
  • bigworld – Contains source for all bigworld client and server applications, and executables for tools

    • doc – Documentation    

    • lib – Libraries used to compile Borland-based tools (ModelEditor)    

    • res – Shared resources used by tools and game application    

    • src – Client and server source 

      • client – Contains the source for the bwclient library, which is basically the game application      

      • common – Miscellaneous source code common to client and server      

      • egclient – Source for example minimal clients (for server-only licensees)      

      • egclient2 – Source for example minimal clients (for server-only licensees)      

      • egclient3 – Source for example minimal clients (for server-only licensees)      

      • egclient4 – Source for example minimal clients (for server-only licensees)      

      • server – Server application source   

        • baseapp – Process that manages a group of Bases (incl. client proxies)        

        • baseappmgr – Process that manages a group of BaseApps        

        • cellapp – Process that manages a group of entities        

        • cellappmgr – Process that manages a group of CellApps        

        • common – Shared sources        

        • dbmgr – Database process        

        • egextra – Example EntityExtras for use in server component C++ extensions        

        • loginapp – Login process        

        • reviver – Process that monitors and revives other processes        

        • tools – Server tools        

        • updater – Process that updates content for clients and server processes   

    • tools – Executables for the BigWorld content creation and server tools 

      • server – Server tools   

        • bwpanel – Panel to control very simple server systems        

        • misc – General operation scripts used by server software        

        • space_viewer – A tool for viewing and managing servers, spaces and cells        

        • stat_logger – A tool for logging server cluster performance data to MySQL        

        • web_console – Suite of web-based server tools   

      • exporter – Visual and animation exporters      

      • misc – Miscellaneous client-side tools, including navgen      

      • modeleditor – ModelEditor, the model-editing tool      

      • particle_editor – ParticleEditor, the particle system-editing tool      

      • res – Resources for the tools      

      • worldeditor – WorldEditor, the world-builder tool 

  • fantasydemo – Contains all fantasydemo resources (script, config, graphics) and the client runtime

    • game – The executable and config files for the demo client    

    • res – Resources for the fantasydemo 

      • characters – Visuals and animations for avatars and NPC's      

      • environments – Flora and sky definition files      

      • flora – Flora models and textures      

      • fonts – Font definition files      

      • guis – Graphical user interface definition files      

      • maps – Textures for the game models, and user interface      

      • materials – Definitions for types of materials      

      • objects – Contains objects you can place in the maps such as models, shells, lights, water, etc.

        • lights – Light definition files      

      • particles – Particle definition files      

      • scripts – Entity definition and behaviour scripts      

      • server – Server-side information      

        • projects – Server-side project files that contain scenes of entities to load into the game      

      • text – Contains the help pages for the fantasydemo that show when you press F1      

      • spaces – Each sub-directory is the name of a space   

        • eg – The example universe. It contains one space, called "main"     

          • main – This space directory contains all lighting, chunk, and terrain data     

  • src – Contains all library and tool source

    • lib – Contains source for all BigWorld libraries 

      • appmgr – Application manager library used only by the tools      

      • ashes – Graphical user interface library, used by client and tools      

      • camera – Library for various camera types, used by the client and tools      

      • chunk – Library that manages world chunks, used on client, tools, and server      

      • controls – Library that manages panel buttons and sliders, used by tools      

      • cstdmf – General purpose classes and functions used by everything      

      • duplo – Connectable model pieces for the client, such as action_queue, motor, and attachments.      

      • entitydef – Classes to manage entity definitions, methods and properties (server and client)      

      • fmod – Interface to FMOD sound library      

      • fmodsound – The FMOD sound library      

      • geh – General Exception Handler      

      • gizmo – A library of graphic gizmos for manipulating objects in the tools      

      • guimanager – A library that manages gui components and toolbars, used in tools      

      • guitabs – A library that manages gui panels, used in tools      

      • input – Library for user input from mouse, keyboard and joystick      

      • math – A maths library, used by everything      

      • model – The model library, used by client and tools      

      • moo – The rendering library, used by client and tools      

      • network – The network library, used by everything      

      • particle – The particle systems library, used by client and tools      

      • physics2 – Library for sorting, colliding, and manipulating objects in 3D space (client and server)      

      • pyscript – Library for integration of python into the engine's C++ classes, used by everything      

      • Python – The python library, used by everything      

      • png – The PNG image format library, used by the tools and client      

      • resmgr – The resource manager, used by everything for loading resources      

      • romp – Miscellaneous classes for managing various types of effects on the client      

      • server – Common server classes      

      • speedtree – Interface to the SpeedTreeRT library      

      • speedtreert – The SpeedTreeRT library      

      • terrain – The terrain library, use by everything      

      • third_party – Third-party libraries such as CppUnitLite2, OpenSSL and Stack Walker      

      • ual – The Asset Browser library, used by the tools      

      • umbra – The UMBRA library      

      • unit_test_lib – The Unit Test library      

      • waypoint – Server library for AI waypoint navigation      

      • zip – The zlib compression library

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