Nature Machine Intelligence 论文: Volume 1 Issue 1, January 2019

Differential game theory for versatile physical human–robot interaction



The last decades have seen a surge of robots working in contact with humans. However, until now these contact robots have made little use of the opportunities offered by physical interaction and lack a systematic methodology to produce versatile behaviours. Here, we develop an interactive robot controller able to understand the control strategy of the human user and react optimally to their movements. We demonstrate that combining an observer with a differential game theory controller can induce a stable interaction between the two partners, precisely identify each other’s control law, and allow them to successfully perform the task with minimum effort. Simulations and experiments with human subjects demonstrate these properties and illustrate how this controller can induce different representative interaction strategies.


2 Learnability can be undecidable

The mathematical foundations of machine learning play a key role in the development of the field. They improve our understanding and provide tools for designing new learning paradigms. The advantages of mathematics, however, sometimes come with a cost. Gödel and Cohen showed, in a nutshell, that not everything is provable. Here we show that machine learning shares this fate. We describe simple scenarios where learnability cannot be proved nor refuted using the standard axioms of mathematics. Our proof is based on the fact the continuum hypothesis cannot be proved nor refuted. We show that, in some cases, a solution to the ‘estimating the maximum’ problem is equivalent to the continuum hypothesis. The main idea is to prove an equivalence between learnability and compression.



Long short-term memory networks in memristor crossbar arrays


Recent breakthroughs in recurrent deep neural networks with long short-term memory (LSTM) units have led to major advances in artificial intelligence. However, state-of-the-art LSTM models with significantly increased complexity and a large number of parameters have a bottleneck in computing power resulting from both limited memory capacity and limited data communication bandwidth. Here we demonstrate experimentally that the synaptic weights shared in different time steps in an LSTM can be implemented with a memristor crossbar array, which has a small circuit footprint, can store a large number of parameters and offers in-memory computing capability that contributes to circumventing the ‘von Neumann bottleneck’. We illustrate the capability of our crossbar system as a core component in solving real-world problems in regression and classification, which shows that memristor LSTM is a promising low-power and low-latency hardware platform for edge inference.



4 Causal deconvolution by algorithmic generative models

Complex behaviour emerges from interactions between objects produced by different generating mechanisms. Yet to decode their causal origin(s) from observations remains one of the most fundamental challenges in science. Here we introduce a universal, unsupervised and parameter-free model-oriented approach, based on the seminal concept and the first principles of algorithmic probability, to decompose an observation into its most likely algorithmic generative models. Our approach uses a perturbation-based causal calculus to infer model representations. We demonstrate its ability to deconvolve interacting mechanisms regardless of whether the resultant objects are bit strings, space–time evolution diagrams, images or networks. Although this is mostly a conceptual contribution and an algorithmic framework, we also provide numerical evidence evaluating the ability of our methods to extract models from data produced by discrete dynamical systems such as cellular automata and complex networks. We think that these separating techniques can contribute to tackling the challenge of causation, thus complementing statistically oriented approaches.





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