How to recover when the SAP spool is full

As an SAP Administrator you first notice that for some reason it is taking a long time to create spool requests. Next, users begin calling and saying that nothing is printing out of SAP.

SAP Error Messages: Spool Full or Spool Overflow

To diagnose the problem, you make a quick check in SP01 which shows that SAP isn’t creating any more spool requests. Soon you discover that SAP is slowing down and transaction SM50 reveals that all of your dialog processes are full.

You begin checking the system log using transaction SM21 and immediately notice that there are error messages such as short dumps “SPOOL_INTERNAL_ERROR” and“Spool full” or “Spool Overflow”.

SAP Spool request limits

As with everything in SAP, there are limits to the number of spool requests that can be created. The standard SAP system has a limit of 32000. When this limit is reached, the above error messages occur because there are no more free numbers available. This situation can obviously causes panic for end users.

Resolving the “SAP Spool full” issue

To resolve this problem as quickly as possible and get SAP to resume printing, there are basically two solutions that you need to implement.

1. First you need to run the SAP programs RSP00041 or RSP01041 to delete and free up spool request numbers for new spool requests. Select the appropriate number of days to keep for each spool type and execute. This step should quickly delete any spool requests that are no longer needed. Rather quickly this will allow new spool requests to be created and printing will be restored to normal.

2. Second, you should look at increasing the spool request limit. Use transactionSNRO while logged in to client 000 and adjust the upper limit of interval SPO_NUM. The value can be increased up to 999,999 but is really dependent upon the capacity of the database and the host computer.

Making sure you don’t run out of spool request numbers

To make sure that this error doesn’t surprise you again, make sure that you schedule program RSP00041 in a batch process. If it is already scheduled, then make sure that you adjust the variant so that it has the proper values. This way you can ensure that there will be enough spool requests available so that you don’t run out before the next time the batch process runs.

Monitoring the Spool Number

You can use transaction RZ20 to monitor the spool number. If the system ever reaches the specified threshold values an alert will be created to notify you of the problem before your users begin calling.

SAP Notes:.

Additional information about this specific problem can be found in SAPNotes.  

SAPNote: 48284 – System can no longer create spool requests

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DB历史主题丢失是指数据库历史记录的主题内容不见了。这种情况下,我们可以尝试通过重新配置来恢复它。 首先,我们需要检查数据库配置文件,确保历史记录功能没有被禁用或配置错误。检查配置文件中与历史记录相关的参数设置,如历史记录的保留时间、历史记录文件的存储位置等。如果这些参数设置正确,但历史主题仍然丢失,我们可以尝试以下步骤进行恢复。 1. 停止数据库服务:首先,需要停止正在运行的数据库服务,以便执行下一步的操作。 2. 备份数据库:在进行任何恢复操作之前,务必先备份数据库文件,以防止意外数据丢失。 3. 清空历史记录相关文件:进入数据库目录,并删除与历史记录相关的文件,如历史记录日志文件、历史记录索引文件等。这样做的目的是清除之前可能存在的损坏的历史记录文件。 4. 重新配置数据库:编辑数据库配置文件,重新启用历史记录功能并确保相应的参数设置正确。 5. 启动数据库服务:保存更改后,重新启动数据库服务,让新的配置生效。 6. 监视恢复进程:在数据库启动后,我们可以通过监视日志或使用数据库管理工具,验证历史记录是否被正确恢复。可以查看历史记录是否开始重新生成,以及检查历史记录文件是否存在以及大小是否与预期一致。 7. 测试恢复结果:使用数据库客户端连接到数据库,并执行一些操作,以验证历史记录是否正常工作。可以查询历史记录文件,查看相应的操作是否已被记录。 总之,当DB历史主题丢失时,我们可以尝试通过重新配置数据库来恢复它。这个过程需要注意备份数据、重要文件的清除和重新配置以及验证恢复结果等步骤,以确保恢复过程顺利且有效。




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