
最近越来越喜欢听coldplay的歌了。他们的歌总带着一种深情,一种伤感,一种无奈,一种性感,像一个历经沧桑的男人正对你暗带悲泣地倾诉和忏悔!特别是yellow,in my place 。


还记得COLDPLAY在上张专辑里那些暗带悲泣的倾诉和忏悔吗?——“Jesus, put me out of my endless misery. Help me please. I never meant to cause you trouble…(耶稣,从无尽的伤痛中拯救我吧,请帮帮我,我并不想给你添麻烦)”不过悲伤到今天为止,还记得两月前Coldplay在Glastonbury音乐节上掀起的音乐风暴吧, 现在人们发现发现:现在该是卑微者放声号叫的时候了。

两年前的Coldplay以一张毫无争议的惊世处女大碟Parachutes逐鹿英国流行乐坛。专辑尽管在某些地方收到排斥,但这并不足以阻碍他们一夜成名。Parachutes表现了主音Chris Martin泛滥的忧伤情绪和感性魅力,但同时他也被伤感的自恋情结所束缚。之后Coldplay经历了一连串没完没了的唱片推广巡演,乐队灵魂人物Chris Martin觉得自己的灵感都已枯竭,直到去年(2001)乐队的欧洲巡演结束之时,他在几个月里都没能写出一首歌来。善感的英国媒体对于Coldplay谈论也暂时偃旗息鼓。直到上月,新专辑的首只单曲"In My Place"才让人看到Coldplay咄咄逼人的回归势头,也坚定了大家对新专辑的期望。

然而正如乐队在Glastonbury音乐节上的表现一样,这张新专辑'A Rush Of Blood To The Head'却断然转向,重拾自信,表现出更加成熟的勇敢和激情。原声部分的吉他声已淹没在Jon Buckland的惊人的吉他技术和Chris Martin更加纯熟的假声中。曾参与上张专辑的制作人Ken Nelson和混音师Mark Phythain容许乐队去尽量发挥,结果竟制造出他们原本自己也没有预料到的效果:让人心醉的旋律和让人心碎的情绪同时隐藏在歌曲当中,从精致脆弱的"In My Place"到钢琴声汹涌的"The Scientist",Coldplay都展现了少有的诚挚的热情。有舞曲色彩的"Daylight"和情歌"Green Eyes" 是典型的抒情曲目。而"Politik"和吉他主导"God Put a Smile Upon Your Face" 则显示了乐队神经质的边缘一面,以阴暗的复古力量重塑后朋克时代的音乐色调,游刃有余的展现了乐队的音乐素养。从这个角度上说,'A Rush Of Blood To The Head'这张专辑才是Coldplay更为永恒的杰作。当然,后朋克元素的出现并不意味着正统主流“摇滚”乐的入侵,Coldplay的音乐无论如何也不能拿“摇滚”那么简单的词汇去定义的,正如同样继承后朋克精神的Radiohead,Echo&bunnymen,Ride,你能拿“摇滚”两个字去定义他们吗?而上张专辑里的经典作"Yellow"更是跟摇滚乐风马牛不相及,但它一样卖的很好,勇于创新的A Rush of Blood to the Head也许不能像前者那样在第一时间就俘获歌迷的心,但它却能引导听者穿越主唱梦幻般的嗓音而只抵音乐自身的内核所在。

当开首曲'Politik'以两和弦的铿锵之声大胆勾勒出黑色音符时,整首歌的某种基调也已经确立:悲恸,死亡,无常,自责和绝望隐藏在周遭万事之中,在黑暗的尽头总会光亮闪现,让人头晕目眩。'Politik'的灵感明显得自9.11恐怖事件,起初的沉吟最终爆发出巨大能量,Martin在高潮部分用急促的语调发出恳求的声音"open up your eyes!"这是乐队前所未有的力度尝试。五分钟之内,Coldplay的极限就被打破。

Martin的决绝情感一直蔓延在整张专辑中,但与'Parachutes'不同,他这次用清晰的音乐色调包裹了自己的痛苦。'In My Place'是最好的例子,华丽迷人的吉他被流畅的弦乐所修饰,伴随着"please, please, come back and sing to me"这样的快言快语代替了转弯抹角的倾诉。

有些颓废但是流畅的曲子如'The Scientist'和'Warning Sign'更多的表现了Coldplay的感性一面,'Warning Sign'里的"when the truth is, I miss you" 听起来如同没日没夜的陷入情感困惑中的人的哀鸣。

'God Put A Smile Upon Your Face', 'Clocks'和'A Rush Of Blood To The Head' 是专辑中最出色的曲子,'God Put A Smile Upon Your Face'是Coldplay的全新尝试,Jonny Buckland的吉他riff和Will Champion持续力度的鼓击带来了Coldplay从未有过的尖锐风格尝试。行云流水般的颠覆性钢琴使得'Clocks'像前者一样高亢,而同名主打歌'A Rush Of Blood To The Head'唱道“I'm going to buy a gun and start a war. If you can tell me something worth fighting for(我想买只枪去发动战争,如果你能告诉我有什么值得去为它而战)”, 这也许揭示了这张专辑的核心概念...

看看才20多岁的Coldplay吧,他们已经作出了如此经典的唱片,正如短命的The Verve一样,'A Rush Of Blood To The Head'能媲美"Urban Hymns",你完全可以把他看作是一个成熟乐队的收山绝笔。已经站在十字路口的Coldplay下一步要走向何处还不得而知?但至少A Rush of Blood to the Head 并没有讨好任何人的企图,它是一个忠于自身生命的苦乐印记。

yellow - coldplay

look at the stars,
look how they shine for you,
and everything you do,
yeah, they were all yellow.
i came along,
i wrote a song for you,
and all the things you do,
and it was called yellow.
so then i took my turn,
oh what a thing to have done,
and it was all yellow.
your skin
oh yeah, your skin and bones,
turn into something beautiful,
you know, you know i love you so,
you know i love you so.
i swam across,
i jumped across for you,
oh what a thing to do.
cos you were all yellow,
i drew a line,
i drew a line for you,
oh what a thing to do,
and it was all yellow.
your skin,
oh yeah your skin and bones,
turn into something beautiful,
and you know,
for you i'd bleed myself dry,
for you i'd bleed myself dry.
it's true,
look how they shine for you,
look how they shine for you,
look how they shine for,
look how they shine for you,
look how they shine for you,
look how they shine.
look at the stars,
look how they shine for you,
and all the things that you do.


in my place - coldplay - A Rush Of Blood To The Head

coldplay - in my place
in my place, in my place
were lines that i couldn't change
i was lost, oh yeah
i was lost, i was lost
crossed lines i shouldn't have crossed
i was lost, oh yeah
yeah, how long must you wait for it?
yeah, how long must you pay for it?
yeah, how long must you wait for it?
for it
i was scared, i was scared
tired and under-prepared
but i'll wait for it
and if you go, if you go
leave me down here on my own
then i'll wait for you, yeah
yeah, how long must you wait for it?
yeah, how long must you pay for it?
yeah, how long must you wait for it?
for it
singing please, please, please
come back and sing to me
to me, me
come on and sing it out,now,now
come on and sing it out to me,me
come back and sing it
in my place, in my place
were lines that i couldn't change
i was lost, oh yeah
oh yeah



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