-06-21 20:16:00 96

转载 Design 摘要

Resources https://martinfowler.com/articles/designDead.html https://martinfowler.com/bliki/EvolutionarySOA.html Digest Design Necessar...

2017-06-21 19:49:00 153

转载 Enterprise Application 摘要

Resources https://martinfowler.com/bliki/EnterpriseApplication.html Abstraction a lot of persistent data data is accessed and manipulated...

2017-06-20 23:34:00 180

转载 Event Model 笔记

Resource https://martinfowler.com/articles/201701-event-driven.html Digest Abstraction Event Notification Event-Carrie...

2017-06-20 22:58:00 132

转载 Service Design Patterns 摘要

Resources http://www.servicedesignpatterns.com/ Web Service API Style The primary API styles used by web services (HTTP). The ramificatio...

2017-06-19 11:32:00 353

转载 Service Design Pattern 笔记

Resources http://www.servicedesignpatterns.com/ Web Service API Style The primary API styles used by web services (HTTP). The ramificatio...

2017-06-18 14:37:00 467

转载 REST笔记

Resources : Roy Fielding http://www.ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/top.htm http://roy.gbiv.com/untangled/2008/rest-apis-must-be-h...

2017-06-18 02:27:00 75

转载 Microservice笔记

Resources Martin Fowler Articles : https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html https://martinfowler.com/videos.html#microservice...

2017-06-18 00:02:00 153



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