

所谓ply文件格式,是由斯坦福大学开发的一套三维mesh模型数据格式,图形学领域内很多著名的模型数据,比如斯坦福的三维扫描数据库(其中包括很多文章中会见到的Happy Buddha, Dragon, Bunny兔子)最初的模型都是基于这个格式的。其开发目标是,建立一套针对多边形模型的,结构简单但是能够满足大多数图形应用需要的模型格式,而且它允许以ASCII码格式或二进制形式存储文件。这样一套既简单又灵活的文件格式,能够帮助开发人员避免重复开发文件格式的问题。尽管在工业领域内,新的文件格式仍然在不断的出现,但是在图形学的研究领域中,PLY还是种常用且重要的文件格式。







format ascii 1.0;
comment made by anonymous;
/*comment this is a cube*/ 
element vertex 8; 
property float32 x ;
property float32 y ;
property float32 z ;
element face 6 ; 
property list uint8 int32 vertex_index ;
/*list vertex*/
0 0 0 
0 0 1 
0 1 1 
0 1 0 
1 0 0 
1 0 1 
1 1 1 
1 1 0 
/*list face*/
4 0 1 2 3
4 7 6 5 4 
4 0 4 5 1 
4 1 5 6 2 
4 2 6 7 3 
4 3 7 4 0 


element <元素名> <在文件中的个数>

property <数据类型> <属性名-1>

property <数据类型> <属性名-2>

property <数据类型> <属性名-3>



int8 字符 1

uint8 非负字符 1

int16 短整型 2

uint16 非负短整型 2

int32 整型 4

uint32 非负整型 4

float32 单精度浮点数 4

float64 双精度浮点数 8


 property list <数值类型> <数值类型> <属性名>

这种格式的一类例子是上面的立方体文件中的property list uint8 int32 vertex_index,这表示属性“vertex_index”首先包含一个非负字符报苏在属性里包含多少索引,接下来是一个列表包含许多整数。在这个边长列表里的每个整数都是一个顶点的索引。



Header for PLY polygon files.

- Greg Turk, March 1994

A PLY file contains a single polygonal _object_.

An object is composed of lists of _elements_.  Typical elements are
vertices, faces, edges and materials.

Each type of element for a given object has one or more _properties_
associated with the element type.  For instance, a vertex element may
have as properties three floating-point values x,y,z and three unsigned
chars for red, green and blue.


#ifndef __PLY_H__
#define __PLY_H__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


#define PLY_ASCII      1        /* ascii PLY file */
#define PLY_BINARY_BE  2        /* binary PLY file, big endian */
#define PLY_BINARY_LE  3        /* binary PLY file, little endian */

#define PLY_OKAY    0           /* ply routine worked okay */
#define PLY_ERROR  -1           /* error in ply routine */

/* scalar data types supported by PLY format */

#define PLY_START_TYPE 0
#define PLY_CHAR       1
#define PLY_SHORT      2
#define PLY_INT        3
#define PLY_UCHAR      4
#define PLY_USHORT     5
#define PLY_UINT       6
#define PLY_FLOAT      7
#define PLY_DOUBLE     8
#define PLY_END_TYPE   9

#define  PLY_SCALAR  0
#define  PLY_LIST    1

typedef struct PlyProperty {    /* description of a property */

  char *name;                           /* property name */
  int external_type;                    /* file's data type */
  int internal_type;                    /* program's data type */
  int offset;                           /* offset bytes of prop in a struct */

  int is_list;                          /* 1 = list, 0 = scalar */
  int count_external;                   /* file's count type */
  int count_internal;                   /* program's count type */
  int count_offset;                     /* offset byte for list count */

} PlyProperty;

typedef struct PlyElement {     /* description of an element */
  char *name;                   /* element name */
  int num;                      /* number of elements in this object */
  int size;                     /* size of element (bytes) or -1 if variable */
  int nprops;                   /* number of properties for this element */
  PlyProperty **props;          /* list of properties in the file */
  char *store_prop;             /* flags: property wanted by user? */
  int other_offset;             /* offset to un-asked-for props, or -1 if none*/
  int other_size;               /* size of other_props structure */
} PlyElement;

typedef struct PlyOtherProp {   /* describes other properties in an element */
  char *name;                   /* element name */
  int size;                     /* size of other_props */
  int nprops;                   /* number of properties in other_props */
  PlyProperty **props;          /* list of properties in other_props */
} PlyOtherProp;

typedef struct OtherData { /* for storing other_props for an other element */
  void *other_props;
} OtherData;

typedef struct OtherElem {     /* data for one "other" element */
  char *elem_name;             /* names of other elements */
  int elem_count;              /* count of instances of each element */
  OtherData **other_data;      /* actual property data for the elements */
  PlyOtherProp *other_props;   /* description of the property data */
} OtherElem;

typedef struct PlyOtherElems {  /* "other" elements, not interpreted by user */
  int num_elems;                /* number of other elements */
  OtherElem *other_list;        /* list of data for other elements */
} PlyOtherElems;

typedef struct PlyFile {        /* description of PLY file */
  FILE *fp;                     /* file pointer */
  int file_type;                /* ascii or binary */
  float version;                /* version number of file */
  int nelems;                   /* number of elements of object */
  PlyElement **elems;           /* list of elements */
  int num_comments;             /* number of comments */
  char **comments;              /* list of comments */
  int num_obj_info;             /* number of items of object information */
  char **obj_info;              /* list of object info items */
  PlyElement *which_elem;       /* which element we're currently writing */
  PlyOtherElems *other_elems;   /* "other" elements from a PLY file */
} PlyFile;

/* memory allocation */
extern char *my_alloc();
#define myalloc(mem_size) my_alloc((mem_size), __LINE__, __FILE__)

/*** delcaration of routines ***/

extern PlyFile *ply_write(FILE *, int, char **, int);
extern PlyFile *ply_open_for_writing(char *, int, char **, int, float *);
extern void ply_describe_element(PlyFile *, char *, int, int, PlyProperty *);
extern void ply_describe_property(PlyFile *, char *, PlyProperty *);
extern void ply_element_count(PlyFile *, char *, int);
extern void ply_header_complete(PlyFile *);
extern void ply_put_element_setup(PlyFile *, char *);
extern void ply_put_element(PlyFile *, void *);
extern void ply_put_comment(PlyFile *, char *);
extern void ply_put_obj_info(PlyFile *, char *);
extern PlyFile *ply_read(FILE *, int *, char ***);
extern PlyFile *ply_open_for_reading( char *, int *, char ***, int *, float *);
extern PlyProperty **ply_get_element_description(PlyFile *, char *, int*, int*);
extern void ply_get_element_setup( PlyFile *, char *, int, PlyProperty *);
extern void ply_get_property(PlyFile *, char *, PlyProperty *);
extern PlyOtherProp *ply_get_other_properties(PlyFile *, char *, int);
extern ply_get_element(PlyFile *, void *);
extern char **ply_get_comments(PlyFile *, int *);
extern char **ply_get_obj_info(PlyFile *, int *);
extern void ply_close(PlyFile *);
extern void ply_get_info(PlyFile *, float *, int *);
extern PlyOtherElems *ply_get_other_element (PlyFile *, char *, int);
extern void ply_describe_other_elements ( PlyFile *, PlyOtherElems *);
extern void ply_put_other_elements (PlyFile *);
extern void ply_free_other_elements (PlyOtherElems *);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* !__PLY_H__ */


Part 1 preparation


The interface routines for reading and writing PLY polygon files.

Greg Turk, February 1994


A PLY file contains a single polygonal _object_.

An object is composed of lists of _elements_.  Typical elements are
vertices, faces, edges and materials.

Each type of element for a given object has one or more _properties_
associated with the element type.  For instance, a vertex element may
have as properties the floating-point values x,y,z and the three unsigned
chars representing red, green and blue.


           #include "ply.h" #include 
            using namespace std; char *type_names[] = { "invalid", "char", "short", "int", "uchar", "ushort", "uint", "float", "double", }; int ply_type_size[] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 4, 4, 8 }; #define NO_OTHER_PROPS -1 #define DONT_STORE_PROP 0 #define STORE_PROP 1 #define OTHER_PROP 0 #define NAMED_PROP 1 /* returns 1 if strings are equal, 0 if not */ /* find an element in a plyfile's list */ PlyElement *find_element(PlyFile *, char *); /* find a property in an element's list */ PlyProperty *find_property(PlyElement *, char *, int *); /* write to a file the word describing a PLY file data type */ void write_scalar_type (FILE *, int); /* read a line from a file and break it up into separate words */ char **get_words(FILE *, int *, char **); char **old_get_words(FILE *, int *); /* write an item to a file */ void write_binary_item(FILE *, int, unsigned int, double, int); void write_ascii_item(FILE *, int, unsigned int, double, int); double old_write_ascii_item(FILE *, char *, int); /* add information to a PLY file descriptor */ void add_element(PlyFile *, char **, int); void add_property(PlyFile *, char **, int); void add_comment(PlyFile *, char *); void add_obj_info(PlyFile *, char *); /* copy a property */ void copy_property(PlyProperty *, PlyProperty *); /* store a value into where a pointer and a type specify */ void store_item(char *, int, int, unsigned int, double); /* return the value of a stored item */ void get_stored_item( void *, int, int *, unsigned int *, double *); /* return the value stored in an item, given ptr to it and its type */ double get_item_value(char *, int); /* get binary or ascii item and store it according to ptr and type */ void get_ascii_item(char *, int, int *, unsigned int *, double *); void get_binary_item(FILE *, int, int *, unsigned int *, double *); /* get a bunch of elements from a file */ void ascii_get_element(PlyFile *, char *); void binary_get_element(PlyFile *, char *); /* memory allocation */ char *my_alloc(int, int, char *); /*************/ /* Writing */ /*************/ /****************************************************************************** Given a file pointer, get ready to write PLY data to the file. Entry: fp - the given file pointer nelems - number of elements in object elem_names - list of element names file_type - file type, either ascii or binary Exit: returns a pointer to a PlyFile, used to refer to this file, or NULL if error ******************************************************************************/ PlyFile *ply_write( FILE *fp, int nelems, char **elem_names, int file_type ) { int i; PlyFile *plyfile; PlyElement *elem; /* check for NULL file pointer */ if (fp == NULL) return (NULL); /* create a record for this object */ plyfile = (PlyFile *) myalloc (sizeof (PlyFile)); plyfile->file_type = file_type; plyfile->num_comments = 0; plyfile->num_obj_info = 0; plyfile->nelems = nelems; plyfile->version = 1.0; plyfile->fp = fp; plyfile->other_elems = NULL; /* tuck aside the names of the elements */ plyfile->elems = (PlyElement **) myalloc (sizeof (PlyElement *) * nelems); for (i = 0; i < nelems; i++) { elem = (PlyElement *) myalloc (sizeof (PlyElement)); plyfile->elems[i] = elem; elem->name = strdup (elem_names[i]); elem->num = 0; elem->nprops = 0; } /* return pointer to the file descriptor */ return (plyfile); } /****************************************************************************** Open a polygon file for writing. Entry: filename - name of file to read from nelems - number of elements in object elem_names - list of element names file_type - file type, either ascii or binary Exit: version - version number of PLY file returns a file identifier, used to refer to this file, or NULL if error ******************************************************************************/ PlyFile *ply_open_for_writing( char *filename, int nelems, char **elem_names, int file_type, float *version ) { int i; PlyFile *plyfile; PlyElement *elem; char *name; FILE *fp; /* tack on the extension .ply, if necessary */ name = (char *) myalloc (sizeof (char) * (strlen (filename) + 5)); strcpy (name, filename); if (strlen (name) < 4 || strcmp (name + strlen (name) - 4, ".ply") != 0) strcat (name, ".ply"); /* open the file for writing */ fp = inFile (name, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { return (NULL); } /* create the actual PlyFile structure */ plyfile = ply_write (fp, nelems, elem_names, file_type); if (plyfile == NULL) return (NULL); /* say what PLY file version number we're writing */ *version = plyfile->version; /* return pointer to the file descriptor */ return (plyfile); } 

Part 2 description

Describe an element, including its properties and how many will be written
to the file.

  plyfile   - file identifier
  elem_name - name of element that information is being specified about
  nelems    - number of elements of this type to be written
  nprops    - number of properties contained in the element
  prop_list - list of properties

void ply_describe_element(
  PlyFile *plyfile,
  char *elem_name,
  int nelems,
  int nprops,
  PlyProperty *prop_list
  int i;
  PlyElement *elem;
  PlyProperty *prop;

  /* look for appropriate element */
  elem = find_element (plyfile, elem_name);
  if (elem == NULL) {
    cerr << " ply_describe_element: can't find element" << elem_name << endl;
    exit (-1);

  elem->num = nelems;

  /* copy the list of properties */

  elem->nprops = nprops;
  elem->props = (PlyProperty **) myalloc (sizeof (PlyProperty *) * nprops);
  elem->store_prop = (char *) myalloc (sizeof (char) * nprops);

  for (i = 0; i < nprops; i++) {
    prop = (PlyProperty *) myalloc (sizeof (PlyProperty));
    elem->props[i] = prop;
    elem->store_prop[i] = NAMED_PROP;
    copy_property (prop, &prop_list[i]);

Describe a property of an element.

  plyfile   - file identifier
  elem_name - name of element that information is being specified about
  prop      - the new property

void ply_describe_property(
  PlyFile *plyfile,
要将*.ply文件转换为*.las文件,您可以使用一些点云处理库或软件来完成此任务。以下是一种可能的方法: 1. 使用PCL(Point Cloud Library)库来读取*.ply文件并将其转换为PCL的点云数据结构。您可以使用PCL的`pcl::io::loadPLYFile`函数来加载*.ply文件并将其转换为`pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr`类型的点云数据。 2. 使用PCL库中的`pcl::io::saveLASFile`函数将PCL点云数据保存为*.las文件。您可以将上一步中得到的点云数据作为参数传递给该函数,并指定要保存的*.las文件的路径。 以下是一个示例代码片段,展示了如何使用PCL库将*.ply文件转换为*.las文件: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <pcl/io/ply_io.h> #include <pcl/io/las_io.h> #include <pcl/point_types.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::string ply_file = "input.ply"; std::string las_file = "output.las"; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>); if (pcl::io::loadPLYFile<pcl::PointXYZRGB>(ply_file, *cloud) == -1) { std::cerr << "Failed to load PLY file." << std::endl; return -1; } if (pcl::io::saveLASFile(las_file, *cloud) == -1) { std::cerr << "Failed to save LAS file." << std::endl; return -1; } std::cout << "Conversion completed successfully." << std::endl; return 0; } ``` 请注意,上述代码仅为示例,您需要根据您的实际情况进行适当的修改和调整。另外,还有其他的点云处理库和软件可以用于将*.ply文件转换为*.las文件,您可以根据自己的需求选择适合的工具。




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


