issue 5

"A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."

The speaker considers that all students should study the absolutely same nation curriculum before entering college. In my point of view, I strongly agree with speaker.  Three reasons can aptly illustrate this point.

The first reason why I have such a view that it is that a nation has more power to research more effective curriculum plan than provincial government. Education is very important to the future development of a nation, so a reasoned curriculum plan should be established carefully. A nation can provide more money and professors to research which course can help students establish sound foundation to sutudy further knowledge in the college, which course can help students master the basic ability needed in common life, and which course can make student become a sincere, honest and humanity person. However, a poor provincial government dose not have enough money and professional people to research a effective curriculum plan. And if all the provincial governments in a nation do reserch for the plan, it will waste much more resouce of governments.

The second reason is that the the books of those course will be wrote by the most professional educators. If many curriculum plans exist in a nation, businessmen should invite the most professional educator to write the teaching material which can earn much more money. So many students may use inefficient books than the students of other places. It is unfair to them. And if this situation lasts a long time, a place of which students use inefficient books may develope slowly, because competent people are scarce with it.

The third reason is that the teachers and students can respectively communicate with teachers and students of any other place. Teachers can share the teaching plan with others to mutually improve the teaching level. And students can also communicate the study expirence with friends living at other places.

From what have discussed above, we can draw conclusion that a nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer.

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