
class CC_DLL CCDirector : public CCObject, public TypeInfo

    virtual ~CCDirector(void);
    virtual bool init(void);

    virtual long getClassTypeInfo() {
		static const long id = cocos2d::getHashCodeByString(typeid(cocos2d::CCDirector).name());
		return id;
    1、 属性

    // 获取当前与虚拟性场景
    inline CCScene* getRunningScene(void) { return m_pRunningScene; }

    // 查询、设置fps值
    inline double getAnimationInterval(void) { return m_dAnimationInterval; }
    virtual void setAnimationInterval(double dValue) = 0;

    // 查询是否显示fps值
    inline bool isDisplayStats(void) { return m_bDisplayStats; }
    inline void setDisplayStats(bool bDisplayStats) { m_bDisplayStats = bDisplayStats; }
    // 查询一帧多少秒
    inline float getSecondsPerFrame() { return m_fSecondsPerFrame; }
    // Get the CCEGLView, where everything is rendered获取gl的窗口视图
    inline CCEGLView* getOpenGLView(void) { return m_pobOpenGLView; }
    void setOpenGLView(CCEGLView *pobOpenGLView);

    inline bool isNextDeltaTimeZero(void) { return m_bNextDeltaTimeZero; }
    void setNextDeltaTimeZero(bool bNextDeltaTimeZero);

    // 查询当前是否暂停了
    inline bool isPaused(void) { return m_bPaused; }

    // 获取调用到现在的总帧数
    inline unsigned int getTotalFrames(void) { return m_uTotalFrames; }
    // 获取投影矩阵
    inline ccDirectorProjection getProjection(void) { return m_eProjection; }
    void setProjection(ccDirectorProjection kProjection);
     /** reshape projection matrix when canvas has been change"*/
    void reshapeProjection(const CCSize& newWindowSize);
    // 设置视口
    void setViewport();

     // push场景时,不会接收到cleanup消息,replace场景时会接收到cleanup消息
    inline bool isSendCleanupToScene(void) { return m_bSendCleanupToScene; }

     // This object will be visited after the main scene is visited.
    CCNode* getNotificationNode();
    void setNotificationNode(CCNode *node);

     // CCDirector delegate. It shall implemente the CCDirectorDelegate protocol导演代理,实现了导演协议
    CCDirectorDelegate* getDelegate() const;
    void setDelegate(CCDirectorDelegate* pDelegate);

    // 返回窗口大小
    CCSize getWinSize(void);

    // 获取尺寸大小,像素级别的
    CCSize getWinSizeInPixels(void);

     // 返回可视区域的大小,the value is equal to getWinSize if don't invoke CCEGLView::setDesignResolutionSize()
    CCSize getVisibleSize();

    // 返回可视区域原点
    CCPoint getVisibleOrigin();

     // 转换ui坐标系下的坐标到OpenGL坐标系下,Useful to convert (multi) touch coordinates to the current layout (portrait or landscape)
    CCPoint convertToGL(const CCPoint& obPoint);

     // 转换OpenGL坐标系下坐标到ui坐标系下,Useful to convert node points to window points for calls such as glScissor
    CCPoint convertToUI(const CCPoint& obPoint);


     // 运行指定的场景,一个导演一个时刻只能运行一个场景
    void runWithScene(CCScene *pScene);

     // 将新的场景压入栈中
    void pushScene(CCScene *pScene);

     // 弹出当前运行的场景
    void popScene(void);

     // 弹出到根场景
    void popToRootScene(void);

     // 弹出到指定层的场景
 	void popToSceneStackLevel(int level);

     // 切换场景
    void replaceScene(CCScene *pScene);

     // 终止执行,释放运行场景
    void end(void);

     // 暂停运行的场景
    void pause(void);
    // 重新启动暂停的场景
    void resume(void);

     // 关闭动画
    virtual void stopAnimation(void) = 0;
    // 开启动画
    virtual void startAnimation(void) = 0;

    // 绘制场景
    void drawScene(void);

     // 清除所有的缓存数据,CCTextureCache, CCSpriteFrameCache, CCLabelBMFont cache
    void purgeCachedData(void);

	// 设置基于CCConfiguration是我默认值
    void setDefaultValues(void);

    // OpenGL Helper

    // 设置OpenGL的默认值
    void setGLDefaultValues(void);

    // 开启关闭alpha混合
    void setAlphaBlending(bool bOn);

    // 开启关闭深度测试
    void setDepthTest(bool bOn);

    virtual void mainLoop(void) = 0;

     // 调度属性
    CC_PROPERTY(CCScheduler*, m_pScheduler, Scheduler);
     // 动作管理
    CC_PROPERTY(CCActionManager*, m_pActionManager, ActionManager);
     // 触摸调度
    CC_PROPERTY(CCTouchDispatcher*, m_pTouchDispatcher, TouchDispatcher);
     // 输入调度
    CC_PROPERTY(CCKeypadDispatcher*, m_pKeypadDispatcher, KeypadDispatcher);
     // 加速调度
    CC_PROPERTY(CCAccelerometer*, m_pAccelerometer, Accelerometer);
    // 延迟时间
	CC_PROPERTY_READONLY(float, m_fDeltaTime, DeltaTime);

     // 返回共享的导演实例
    static CCDirector* sharedDirector(void);

    /* The CCEGLView, where everything is rendered */
    CCEGLView    *m_pobOpenGLView;

    double m_dAnimationInterval;
    double m_dOldAnimationInterval;

    /* landscape mode ? */
    bool m_bLandscape;
    bool m_bDisplayStats;
    float m_fAccumDt;
    float m_fFrameRate;
    CCLabelAtlas *m_pFPSLabel;
    CCLabelAtlas *m_pSPFLabel;
    CCLabelAtlas *m_pDrawsLabel;
    /** Whether or not the Director is paused */
    bool m_bPaused;

    /* How many frames were called since the director started */
    unsigned int m_uTotalFrames;
    unsigned int m_uFrames;
    float m_fSecondsPerFrame;
    /* The running scene */
    CCScene *m_pRunningScene;
    /* will be the next 'runningScene' in the next frame
     nextScene is a weak reference. */
    CCScene *m_pNextScene;
    /* If YES, then "old" scene will receive the cleanup message */
    bool    m_bSendCleanupToScene;

    /* scheduled scenes */
    CCArray* m_pobScenesStack;
    /* last time the main loop was updated */
    struct cc_timeval *m_pLastUpdate;

    /* whether or not the next delta time will be zero */
    bool m_bNextDeltaTimeZero;
    /* projection used */
    ccDirectorProjection m_eProjection;

    /* window size in points */
    CCSize    m_obWinSizeInPoints;
    /* content scale factor */
    float    m_fContentScaleFactor;

    /* store the fps string */
    char *m_pszFPS;

    /* This object will be visited after the scene. Useful to hook a notification node */
    CCNode *m_pNotificationNode;

    /* Projection protocol delegate */
    CCDirectorDelegate *m_pProjectionDelegate;
    // CCEGLViewProtocol will recreate stats labels to fit visible rect
    friend class CCEGLViewProtocol;





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