900+ Midjourney 产品摄影提示词 (附图),提升销量必备,建议收藏

在我们追求创新和差异化的数字时代,如何展示一个产品变得越来越关键。Midjourney,这个前卫的文本到图像的AI图像生成器,为我们提供了一个独特的方式,用语言的力量转化为惊艳的视觉体验。无论你是想要呈现一个细致的艺术风格,一个生动的构图,还是一个令人难以忘怀的背景,Midjourney 都可以为你打造出完美的图像。

接下来,我们将深入探讨如何利用 Midjourney 提示词,为你的产品打造出独特的视觉形象。从风格到构图,再到背景,每一个细节都有可能成为你产品故事的核心。本文不仅展示了 90 多个提示词,还为每一个提示词都附上了图片,希望给你带来灵感。



在 Midjourney 中,我们可以通过提示词为产品指定不同的视角、风格和技术,将产品呈现得栩栩如生,令人难以忘怀。有无数的风格和技巧可以帮助我们实现这一目标。每一种风格和技术都有其独特的魅力和应用场景。现在,就让我们深入探讨这些风格和提示词技巧,看看它们是如何为我们的产品添彩的吧!


高调风格主要以浅色调和色彩为主,很少有中间色调或阴影。它传达一种欢快、简洁、大气的氛围。这种风格可以强调产品的外形和细节,通常以白色或浅色背景为背景。你可以用这个模板来写提示词:high key product photography of [product]。

Prompt: high key product photography of a sleek and minimalist desktop computer --ar 16:9 (时尚简约台式电脑的高调产品摄影)

Prompt: high key product photography of a high-end espresso machine, sleek lines, metallic sheen (高端意式咖啡机的高调产品摄影,流畅的线条,金属光泽)

Prompt: high key product photography of a set of handcrafted ceramic vases, intricate details, vibrant colors (一组手工陶瓷花瓶的高调产品摄影,细节精致,色彩鲜艳)


低调风格突出明暗区域之间的强烈对比,尽量减少中间色调。这种风格表现情绪化、戏剧化。这种风格的产品图在较暗的背景下突出特定的细节或轮廓。你可以用这个模板来写提示词:low key product photography of [product]。

Prompt: low key product photography of a high-end sound system --ar 16:9 (高端音响系统的低调产品摄影)

Prompt: low key product photography of a high-end fragrance bottle, highlighting the intricate glass details and deep amber liquid (高端香水瓶的低调产品摄影,突出复杂的玻璃细节和深琥珀色液体)

Prompt: low key product photography of a gourmet dark chocolate bar, glossy surface, exquisite packaging --ar 16:9 (美食黑巧克力棒的低调产品摄影,光亮的表面,精致的包装)



Prompt: minimalist product photography of a contemporary, chrome-plated kitchen faucet with clean lines (线条简洁的现代镀铬厨房龙头的简约产品摄影)

Prompt: minimalist product photography of a sleek, stainless steel water filter pitcher (时尚不锈钢滤水壶的简约产品摄影)

Prompt: minimalist product photography of a pair of wooden headphones with clean, unadorned ear cups (一副木质耳机的简约产品摄影,耳罩简洁、不加修饰)

生活化 (Lifestyle)

这种风格是以生活化的方式展现产品在现实生活中的情景或设置,强调产品如何融入日常生活。这样是为了说明产品如何日常工作、活动或环境完美融合,引起消费者的共鸣。你可以用这样的模板来写提示词:A close-up shot of [product] being held by a [person] in an indoor/outdoor setting。

Prompt: a close-up shot of a video game controller being held by a gamer in a gaming den (一个游戏玩家在游戏室里手持电子游戏控制器的特写镜头)

Prompt: a close-up shot of a DSLR camera being held by a professional photographer in a photography studio (专业摄影师在摄影棚内手持数码单反相机的特写镜头)

Prompt: a close-up shot of a luxury handbag being held by a fashionable woman in a high-end boutique (高端精品店中时尚女性手持奢侈品手袋的特写镜头)

Prompt: a close-up shot of a portable speaker being held by a group of friends at an outdoor music festival (户外音乐节上一群朋友手持便携式扬声器的特写镜头)

Prompt: a close-up shot of a Chanel perfume bottle being held by a glamorous actress on the red carpet (红地毯上魅力四射的女演员手持香奈儿香水瓶的特写镜头)

Prompt: a close-up shot of a watch being held by a pilot in a private jet cabin (私人飞机机舱内飞行员手持手表的特写镜头)



Prompt: dew-covered beer bottle, beverage macro, outdoor environment, cool and refreshing lighting, commercial style (露水覆盖的啤酒瓶,饮料微距,户外环境,清凉爽口的灯光,商业风格)

Prompt: close-up shot of a intricate silver necklace, soft natural light, elegant, minimalist, pastel color (精致银项链特写镜头,柔和的自然光,优雅、简约,粉色系)

Prompt: extreme close up shot of a futuristic smartwatch, high-tech studio lighting, sleek and metallic colors, futuristic (未来派智能手表的极致特写镜头,高科技摄影棚照明,光滑的金属色,未来派风格)

平铺 (Flat Lay)


Prompt: flat lay photography of a colorful assortment of makeup products, soft diffused light, playful and girly, pastel color palette --ar 16:9 (平铺摄影,色彩缤纷的化妆产品,柔和的散射光,俏皮而少女,柔和的色调)

Prompt: flat lay photography of a tropical cocktail assortment, minimalist (热带鸡尾酒品种的平面摄影,简约风格)

Prompt: flat lay photography of a collection of artisan pottery, diffused natural light --ar 16:9 (flat lay photography of a collection of artisan pottery, diffused natural light)



Prompt: speed and motion captured in a spinning fidget spinner, studio setup, neon colors, exciting and playful, top-down perspective, long exposure (在旋转的小玩意儿中捕捉速度和运动,摄影棚设置,霓虹色彩,令人兴奋和俏皮,俯视视角,长时间曝光)

Prompt: dynamic and action-packed remote-controlled car race, outdoor track, golden hour lighting, vibrant and competitive, panning motion blur --ar 16:9 (动感十足的遥控赛车比赛,室外赛道,黄金时间照明,充满活力和竞争性,平移运动模糊)

Prompt: a sleek smartphone in motion blur, bustling city backdrop, neon city lights, futuristic and high-tech, close-up shot, speed and motion (运动模糊中的时尚智能手机、繁华城市背景、城市霓虹灯、未来主义和高科技、特写镜头、速度与运动)

Prompt: dynamic and action-packed fitness tracker in motion blur, gym environment, active lifestyle, health and wellness, close-up shot, speed and motion (动态模糊中的动态健身追踪器、健身房环境、积极的生活方式、健康与保健、特写镜头、速度与运动)

Prompt: speed lines of a mechanical gaming chair in motion blur, gaming setup background, ergonomic design, immersive gaming experience, close-up shot (运动模糊中机械游戏椅的速度线,游戏设置背景,人体工学设计,身临其境的游戏体验,特写镜头)



Prompt: close up shot of Scooter’s sleek silhouette gracefully glides over the ancient, weathered cobblestone street, kissed by the soft, warm embrace of a nostalgic, golden sunset, nikon d850 --ar 16:9 (近距离拍摄 Scooter 光滑的身影在古老、饱经风霜的鹅卵石街道上优雅地滑行,被怀旧的金色夕阳温柔、温暖的拥抱所亲吻,尼康 D850)

Prompt: close up shot, silhouette of a highly-reviewed gaming console with dynamic LED accents, set against a futuristic backdrop --ar 16:9 (特写镜头,一款备受好评的游戏机的剪影,动态 LED 点缀,以未来主义为背景)

Prompt: a sleek sports car silhouette against a fiery sunset, highlighting its aerodynamic curves, passion and power, low-angle shot, dramatic lighting, warm color palette, nikon d 850 --ar 16:9 (在火红的夕阳下,一辆流线型跑车的轮廓凸显其空气动力学曲线、激情和力量,低角度拍摄,戏剧性照明,暖色调,尼康 D 850)



Prompt: macro product photography of micro tiny sized chef climbing a giant vibrant red chili pepper (微距产品摄影,微小的厨师攀爬上一个巨大的充满活力的红辣椒)

Prompt: macro product photography of micro tiny sized fashionista leaning on a giant designer handbag (微距产品摄影,微小身材的时尚达人倚靠在巨大的名牌手提包上)

Prompt: macro product photography of micro tiny sized kid climbing on a pink doughnut (微距产品摄影,微小的孩子爬上粉色甜甜圈)

泼溅 (Splashing)


Prompt: a sleek silver sports car tire immersed in a puddle of water, with dynamic water droplets frozen in mid-air (光滑的银色跑车轮胎浸泡在水坑中,动态水珠凝固在半空中)

Prompt: close up shot a bottle of premium olive oil, with a golden splash revealing crushed olives (特写镜头:一瓶优质橄榄油,金色的油花透露出橄榄果的碎屑)

Prompt: an icy cold cola can being opened, with a refreshing explosion of cola splashing out (冰凉的可乐罐被打开,可乐喷涌而出,沁人心脾)

Prompt: running shoes making contact with a puddle, water splashing on impact (跑鞋与水坑接触,撞击时水花四溅)



Prompt: close-up shot of a pair of sleek athletic sneakers suspending in mid-air, gently hovering above a billowing, vibrant cloud of multicolored powder, dreamlike, ethereal lighting (特写镜头,一双光滑的运动鞋悬浮在半空中,轻轻地盘旋在一朵波光粼粼、充满活力的五彩粉云之上,灯光如梦似幻,虚无缥缈)

Prompt: a pair of premium noise-canceling headphones hovering gracefully amidst sound waves, immersive and serene, soft and ambient lighting, close-up shot (一副高级降噪耳机在声波中优雅地盘旋,身临其境,宁静安详,柔和的环境光,特写镜头)

Prompt: close up shot of video game console suspended in mid-air, surrounded by digital graphics, gaming paradise, high-speed sync (视频游戏机悬浮在半空中的特写镜头,周围是数字图形,游戏天堂,高速同步)



Prompt: luminous smoke enveloping a premium transparent tequila bottle (烟雾缭绕的优质透明龙舌兰酒瓶)

Prompt: spirals of smoke dance in the air, sleek athletic shoe, vibrant and surreal, neon lighting (袅袅烟雾在空中飞舞,光滑的运动鞋,充满活力和超现实感,霓虹灯照明)

Prompt: rolling waves of mint green smoke highlighting a luxury skincare product (滚滚薄荷绿烟雾彰显奢华护肤品的魅力)


产品图片不仅仅是捕捉产品的外形和质感,更是为产品赋予情感和故事。通过不同的构图手法,我们可以呈现出产品不同的特性和魅力。下面为大家介绍如何在Midjourney 实现五种独特且有趣的构图方法,希望可以给你带来一些灵感。



Prompt: a sleek silver wristwatch with luminous markings, casting a pristine reflection beneath (光滑的银色腕表上有夜光刻度,在下方投射出纯净的反光)

Prompt: a sleek black smartphone with a curved glass screen, its reflection mirroring the cityscape in the background (时尚的黑色智能手机,弧形玻璃屏幕,其倒影与背景中的城市景观相映成趣)

Prompt: a sleek silver laptop with a backlit keyboard, its reflection capturing the modernity of a minimalist office (时尚的银色笔记本电脑,配有背光键盘,其反光效果体现了简约办公室的现代感)

Prompt: a pair of stylish sunglasses with mirrored lenses, capturing the vibrant colors of a tropical beach scene (一副带有镜面镜片的时尚太阳镜,捕捉热带海滩场景的鲜艳色彩)

Prompt: a row of artisanal perfumes in elegant glass bottles, their reflections showcasing the intricate labels (一排排手工制作的香水,装在优雅的玻璃瓶中,瓶身的倒影展示着精致的标签)

Prompt: a sleek DSLR camera with a wide-angle lens, its reflection showcasing a breathtaking mountain landscape (一台配有广角镜头的时尚数码单反相机,其倒影展示了壮丽的山景)


现实世界中要获得这种构图首先要装备一个防水相机。但是在 Midjourney 中只需要通过提示词来实现。

这种构图可以展示产品的防水功能,或营造产品的宁静、神秘或沉浸感。你可以用这个模板来写提示词:[product] plunging into [water]。当然,这个模板不是对所有的产品都有效。使用之前,请思考下什么产品放到水下才是合理的。

Prompt: a bottle of beer plunging into clear blue water, intricate label ( 一瓶啤酒坠入清澈的碧水中,错综复杂的标签)

Prompt: waterproof sports camera plunging into the deep blue sea (跃入深蓝大海的防水运动相机)

Prompt: a bottle of luxury perfume plunging into deep blue sea, intricate label (一瓶奢华香水坠入深蓝色的大海,复杂的标签)

Prompt: Garmin sports watch plunging into crystalline water (Garmin 运动手表坠入清澈的水中)



你可以通过这个提示词模板来实现:front view of laptop screen displaying a high-resolution product image of [product], minimalist。

Prompt: front view of laptop screen displaying a high-resolution product image of a luxurious perfume, minimalist --ar 16:9 (笔记本电脑屏幕正视图,显示高分辨率的奢华香水产品图像,简约风格)

Prompt: front view of laptop screen displaying a high-resolution product image of exquisite porcelain dinnerware --ar 16:9 (笔记本电脑屏幕正视图,显示精致瓷器餐具的高分辨率产品图像)

Prompt: front view of laptop screen:: a high-resolution product image of limited edition guitar:: --ar 16:9 (笔记本电脑屏幕正视图,限量版吉他的高分辨率产品图像)



Prompt: bird’s eye view of high-end watches neatly arranged on a sleek black glass background with a grid-like geometric pattern, soft diffused lighting, minimalist and modern, symmetrical composition (鸟瞰整齐排列在光滑黑色玻璃背景上的高档手表,网格状几何图案,柔和的散射光线,简约现代的对称构图)

Prompt: bird’s eye view of colorful macarons neatly arranged on a rustic wooden table with a circular layout, warm golden hour lighting, flat lay perspective, pastel color palette (鸟瞰五颜六色的马卡龙整齐地摆放在古朴的木桌上,采用圆形布局,暖金色灯光,平铺视角,粉色调)

Prompt: bird’s eye view of handcrafted leather wallets neatly arranged on a vintage map with a linear formation (手工制作的皮夹鸟瞰图,整齐地排列在复古地图上,呈线形排列)

Prompt: bird’s eye view of sushi rolls neatly arranged on a black slate platter with a concentric circle layout (同心圆布局的黑色石板盘上整齐摆放的寿司卷鸟瞰图)


Knolling 以美观和有条理的方式在一个平面上展现产品。在 Midjourney 中它是一个神奇的关键词,用在单个物体上有时可以把它的各个组成部分展现出来。也可以平铺一系列产品或组件。

Prompt: knolling sewing machine, soft daylight (针织机,软日光)

Prompt: knolling stationery collection on a rustic wooden desk --ar 16:9 (针织机,软日光)

Prompt: knolling pet grooming essentials with a dog in the center, diffused window light --ar 16:9 (以狗为中心的宠物美容用品,窗外散射光)


背景不仅仅是产品的衬托,它还可以增强产品的特点,引导观众的视线,甚至是传达品牌信息的媒介。下面为大家介绍一些在 Midjourney 中可以实现的背景。每种背景都有其独特的魅力和功能,为产品注入不同的情感和氛围。


把产品放在展示台上可以突出其重要性,使之成为视觉的焦点。下面的提示词只是用来生成展示台的图片。你随后可以把产品合成到这些背景图上。我还通过 Midjourney 的局部重绘功能在图片上添加了产品展现效果。

Prompt: product podium with a wooden-textured platform, minimalist --ar 16:9 (产品平台,木质纹理平台,简约风格)

Prompt: warm yellow backdrop with an product podium --ar 16:9 (暖黄色背景墙与产品讲台)

Prompt: solitary thin stone product podium against a seamless blue background --ar 16:9 (无缝蓝色背景下的孤形薄石产品平台)

Prompt: sleek wooden surface ready to hold a product, set against the soft blur of a modern workspace bustling in the background --ar 16:9 (光滑的木质表面,可随时放置产品,背景是现代工作空间熙熙攘攘的柔和模糊景象)

Prompt: sleek metallic podium with a neon halo, set against a gradient of deep blue to purple --ar 16:9 (光滑的金属讲台,霓虹灯光晕,与深蓝到紫色的渐变色相映成趣)

Prompt: an illuminated round podium against a soft pink gradient --ar 16:9 (在柔和的粉色渐变背景下,一个圆形照明讲台)

Prompt: a minimalist pastel yellow setup with muted gray archways, framing a white circular podium --ar 16:9 (简约的粉黄色布景,灰色拱门,衬托着白色的圆形平台)


镜头眩光是指非成像光线进入镜头,然后照射到相机的胶片或数码传感器上。这会产生明显的条纹光或一系列圆圈。在提示词中添加镜头炫光可以增加画面的戏剧感、温暖感或复古感。你可以用这个模板:[product], [color] background with lens flare。

Prompt: shimmering diamond ring on a velvet cushion, royal blue background with lens flare (闪闪发光的钻戒,镶嵌在天鹅绒垫子上,皇家蓝背景,镜头炫光)

Prompt: glistening bottle of luxury perfume with golden accents, black background with lens flare (闪闪发光的豪华香水瓶,金色点缀,黑色背景,镜头炫光)

Prompt: a set of gourmet chocolates arranged in a decorative box, warm brown background with lens flare --ar 16:9 (一套美食巧克力摆放在装饰盒中,暖棕色背景,带镜头光晕)

Prompt: a sleek and modern desktop computer, home office background with lens flare --ar 16:9 (时尚现代的台式电脑,带有镜头光晕的家庭办公背景)

Prompt: sparkling silver necklace with a heart-shaped pendant, celestial background with lens flare (闪闪发光的银项链,心形吊坠,带有镜头光晕的天体背景)


这种风格的背景可以唤起平静、柔美或现代的感觉,为产品提供令人愉悦的现代背景。你可以用这个模板来实现词效果:[product] against a gradient pastels background。

Prompt: a pair of stylish sunglasses, transparent lenses, contemporary frame, against a gradient pastels background --ar 16:9 (一副时尚太阳镜,透明镜片,现代镜框,渐变粉色背景)

Prompt: shiny new silver smartphone, reflective surface, sleek design, against a gradient pastels background (银光闪闪的新款智能手机,反光表面,流线型设计,背景为渐变的柔和色彩)



Prompt: luxury wristwatch, intricate dial wiht sunburst motif, leather strap, on marble with texture (奢华腕表,带有太阳纹饰的复杂表盘,皮革表带,大理石纹理表盘)

Prompt: crystal-clear whiskey decanter, cut glass, aged whiskey, against background with marble texture, soft lighting (晶莹剔透的威士忌醒酒器,切割玻璃,陈年威士忌,背景为大理石纹理,灯光柔和)

飘渺虚化 (Ethereal Bokeh)


Prompt: hand-blown glass vase, soft diffused daylight, translucent pastel shades, ethereal bokeh background (手吹玻璃花瓶、柔和的散射日光、半透明的粉彩色调、空灵的虚化背景)

Prompt: delicate porcelain teacup, garden setting, soft pastel colors,dreamlike ethereal bokeh background (精致的瓷茶杯,花园环境,柔和的粉彩,梦幻般空灵的虚化背景)



Prompt: a sports car’s sleek chrome grille gleaming amidst the laser light show --ar 16:9 (跑车光滑的镀铬格栅在激光灯光秀中熠熠生辉)

Prompt: a high-end bicycle frame bathed in dynamic laser lights --ar 16:9 (沐浴在动态镭射灯下的高端自行车车架)

Prompt: a sleek VR headset shining amidst the chaotic colors of a laser light show (光滑的 VR 头显在激光灯光秀的混沌色彩中闪闪发光)


在 Midjourney的提示词中添加无缝霓虹灯网格,可以同时添加霓虹灯的灯光效果和网格状的背景。

Prompt: a shiny, chrome-plated retro microphone, placed elegantly on a seamless neon grid background, close-up (一个闪亮的镀铬复古麦克风,优雅地放置在无缝霓虹网格背景上,特写)

Prompt: a series of premium home audio speakers, each with its unique design, against a seamless neon grid background --ar 16:9



Prompt: a pair of elegant high heels, elegantly placed against a whimsical cloudscape, soft, romantic lighting (一双优雅的高跟鞋,优雅地摆放在奇异的云景中,灯光柔和浪漫)

Prompt: vibrant red lipstick tube, whimsical cloudscape background (鲜艳的红色唇膏管,奇异的云景背景)


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