1. 容器创建
void Main()
// 以下两种方式等价
var container1 = new Container();
var container2 = new Container(rules: Rules.Default, scopeContext: null);
1.1 构造函数
// 摘要:
// Creates new container with default rules DryIoc.Rules.Default.
public Container();
// 摘要:
// Creates new container, optionally providing DryIoc.Container.Rules to modify
// default container behavior.
// 参数:
// rules:
// (optional) Rules to modify container default resolution behavior. If not specified,
// then DryIoc.Rules.Default will be used.
// scopeContext:
// (optional) Scope context to use for scoped reuse.
public Container(Rules rules = null, IScopeContext scopeContext = null);
// 摘要:
// Creates new container with configured rules.
// 参数:
// configure:
// Allows to modify DryIoc.Rules.Default rules.
// scopeContext:
// (optional) Scope context to use for DryIoc.Reuse.InCurrentScope.
public Container(Func<Rules, Rules> configure, IScopeContext scopeContext = null);
2. 规则
void Main()
var container1 = new Container(Rules.Default.With(FactoryMethod.ConstructorWithResolvableArguments));
var container2 = new Container(Rules.Default.WithoutThrowIfDependencyHasShorterReuseLifespan());
var container1 = new Container(rules => rules.WithDefaultReuse(Reuse.Singleton));
var container2 = new Container(rules => rules.WithAutoConcreteTypeResolution());
3. 销毁容器
容器实现了 IDisposable
- 释放单例
- 移除所有注册
- 设置规则为Rules.Empty
void Main()
MyService myService;
using (var container = new Container())
myService = container.Resolve<MyService>();
Console.WriteLine(myService.IsDisposed); // True
public class MyService : IDisposable
public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; }
public void Dispose() => IsDisposed = true;