
Carbon Brainprint Case Study


The Carbon Brainprint project was supported by HEFCE under its Leading Sustainable Development in Higher Education program, with support for case studies from Santander Universities. Research Councils UK and the Carbon Trust were members of the steering group, and the Carbon Trust advised on best practice in carbon footprint.


It is estimated that non-domestic buildings were responsible for 18% of UK total greenhouse gas emissions (582 Mt CO2e/year) in 2010. Of non-domestic building emissions, 34% (36 Mt CO2e/year) was due to lighting, office equipment and catering and 46% (49 Mt CO2e/year) was due to heating.

A team consisting of researchers at the University of Reading, the University’s Facilities Management Directorate and Newera Controls Ltd. conducted two separate investigations to measure and demonstrate the potential for two important and complementary approaches in achieving energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reductions in buildings. The first focused on influencing user behavior, in an office building on the main campus. The second considered an interventionist approach in an accommodation block at the Henley Business School using intelligent monitoring and control systems. To date, the first investigation has demonstrated a 20% saving in lighting, office equipment and catering energy use, largely through user awareness and behavior change. The second has indicated that savings in heating energy of the order of 24% can be achieved by enhancement of legacy Building Management Systems (BMS) using a Building Energy Management System (BEMS). There is also scope for further savings if the BEMS system is extended to other services such as lighting.

General description

Over the past 20 years many different buildings have been labeled as “intelligent” (Clements- Croome, 2004). Industry has many established intelligent building solutions but finds it difficult to demonstrate and prove their benefits. Intelligent sustainable buildings improve business value because they take into account environmental and social needs, and occupant wellbeing, which leads to improvement in work productivity. The ideal system links the building, systems within it and the occupants so they have some degree of personal control. Intelligent controls help to match demand patterns (Qiao et al., 2006; Noy et al., 2007). It has been demonstrated that effective action on greenhouse gas emissions requires building users to be involved in both the process and the operation, so that they feel part of carbon management of plans. 

An integrated building management system (BMS) allows separate systems to work together, in this case for effective building control. Often, a BMS cannot meet the user expectations due to a number of challenging factors:

·The systems may be wrongly specified because of multiple stakeholders with conflicting requirements.

·The systems have not considered usability.

·It is difficult to reach a consensus on the criteria for optimum performance of the BMS to match the building’s behavior. 

·The lack of compatibility and inter-operability is between different systems. Confounding factors arising from socio-economic and organizational issues can complicate the operation of the BMS. 

A team from the University of Reading School of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading Facilities Management Department and Newera Controls Ltd. Conducted two separate investigations to provide examples of reducing emissions through both technical solutions and novel ways of encouraging behavioral change.

The first investigation considered reducing energy use in the Carrington Building at the University of Reading, by influencing the behavior of building users. It is part of a wider energy reduction project involving a number of buildings on the Reading Campus.

The Carrington Building is a modern, three storey office block, completed in September 2007, housing the university’s Student Services. The building is occupied by office-based university staff, students visit the building with queries (e.g. housing, finance etc), and several meeting rooms are available for use by other university staff. The building has several environmental design features, including a ground source heat pump, and was designed to be energy efficient. However, it became apparent that, in practice, the building was not performing as efficiently as anticipated. 

Therefore, during the first academic term of 2009/10, the university’s Facilities Management Directorate (FMD) energy team and Carnego Systems set up a project to investigate the poor energy performance of the building and to determine whether energy savings could be made by influencing user behavior in the building. The key feature of the project was the attempt to complete a feedback cycle that is often missing in the relationship between the building and the users. 

The second investigation took place in the in the Windrush Building on the Geenlands Campus of University of Reading’s Henley Business School (HBS). The building provides a high standard of accommodation for visitors, conference attendees and students of the school. It is used by high-fee paying guests, and the HBS is committed to providing a high standard of accommodation, conforming to the guests’ requirements and perceptions of comfort. The building consists of two blocks, so comparisons could be made by introducing changes to the management of one block. The project was funded by Newera to evaluate the performance of their software suite for the monitoring, diagnosis and control of energy demand and to provide the HBS with indicators of best practice for the reduction of energy use and hence carbon footprint in their estate. In this case, the software was used as an enhancement of an existing legacy BMS, for the monitoring, diagnosis and control of energy demand and hence supply. 

Installation of the software, together with the required sensors and actuators, was completed by Newera at the beginning of November 2009. An initial two week trial was conducted up until the end of November, when a major refurbishment of the accommodation was started. On completion of the refurbishment work, the study resumed at the beginning of October 2010 and is still continuing.

System boundaries

In the case of the Carrington Building, the reductions achieved were due to behavioral changes, the improved use of existing timer systems and the removal of unnecessary electrical items such as vending machines. Therefore, embodied greenhouse gas emissions for the building and the monitoring equipment could be omitted. The work at the Henley Business School included the installation of monitoring and control equipment.

Therefore it was prudent to confirm that the expected emissions from the manufacture of the monitoring system fell below the cut-off limit of 1% by environmental relevance recommended in the carbon brainprint guidance (Parsons & Chatterton, 2011a). The LCA database EcoInvent suggests a value in the region of 10 kg CO2e for an electronic control unit weighing approximately 1 kg .So, even allowing for additional sensors, emissions for the monitoring unit could be omitted.


Monitoring equipment was installed in the Carrington Building during October 2009 to collect detailed energy data. Monitoring was limited to combined measurement of lighting and small power. Due to the electrical layout on the main floors, it would have been prohibitively costly to separate the two items. Data were collected at one minute or five minute intervals and transmitted back to Carnego’s central database and application suite, using a GPRS (mobile phone) connection. The data were available for viewing via a secure online application and for download in csv format for use in other programs. This frequent collection of data gave a very detailed picture of energy use within the building, allowing precise reduction targeting (Figure 1).

Screenshot of detailed energy trace data

User behavior was initially observed during a number of walk-around visits to the building between July 2009 and January 2010. Various observations were made including lighting levels and usage, and user behavior with respect to office equipment. In January 2010, the project team began engaging with the building users. Initially the main focus was with the Building Manager (BM) and the Deputy Building Manager (DBM). The initial conversations concentrated on demonstrating the level of monitoring being carried out and how a detailed energy trace could be used to determine many things about the energy use in the building. It appeared from the baseline data that there was considerable scope for energy savings out- of-hours, at night and over the weekends, and this was the area the project team focused on to achieve the first phase ‘easy win’ reductions. 

The monitoring data also identified a number of other simple interventions, including the removal of vending machines, the use of timer switches for water heaters and coolers, and encouraging behavioral change with respect to building lighting. A new energy efficient upgrade to the lighting system was completed in July 2010, designed to provide further energy savings.

Additional interaction with users took the form of regularly circulated ‘green’ emails from BMs/Project team members to the building users in order to foster a continuing interest in environmental and energy issues, such as use of double-sided photocopying, recycling, the University of Reading ‘Green Impact Award Scheme’, appointment of ‘Environmental Champions’ for each floor, announcement of ‘Green and Clean’ areas and Green Week. A complete schedule of actions, interventions and interactions throughout the period of the study is provided in the Technical Annex (An indicative approach to sustainable intelligent buildings using university of reading case studies).         

At the Henley Business School, the monitoring software, sensors and actuators were installed by Newera Controls. Water temperature and flow data from both blocks, together with room temperature and occupancy data from each room in the Main Block, were captured at one minute intervals by the Newera software, which then adjusted the radiator actuator valves in each room to maintain the required room temperature. The initial temperature control regime was a set-point range of 12–14°C in unoccupied rooms and 18–22°C in occupied rooms. Set-points were controlled by facilities management staff via remote software access, but occupants were able to fine tune within the set-point range using the room thermostats.

The software enabled room temperature control graphs to be produced showing occupancy, set-points, actuator opening and room temperature, which could be used for monitoring and diagnostics. Information on energy used and CO2e emissions were calculated from the data. 

Data from an initial trial was analyzed and two significant changes were made to the heating system in the test block with the aim of maximizing CO2 emission reductions, minimizing cost and still maintaining a perceived high level of guest “comfort”.

·The Main Block temperature set-point range was raised from 12–14°C to 14–16°C when unoccupied and from 18–22°C to 18–24°C when occupied.

·Two “boosting” periods were introduced in the Main Block heating. One for use in the early morning and one for the late afternoon, to allow rooms be “pre-warmed” prior to guests getting up or returning to the room after work.

The monitoring resumed in October 2010 and is continuing at the time of this report.

Carrington Building

Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from electricity use were calculated from the conversion factor for grid electricity given in the Defra/DECC Guidelines (DECC, 2010). The most up to date value of 0.61707 kg CO2e/kWh (2008) was used, including both direct and indirect emissions.

The results from the monitoring equipment were divided into ‘occupied’ and ‘unoccupied’ categories and averaged to give daily consumption values for each month .‘Occupied’ is defined here as a twenty four hour normal working day,including out of working hours periods at the start and end of the day. ‘Unoccupied’ is defined as a twenty four hour weekend day or public / university holiday. 

Table 1 Carrington building initial electricity consumption results.


To estimate the uncertainty in the 7 month and projected 12 month emissions reductions, a Monte Carlo simulation was run using @Risk software (Palisade Corporation, 2007) with Microsoft Excel, assigning normal distributions to the main variables as follows. 

In the absence of other data, the carbon brainprint guidance (Parsons & Chatterton, 2011a) was followed, so a normal distribution with coefficient of variation (CoV) of 1% was applied for energy meter readings. Similarly, a normal distribution with a CoV of 5% was used for combustion emissions per unit energy from mains electricity. In the case of the 12 month projection it was assumed that 20% savings per day for both occupied and unoccupied days were achievable. This estimation was assigned a normal distribution with a CoV of 15%, based on values suggested for expert judgment in Parsons.

The reduction in emissions for the 7 month period for which two years of data were available had lower uncertainty, with mean 7.75 t CO2e and 95% confidence interval 6.94–8.58 t CO2e. For the 12 month projected brainprint, the mean was 11.8 t CO2e, with 95% confidence interval.

Prospective brainprint

The retrospective brainprint demonstrates that greenhouse gas reductions can be achieved in small scale implementations. No attempt has been made to quantify a prospective brainprint from this work due to the number of variables that can impact upon this calculation. These include:

·The nature and use of the buildings in which the reduction is to be attempted.

·The wide variety of technological solutions (cost, efficacy) available for the

management of energy use and greenhouse emissions.

·The focus and imperatives of the management charged with project delivery and their competence in that delivery.



































电力使用造成的温室气体排放量可以从远程教育职业培训指引下的电网电力转换系数中计算出。最新数据为二氧化碳0.61707 公斤/千瓦时(2008),包括直接和间接排放。


表1 卡林顿大楼初期电力消费结果











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