



  • CS 285 at UC Berkeley :这个课程是2020年底Sergey Levine大神在UC Berkeley教的课程,我觉得讲的特别详细,而且里面加了很多一些最新的研究成果。

  • David Silver’s course :这个课程是David Sliver在2015年出的课程,非常的经典,相信很多入门强化学习的同学都是看的这个课程,里面的很多东西课程刚开始听会比较难懂,可能得多听几遍。

  • Berkeley’s Deep RL Bootcamp:这个课我其实没看过,但是看了一下lectures,是一群大佬讲的这个课程,质量应该也很好。

  • Stanford CS234: Reinforcement Learning :这个课暂时没看过,不过看评价感觉挺好的。

  • Stanford CS330: Multi-Task and Meta-Learning, 2019 :Finn关于多任务学习和元学习的课程,强推。

  • 李宏毅老师的机器学习课程:李宏毅老师的机器学习课程里面有一些也涉及到了强化学习的内容,李宏毅老师是用中文讲的课程,而且总是能把一个比较复杂的问题以一种很简单的方式讲出来。

  • 港中文周博磊老师的课程:我觉得大家如果看英文课比较吃力的话建议大家可以先看周博磊老师的课程先入个门,这个课程的内容相对比较简单,比较好入门。



下面的很多建议我都是从Stable Baselines 上面的tips总结的,然后加上了自己一些粗浅的看法。

  • Read about RL and Stable Baselines :多看一些强化学习算法的Baseline代码,比如我上面提供的代码库。

  • Do quantitative experiments and hyperparameter tuning if needed. This factor, among others, explains that results in RL may vary from one run to another (i.e., when only the seed of the pseudo-random generator changes). For this reason, you should always do several runs to have quantitative results. : 因为强化学习算法跑出来的结果有时候会差特别多,所以应该多跑几组实验得到量化的结果。

  • Good results in RL are generally dependent on finding appropriate hyperparameters. Recent algorithms (PPO, SAC, TD3) normally require little hyperparameter tuning, however, don’t expect the default ones to work on any environment. 虽然最近的一些算法比如PPO、SAC、TD3不太需要调参,但是不要期待一个默认的超参数设置可以在所有环境下都能用,所有强化学习中的一些好的结果都需要一些超参数的调节。

  • When applying RL to a custom problem, you should always normalize the input to the agent (e.g. using VecNormalize for PPO2/A2C) and look at common preprocessing done on other environments (e.g. for Atari, frame-stack, …). Please refer to Tips and Tricks when creating a custom environment paragraph below for more advice related to custom environments. 应该根据智能体的不同,对输入进行规范化。

  • Evaluate the performance using a separate test environment :有时候训练的时候会加入一些epsilon贪婪等来提升探索,但是在测试的时候应该用一个分开的环境直接对模型进行测试。

  • As a general advice, to obtain better performances, you should augment the budget of the agent (number of training timesteps). 为了更好的效果,训练的久一点。

  • In order to achieve the desired behavior, expert knowledge is often required to design an adequate reward function. This reward engineering (or RewArt as coined by Freek Stulp), necessitates several iterations. As a good example of reward shaping, you can take a look at Deep Mimic paper which combines imitation learning and reinforcement learning to do acrobatic moves. 加入一些专家经验去设计比较好的奖励。

  • Reproducibility:Completely reproducible results are not guaranteed across Tensorflow releases or different platforms. Furthermore, results need not be reproducible between CPU and GPU executions, even when using identical seeds.In order to make computations deterministic on CPU, on your specific problem on one specific platform, you need to pass a seed argument at the creation of a model and set n_cpu_tf_sess=1 (number of cpu for Tensorflow session). If you pass an environment to the model using set_env(), then you also need to seed the environment first.设置随机种子增强结果的复现性。

  • 没有哪个算法会适合所有的任务,那么平时怎么选择算法呢? 首先第一个标准就是看看问题的动作空间是离散的还是连续的,比如像DQN只适合离散动作,SAC只适合连续的动作;还有就是你要不要并行化你的训练:具体怎么选看下面:

    • Discrete Actions - Single Process: DQN with extensions (double DQN, prioritized replay, …) and ACER are the recommended algorithms. DQN is usually slower to train (regarding wall clock time) but is the most sample efficient (because of its replay buffer).离散动作、不并行化:DQN及其扩展,ACER等。DQN训练很慢,但是因为有replay buffer的存在样本利用率比较高。

      • Discrete Actions - Multiprocessed: You should give a try to PPO2, A2C and its successors (ACKTR, ACER). If you can multiprocess the training using MPI, then you should checkout PPO1 and TRPO. 离散动作、并行化:PPO2、A2C及其对其改进(ACKER、ACER)等

      • Continuous Actions - Single Process: Current State Of The Art (SOTA) algorithms are SAC and TD3. Please use the hyperparameters in the RL zoo for best results. 连续动作、不并行化:SAC、TD3。

      • Continuous Actions - Multiprocessed: Take a look at PPO2, TRPO or A2C. Again, don’t forget to take the hyperparameters from the RL zoo for continuous actions problems (cf Bullet envs). If you can use MPI, then you can choose between PPO1, TRPO and DDPG. 连续动作、并行化: SAC、TD3。

  • 在创建一个自定义的环境的时候也有一些tricks:

    • always normalize your observation space when you can, i.e., when you know the boundaries 规范化你的状态空间。
    • normalize your action space and make it symmetric when continuous (cf potential issue below). A good practice is to rescale your actions to lie in [-1, 1]. This does not limit you as you can easily rescale the action inside the environment 规范化你的动作空间,比如把你的动作缩放到[-1, 1]之间。
    • start with shaped reward (i.e. informative reward) and simplified version of your problem 使用一些shaped reward,开始的时候使用问题的简单形式。
    • debug with random actions to check that your environment works and follows the gym interface: 用随机动作去测试你的环境是否正常工作。
  • 实现强化学习算法的一些trick:

    • Read the original paper several times 多看几遍原始论文。

    • Read existing implementations (if available) 看算法的现有的实现。

    • Try to have some “sign of life” on toy problems 先在简单的问题试起来。

    • Validate the implementation by making it run on harder and harder envs (you can compare results against the RL zoo). You usually need to run hyperparameter optimization for that step. You need to be particularly careful on the shape of the different objects you are manipulating (a broadcast mistake will fail silently cf issue #75) and when to stop the gradient propagation 通过在越来越难的环境中运行来验证实现(可以将结果与RL zoo进行比较)


    A personal pick (by @araffin) for environments with gradual difficulty in RL with continuous actions:

    • Pendulum (easy to solve)
    • HalfCheetahBullet (medium difficulty with local minima and shaped reward)
    • BipedalWalkerHardcore (if it works on that one, then you can have a cookie)

    in RL with discrete actions:

    • CartPole-v1 (easy to be better than random agent, harder to achieve maximal performance)
    • LunarLander
    • Pong (one of the easiest Atari game)
    • other Atari games (e.g. Breakout)







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