issue 130

issue 130
"How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."

The speaker contends actually two claims. Firstly, the destiny of society is determined by how children are socialized today. Secondly, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society. As far as I am concerned, I disagree strongly with both of the two claims.

The first reason why I have such a view is that how children are educated today determines the destiny of society. As is well known, children are next generation of participating in  the world and changing the world better. Admittedly, socialization of children is one of factors that determine the destiny of society. Socialization makes children more collaborative, responsible and effective. In my opinion, however, it is not the most important factor determining the destiny of society. Their knowledge and morality actually determines the society in the future. They utilize the knowledge which they are learning today from schools and themselves to create new material products and spiritual achievement to make our lives more comfortable and change the world better. As honest, kind and respectful individuals, they also contribute to a better society.

The second reason is that we have learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society. The ultimate purpose of current education is that teaching children the knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, morality, art, and so forth to help them become creative, responsible and caring. When they grow up, they will become main body who bring about a better society. The children of the most recent half-century have created a better society. We are becoming more sensitive to the rights of women, various ethnic and racial group, homosexuals, and mentally- and physically-challenged individuals. At the same time, we place also emphasis on ensuring public health by policing the food and drug industries and by protecting our natural environment. And there is ample evidence of increasing international cooperation. We may consider our society as one characterized by greater tolerance of differing viewpoints and people who are different from ourselves, greater respect of individual rights, and greater cooperation across cultural and national boundaries.

In sum, from what have discussed above, we can draw a conclusion that the key determinant whether children grow up to contribute to a better society is not socialization but rather other factors---such as knowledge and morality. And we have learned how to raise children who can change the world better in the future. In the final analysis, then, I fundamentally disagree with both aspects of speaker’s claims.

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