Notes of Dense Trajectory

  1. Dense Trajectories

  • densely sample feature points in each frame

  • track points in the video based on optical flow.

  • compute multiple descriptors along the trajectories of feature points to capture shape, appearance and motion information.

  • Dense Sampling

    • Sampling step size W=5 pixels

    • # spatial scales ≤ 8

    • Spatial scale increase: 1/2

    • Removing points in homogeneous areas:


where (i1,i2) are eigenvalues of point i in image I (the auto-correlation matrix).

  • Descriptors

    • Trajectory shape descriptor(TR):

where L is the length of trajectory, and the displacement vectors

    • HOG – static appearance information

    • HOF – local motion information

    • MBH – motion descriptor for trajectories

  • Format of DTF features

The format of the computed features

The features are computed one by one, and each one in a single line, with the following format:

frameNum mean_x mean_y var_x var_y length scale x_pos y_pos t_pos Trajectory HOG HOF MBHx MBHy

The first 10 elements are information about the trajectory:

  • frameNum:     The trajectory ends on which frame

  • mean_x:       The mean value of the x coordinates of the trajectory

  • mean_y:       The mean value of the y coordinates of the trajectory

  • var_x:        The variance of the x coordinates of the trajectory

  • var_y:        The variance of the y coordinates of the trajectory

  • length:       The length of the trajectory

  • scale:        The trajectory is computed on which scale

  • x_pos:        The normalized x position w.r.t. the video (0~0.999), for spatio-temporal pyramid

  • y_pos:        The normalized y position w.r.t. the video (0~0.999), for spatio-temporal pyramid

  • t_pos:        The normalized t position w.r.t. the video (0~0.999), for spatio-temporal pyramid

The following element are five descriptors concatenated one by one:

  • Trajectory:    2x[trajectory length] (default 30 dimension)

  • HOG:           8x[spatial cells]x[spatial cells]x[temporal cells] (default 96 dimension)

  • HOF:           9x[spatial cells]x[spatial cells]x[temporal cells] (default 108 dimension)

  • MBHx:          8x[spatial cells]x[spatial cells]x[temporal cells] (default 96 dimension)

  • MBHy:          8x[spatial cells]x[spatial cells]x[temporal cells] (default 96 dimension)

  1. Improved Dense Trajectories

  • Explicit camera motion estimation

  • Assumption: two consecutive frames are related by a homography.

  • Match feature points between frames using SURF descriptors and dense optical flow

  • Removing inconsistent matches due to humans: use a human detector to remove matches from human regions (computation expensive)

  • Estimate a homography with RANSAC with these matches


  1. H Wang, C Schmid, Action recognition with improved trajectories, ICCV 2013
  2. H Wang, A Kläser, C Schmid, CL Liu, Dense trajectories and motion boundary descriptors for action recognition, International Journal of Computer Vision, May 2013, Volume 103, Issue 1, pp 60-79

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