Associate Professor Feng Liu Principal Research Fellow

  Advanced three-dimensional tailored RF pulse design in volume selective parallel excitation
  Electromechanical design and construction of a rotating radio-frequency coil system for applications in magnetic resonance
  Inverse field-based approach for simultaneous B-1 mapping at high fields: A phantom based study
  Inverse field-based approach for the evaluation of electromagnetic fields and its application in local SNR shimming
  Inverse field-based approach for the evaluation of electromagnetic fields and its application in local SNR-shimming for MRI
  On the reduction of transmit B1 non-uniformity and SAR using a single-loop rotating RF coil
  Compressed sensing MRI with singular value decomposition-based sparsity basis
  GPU-accelerated FDTD modeling of radio-frequency field-tissue interactions in high-field MRI
  A hybrid field-harmonics approach for passive shimming design in MRI
  Application of kernel principal component analysis and support vector regression for reconstruction of cardiac transmembrane potentials
  An improved cylindrical FDTD algorithm and its application to field-tissue interaction study in MRI
  Comparison of different threshold values r for approximate entropy: application to investigate the heart rate variability between heart failure and healthy control groups
  A MOM/FEM-based coil sensitivity mapping method for high-field parallel MRI
  A comparison study of different RF shields for an 8-element transceive small animal array at 9.4T
  A theoretical study for the inverse design of an ellipsoidal phased-array breast coil
  Compressed sensing MRI with singular value decomposition-based sparsity basis
  Compressed sensing on TDM-SENSE with rotating RF coil
  Finite element analysis of gradient z-coil induced eddy currents in a permanent MRI magnet
  On epicardial potential reconstruction using regularization schemes with the L1-norm data term
  Simulation and analysis of split gradient coil performance in MRI
  The optimization of an 8-channel transceive volume array for small animal MRI at 9.4T
  An electromagnetic reverse method of coil sensitivity mapping for parallel MRI - Theoretical framework
  MRI coil design using boundary-element method with regularization technique: A numerical calculation study
  A finite-difference method for the design of biplanar transverse gradient coil in MRI
  A modelling study of a hybrid loop-strip coil structure for multichannel transceive breast array coil
  A stripline-like coil element structure for high field phased array coils and its application for a 8-channel 9.4T small animal transceive array
  An improved cylindrical FDTD method and its application to field-tissue interaction study in MRI
  Comparison and analysis of nonlinear algorithms for compressed sensing in MRI
  Computational modelling of blood-flow-induced changes in blood electrical conductivity and its contribution to the impedance cardiogram
  Computational modelling of blood-flow-induced changes in blood electrical conductivity and its contribution to the impedance cardiogram A Trakic, M Akhand, H Wang, D Mason, F Liu, SWilson and S Crozier
  GPU Accelerated FDTD Solver and Its Application in B1-Shimming
  GPU accelerated FDTD solver and its application in MRI
  Maxwell's equation tailored reverse method of obtaining coil sensitivity for parallel MRI
  On the reduction of the transmit B1 non-uniformity and SAR using a single-element rotating RF coil
  Time Division Multiplexed - Sensitivity Encoding (TDM-SENSE) with a mechanically rotating RF coil
  Image reconstructions with the rotating RF coil
  Hybrid numerical techniques for the modelling of radiofrequency coils in MRI
  Inverse design of a phased-array coil for breast magnetic resonance imaging
  The application of subspace preconditioned LSQR algorithm for solving the electrocardiography inverse problem
  Solving the ECG forward problem by means of standard h- and h-hierarchical adaptive linear boundary element method: Comparison with two refinement schemes
  Effect of cardiac motion on solution of the electrocardiography inverse problem
  Equivalent magnetization current method applied to the design of gradient coils for magnetic resonance imaging
  Reverse-engineering of gradient coil designs based on experimentally measured magnetic fields and approximate knowledge of coil geometry-application in exposure evaluations
  A mechanically rotating RF transceive system and method for applications in magnetic resonance
  An inverse method for the design of RF array coils with a sparse structure and its application for breast imaging
  Evaluation of two shielding strategies
  Mechanical analysis of congestive heart failure caused by bundle branch block based on an electromechanical canine heart model
  Numerical evaluation of induced field by body motion around high field MRI magnets: A case study with an implanted pacemaker
  Optimal tissue types in the thoracic electrical impedance model for thoracic electrical bioimpedance (TEB) studies
  An efficient impedance method for induced field evaluation based on a stabilized Bi-conjugate gradient algorithm
  Two hybrid regularization frameworks for solving the electrocardiography inverse problem
  Deformation-Space Method for the Design of Biplanar Transverse Gradient Coils in Open MRI Systems
  An improved quasi-static finite-difference scheme for induced field evaluation based on the biconjugate gradient method
  Truncated Total Least Squares: A New Regularization Method for the Solution of ECG Inverse Problems
  Passive Shim Design and a Shimming Approach for Biplanar Permanent Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnets
  A BiCG Solution Based Quasi-Static Finite-Difference Scheme for Induced Field Evaluation in MRI
  A comparison study of regularization techniques on the theoretical design of phased array RF coils in MRI
  A new shimming approach using the Equivalent Magnetizing Current (EMC) Method
  A novel 8-channel transceive volume-array for a 9.4T animal scanner
  A novel method for passive shim design: I
  A ultra high field multi-element transceive volume array for small animal MRI
  An efficient BiCGstab solved impedance method for induced field evaluation with a hyperthermia applicator
  Boundary Element Based Method for the Design of Biplanar Transverse Gradient Coils
  Deformation based scheme for planar gradient coil design in permanent MRI system
  EMF generated by the static magnetic field
  Minimizing the induced fields in MRI Occupational Workers by Lowering the Imager
  Numerical field evaluation of healthcare workers when bending towards high-field MRI magnets
  Parallel Solvers for Finite-Difference Modeling of Large-Scale, High-Resolution Electromagnetic Problems in MRI
  Parallel computing methods for finite-difference schemes in MRI research
  Tailoring of gradient coils for numerical exposure evaluations based on experimentally measured B-field
  The Design of Planar Transverse Gradient Coils using a Deformation Algorithm
  The Equivalent Magnetizing Current (EMC) method for biplanar active and passive shim design
  The design of planar transverse gradient coils using a deformation algorithm
  The equivalent magnetizing method applied to the design of gradient coils for MRI
  Theoretical Design of Phased Array RF Coils for Human Breast in MRI
  Three-dimensional gradient coil structures for magnetic resonance imaging designed using-fuzzy membership functions
  An MRI-dedicated parallel FDTD scheme
  Longitudinal gradient coil optimization in the presence of transient eddy currents
  A simple relationship for high efficiencygradient uniformity tradeoff in multilayer asymmetric gradient coils for magnetic resonance imaging
  3D-gradient coil structures for MRI designed using fuzzy membership functions
  3D-gradient coil structures for breast imaging using fuzzy membership functions, Part II
  A fast parallel imaging rotary phased array head coil with improved sensitivity profile deep in the center of the brain
  An improved hybrid MoM/FDTD technique for MRI RF coils modeling using Huygen's equivalent surface method
  An improved quasi-static finite-difference scheme for induced field evaluation in MRI based on the biconjugate gradient method
  Exposure of workers to pulsed gradients in MRI
  Modelling regulatory compliance of occupationally exposed MRI workers during gradient pulsing
  Modelling regulatory compliance of occupationally exposed MRI workers during gradient pulsing
  Numerical study of currents in occupational workers induced by body-motion around high-ultrahigh field MRI magnets
  Numerical study of currents in occupational workers induced by body-motion around high-ultrahigh field MRI magnets
  Numerical study of currents in workers induced by body-motion around high-ultrahigh field MRI magnets
  On the accurate modeling of a complex antenna for breast tumor detection using a hybrid MOM/FDTD approach
  TFSF-FDTD Numerical Computational Method for Evaluation of Transient Eddy Currentsin MRI
  Z-gradient coil optimisation in presence of time-varying eddy currents
  Effect Of Cardiac Motion On Body Surface Electrocardiographic Potentials: An MRI-Based Simulation Study
  FDTD investigations into UWB radar technique of breast tumor detection and location
  Multiple-acquisition parallel imaging combined with a transceive array for the amelioration of high-field RF distortion: a modeling study
  A FDTD analysis to investigate capabilities of an UWB radar for breast tumor detection
  A High Performance FDTD Scheme for MRI Applications
  A Simple Relationship for High Efficiency-Gradient Uniformity Trade-Offs in Multi-Layer Asymmetric Gradient Coils
  A comparison of different choices for the regularization parameter in inverse electrocardiography models
  A magnetization mapping approach for passive shim design in MRI
  A parallel FDTD scheme for electromagnetic analysis and design of MRI system
  An MRI-based beating heart model
  Analysis of transient eddy currents in MRI using a cylindrical FDTD method
  Cylindrical 3D FDTD algorithm for the computation of low frequency transient eddy currents in MRI
  Electrodynamic heart model construction and ECG simulation
  FDTD Analysis of transient eddy currents induced by gradient coil switching in MRI
  FDTD investigations into UWB radar technique of breast tumor detection and location
  FDTD study of an UWB radar technique for breast tumor detection
  High frequency electromagnetic analysis using hybrid MOM/FEM method
  High-field magnetic resonance imaging with reduced field/tissue RF artefacts - A modeling study using hybrid MoM/FEM and FDTD technique
  Phased array coil for MRI
  Simulation of Brugada syndrome using cellular and three-dimensional whole-heart modeling approaches
  Tailoring magnetic field gradient design to magnet cryostat geometry
  Torque-Figure of Merit Trade-off in Multi-Layer Asymmetric Gradient Coils
  Transcieve Grappa: a scheme for high field imaging with reduced field/tissue RF artefact's
  Transient temperature rise in a mouse due to low-frequency regional hyperthermia
  An inverse methodology for high-frequency RF coil design for MRI with de-emphasized B-1 fields
  Analysis of cardiac ventricular wall motion based on a three-dimensional electromechanical biventricular model
  An object-oriented designed finite-difference time-domain simulator for electromagnetic analysis and design in MRI - application to high field analyses
  Numerical evaluation of the fields induced by body motion in or near high-field MRI scanners
  Numerical modeling of 11.1 T MRI of a human head using MoM/FDTD methods
  A Novel Automated Left Ventricle Segmentation Routine
  A Theoretical Comparative Study of the Induced Fields Generated by Symmetric and Asymmetric Whole-Body Transverse Gradient Coils
  A novel method in ameliorating signal voids for 11T brain imaging using transmission phase cycled, transceiver array coils
  A theoretical comparison of two optimization methods for radiofrequency drive schemes in high frequency MRI resonators
  An Inverse Methodology for High Frequency RF Coil Design with De-emphasized B1 field
  An electrical heart model incorporating real geometry and motion
  An object-orient designed FDTD simulator: Applications to high field systems
  Comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric cylindrical MRI gradient Y-coils in terms of induced eddy currents
  Focused, eight-element transceive phased array coil for parallel magnetic resonance imaging of the chest-theoretical considerations
  Model implementation and case study for the lossy, multilayered spherical head phantom in MRI application
  Right ventricle extraction by low level and model-based algorithm
  Using the STIR Optimization Method to Determine the Optimal Rung Drives for Resonators in High Field Head MRI
  A FDTD model for the calculation of gradient-induced eddy currents in MRI magnets
  A distributed equivalent magnetic current based FDTD method for the calculation of E-fields induced by gradient coils
  A distributed equivalent-magnetic current based FDTD method for the evaluation of the eddy currents induced by pulsed gradient fields
  An FDTD model for calculation of gradient-induced eddy currents in MRI system
  An equivalent distributed magnetic current based FDTD method for the calculation of e-fields induced by gradient coils in MRI
  An inverse methodology for high frequency RF head coil design with pre-emphasized B1 field in MRI
  An object-oriented designed finite-difference time-domain simulator for electromagnetic analysis and design in MRI
  Debye potential based method for the analysis of electromagnetic fields inside a lossy, multilayered spherical head phantom excited by MRI coils
  Dyadic gree function/MoM based method for the analysis of electromagnetic fields inside a lossy, multilayered spherical head phantom excited by RF coil
  Electromagnetic fields inside a lossy, multilayered spherical head phantom excited by MRI coils: models and methods
  Investigating tissue-coil interactions of an 8-elements transmit/recieve torso phased array coil
  Motion analysis of right ventricular wall based on an electromechanical biventricular model
  Numerical evaluation of e-fields induced by body motion near high-field MRI scanner
  Numerical modelling of thermal effects in rats due to high-field magnetic resonance imaging (0.5-1 GHz)
  Transmitting focussed B1 field and SENSE reconstruction using an 8-element transceive torso phased array coil
  On the induced electric field gradients in the human body for magnetic stimulation by gradient coils in MRI
  A high definition, finite difference time domain method
  Calculation of electric fields induced by body and head motion in high-field MRI
  A new approach to the solution of Maxwell's equations for low frequency and high-resolution biomedical problems
  An FDTD model for field calculations in MRI systems
  Influence of magnetically-induced E-fields on cardiac electric activity during MRI: A modeling study
  Modelling the effect of MRI gradient switches on electrocardiograms
  Motion analysis of right ventricular wall based on an electromechanical biventricular model
  Numerical analysis of the RF field of reentrant cavity MRI Resonator at 11T loaded with a human brain
  Numerical evaluation of an 8-element phased array torso coil for magnetic resonance imaging
  Numerical simulation of the field and frequency limits for volume coils in MRI
  Finite-difference time-domain-based studies of MRI pulsed field gradient-induced eddy currents inside the human body
  Finite difference time domain (FDTD) method for modeling the effect of switched gradients on the human body in MRI
  A new FDTD method for the study of MRI pulsed field gradient - induced fields in the human body

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