CS61A是UC Berkeley开设的计算机科学的入门课程,定位是给没有任何计算机科学相关知识和经验的同学开设。教师John DeNero教授将MIT的著名课程SICP改编后,重新以更加通俗易懂的方式教授给大家。课程主要运用的编程软件是Python,后期还会学习Scheme, SQL等,以换换口味,增长见识。从暑期开始,我将跟着20Fall的内容,将15个week的内容全部跟着自学完成,祝我自己好运。
Week 1 Lesson 1
what is computer science
To study this discipline, the first thing we need to do is to figure out what exactly we are learning and what problems we need to figure out. So Prof. DeNero gave us an introdution to what we are trying to accomplish in this course.
I think, an important part of this discipline is the interation between users and computation. And through time, computation slowly progressed in the form of computing machines using technolog