Hololens 学习摘要及翻译记录 四 Gestures





Gestures : 手势 :https://developer.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/holographic/gestures

1.Gestures are one of the three primary forms of input on HoloLens. Once you've targeted a hologram with gaze, gestures allow you interact with the hologram. Gesture input lets you interact with your holograms naturally using your hands or, optionally, with a clicker.


A.Hand recognition : 手势识别

1.HoloLens recognizes gesture input by tracking the position of either or both hands that are visible to the device. HoloLens sees hands when they are in either the ready state(back of the hand facing you with index finger up) or the pressed state (back of the hand facing you with the index finger down). When hands are in other poses, the HoloLens will ignore them.


2.HoloLens looks for hand input within a cone in front of the device, known as the gesture frame, which extends above, below, left and right of the display frame where holograms appear. This lets you keep your elbow comfortably at your side while providing hand input. When using the HoloLens Clicker, your hands do not need to be within the gesture frame.


3.For each hand that HoloLens detects, you can access its position (without orientation) and its pressed state. As the hand nears the edge of the gesture frame, you're also provided with a direction vector, which you can show to the user so they know how to move their hand to get it back where HoloLens can see it.


B.Interactions : 交互

1.The core interactions on HoloLens are press, release, and bloom.

HoloLens 的交互核心就是 按,松,开花。

Press and release : 按和松

1.The primary way in which you'll select or activate holograms in your world is the air-tap gesture, which consists of a press followed by a release.


2.To air-tap, make a fist in front of you, with the back of your hand facing you. Your elbow should be bent at your side in a comfortable position. Now, raise your index finger to the sky and then tap, by flexing your index finger down (the press) and then back up (the release).


3.An air-tap results in a select operation. Other ways to select are using a clicker or the voice command "select." The same air-tap gesture can be used within any holographic app. Think of air-tap (or the "select" keyword) as the equivalent of a mouse click; a universal gesture that you learn once and then apply across all your apps.


Bloom : 开花

1.Bloom is a special system gesture that is used to go back to the Start Menu from within a holographic application. It is similar to pressing the Windows key on a keyboard or the Xbox button on an Xbox controller.


2.To do the bloom gesture, hold out your hand, palm up, with your fingertips together. Then open your hand.


3.In Windows Holographic, the bloom gesture can be performed with your hand. You can also return to Start by saying "Hey Cortana, Go Home". 

在全息系统中,除了开花手势还能使用语音命令“Hey Cortana, Go Home”来返回开始菜单。

C.Gestures :手势

1.Your app can recognize more than just individual presses and releases. By combining presses and releases with movement of your hand or using a clicker, you can perform more complex gestures as well:


Hold : 握住

1.Hold gestures are similar a touch tap-and-hold and can be used to take a secondary action, such as picking up an object instead of activating it, or showing a context menu.


Manipulation : 操作

1.Manipulation gestures can be used to move, resize or rotate a hologram when you want the hologram to react 1:1 to the user's hand movements. One use for such 1:1 movements is to let the user draw or paint in the world.


2.As with all gestures, the initial targeting for a Manipulation gesture should be done by Gaze. Once the press starts, any manipulation of the object is then handled by hand movements, freeing the user to look around while they manipulate.


Navigation : 导航

1.Navigation gestures operate like a virtual joystick, and can be used to navigate UI widgets, such as radial menus. You press to start the gesture and then move your hand within a normalized 3D cube, centered around the initial press. You can move your hand along the X, Y or Z axis from a value of -1 to 1, with 0 being the starting point.


2.Navigation can be used to build velocity-based continuous scrolling or zooming gestures, similar to scrolling a 2D UI by clicking the middle mouse button and then moving the mouse up and down.

导航能够当成一个持续滑动或者快速拖拽的手势。就好像 2D UI 中的滑动控件的操作。

3.Navigation with rails refers to the ability of recognizing movements in certain axis until certain threshold is reached on that axis. This is only useful, when movement in more than one axis is enabled in an application by the developer, e.g. if an application is configured to recognize navigation gestures across X, Y axis but also specified X axis with rails. In this case system will recognize hand movements across X axis as long as they remain within an imaginary rails (guide) on X axis, if hand movement also occurs Y axis.


4.Within 2D apps on HoloLens, users can use vertical navigation gestures to scroll, zoom, or drag inside the app. This injects virtual finger touches to the app to simulate touch gestures of the same type. Users can select which of these actions take place by toggling between the tools on the bar above the app, either by selecting the button or saying '<Scroll/Drag/Zoom> Tool'.

在2D应用中,使用者通过垂直导航手势进行拖,拉,拽等操作。加入虚拟的触摸手指来模拟同类型的触摸手势。使用者能通过应用的工具栏来选择所要执行的操作。可以通过点击按钮或语音命令“Scroll Tool”,“Drag Tool”,“Zoom Tool”来选取操作。

See also

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手指姿势是一种非语言的身体语言,通过手指的动作,可以传达出一系列不同的含义和信息。手指姿势作为一种非语言交流方式,被广泛应用于各个领域。以下是手指姿势的几个主要应用领域: 首先,手指姿势在日常生活中具有重要意义。我们常常用手指做出各种姿势,例如通过做“OK”的手势表示“没问题”,或者用两个食指指向自己的眼睛,表示“看吧”。这些手势在日常生活中非常常见,帮助我们进行简单的交流和沟通。 其次,手指姿势在一些特定领域具有专业用途。例如,在音乐领域,指挥家通过手指姿势来指示乐团的演奏和节奏。在体育比赛中,裁判员通过特定的手势来传达出各种不同的判罚和比赛指示,这样运动员和观众就能够清楚地理解他们的意图。 此外,手指姿势在一些文化中也具有重要的象征意义。例如,在西方国家,竖起大拇指表示“赞成”或“顶”,而在东方国家,这个手势却可能被视为不礼貌或侮辱。在一些文化中,手指姿势还可以用来表示祝福、宣誓或祈祷等特定的含义。 总的来说,手指姿势是一种非常有力和灵活的交流方式,可以在不同的场景中传达各种不同的意义和信息。通过学习理解手指姿势的含义,我们可以更好地与他人进行交流,并且更顺畅地融入到不同的文化和环境中。


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