Deep Learning 和 Knowledge Graph 引爆大数据革命

2013年 1 月 15 日,新浪微博上网友 @王威廉 发了一条消息,说机器学习领域的大牛, Alex Smola 入盟 CMU,讲授机器学习入门课程,该课程的视频将在网上公开。

我回应了几个帖子,聊聊 CMU 与机器学习的研究进展。网友 @老师木 回复说,“机器学习是伪科学”。网友 @y_y_n_i_l 则说,“整天在实验室里面折腾算法,不如实际搞大系统”。


图灵在 1950 年的论文里,提出图灵试验的设想,即,隔墙对话,你将不知道与你谈话的,是人还是电脑 [1]。


2008 年 6 月,“连线”杂志主编,Chris Anderson 发表文章,题目是 “理论的终极,数据的泛滥将让科学方法过时”。并且文中还引述经典著作 “人工智能的现代方法”的合著者,时任 Google 研究总监的 Peter Norvig 的言论,说 “一切模型都是错的。进而言之,抛弃它们,你就会成功”[2]。


如果这番言论,发生在 2006 年以前,可能我不会强力反驳。但是自 2006 年以来,机器学习领域,取得了突破性的进展。

图灵试验,至少不是那么可望而不可即了。至于技术手段,不仅仅依赖于云计算对大数据的并行处理能力,而且依赖于算法。这个算法就是,Deep Learning。

借助于 Deep Learning 算法,人类终于找到了如何处理 “抽象概念”这个亘古难题的方法。

于是学界忙着延揽相关领域的大师。Alex Smola 加盟 CMU,就是这个背景下的插曲。悬念是 Geoffrey Hinton 和 Yoshua Bengio 这两位牛人,最后会加盟哪所大学。

Geoffrey Hinton 曾经转战 Cambridge、CMU,目前任教University of Toronto。相信挖他的名校一定不少。

Yoshua Bengio 经历比较简单,McGill University 获得博士后,去 MIT 追随 Mike Jordan 做博士后。目前任教 University of Montreal。

Deep Learning 引爆的这场革命,不仅学术意义巨大,而且离钱很近,实在太近了。如果把相关技术难题比喻成一座山,那么翻过这座山,山后就是特大露天金矿。技术难题解决以后,剩下的事情,就是动用资本和商业的强力手段,跑马圈地了。

于是各大公司重兵集结,虎视眈眈。Google 兵分两路,左路以 Jeff Dean 和 Andrew Ng 为首,重点突破 Deep Learning 等等算法和应用 [3]。

Jeff Dean 在 Google 诸位 Fellows 中,名列榜首,GFS 就是他的杰作。Andrew Ng 本科时,就读 CMU,后来去 MIT 追随 Mike Jordan。Mike Jordan 在 MIT 人缘不好,后来愤然出走 UC Berkeley。Andrew Ng 毫不犹豫追随导师,也去了 Berkeley。拿到博士后,任教 Stanford,是 Stanford 新生代教授中的佼佼者,同时兼职 Google。

Google 右路军由 Amit Singhal 领军,目标是构建 Knowledge Graph 基础设施。

1996 年 Amit Singhal 从 Cornell University 拿到博士学位后,去 Bell Lab 工作,2000 年加盟 Google。据说他去 Google 面试时,对 Google 创始人 Sergey Brian 说,“Your engine is excellent, but let me rewirte it!”[4]

换了别人,说不定一个大巴掌就扇过去了。但是 Sergey Brian 大人大量,不仅不怪罪小伙子的轻狂,反而真的让他从事新一代排名系统的研发。Amit Singhal 目前任职 Google 高级副总裁,掌管 Google 最核心的业务,搜索引擎。

Google 把王牌中之王牌,押宝在 Deep Learning 和 Knowledge Graph 上,目的是更快更大地夺取大数据革命的胜利果实。

所以,我提议讲三次公开课,给大家介绍一下机器学习领域,近几年的新进展,着重讲讲 Deep Learning,以及 Knowledge Graph。

@老师木 自告奋勇,要与我 PK。这是个很好的建议,不仅热闹,而且有利于督促我们,把演讲准备得更扎实。

于是约定来一次擂台赛,同一个主题,轮番讲,每周一次两小时。他先开火,然后我还击,如此大战三个回合,总计 6 周。届时邀请一帮人来现场,从多个角度录制视频,以保证不偏不倚全面公正,然后放到 Coursera 上去。

以下是 Deep Learning 的背景介绍,上大餐之前,先来点开胃小菜。


[1] Turing Test.

[2] The End of Theory: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete

[3] Introduction to Deep Learning.

[4] Interview with Amit Singhal, Google Fellow.


Deep Learning, Vol. 1: From Basics to Practice By 作者: Andrew Glassner Pub Date: 2018 ISBN: n/a Pages: (909 of 1750) Language: English Format: PDF People are using the tools of deep learning to change how we think about science, art, engineering, business, medicine, and even music. This book is for people who want to understand this field well enough to create deep learning systems, train them, and then use them with confidence to make their own contributions. The book takes a friendly, informal approach. Our goal is to make the ideas of this field simple and accessible to everyone, as shown in the Contents below. Since most practitioners today use one of several free, open-source deep-learning libraries to build their systems, the hard part isn’t in the programming. Rather, it’s knowing what tools to use, and when, and how. Building a working deep learning system requires making a series of technically informed choices, and with today’s tools, those choices require understanding what’s going on under the hood. This book is designed to give you that understanding. You’ll be able to choose the right kind of architecture, how to build a system that can learn, how to train it, and then how to use it to accomplish your goals. You’ll be able to read and understand the documentation for whatever library you’d like to use. And you’ll be able to follow exciting, on-going breakthroughs as they appear, because you’ll have the knowledge and vocabulary that let you read new material, and discuss it with other people doing deep learning. The book is extensively illustrated with over 1000 original figures. They are also all available for free download, for your own use. You don’t need any previous experience with machine learning or deep learning for this book. You don’t need to be a mathematician, because there’s nothing in the book harder than the occasional multiplication. You don’t need to choose a particular programming language, or library, or piece of hardware, because our approach is largely independent of those things. Our focus is on the principles and techniques that are applicable to any language, library, and hardware. Even so, practical programming is important. To stay focused, we gather our programming discussions into 3 chapters that show how to use two important and free Python libraries. Both chapters come with extensive Jupyter notebooks that contain all the code. Other chapters also offer notebooks for for every Python-generated figure. Our goal is to give you all the basics you need to understand deep learning, and then show how to use those ideas to construct your own systems. Everything is covered from the ground up, culminating in working systems illustrated with running code. The book is organized into two volumes. Volume 1 covers the basic ideas that support the field, and which form the core understanding for using these methods well. Volume 2 puts these principles into practice. Deep learning is fast becoming part of the intellectual toolkit used by scientists, artists, executives, doctors, musicians, and anyone else who wants to discover the information hiding in their data, paintings, business reports, test results, musical scores, and more.




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