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转载 UVA 568 - Just the Facts

Description The expression N!, read as `` N factorial," denotes the product of the firstN positive integers, where N is nonnegative. So, for example,NN!011122

2015-08-24 19:02:14 244

原创 UVA 10110

here is man named "mabu" for switching on-off light in our University. He switches on-off the lightsin a corridor. Every bulb has its own toggle switch. That is, if it is pressed then the bulb tur

2015-08-23 19:47:17 321

原创 uva 575

DescriptionDownload as PDFWhen a number is expressed in decimal, the k-th digit represents a multiple of 10k. (Digits are numbered from right to left, where the least significant digit is number

2015-08-23 19:11:20 291

原创 uva 10719 - Quotient Polynomial

Description Problem BQuotient PolynomialTime Limit2 SecondsA polynomial of degree n can be expressed asIf k is any integer then we can write:H

2015-08-23 18:19:31 287

原创 uva10916 Factstone Benchmark

Amtel has announced that it will release a 128-bit computerchip by 2010, a 256-bit computer by 2020, and so on, con-tinuing its strategy of doubling the word-size every ten years.(Amtel re

2015-08-23 10:55:28 265

原创 UVA 1149

DescriptionA set of n 1-dimensional items have to be packed in identical bins. All bins have exactly the same lengthl and each item i has lengthlil . We look for a minimal number of binsq su

2015-08-21 19:53:07 335

原创 UVALive 3266 田忌赛马

Here is a famous story in Chinese history.That was about 2300 years ago. General Tian Ji was a high official in the country Qi.He likes to play horse racing with the king and others.Both o

2015-08-21 15:52:26 302

原创 ACdream 1073


2015-08-20 19:52:36 306

原创 HDU 5319模拟

DescriptionMr. Hdu is an painter, as we all know, painters need ideas to innovate , one day, he got stuck in rut and the ideas dry up, he took out a drawing board and began to draw casually. Imagi

2015-08-20 18:48:31 281

原创 HDU 5327

DescriptionYou are one of the competitors of the Olympiad in numbers. The problem of this year relates to beatiful numbers. One integer is called beautiful if and only if all of its digitals are d

2015-08-20 15:32:15 241

原创 uva 11292The Dragon of Loowater

Once upon a time, in theKingdom of Loowater, a mi-nor nuisance turned into amajor problem.The shores of RellauCreek in central Loowaterhad always been a primebreeding groun

2015-08-19 09:26:24 289

原创 数学F - The Snail

A snail is at the bottom of a 6-foot well and wants to climb to the top. The snail can climb 3 feet while the sun is up, but slides down 1 foot at night while sleeping. The snail has a fatigue factor

2015-08-18 19:05:55 240

原创 ACdream 1125(ACfun-字典序)

DescriptionAs a former ACMer, "AC" is a special abbreviated word which can bring much pleasure to me. Sometimes it means everything.This problem is about "AC". One day, I write a long string

2015-08-18 18:46:29 285

原创 杭电OJ——1283 最简单的计算机

Description一个名叫是PigHeadThree的研究组织设计了一台实验用的计算机,命名为PpMm。PpMm只能执行简单的六种命令A,B,C,D,E,F;只有二个内存M1,M2;三个寄存器R1,R2,R3。六种命令的含义如下:  命令A:将内存M1的数据装到寄存器R1中;   命令B:将内存M2的数据装到寄存器R2中;   命令C:将寄存器R3的数据装到内存M1中;

2015-08-18 18:44:33 721

原创 hdu4730 We Love MOE Girls

DescriptionChikami Nanako is a girl living in many different parallel worlds. In this problem we talk about one of them.In this world, Nanako has a special habit. When talking with others, she

2015-08-18 18:42:07 297

原创 hdu 1021 Fibonacci Again

DescriptionThere are another kind of Fibonacci numbers: F(0) = 7, F(1) = 11, F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) (n>=2).  InputInput consists of a sequence of lines, each containing an intege

2015-08-18 18:35:16 253

原创 数学H - The Land of Justice

因为看到输出这边是50所以想用类型转换再用%d  各种过不去改了%.0lf就过了#include #include #define pi 3.14int main(){ double area = 4 * pi, area2, n; while (scanf ("%lf", &n) != EOF && n >= 0) { if (n <=1

2015-08-18 18:27:48 269

原创 排序检索D - Tree's a Crowd

Dr William Larch, noted plant psychologist and inventor of the phrase ``Think like a tree--Think Fig'' has invented a new classification system for trees. This is a complicated system involving a seri

2015-08-18 16:19:41 279

原创 排序检索C - Where is the Marble?

Raju and Meena love to play with Marbles. They have got a lot ofmarbles with numbers written on them. At the beginning, Raju wouldplace the marbles one after another in ascending order of the

2015-08-18 16:15:28 401

原创 排序检索B - List of Conquests

这题题目长不难每句话第一个单词是国家输出是统计国家的名字和出现的次数输出之前要根据国家名字排序 因为要对应国家的名字和次数 用结构体非常方便#include #include #include #define N 100000struct list{ char name[2000]; int num;}s[N], ss;int main(){

2015-08-18 16:03:05 266

原创 排序检索A - Master-Mind Hints

MasterMind is a game for two players. One of them, Designer, selects a secret code. The other,Breaker, tries to break it. A code is no more than a row of colored dots. At the beginning of a game, th

2015-08-18 15:56:58 277

原创 数学D - Box of Bricks

Little Bob likes playing with his box of bricks. He puts the bricks one upon another and builds stacks of different height. ``Look, I've built a wall!'', he tells his older sister Alice. ``Nah, you sh

2015-08-18 15:41:21 276

原创 数学C - Secret Research

At a certain laboratory results of secret research are thoroughly encrypted. A result of a single experiment is stored as an information of its completion:`positive result', `negative result', `

2015-08-18 15:39:24 224

原创 数学B - Ant on a Chessboard

One day, an ant called Alice came to an M*M chessboard. She wanted to go around all the grids. Soshe began to walk along the chessboard according to this way: (you can assume that her speed is one

2015-08-18 15:28:21 275

原创 数学1A - Power of Cryptography

BackgroundCurrent work in cryptography involves (among other things) large prime numbers and computing powers of numbers modulo functions of these primes. Work in this area has resulted in the pract

2015-08-18 15:27:41 222

原创 数学uva846Steps

One steps through integer points of the straight line. The length of a step must be nonnegative and can be by one bigger than, equal to, or by one smaller than the length of the previous step.What

2015-08-18 15:10:21 320



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