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原创 到底应该如何理解“设计“在敏捷开发中的地位?


2022-05-12 15:25:57 339

转载 oracle 的float(b)精确度计算方法

把字段类型设计成float(2)后,插入数据93.5后,为什么变成了90?为了说明这个问题,我们先来看一段话(http://www.cnoug.org/viewthread.php?tid=56643):Oracle Online Help 说:FLOAT(b) specifies a floating-point number with binary precision b. The pre

2008-09-22 15:28:00 7390

原创 Eclipse中通过资源管理器打开文件所在文件夹


2008-09-19 11:13:00 2490

转载 mysql时间日期函数总结

 这里是一个使用日期函数的例子。下面的查询选择了所有记录,其date_col的值是在最后30天以内:  mysql> SELECT something FROM table  WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(date_col) 30;  DAYOFWEEK(date)  返回日期date的星期索引(1=星期天,2=星期一, ……7=星期六)。这些索引值对应于ODBC标

2008-08-06 11:00:00 1273

转载 实例讲解各种数据库当前日期的标准写法


2008-08-01 09:06:00 1109

转载 [转]JAVA完全控制Oracle中BLOB、CLOB说明

网络上很多关于JAVA对Oracle中BLOB、CLOB类型字段的操作说明,有的不够全面,有的不够准确,甚至有的简直就是胡说八道。最近的项目正巧用到了这方面的知识,在这里做个总结。环境:Database: Oracle 9iApp Server: BEA Weblogic 8.14表结构:CREATE TABLE TESTBLOB (ID Int, NAME Varchar2(20), BLOBA

2008-07-31 17:31:00 1745

转载 Delphi语法基础 - 循环语句

一、FOR语句 格式    for 控制变量:=初值 to 终值 do 语句;    for 控制变量:=初值 downto 终值 do 语句; For语句执行过程: 1、先将初值赋给左边的变量(称为循环控制变量);   2、判断循环控制变量的值是否已“超过”终值,如已超过,则跳到步骤5;   3、果末超过终值,则执行do后面的那个语句(称为循环体

2008-06-22 22:50:00 11367

原创 Apache2.2.4 + PHP5.2.4在Windows下的安装配置

前面边学PHP,边帮别人作了一个网站。这里过了两三个月没管它,现在又要改一些东西的时候,却发现连环境都不记得怎么搭建了!搞了好久,才把网站运行起来。所以马上过来把我的安装过程记一下,以便今后查阅:1. 安装Apache2.2.4我是用Windows安装文件直接安装的,这样就添加了一个系统服务。我的安装位置是:D:/DevServers/Apache/Apache2.2配置文件先不管它,只要端口没被

2008-05-21 14:41:00 2760

转载 oracle常用系统表

dba_开头.....   dba_users      数据库用户信息   dba_segments 表段信息   dba_extents    数据区信息   dba_objects    数据库对象信息   dba_tablespaces   数据库表空间信息   dba_data_files    数据文件设置信息   dba_temp_files   临时数据

2008-05-14 22:18:00 1212

转载 如何查看Oracle中有哪些表

可以通过查询语句对系统表 user_tables 进行查询。例如要列出用户表中都存在那些表,它们所使用的表空间是那个,可以用下面的语句进行查询select table_name,tablespace_name from user_tables;

2008-05-14 17:57:00 34855

原创 如何在Oracle中复制表结构和表数据

1. 复制表结构及其数据: create table table_name_new as select * from table_name_old  2. 只复制表结构: create table table_name_new as select * from table_name_old where 1=2; 或者: create table table_name_new

2008-05-04 09:33:00 21723 8

转载 JVM内存管理的机制

堆(Heap)和非堆(Non-heap)内存 按照官方的说法:“Java 虚拟机具有一个堆,堆是运行时数据区域,所有类实例和数组的内存均从此处分配。堆是在 Java 虚拟机启动时创建的。”“在JVM中堆之外的内存称为非堆内存(Non-heap memory)”。可以看出JVM主要管理两种类型的内存:堆和非堆。简单来说堆就是Java代码可及的内存,是留给开发人员使用的;非堆就是JVM留给 自己

2008-04-24 08:58:00 2303

转载 E文积累_20080422_I wish I had never met you

I wish I had never met you. 我真希望我从来都没遇到过你。I regret meeting you. 我后悔认识了你。I wish you were never a part of my life. 我但愿你从未走进我的生活。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 这句

2008-04-22 08:39:00 657

转载 E文积累_20080416_crib off

I didnt know the answers so cribbed them off Joan. 我不知道答案就抄了琼的 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Crib,动词“剽窃,抄袭”,可以说是英文和中文一对一的。英文的解释是,To plagiarize (an idea or a

2008-04-16 08:50:00 548

转载 E文积累_20080415_behind schedule

The train was five minutes behind schedule. 火车晚点了5分钟。The project was nine months behind schedule.The train was late for 5 minutes. -------------------------------------------------------------------

2008-04-15 09:36:00 564

转载 E文积累_20080414_creepy

Its very creepy to walk alone at 1 am. 凌晨一点一个人走很害怕。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   Creepy和scary这两个形容词都是用来形容令人“害怕”的感觉。但这两者其实有些小小的差异。Creepy 的话是指“心里毛毛的”那种感觉,而s

2008-04-14 08:42:00 612

转载 E文积累_20080409_odd

He is wearing an odd pair of stockings. 他穿的袜子不是一对的。I threw away the odd glove. 我把那只不成对的手套扔了。One, three, five are odd numbers. 1,3,5是奇数。Everybody gets two hamburgers and I get the odd one. 大家都拿到2个汉堡,我

2008-04-09 09:12:00 424

转载 E文积累_20080408_spirits

I hate to see you in such low spirits. 我讨厌看到你这么情绪低落。He felt in excellent spirits when he arrived home. 他回到家里时情绪非常好。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   主要是注意spir

2008-04-08 09:32:00 486

转载 E文积累_20080403_at the drop of a hat

Call Mary, she can come at the drop of a hat. 给玛丽打电话吧,她召之即来。 Dont mention basketball to Tom. He would go and play at the drop of a hat.   别对汤姆提起篮球,他只要听到这两个字,马上就会直奔篮球场。At the drop of a hat, he would t

2008-04-03 08:46:00 576

转载 E文积累_20080402_the coat was a real buy

The coat was a real buy. 这件衣服买得真划算。这件衣服物超所值。Its a real buy at that price. 以那个价钱真的是物超所值。作为名词,buy的含义是,something that is underpriced; a bargain(合算的购买,便宜货)。

2008-04-02 08:49:00 574

转载 E文积累_20080401_buy out

I advise you to buy out his all share of power. 我建议你买下他的全部股权。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   buy out 买断全部股份、商业股权或利息(To purchase the entire stock, business r

2008-04-01 08:58:00 455

转载 E文积累_20080331_be inferior to

I would not wish to be inferior to others. 我不希望自己比别人差。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   be inferior to,比……差,劣于,次于,不如……He is inferior to others in many respect

2008-03-31 08:47:00 549

转载 E文积累_20080330_easy grade

I just want some easy grades. 我只想混学分。Im a dyed in the wool Robbert fan. 我是罗伯特的铁杆粉丝。   片语dyed in the wool最早用来形容一个人的政治信仰很坚定。这个习惯用法来源于染羊毛的工业。染羊毛的最好办法就是在编织成毛料之前就染色。这样就不会变色,也不会退色。形容一个人的政治信仰很坚定,难以改变,就像

2008-03-30 00:13:00 432

转载 E文积累_20080328_out of breath

The 5-mile run left us all out of breath. 五公里长跑让我们上气不接下气。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   out of breath,副词片语,表示喘不过气来,上气不接下气Im out of breath after running up

2008-03-28 14:11:00 450

转载 E文积累_20080327_old exam

Do you know where to get the old exam?  你知不知道哪里有以前考试的真题? ----------------------------------------------------------------------   无论参加什么考试,都会去做“真题”,即从前考试的考卷。这个“真题”相对应的英文就是“old exam”或“previous exam”、

2008-03-27 08:46:00 519

转载 E文积累_20080326_sitting pretty

Im sitting pretty in a pretty little city.   我在一个漂亮的小城市里过得很好。这是一句英文歌曲的歌词。sit是一个动词,意思就是坐下。Sitting就是 to sit这个动词的现在进行式;pretty 就是好看,漂亮。但是,sitting pretty作为一个习惯用语,它的意思并不是具体地说一个人坐在那里很漂亮。Sitting pretty作为习惯用语

2008-03-26 09:28:00 423

转载 E文积累_20080325_hit the sack

Im going to hit the sack, Im exhausted. 我精疲力尽,准备去睡觉了。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   一个当今流行美语的片语,hit the sack,准备睡觉(prepare for sleep),字面意思“捅个口袋”。需要注意的是,这个

2008-03-25 08:41:00 469

转载 E文积累_20080324_tip, belongings

Dont tip belongings of the bag onto the table. 别把袋里东西倒在桌子上! ----------------------------------------------------------------------   通过这个句子记住一个动词和一个名词。   第一,动词tip,倾斜,翻倒(to topple over, overturn; sl

2008-03-24 09:04:00 409

转载 E文积累_20080322_minutes

Who is going to take the minutes?  谁来做会议记录? ----------------------------------------------------------------------   名词minute,除了“分钟”的含义之外,还有一个很常用的意思,“备忘录,笔记”。当以复数形式minutes出现时,则专指“会议记录”。用作这个含义的minute,还

2008-03-22 16:15:00 431

转载 E文积累_20080321_drink to the dregs

She threw the coffee dregs into the sink.   她把咖啡渣子倒进水池里。学习一个通常以复数形式出现的名词dregs,一般意义上的渣子,糟粕(the most undesirable part, often used in the plural),应用范围比较广泛;而另一个相近意思的复数名词lees,则多用来形容酒等饮料中的沉淀物,在这个意思上,这两个词的含义

2008-03-21 08:54:00 530

转载 E文积累_20080320_what's going to be covered on the test

Whats going to be covered on the test? 考试的范围是什么? ----------------------------------------------------------------------   使用动词cover,是最正确问考试范围的说法。另外,若是我们二人正讨论考试,例如一人说,“Are you ready for the biologic

2008-03-20 08:40:00 489

转载 E文积累_20080319_make the wrong calculation

They made the wrong calculation of their situation. 他们错误地估计了形势。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   选自3月10拉萨骚乱之后,政府发言人在紧急召集的记者招待会上的讲话,这是该句讲话的英文译文。名词calculation,计

2008-03-19 08:43:00 530

转载 E文积累_20080317_break up

His glasses fell down on the floor and broke up. 他的眼镜掉在地上摔碎了。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   动词词组break up,意思是“终止,结束或打碎、拆散”,英文的解释是,To scatter or disperse, to

2008-03-17 18:06:00 476

转载 E文积累_20080315_bring off

It was a difficult task, but we brought it off. 任务艰巨,但我们圆满完成了 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   动词bring于介词off搭配,就等于accomplish,意思是“使实现,做成”(to carry to a success

2008-03-15 16:02:00 526

转载 E文积累_20080313_the power is running low

The power is running low. 快要没电了,电快用完了。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   游戏机、mp3、电动剃须刀之类的东西,在快没电的时候,就可以使用今天这个句子。从前的每日一句中学过一句“The battery is dead”,意思是,电池没电了;同样的

2008-03-13 09:40:00 540

转载 E文积累_20080312_be at odds

I dont want to be at odds with my neighbors. 我不想与邻居们有什么争执。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 名词odds很难找到直接对应的中文含义,大概相当于“可能的机会”“成败的可能性”之类的含义。这个句子里“be at odds with

2008-03-12 11:07:00 919

原创 如何在Oracle中查询排序后的第一条记录

其实就是分页查询的另一种应用:select * from (select tb.*, rownum from table_name tb where column_name like 20080311% order by id)where rownum=1

2008-03-11 13:11:00 27363 1

转载 E文积累_20080311_it figures

It figures. 不用说也知道。早知如此。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------   动词figure经常被使用在口语中,意思是“了解、明白”。这个句子中的that指代前面所讲的事情;利用前面说过的事情,推理出后面的结果,与 that makes sense近似,所以“That fig

2008-03-11 09:29:00 660

转载 到底什么是浏览器帮助程序对象 (BHO)

到底什么是浏览器帮助程序对象 (BHO)?简言之,BHO 是将自定义功能添加到 Internet Explorer 的轻型 DLL 扩展。BHO 还可以将功能添加到 Windows 资源管理器外壳程序(尽管这并不常见,也不是本文重点)。BHO 通常并不提供其自身的任何用户界面 (UI)。它们而是通过在后台响应浏览器事件和用户输入数据来发挥作用。例如,BHO 可以拦截弹出窗口、自动填充窗体或为鼠标手

2008-03-10 18:49:00 3259 1

转载 E文积累_20080310_not know beans about sth.

 He doesnt know beans about insurance business at all. 他对保险业务一窍不通。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------  名词bean,本意是“豆子”。在俚语中,引申为“很小的量”(A small amount)。因此,not know

2008-03-10 09:09:00 766


O'Reilly.Java.Cookbook.2nd.Edition.Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition gets you to the heart of what you need to know when you need to know it. The completely revised and updated recipes in Java Cookbook, 2nd Edition cover all of the major APIs from Java 1.4 as well as the new 1.5 version. It includes many specialized APIs--like those for working with Struts, Ant, and other Open Source tools--and delivers expanded Mac OS coverage.


Effective Java 2nd Edition

Effective Java 2nd Edition, English edition. 英文版。清晰完整。 THIS book is designed to help you make the most effective use of the Java™ programming language and its fundamental libraries, java.lang, java.util, and, to a lesser extent, java.util.concurrent and java.io. The book discusses other libraries from time to time, but it does not cover graphical user interface programming, enterprise APIs, or mobile devices. This book consists of seventy-eight items, each of which conveys one rule. The rules capture practices generally held to be beneficial by the best and most experienced programmers. The items are loosely grouped into ten chapters, each concerning one broad aspect of software design. The book is not intended to be read from cover to cover: each item stands on its own, more or less. The items are heavily cross-referenced so you can easily plot your own course through the book. Many new features were added to the platform in Java 5 (release 1.5). Most of the items in this book use these features in some way.


Head First Design Patterns 中文版

Head First Design Patterns 中文版。完整清晰。 《深入浅出设计模式》(影印版)的编写运用许多最新的研究,包括神经生物学、认知科学以及学习理论,这使得《深入浅出设计模式》(影印版)能够将这些设计模式深深地烙印在你的脑海中,不容易被遗忘。你将会更擅长于解决软件设计中的问题,并能够和你的团队成员用模式的语言来更好地沟通。



绝对专业的计算机专业词汇查询手册! The Microsoft Computer Dictionary, Fifth Edition is designed to be a comprehensive and authoritative source of definitions for computer-related terms and abbreviations. The dictionary includes terms drawn from a wide variety of topics relevant to computer users, including software, hardware, networking, data storage, graphics, games, information processing, the Internet and the World Wide Web, gaming, history, jargon and slang, organizations, programming, and standards. Although this book covers nearly every aspect of computing, it does not include entries on most companies or on most makes and models of computers, nor does it contain entries on most application software products. The few exceptions to this rule of thumb are key companies and products that have a historical or universal importance within the computing industry. This dictionary emphasizes terminology that the average computer user will encounter in documentation, online help, computer manuals, marketing and sales materials, the popular media, and the computer trade press. Because most computer users operate personal computers and desktop systems at home, work, or both, the majority of the entries in this dictionary cover the terminology used in describing and working with these systems. However, some specialized or highly technical language is included that pertains to areas of industry, academia, software and hardware development, and research. These terms have been included because they have a bearing on more common computer terminology or because they are of historical significance.


Oracle To Postgres

Oracle与Postgres之间的不同。很好很详细。从Oracle转Postgres的时候非常需要的一个文档。 If you are starting to use PostgreSQL or you will migrate from Oracle database server, I hope this document helps. If you have Java applications and use JDBC, the “Data types and JDBC” section will be particularly useful. Oracle and PostgreSQL both conform to standard SQL. However, they contain several extensions and implementation details that differentiate one from the other. The most important differences are listed in this document.



Threads are a fundamental part of the Java platform. As multicore processors become the norm, using concurrency effectively becomes essential for building high-performance applications. Java SE 5 and 6 are a huge step forward for the development of concurrent applications, with improvements to the Java Virtual Machine to support high-performance, highly scalable concurrent classes and a rich set of new concurrency building blocks. In Java Concurrency in Practice, the creators of these new facilities explain not only how they work and how to use them, but also the motivation and design patterns behind them. However, developing, testing, and debugging multithreaded programs can still be very difficult; it is all too easy to create concurrent programs that appear to work, but fail when it matters most: in production, under heavy load. Java Concurrency in Practice arms readers with both the theoretical underpinnings and concrete techniques for building reliable, scalable, maintainable concurrent applications. Rather than simply offering an inventory of concurrency APIs and mechanisms, it provides design rules, patterns, and mental models that make it easier to build concurrent programs that are both correct and performant. This book covers: Basic concepts of concurrency and thread safety Techniques for building and composing thread-safe classes Using the concurrency building blocks in java.util.concurrent Performance optimization dos and don'ts Testing concurrent programs Advanced topics such as atomic variables, nonblocking algorithms, and the Java Memory Model


Head First Design Patterns

Head First Design Patterns. Java. 英文原版。完整清晰。


Head First Python

Head First Python English Edition。Head First Python英文完整版。






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