GEE代码学习 day3

第四章 遥感词汇

The resolution of a dataset can influence the granularity of the results, the accuracy of the results, and how long it will take the analysis to run, among other things.

The higher resolution dataset (1 m2) had higher accuracy for the land use classification and better predicted TSS loads for the full study area.

Spatial resolution relates to the amount of Earth’s surface area covered by a single pixel.Spatial resolution is often interchangeably also referred to as the scale

// Explore spatial resolution 
// Define a region of interest as a point at San Francisco airport. 
var sfoPoint = ee.Geometry.Point(-122.3774, 37.6194);  
// Center the map at that point.
Map.centerObject(sfoPoint, 16);

get information about, and import the MODIS data into our Earth Engine workspace

nominalScale:extracts the spatial resolution from the projection information, in a format suitable to be printed to the screen.

// Get an image from your imported MODIS MYD09GA collection. 
var modisImage = mod09.filterDate('2020-02-01', '2020-03-01').first(); 
// Use these MODIS bands for near infrared, red, and green, respectively. 
var modisBands = ['sur_refl_b02', 'sur_refl_b01',  'sur_refl_b04'];  
// Define visualization parameters for MODIS. 
var modisVis = {  
                bands: modisBands, 
                min: 0,
                max: 3000 };  
// Add the MODIS image to the map. 
Map.addLayer(modisImage, modisVis, 'MODIS');
// Get the scale of the data from the NIR band's projection: 
var modisScale ='sur_refl_b02')  .projection().nominalScale(); 
 print('MODIS NIR scale:', modisScale);

Thematic Mapper (TM) sensors were flown aboard Landsat 4 and 5. TM data have been processed to a spatial resolution of 30 m, and were active from 1982 to 2012.

// TM
// Filter TM imagery by location and date. 
var tmImage = tm  .filterBounds(Map.getCenter()) .filterDate('1987-03-01', '1987-08-01') .first();  
// Display the TM image as a false color composite. 
Map.addLayer(tmImage, { 
                       bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'], 
                       min: 0, 
                       max: 100 }, 
// Get the scale of the TM data from its projection: 
var tmScale ='B4')  .projection().nominalScale(); 
print('TM NIR scale:', tmScale);

The MultiSpectral Instrument (MSI) flies aboard the Sentinel-2 satellites, which are operated by the European Space Agency. The red, green, blue, and nearinfrared bands are captured at 10 m resolution, while other bands are captured at 20 and 30 m. The Sentinel-2A satellite was launched in 2015 and the 2B satellite was launched in 2017.

// MSI
// Filter MSI imagery by location and date. 
var msiImage = msi  .filterBounds(Map.getCenter()) .filterDate('2020-02-01', '2020-04-01') .first();  
// Display the MSI image as a false color composite. 
Map.addLayer(msiImage, { bands: ['B8', 'B4', 'B3'], 
                         min: 0, 
                         max: 2000 }, 
// Get the scale of the MSI data from its projection: 
var msiScale ='B8')  .projection().nominalScale(); 
print('MSI scale:', msiScale);

The National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) is a US government program to acquire imagery over the continental USA using airborne sensors. Data are collected for each state approximately every three years. The imagery has a spatial resolution of 0.5–2 m, depending on the state and the date collected.

// NAIP 
// Get NAIP images for the study period and region of interest. 
var naipImage = naip  .filterBounds(Map.getCenter()) .filterDate('2018-01-01', '2018-12-31') .first();  
// Display the NAIP mosaic as a color-IR composite. 
Map.addLayer(naipImage, { bands: ['N', 'R', 'G'] }, 'NAIP');
// Get the NAIP resolution from the first image in the mosaic. 
var naipScale ='N')  .projection().nominalScale();  
print('NAIP NIR scale:', naipScale);


Temporal resolution refers to the revisit time or temporal cadence of a particular sensor’s image stream. Revisit time is the number of days between sequential visits of the satellite to the same location on the Earth’s surface. Think of this as the frequency of pixels in a time series at a given location.

The Landsat satellites 5 and later are able to image a given location every 16 days.

ui.Chart.image.series:requires you to specify a few things in order to calculate the point to chart for each time step.

// Explore Temporal Resolution 
// Use Print to see Landsat revisit time 
print('Landsat-5 series:', tm 
                          .filterDate('1987-06-01', '1987-09-01'));
// Create a chart to see Landsat 5's 16 day revisit time. 
var tmChart = ui.Chart.image.series({ imageCollection:'B4').filterDate('1987-06-01', '1987-09-01'), region: sfoPoint }).setSeriesNames(['NIR']);
// Define a chart style that will let us see the individual dates. 
var chartStyle = {  hAxis: { title: 'Date' }, 
                    vAxis: { title: 'NIR Mean' }, 
                    series: { 0: { lineWidth: 3, pointSize: 6 } }, };  
// Apply custom style properties to the chart. 
// Print the chart. 
print('TM Chart', tmChart);

The Sentinel-2 program’s two satellites are in coordinated orbits, so that each spot on Earth gets visited about every 5 days. Within Earth Engine, images from these two sensors are pooled in the same dataset. Let us create a chart using the MSI instrument dataset we have already imported.

dataset:Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C

var chartStyle = {  hAxis: { title: 'Date' }, vAxis: { title: 'NIR Mean' }, series: { 0: { lineWidth: 3, pointSize: 6 } }, };
var sfoPoint = ee.Geometry.Point(-122.3774, 37.6194);
// Sentinel-2 has a 5 day revisit time. 
var msiChart = ui.Chart.image.series({  imageCollection:'B8').filterDate('2020-06-01', '2020-09-01'),region:sfoPoint }).setSeriesNames(['NIR']);  
// Apply the previously defined custom style properties to the chart. 
// Print the chart. 
print('MSI Chart', msiChart);

gee代码是指Google Earth Engine的编程语言,用于在Google Earth Engine平台上进行遥感影像合成。影像合成是指将多个遥感影像融合或组合起来,以生成新的影像产品或提取特定的信息。 三年影像合成是指基于三年时间范围内的遥感影像数据,利用gee代码进行合成处理。在合成过程中,可以使用一系列的遥感处理算法和技术,例如表面反射率校正、背景去除、云和阴影去除、归一化差异植被指数计算等,以提高合成影像的质量和可用性。 其中,gee代码的应用可以通过以下步骤来实现三年影像合成。首先,需要从Google Earth Engine平台的遥感影像数据库中获取三年内的多个影像数据。其次,通过gee代码进行数据预处理,包括校正、去噪、修补等操作,以提高影像的质量和一致性。然后,根据需要的合成目标,选择适当的合成算法和处理方法,如被动微波支持向量机算法、线性混合模型、多光谱融合算法等,对影像数据进行融合处理。最后,对合成结果进行评估和后处理,如边缘增强、色调调整、尺度转换等,以获得最终的三年影像合成产品。 通过gee代码实现三年影像合成可以广泛应用于各个领域,例如土地利用/覆盖分类、环境监测、资源管理等。这种方法可以提供更全面、一致性较好的遥感影像数据,为研究者和决策者提供更准确、全面的信息。同时,利用gee代码进行影像合成也能够实现对大规模遥感影像数据的快速处理和分析,提高工作效率和效果。




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