Definition of Mission, Goal, Objective and Strategies

Today, I felt somewhat confusion on indentifying the difference among Goal, Objective and Strategy when making SPI plan. After searching in Google, I got following definition including Mission:

Defining Mission, Goal, Objective and Strategies

Every business or organization should have a Business Plan. If you've never written a Business Plan before, you will be amazed at how it forces you to clarify your own thoughts and intentions. The business plan is your roadmap to success. But without a clear purpose and goals, an organization can quickly founder and be lost. If your business plan is the roadmap, your definition of your Mission, Goals, Objectives, and Strategies are the compass.

The key to an effective business plan is to state your Mission, Goals, Objectives, and Strategies in measurable terms that can be clearly understood by someone unfamiliar with your organization. If a stranger can understand your stated intentions, then it is certain that your employees, board of directors, and/or customers will also understand why your business or organization exists, and what to expect from you.

The following information will help you to define the difference between Mission, Goal, Objective and Strategy.

What is a Mission?
A mission is a statement of general purpose: the reason the organization exists. Who are we? What do we do? For whom do we do it? Why do we do it?

What is a Goal?
Goals should be directed toward a vision and consistent with the mission.
Something the organization wants and expects to accomplish in the future.

What is an Objective?
An object is: a specific measurable result expected within a particular time period, consistent with a goal and strategy. A clear "milepost" along the strategically chosen path to the goal.

What is a Strategy?
The action path the organization has chosen to realize goals. Strategies establish broad themes for future actions and should reflect reasoned choices among alternative paths

I also got a good example as following:

<script language="javascript" src="../SV93.js" type="text/javascript"></script> Communicable Diseases

<script language="javascript" src="../SV95.js" type="text/javascript"></script> Yaws

Regional Goal, Objectives and Strategy


Eradication of yaws in the South-East Asia Region by 2010



*     To interrupt the transmission of yaws

*     To detect and treat all cases and their contacts

*     To prevent the disability and its socio-economic consequences


Strategy to Achieve the Goal and Objectives

*     Active and passive case detection

*     Treatment of cases and family, neighbourhood and school contacts with injection Penicillin G, with focus on affected areas

*     Strengthening the capacity of health system to recognize and treat yaws

*     Strong advocacy and IEC campaign in the affected areas

*     Strong public/private partnership, and involvement of sectors other than the health sector

*     Regular supervision, monitoring and evaluation





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