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转载 上拉电阻 下拉电阻

上拉电阻怎么把电压往上拉?wsssyis比如3.3V电源加到IC上 加个上拉电阻 不是有压降了么?电压不是降低了么?怎么个上拉法?问题补充:开漏外接线路 直接把VCC加到漏级不行吗?加个电阻做什么?

2014-04-29 11:30:06 834

转载 高电平和低电平

电子电路中高电平是电压高的状态,一般记为1 电子电路中低电平是电压低的状态,一般记为0 高低电平的划分对于TTL来说高电平是:2.4V-5.0V 低电平是:0.0V-0.4V 对于CMOS来说高电平是:4.99-5.0v 低电平是:0.0-0.01v 对于高低电平之间的电压属于不定电压 在这个电压下会使器件工作不稳定 比如有时电脑开机后有不正常现象,但重新启动后又没问题了.

2014-04-29 11:26:35 5765

转载 如何在Word 图表目录中只显示部分图题或表题内容(插入表目录)

使用样式Displaying only part of a heading or a caption in a table of contentshttp://www.docs.is.ed.ac.uk/skills/documents/3740/3740.pdfHow can I include only part of an image

2014-04-19 22:43:50 15730 1

转载 Use Cut in R to turn numeric into factors

Use cut to turn numeric into factors, click HERE for more info about cut.The flag you might be interested will the breaks=:If you only pass one number to that flag, it will divide the whol

2014-03-04 10:02:35 986

转载 Tukey honest significance test for unequal sample sizes

Differences between species were tested for significance by anova using the Tukey honest significance test for unequal sample sizes (5% significance level).

2013-12-29 23:06:15 739

转载 Fast ways in R to get the first row of a data frame grouped by an identifier


2013-12-26 11:45:28 858

转载 R multcomp Tukey-Kramer


2013-12-22 12:15:30 2242

转载 在给定范围中取不重复的随机数

在给定范围中取不重复的随机数    随机取m个数(在1到n的范围之内),(m,要求m个数没有重复。有没有什么好的算法,时间复杂度和空间复杂度都很好?方法一:用STL中的set集,红黑树来处理取随机数可以用C++标准的rand,至于M个不重复,用std::set来解决,把取到的随机数插入到set里面,通过set的size()==m来判断是否已取够m个了。#include

2013-06-25 11:42:15 1142

转载 Code::Blocks 使用 SQLite3

This is a little tutorial of how to use SQLite with Code::Blocks. It is assumed that you have already installed Code::Blocks with MinGW.This is the way I did it:1. Download sqlitedll-3_6_22.zi

2013-05-23 17:30:32 1928

翻译 C++ Code::Blocks + MinGW 配置 OpenMP 和例子

http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php?topic=13104.0 配置OpenMP:1. "Settings -> Compiler and debugger setting-> Compiler settings-> Other options", 加入"-fopenmp” 2. "Settings -> Compiler and

2013-05-20 21:14:02 2237

转载 ParaView - Mixing NumPy and VTK APIs with high efficient using Python Programmable filter

ParaView的User Guides中关于Python Programmable filter中的一个例子。The previous examples demonstrate how the Programmable Filter can be used as an advanced Python Calculator. However, the full power of the

2013-05-19 17:24:14 1396

转载 C/C++ 遍历文件夹下的文件名(含子目录)

#include#includeusing namespace std;int main(){    _finddata_t file;    long lf;    //修改这里选择路径和要查找的文件类型    if((lf = _findfirst("F:\\2011Experiment\\*.*",&file))==-1l)

2012-06-12 12:04:08 2018 1

转载 C/C++ 遍历文件夹下的文件名(不含子目录)

#include using namespace std;int main(){ system("dir F:\\指定文件夹 /B >filelist.txt");}把文件名保存在“filelist.txt”中。http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/54600009

2012-06-12 11:52:36 1225

原创 C++ 结合 Boost:40行代码读写和处理 txt 文件

C++ 结合 Boost:40行代码读写和处理 txt 文件#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;using namespace boost;int main (){ string stringLine; ifstream infile; vector temp

2012-03-30 17:22:22 7132

原创 对比sqlite3_exec 和sqlite3_bind 插入100万行数据的速度 with BEGIN TRANSACTION using C++ and SQLite

使用sqlite3_exec 插入100万行数据需要 27 s,而使用sqlite3_bind_double 插入100万行数据只需要3.7 s。主要是因为采用sqlite3_exec(),相当于每插入一行数据同时用到sqlite3_prepare_v2(), sqlite3_step() 和 sqlite3_finalize(),另外需要把double 强制转换成 string 然后再转换成

2012-03-26 11:06:08 6113 1

原创 在XP/WIN7系统下使用Codeblocks与MinGW编译VTK

下载最新版本的Codeblocks+MinGW.exe,CMake.exe,vtk.zip和vtkdata.zipCodeblocks+MinGW10.05.exe Cmake-2.8.3-win32-x86.exe Vtk-5.6.1.zip Vtkdata-5.6.1.zip 在根目录下建C:/VTK,新建vtkSource和vtkData文件夹(不能有空格),将vtk源码

2012-03-20 10:49:41 2462 5

转载 Using SQLite in C++ with Code::blocks

What you will need:-Basic C++ and SQL knowledge-SQLite (Download)IntroductionSQLite is an embedded SQL database engine. Unlike most other SQL databases, SQLite does not have a separate ser

2012-03-19 12:07:02 1910

CppSQLite 3.2 for SQLite 3.4.0



Effective C++ 3rd Edition 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (PDF)

Alex Allain(Cprogramming.com)的推荐 If you want to really and truly understand C++, you must read Effective C++. After first reading Effective C++, I had a totally new appreciation for and understanding of C++. And it's not just me: this book gets 5 stars on Amazon (with over 140 reviews!). One of the reviewers even titles his review: "Don't write C++ code without it..." And I agree. I wouldn't hire someone to work for me that doesn't know the information in this book (or have plans to learn it soon). When we hire interns at my company, this is the book we give them to read. So what exactly will you learn? Scott Meyers does a great job of figuring out what little details are important, distilling the vast sea of knowledge about C++ into the 55 specific tips that are most useful for practicing C++ programmers. This isn't just a "what to do" book--it's a "why" book; every tip explains the reason for it, so you'll understand it and remember it better. In fact, even though the book is split across 55 tips, it feels like a holistic description of how to effectively use C++. Some of the specific things you'll learn: what functions are always part of a class and why it matters to you what to watch out for when writing an assignment operator How to avoid common pitfalls when creating class hierarchies how to write code designed for others to use simple techniques that can lead to huge performance improvements advanced C++ techniques, including use of the STL (with lots of examples) And much much more... If you are serious about becoming a C++ expert, buy ONE book on C++, this would be the book. (Yes, even over Bjarne Stroustrup's "The C++ Programming Language"--it's that good.) So buy Effective C++ today and write better programs tomorrow! Alex 49 Dover St. #37, Somerville, MA 02144, USA






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