




find_regex:查找字符串str中第一次满足 regex的子串,返回子串起始,终止位置。

replace_regex:查找字符串str中第一次满足 regex的子串,并用新子串 替换。

replace_all_regex:查找字符串str中所有满足 regex的子串,并用新子串 替换。

erase_regex:查找字符串str中第一次满足 regex的子串,删除

erase_all_regex:查找字符串str中所有满足 regex的子串,删除

find_all_regex:查找字符串str中满足 regex的子串,返回子串 数组

split_regex:将字符串str中所有满足 regex的子串,分割。

join_if_regex:将子串 数组,按照 regex,连接,返回新的字符串。


#include <boost/algorithm/string/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/sequence_traits.hpp>
// equals predicate is used for result comparison
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>

// Include unit test framework
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <boost/test/test_tools.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

static void find_test()
    string str1("123a1cxxxa23cXXXa456c321");
    const char* pch1="123a1cxxxa23cXXXa456c321";
    regex rx("a[0-9]+c");
    vector<int> vec1( str1.begin(), str1.end() );
    vector<string> tokens;

    // find results
    iterator_range<string::iterator> nc_result;
    iterator_range<string::const_iterator> cv_result;
    iterator_range<vector<int>::iterator> nc_vresult;
    iterator_range<vector<int>::const_iterator> cv_vresult;

    iterator_range<const char*> ch_result;

    // basic tests
    nc_result=find_regex( str1, rx );
        ( (nc_result.begin()-str1.begin()) == 3) &&
        ( (nc_result.end()-str1.begin()) == 6) );

    cv_result=find_regex( str1, rx );
        ( (cv_result.begin()-str1.begin()) == 3) &&
        ( (cv_result.end()-str1.begin()) == 6) );

    ch_result=find_regex( pch1, rx );
    BOOST_CHECK(( (ch_result.begin() - pch1 ) == 3) && ( (ch_result.end() - pch1 ) == 6 ) );

    // multi-type comparison test
    nc_vresult=find_regex( vec1, rx );
        ( (nc_result.begin()-str1.begin()) == 3) &&
        ( (nc_result.end()-str1.begin()) == 6) );

    cv_vresult=find_regex( vec1, rx );
        ( (cv_result.begin()-str1.begin()) == 3) &&
        ( (cv_result.end()-str1.begin()) == 6) );

    // find_all_regex test
    find_all_regex( tokens, str1, rx );

    BOOST_REQUIRE( tokens.size()==3 );
    BOOST_CHECK( tokens[0]==string("a1c") );
    BOOST_CHECK( tokens[1]==string("a23c") );
    BOOST_CHECK( tokens[2]==string("a456c") );

    // split_regex test
    split_regex(    tokens, str1, rx );

    BOOST_REQUIRE( tokens.size()==4 );
    BOOST_CHECK( tokens[0]==string("123") );
    BOOST_CHECK( tokens[1]==string("xxx") );
    BOOST_CHECK( tokens[2]==string("XXX") );
    BOOST_CHECK( tokens[3]==string("321") );


static void join_test()
    // Prepare inputs
    vector<string> tokens1;

    BOOST_CHECK( equals(join_if(tokens1, "-", regex("x+")), "xx-xx") );
    BOOST_CHECK( equals(join_if(tokens1, "-", regex("[abc]+")), "abc") );
    BOOST_CHECK( equals(join_if_regex(tokens1, "-", regex("x+")), "xx-xx") );
    BOOST_CHECK( equals(join_if_regex(tokens1, "-", regex("[abc]+")), "abc") );

static void replace_test()
    string str1("123a1cxxxa23cXXXa456c321");
    regex rx1("a([0-9]+)c");
    regex rx2("([xX]+)");
    regex rx3("_[^_]*_");
    string fmt1("_A$1C_");
    string fmt2("_xXx_");
    vector<int> vec1( str1.begin(), str1.end() );

    // immutable tests
    // basic tests
    BOOST_CHECK( replace_regex_copy( str1, rx1, fmt1 )==string("123_A1C_xxxa23cXXXa456c321") );
    BOOST_CHECK( replace_all_regex_copy( str1, rx1, fmt1 )==string("123_A1C_xxx_A23C_XXX_A456C_321") );
    BOOST_CHECK( erase_regex_copy( str1, rx1 )==string("123xxxa23cXXXa456c321") );
    BOOST_CHECK( erase_all_regex_copy( str1, rx1 )==string(string("123xxxXXX321")) );

    // output iterator variants test
    string strout;
    replace_regex_copy( back_inserter(strout), str1, rx1, fmt1 );
    BOOST_CHECK( strout==string("123_A1C_xxxa23cXXXa456c321") );
    replace_all_regex_copy( back_inserter(strout), str1, rx1, fmt1 );
    BOOST_CHECK( strout==string("123_A1C_xxx_A23C_XXX_A456C_321") );
    erase_regex_copy( back_inserter(strout), str1, rx1 );
    BOOST_CHECK( strout==string("123xxxa23cXXXa456c321") );
    erase_all_regex_copy( back_inserter(strout), str1, rx1 );
    BOOST_CHECK( strout==string("123xxxXXX321") );

    // in-place test
    replace_regex( str1, rx1, fmt2 );
    BOOST_CHECK( str1==string("123_xXx_xxxa23cXXXa456c321") );

    replace_all_regex( str1, rx2, fmt1 );
    BOOST_CHECK( str1==string("123__AxXxC___AxxxC_a23c_AXXXC_a456c321") );
    erase_regex( str1, rx3 );
    BOOST_CHECK( str1==string("123AxXxC___AxxxC_a23c_AXXXC_a456c321") );
    erase_all_regex( str1, rx3 );
    BOOST_CHECK( str1==string("123AxXxCa23ca456c321") );

int main( int argc, char* [] )
    return 0;


namespace boost {
    namespace algorithm {

//  find_regex  -----------------------------------------------//

        //! Find regex algorithm
            Search for a substring matching the given regex in the input.
            \param Input A container which will be searched.
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Flags Regex options
                An \c iterator_range delimiting the match. 
                Returned iterator is either \c RangeT::iterator or 
                \c RangeT::const_iterator, depending on the constness of 
                the input parameter.

              \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
            typename RangeT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT>
        inline iterator_range< 
            BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_iterator<RangeT>::type >
            RangeT& Input, 
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
            iterator_range<BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME range_iterator<RangeT>::type> lit_input(::boost::as_literal(Input));

            return ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder(Rx,Flags)(
                ::boost::begin(lit_input), ::boost::end(lit_input) );

//  replace_regex --------------------------------------------------------------------//

        //! Replace regex algorithm
            Search for a substring matching given regex and format it with 
            the specified format.             
            The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence 
            or copied to the output iterator.

            \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied
            \param Input An input string
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Format Regex format definition
            \param Flags Regex options
            \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or
                    a modified copy of the input   

             \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
            typename OutputIteratorT,
            typename RangeT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT,
            typename FormatStringTraitsT, typename FormatStringAllocatorT >
        inline OutputIteratorT replace_regex_copy(
            OutputIteratorT Output,
            const RangeT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            const std::basic_string<CharT, FormatStringTraitsT, FormatStringAllocatorT>& Format,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default | format_default )
            return ::boost::algorithm::find_format_copy( 
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_formatter( Format, Flags ) );

        //! Replace regex algorithm
            typename SequenceT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT,
            typename FormatStringTraitsT, typename FormatStringAllocatorT >
        inline SequenceT replace_regex_copy( 
            const SequenceT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            const std::basic_string<CharT, FormatStringTraitsT, FormatStringAllocatorT>& Format,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default | format_default )
            return ::boost::algorithm::find_format_copy( 
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_formatter( Format, Flags ) );

        //! Replace regex algorithm
            Search for a substring matching given regex and format it with 
            the specified format. The input string is modified in-place.

            \param Input An input string
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Format Regex format definition
            \param Flags Regex options
            typename SequenceT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT,
            typename FormatStringTraitsT, typename FormatStringAllocatorT >
        inline void replace_regex( 
            SequenceT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            const std::basic_string<CharT, FormatStringTraitsT, FormatStringAllocatorT>& Format,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default | format_default )
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_formatter( Format, Flags ) );

//  replace_all_regex --------------------------------------------------------------------//

        //! Replace all regex algorithm
            Format all substrings, matching given regex, with the specified format. 
            The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence 
            or copied to the output iterator.

            \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied
            \param Input An input string
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Format Regex format definition
            \param Flags Regex options
            \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or
                    a modified copy of the input     

              \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
            typename OutputIteratorT,
            typename RangeT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT,
            typename FormatStringTraitsT, typename FormatStringAllocatorT >
        inline OutputIteratorT replace_all_regex_copy(
            OutputIteratorT Output,
            const RangeT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            const std::basic_string<CharT, FormatStringTraitsT, FormatStringAllocatorT>& Format,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default | format_default )
            return ::boost::algorithm::find_format_all_copy( 
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_formatter( Format, Flags ) );

        //! Replace all regex algorithm
            typename SequenceT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT,
            typename FormatStringTraitsT, typename FormatStringAllocatorT >
        inline SequenceT replace_all_regex_copy( 
            const SequenceT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            const std::basic_string<CharT, FormatStringTraitsT, FormatStringAllocatorT>& Format,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default | format_default )
            return ::boost::algorithm::find_format_all_copy( 
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_formatter( Format, Flags ) );

        //! Replace all regex algorithm
            Format all substrings, matching given regex, with the specified format. 
            The input string is modified in-place.

            \param Input An input string
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Format Regex format definition
            \param Flags Regex options            
            typename SequenceT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT,
            typename FormatStringTraitsT, typename FormatStringAllocatorT >
        inline void replace_all_regex( 
            SequenceT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            const std::basic_string<CharT, FormatStringTraitsT, FormatStringAllocatorT>& Format,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default | format_default )
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_formatter( Format, Flags ) );

//  erase_regex --------------------------------------------------------------------//

        //! Erase regex algorithm
            Remove a substring matching given regex from the input.
            The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence 
            or copied to the output iterator.                        

            \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied
            \param Input An input string
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Flags Regex options
            \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or
                       a modified copy of the input    

             \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
            typename OutputIteratorT,
            typename RangeT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT >
        inline OutputIteratorT erase_regex_copy(
            OutputIteratorT Output,
            const RangeT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
            return ::boost::algorithm::find_format_copy(
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::empty_formatter( Input ) );

        //! Erase regex algorithm
            typename SequenceT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT >
        inline SequenceT erase_regex_copy( 
            const SequenceT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
            return ::boost::algorithm::find_format_copy( 
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::empty_formatter( Input ) );

        //! Erase regex algorithm
            Remove a substring matching given regex from the input.
            The input string is modified in-place.

            \param Input An input string
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Flags Regex options
            typename SequenceT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT >
        inline void erase_regex( 
            SequenceT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::empty_formatter( Input ) );

//  erase_all_regex --------------------------------------------------------------------//

        //! Erase all regex algorithm
            Erase all substrings, matching given regex, from the input.
            The result is a modified copy of the input. It is returned as a sequence 
            or copied to the output iterator.

            \param Output An output iterator to which the result will be copied
            \param Input An input string
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Flags Regex options
            \return An output iterator pointing just after the last inserted character or
                    a modified copy of the input                        

             \note The second variant of this function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
            typename OutputIteratorT,
            typename RangeT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT >
        inline OutputIteratorT erase_all_regex_copy(
            OutputIteratorT Output,
            const RangeT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
            return ::boost::algorithm::find_format_all_copy(
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::empty_formatter( Input ) );

        //! Erase all regex algorithm
            typename SequenceT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT >
        inline SequenceT erase_all_regex_copy( 
            const SequenceT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
            return ::boost::algorithm::find_format_all_copy( 
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::empty_formatter( Input ) );

        //! Erase all regex algorithm
            Erase all substrings, matching given regex, from the input.
            The input string is modified in-place.

            \param Input An input string
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Flags Regex options
            typename SequenceT, 
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT>
        inline void erase_all_regex( 
            SequenceT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder( Rx, Flags ),
                ::boost::algorithm::empty_formatter( Input ) );

//  find_all_regex ------------------------------------------------------------------//

        //! Find all regex algorithm
            This algorithm finds all substrings matching the give regex
            in the input.             
            Each part is copied and added as a new element to the output container.
            Thus the result container must be able to hold copies
            of the matches (in a compatible structure like std::string) or
            a reference to it (e.g. using the iterator range class).
            Examples of such a container are \c std::vector<std::string>
            or \c std::list<boost::iterator_range<std::string::iterator>>

            \param Result A container that can hold copies of references to the substrings.
            \param Input A container which will be searched.
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Flags Regex options
            \return A reference to the result

            \note Prior content of the result will be overwritten.

             \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
            typename SequenceSequenceT, 
            typename RangeT,         
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT >
        inline SequenceSequenceT& find_all_regex(
            SequenceSequenceT& Result,
            const RangeT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
            return ::boost::algorithm::iter_find(
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder(Rx,Flags) );         

//  split_regex ------------------------------------------------------------------//

        //! Split regex algorithm
            Tokenize expression. This function is equivalent to C strtok. Input
            sequence is split into tokens, separated  by separators. Separator
            is an every match of the given regex.
            Each part is copied and added as a new element to the output container.
            Thus the result container must be able to hold copies
            of the matches (in a compatible structure like std::string) or
            a reference to it (e.g. using the iterator range class).
            Examples of such a container are \c std::vector<std::string>
            or \c std::list<boost::iterator_range<std::string::iterator>>
            \param Result A container that can hold copies of references to the substrings.          
            \param Input A container which will be searched.
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Flags Regex options
            \return A reference to the result

            \note Prior content of the result will be overwritten.

               \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
            typename SequenceSequenceT, 
            typename RangeT,         
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT >
        inline SequenceSequenceT& split_regex(
            SequenceSequenceT& Result,
            const RangeT& Input,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
            return ::boost::algorithm::iter_split(
                ::boost::algorithm::regex_finder(Rx,Flags) );         

//  join_if ------------------------------------------------------------------//


        //! Conditional join algorithm
            This algorithm joins all strings in a 'list' into one long string.
            Segments are concatenated by given separator. Only segments that
            match the given regular expression will be added to the result

            This is a specialization of join_if algorithm.

            \param Input A container that holds the input strings. It must be a container-of-containers.
            \param Separator A string that will separate the joined segments.
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Flags Regex options
            \return Concatenated string.

            \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
            typename SequenceSequenceT, 
            typename Range1T,             
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT >
        inline typename range_value<SequenceSequenceT>::type 
            const SequenceSequenceT& Input,
            const Range1T& Separator,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
            // Define working types
            typedef typename range_value<SequenceSequenceT>::type ResultT;
            typedef typename range_const_iterator<SequenceSequenceT>::type InputIteratorT;

            // Parse input
            InputIteratorT itBegin=::boost::begin(Input);
            InputIteratorT itEnd=::boost::end(Input);

            // Construct container to hold the result
            ResultT Result;

            // Roll to the first element that will be added
                itBegin!=itEnd && 
                !::boost::regex_match(::boost::begin(*itBegin), ::boost::end(*itBegin), Rx, Flags)) ++itBegin;

            // Add this element
                detail::insert(Result, ::boost::end(Result), *itBegin);

            for(;itBegin!=itEnd; ++itBegin)
                if(::boost::regex_match(::boost::begin(*itBegin), ::boost::end(*itBegin), Rx, Flags))
                    // Add separator
                    detail::insert(Result, ::boost::end(Result), ::boost::as_literal(Separator));
                    // Add element
                    detail::insert(Result, ::boost::end(Result), *itBegin);

            return Result;


                //! Conditional join algorithm
            This algorithm joins all strings in a 'list' into one long string.
            Segments are concatenated by given separator. Only segments that
            match the given regular expression will be added to the result

            This is a specialization of join_if algorithm.

            \param Input A container that holds the input strings. It must be a container-of-containers.
            \param Separator A string that will separate the joined segments.
            \param Rx A regular expression
            \param Flags Regex options
            \return Concatenated string.

            \note This function provides the strong exception-safety guarantee
            typename SequenceSequenceT, 
            typename Range1T,             
            typename CharT, 
            typename RegexTraitsT >
        inline typename range_value<SequenceSequenceT>::type 
            const SequenceSequenceT& Input,
            const Range1T& Separator,
            const basic_regex<CharT, RegexTraitsT>& Rx,
            match_flag_type Flags=match_default )
            // Define working types
            typedef typename range_value<SequenceSequenceT>::type ResultT;
            typedef typename range_const_iterator<SequenceSequenceT>::type InputIteratorT;

            // Parse input
            InputIteratorT itBegin=::boost::begin(Input);
            InputIteratorT itEnd=::boost::end(Input);

            // Construct container to hold the result
            ResultT Result;

            // Roll to the first element that will be added
                itBegin!=itEnd && 
                !::boost::regex_match(::boost::begin(*itBegin), ::boost::end(*itBegin), Rx, Flags)) ++itBegin;

            // Add this element
                detail::insert(Result, ::boost::end(Result), *itBegin);

            for(;itBegin!=itEnd; ++itBegin)
                if(::boost::regex_match(::boost::begin(*itBegin), ::boost::end(*itBegin), Rx, Flags))
                    // Add separator
                    detail::insert(Result, ::boost::end(Result), ::boost::as_literal(Separator));
                    // Add element
                    detail::insert(Result, ::boost::end(Result), *itBegin);

            return Result;


    } // namespace algorithm

    // pull names into the boost namespace
    using algorithm::find_regex;
    using algorithm::replace_regex;
    using algorithm::replace_regex_copy;
    using algorithm::replace_all_regex;
    using algorithm::replace_all_regex_copy;
    using algorithm::erase_regex;
    using algorithm::erase_regex_copy;
    using algorithm::erase_all_regex;
    using algorithm::erase_all_regex_copy;
    using algorithm::find_all_regex;
    using algorithm::split_regex;

    using algorithm::join_if;
    using algorithm::join_if_regex;

} // namespace boost






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