

//* gcc -Wall `pkg-config libgvc --cflags --libs` g.c -lgvc -lcgraph


 *  BondGraph.cpp
 *  Copyright 2009 Jean-Francois Dupuis.
 *  This file is part of libBondGraph.
 *  libBondGraph is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  libBondGraph is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with libBondGraph.  If not, see <>.
 *  This file was created by Jean-Francois Dupuis on 05/03/09.

#include "BondGraph.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <cfloat>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <assert.h>
#include "VectorUtil.h"
#include "BGException.h"
#include "stringutil.h"

using namespace BG;
using namespace std;

BondGraph::BondGraph() : mElementIdCounter(1), mBondIdCounter(1),
mA("A"), mB("B"), mB2("B2"),mC("C"), mD("D"), mD2("D2"),mCr("Cr"), mDr("Dr"), mD2r("D2r"),
mDynamics(this, &mSimulationLog), mAllowDifferentialCausality(true)
    //Initialize cound variable
    mUcount = -1;
    mScount = -1;
    mSDcount = -1;
    mRcount = -1;
    mJcount = -1;

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mBonds.size(); ++i) {
        delete mBonds[i];
        mBonds[i] = 0;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        delete mComponents[i];
        mComponents[i] = 0;

BondGraph::BondGraph(const BondGraph& inBondGraph) : mDynamics(this, &mSimulationLog) {
    *this = inBondGraph;

BondGraph& BondGraph::operator=(const BondGraph& inBondGraph) {
    //throw runtime_error("BondGraph::operator= not defined!");    
    //dirty way by lazyness
    std::ostringstream lStream;
    PACC::XML::Streamer lStreamer(lStream);
    std::istringstream lStreami(lStream.str());
    PACC::XML::Document lXMLParser;
    PACC::XML::ConstIterator lRootNode = lXMLParser.getFirstRoot();
    return *this;

/*! \brief Add a component to the bond graph.
 *  This method add a Component to the elements list. It will attribute the ID
 *    of the passed component based on the current value of the mElementIdCounter
 *    and will increment that counter. It will resize the vector if the element
 *    ID is greater than the size of the vector.
 *    \param inComponent Component to be added.
void BondGraph::addComponent(Component* inComponent) {
    if(inComponent->getId() < 0) {
    if( mComponents.size() < inComponent->getId() ) {
        if(mElementIdCounter <= mComponents.size())
            mElementIdCounter = mComponents.size()+1;
    mComponents[inComponent->getId()-1] = inComponent;

/*! \brief Add a bond to the bond graph.
 *  This method add a Bond to the bond list. It will attribute the ID
 *    of the passed bond based on the current value of the mBondIdCounter
 *    and will then increment that counter. It will resize the vector if the bond
 *    ID is greater than the size of the vector.
 *  \param  inBond Bond to be added
void BondGraph::addBond(Bond* inBond) {
    if(inBond->getId() < 0) {
    if( mBonds.size() < inBond->getId() ) {
        if(mBondIdCounter <= mBonds.size())
            mBondIdCounter = mBonds.size()+1;
    mBonds[inBond->getId()-1] = inBond;

/*! \brief Connect two components.
 *  This method define the connectivity between two Component. The power direction
 *  is from inOrigin to inDest. The causality is the one defined at the destination component.
 *  Therefore, if the causality is said to be eEffortCausal, the causality stroke will be applied
 *  to the inDest side of the bond. Using this method, a new bond is created.
 *  \param  inOrigin Component at the origin of the bond
 *  \param  inDest Component at the end of the bond
 *  \param  inCausality Causality relation between the component, looking at inDest causality.
 *    \param    inBondId Id of the bond that is going to be created.
 *    \return    The newly created bond.
Bond* BondGraph::connect(Component *inOrigin, Component *inDest, Causality inCausality, int inBondId) {

    //Create a new bond
    Bond *lBond = new Bond(inBondId);
    //Create both port
    Port *lFromPort  = new Port(false);
    Port *lToPort = new Port(true);
    //Assign causality
    if(inCausality == eFlowCausal) {
    } else if(inCausality == eEffortCausal) {
    //Connect the elements together
    return lBond;

/*! \brief Remove any causality assignment.
 *  This method set the causality of every ports of all the bond graph components to acausal.
void BondGraph::clearCausality() {
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {

/*! \brief Propagate causality assignment through the bond graph.
 *  This recursive methods propagate the causality assignment according to
 *    the causality constrains of the component. The graph is walked using
 *    the Port::mVisited flag. When this method assign a causality to a port, it
 *    will set is flag to true. Hence, the walk throught the graph will not continue
 *    to a visited port. The walk will stop when causality
 *    can't be assigned any further according to the component contrains.
 *  \param  inComponent Current component
 *  \param  inPort Incoming port to the current component
void BondGraph::propagateCausality(Component *inComponent, Port* inPort) {

    //Apply causality constrain
    //Go through all the port of the component
    for(vector<Port*>::const_iterator lIter = inComponent->getPorts().begin(); lIter != inComponent->getPorts().end(); ++lIter) {
        //Get the bond connected to this port
        Bond* lBond = (*lIter)->getBond();
        //Get the other end port
        Port* lToPort = lBond->getOtherEnd(*lIter);
        //Get the other component
        Component* lComponent = lToPort->getComponent();

        //Assign both side of the bond the respecting causality
        if( (*lIter)->getCausality() == eEffortCausal ) {
            if(lToPort->getCausality() != eAcausal && lToPort->getCausality() != eFlowCausal)
                throw InvalidCausalityException("Conflicting causality assignment");
        } else if( (*lIter)->getCausality() == eFlowCausal ){
            if(lToPort->getCausality() != eAcausal && lToPort->getCausality() != eEffortCausal)
                throw InvalidCausalityException("Conflicting causality assignment");
        } else {
        //Mark visited port
        //Go to the next component if the component is not a terminal
        if(lComponent->getPorts().size() > 1)
            propagateCausality(lComponent, lToPort);

/*! \brief Assign causality relation to all bonds.
 *  This methods will compute the causality relation using the sequential
 *    causal assignment procedure which is describe in System Dynamic, Modeling
 *    and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems by Karnopp, Margolis and Rosenberg.    
void BondGraph::assignCausality() {
    //Reset causality and visited port flag
    //Set the causality on the sources
    vector<Source*> lSources;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        if(mComponents[i] != 0) {
            if(mComponents[i]->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::eSource) {
                lSources.push_back( dynamic_cast<Source *>(mComponents[i]) );
    //Assign causality on each source and extend the causal implications through the graph. Assignation and propagation
    //is done in two step in order to detect conflict with previously assigned source.
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lSources.size(); ++i) {
        lSources[i]->setCausality(); //Set the causality of the source according to his type.
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lSources.size(); ++i) {
        propagateCausality(lSources[i], lSources[i]->getPorts()[0]);
    //Set the causality on C and I
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        if(mComponents[i] != 0) {
            if(mComponents[i]->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::ePassive) {
                Passive* lPassive = dynamic_cast<Passive*> (mComponents[i]);
                if(lPassive->getType() == Passive::eCapacitor ||
                   lPassive->getType() == Passive::eCapacitorM) {
                    if((lPassive->getPorts())[0]->getCausality()==eAcausal) {
                        propagateCausality(lPassive, lPassive->getPorts()[0]);
                else if(lPassive->getType() == Passive::eInductor ||
                   lPassive->getType() == Passive::eInductorM) {
                    if(lPassive->getPorts()[0]->getCausality()==eAcausal) {
                        propagateCausality(lPassive, lPassive->getPorts()[0]);

    //Assign causality arbitrary on the unassigned elements
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        if(mComponents[i] != 0) {
            for(unsigned int j = 0; j < mComponents[i]->getPorts().size(); ++j) {
                if( mComponents[i]->getPorts()[j]->getCausality()==eAcausal ) {
                    propagateCausality(mComponents[i], mComponents[i]->getPorts()[j]);

/*! \brief Reset port visited flag
 *  This method marks all Port as unvisited. This is called before to start
 *    walking the bond graph.
void BondGraph::resetPortFlag() {
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        if(mComponents[i] != 0) {
            for(vector<Port*>::iterator lIter = mComponents[i]->getPorts().begin(); lIter != mComponents[i]->getPorts().end(); ++lIter) {

/*! \brief Plot a bond graph connection.
 *  This recursive methods go through all the bond graph connection and add
 *    an edge to the graph passed as argument. The graph is walked using
 *    the Port::mVisited flag.
 *  \param  inComponent Current component
 *  \param  inGraph Graphviz graph to write to.
 *  \param  inNodes List of graphic nodes.
 *    \param    inShowBondId Write bond ID on the graph.
void BondGraph::plotGraphConnection(Component* inComponent, Agraph_t *inGraph, std::vector<Agnode_t*> &inNodes, bool inShowBondId) {
    for(vector<Port*>::const_iterator lIter = inComponent->getPorts().begin(); lIter != inComponent->getPorts().end(); ++lIter) {
        //Get the bond connected to this port
        Bond* lBond = (*lIter)->getBond();
        //Get the other end port
        Port* lToPort = lBond->getOtherEnd(*lIter);
        //Get the other component
        Component* lComponent = lToPort->getComponent();
        //Add the link to the graph
        Agedge_t *lEdge = agedge(inGraph, inNodes[inComponent->getId()-1], inNodes[lComponent->getId()-1],0,0);

        if(inShowBondId) {

            //Add the bond id as the graph edge label
            stringstream lNameStr;
            lNameStr << lBond->getId();
            char* lName = new char[lNameStr.str().size()+1];
            agsafeset(lEdge, "label", lName, "");
            delete [] lName;
        //Check the power direction and causality
        if(lToPort->isPowerSide()) {
            switch(lToPort->getCausality()) {
                case eEffortCausal:
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowhead", "normal", "");
                case eFlowCausal:
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowhead", "halfopen", "");
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowhead", "halfopen", "");
                    //agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowhead", "vee", "");
            switch((*lIter)->getCausality()) {
                case eEffortCausal:
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowtail", "tee", "");
                case eFlowCausal:
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowtail", "none", "");
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowtail", "none", "");
                    //agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowtail", "odot", "");
        } else {
            switch(lToPort->getCausality()) {
                case eEffortCausal:
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowhead", "tee", "");
                case eFlowCausal:
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowhead", "none", "");
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowhead", "none", "");
                    //agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowtail", "odot", "");
            switch((*lIter)->getCausality()) {
                case eEffortCausal:
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowtail", "normal", "");
                case eFlowCausal:
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowtail", "halfopen", "");
                    agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowtail", "halfopen", "");
                    //agsafeset(lEdge, "arrowtail", "vee", "");
        //Mark visited port
        //Go to the next component if the component is not a terminal
        if(lComponent->getPorts().size() > 1)
            plotGraphConnection(lComponent, inGraph, inNodes, inShowBondId);

Component* BondGraph::findUnvisitedComponent() {
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        if(mComponents[i] != 0) {
            for(vector<Port*>::const_iterator lIter = mComponents[i]->getPorts().begin(); lIter != mComponents[i]->getPorts().end(); ++lIter) {
                return mComponents[i];
    return 0;

/*! \brief Plot the bond graph.
 *  This method create a graphical reprensentation of the bond graph using the Graphviz
 *    library. The default format is svg, but all graphviz supported format can be pass to
 *    the function.
 *  \param  inFilename The filename where to save the svg bong graph representation
 *    \param    inShowBondId Write bond ID on the graph.
 *    \param    inFormat Output format, default svg
void BondGraph::plotGraph(std::string inFilename, bool inShowBondId, char* inFormat) {
    if(mComponents.size() <= 0) {
        std::cout << "No elements in graph, cannot be plot" << std::endl;
    GVC_t* lContext = gvContext();
    //    Agraph_t *lGraph = agopen("lGraph", AGDIGRAPH,0);
    Agraph_t *lGraph = agopen("lGraph", Agdirected,0);
    agsafeset(lGraph, "rankdir", "LR", "");
    //Create the nodes
    vector<Agnode_t*> lNodes(mComponents.size());
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lNodes.size(); ++i) {
        if(mComponents[i] != 0) {
            const string& lNameStr = mComponents[i]->getName();
            char* lName = new char[lNameStr.size()+1];
            lNodes[i] = agnode(lGraph, lName,0);
            agsafeset(lNodes[i], "shape", "none", "");
            const string& lDisplayedNameStr = mComponents[i]->getDisplayedName();
            char* lDisplayedName = new char[lDisplayedNameStr.size()+1];
            agsafeset(lNodes[i], "label",lDisplayedName, "");
            delete [] lName;
    //Recursively pass through the graph
    Component* lComponent;;
    while( lComponent = findUnvisitedComponent() ) {
        plotGraphConnection(lComponent, lGraph, lNodes, inShowBondId);

    //char *lFilename = mktemp("libBondGraph.svg.XXXXXX");

    char* lName = new char[inFilename.size()+1];

    gvLayout(lContext, lGraph, "neato");
    gvRenderFilename(lContext, lGraph, inFormat, lName);
    //std::cout << "Plot bond graph to " << lName << std::endl;
    gvFreeLayout(lContext, lGraph);
    delete [] lName;


void BondGraph::removeBond(Bond* inBond) {
    //Delete bond
    vector<Bond*>::iterator lBondIter = find(mBonds.begin(),mBonds.end(),inBond);
    assert(lBondIter != mBonds.end());
    *lBondIter = 0;
    delete inBond;

void BondGraph::removeComponent(std::vector<Component*>& inComponents) {
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < inComponents.size(); ++i) {

void BondGraph::removeComponent(Component* inComponent) {
    vector<Component*>::iterator lComponentIter = find(mComponents.begin(), mComponents.end(), inComponent);
    assert(lComponentIter != mComponents.end());
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < inComponent->getPorts().size(); ++i) {
        Port* lPort = inComponent->getPorts()[i];
        Bond* lBond = lPort->getBond();
        //Disconnect the attached component
        Port* lOldPort = lBond->getOtherEnd(lPort);
        //Check if the bond is part of the output
        vector<Bond*>::iterator lBondIter = find(mEffortOutputBonds.begin(),mEffortOutputBonds.end(),lBond);
        if( lBondIter != mEffortOutputBonds.end() ) {
            *lBondIter = 0;
        lBondIter = find(mFlowOutputBonds.begin(),mFlowOutputBonds.end(),lBond);
        if( lBondIter != mFlowOutputBonds.end() ) {
            *lBondIter = 0;
        //Delete bond
        lBondIter = find(mBonds.begin(),mBonds.end(),lBond);
        assert(lBondIter != mBonds.end());
        *lBondIter = 0;
        delete lBond;
        lBond = 0;
    //Once all the bond are deleted, delete the component
    delete inComponent;
    *lComponentIter = 0;
    inComponent = 0;

void BondGraph::reconnectComponent(Port* inComponentPort, Component* inNewOrigin) {
    Bond* lBond = inComponentPort->getBond();
    //Remove connection to the old origin component
    Port* lMovingPort = lBond->getOtherEnd(inComponentPort);
    //Add a new connection to the new origin component


void BondGraph::replaceComponent(BG::Component*& inOldComponent, BG::Component*& inNewComponent) {
    vector<Component*>::iterator lComponentIter = find(mComponents.begin(), mComponents.end(), inOldComponent);
    assert(lComponentIter != mComponents.end());
    //Connect the new component to the same ports
    std::vector<Port*> lPorts = inOldComponent->getPorts();
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lPorts.size(); ++i) {
    int lOldId = inOldComponent->getId();
    delete inOldComponent;
    *lComponentIter = 0;
    inOldComponent = 0;
    //Add the component

/*! \brief Simpify Bond Graph
 *  Remove the redundant componant.
void BondGraph::simplify() {
        } while(simplifyRemoveDoubleBond());
    } while( simplifyRemoveRedundantComponents() );

void BondGraph::simplifyRemoveUnconnectedComponent() {
    //Check if the component is not completely disconnected from the rest. If it's the case, then delete the component.
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        Component* lComponent = mComponents[i];
        if(lComponent != 0) {
            if( lComponent->getPorts().size() == 0 ) {

void BondGraph::simplifyRemoveTerminalJunction() {
    //Simplify empty junction
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        Component* lComponent = mComponents[i];
        if(lComponent != 0) {
            if( lComponent->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::eJunction ) {
                Junction* lJunction = dynamic_cast<Junction*>(lComponent);
                //Remove junction if the number of connected component is 2
                if(lJunction->getPorts().size() == 1) {

void BondGraph::simplifyRemoveEmptyJunction() {
    //Find all junctions
    vector<Junction*> lJunctions;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        Component* lComponent = mComponents[i];
        if(lComponent != 0) {
            if( lComponent->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::eJunction )
    int lRemainingJunction = lJunctions.size();
    if(lJunctions.size() > 1) {
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lJunctions.size() && lRemainingJunction > 1; ++i) {
            Junction* lJunction = lJunctions[i];
            //Remove junction if the number of connected component is 2
            if(lJunction->getPorts().size() == 2) {
                //Check that the power is flowing in the same direction
                Port* lPort1 = lJunction->getPorts()[0];
                Port* lPort2 = lJunction->getPorts()[1];
                Component* lComponent1 = lPort1->getBond()->getOtherEnd(lPort1)->getComponent();
                Component* lComponent2 = lPort2->getBond()->getOtherEnd(lPort2)->getComponent();
                //Check if at least one of the two components is a jonction
                if(lComponent1->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::eJunction || lComponent2->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::eJunction)  {
                    if(lPort1->isPowerSide() != lPort2->isPowerSide()) {
                        //Get the bond connected to the first port
                        Bond* lBond1 = lPort1->getBond();
                        //Get the other end port
                        Port* lToPort1 = lBond1->getOtherEnd(lPort1);
                        //Get the bond connected to the first port
                        Bond* lBond2 = lPort2->getBond();
                        //Get the other end port
                        Port* lToPort2 = lBond2->getOtherEnd(lPort2);
                        //Get the component
                        //Component* lComponent2 = lToPort2->getComponent();
                        //By pass the second bond
                        Port* lNewPort = new Port(lToPort2->isPowerSide(), lToPort2->getCausality());
                            lBond1->connect(lToPort1, lNewPort);
                            lBond1->connect(lNewPort, lToPort1);
                        //Check if the bond is part of the output
                        vector<Bond*>::iterator lBondIter = find(mEffortOutputBonds.begin(),mEffortOutputBonds.end(),lBond2);
                        if( lBondIter != mEffortOutputBonds.end() ) {
                            *lBondIter = lBond1;
                        lBondIter = find(mFlowOutputBonds.begin(),mFlowOutputBonds.end(),lBond2);
                        if( lBondIter != mFlowOutputBonds.end() ) {
                            *lBondIter = lBond1;
                        //Delete the junction and bond2
                        lBondIter = find(mBonds.begin(),mBonds.end(),lBond2);
                        assert(lBondIter != mBonds.end());
                        *lBondIter = 0;
                        delete lBond2;
                        vector<Component*>::iterator lComponentIter = find(mComponents.begin(), mComponents.end(), lJunction);
                        assert(lComponentIter != mComponents.end());
                        *lComponentIter = 0;
                        delete lJunction;

/*! \brief Remove redundant bond between two component
 *  The method remove the double bond between component. Those generally occur
 *    after simplifying an empty loop. If the direction are the same, the extra one
 *    is simply removed. If the direction are not the same, both bond are removed.
 *    This results in a cut of the bond graph
bool BondGraph::simplifyRemoveDoubleBond() {
    bool lFoundDoubleBond = false;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mBonds.size(); ++i) {
        if(mBonds[i] == 0)
        const Component* lFromComponent = mBonds[i]->getFromPort()->getComponent();
        const Component* lToComponent = mBonds[i]->getToPort()->getComponent();
        if( lFromComponent == lToComponent ) {
            lFoundDoubleBond = true;
        for(unsigned int j = i+1; j < mBonds.size(); ++j) {
            if(mBonds[j] == 0)
            Component* lFromComponent2 = mBonds[j]->getFromPort()->getComponent();
            Component* lToComponent2 = mBonds[j]->getToPort()->getComponent();
            if( (lFromComponent == lFromComponent2) && (lToComponent == lToComponent2) ) {
                //Double bond, same origin, same destination
                lFoundDoubleBond = true;
                j = mBonds.size(); //Continue with the outer for loop
            } else if( (lFromComponent == lToComponent2) && (lToComponent == lFromComponent2) ) {
                //Link between two components, but with opposite direction.
                lFoundDoubleBond = true;
                j = mBonds.size(); //Continue with the outer for loop
    return lFoundDoubleBond;

void BondGraph::simplifyRemoveRedundantJunction() {
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        Component* lComponent = mComponents[i];
        if(lComponent != 0) {
            //Find all the junction
            if( lComponent->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::eJunction ) {
                Junction* lJunction = dynamic_cast<Junction*>(lComponent);
                Junction::JunctionType lType = lJunction->getType();
                for(unsigned int j = 0; j < lJunction->getPorts().size(); ++j) {
                    //Get the componant connected to each bonds connected to this junction
                    Bond* lBond = lJunction->getPorts()[j]->getBond();
                    Port* lIncomingPort = lBond->getOtherEnd(lJunction->getPorts()[j]);
                    Component* lComponent2 = lIncomingPort->getComponent();
                    if(lComponent2 == lComponent)
                    //Check if the other end of the bond is a junction
                    if(lComponent2->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::eJunction) {
                        Junction* lJunction2 = dynamic_cast<Junction*>(lComponent2);
                        //Check if it's the same type
                        if(lJunction2->getType() == lType) {
                            //There is 2 junction of the same type connected together
                            //their connected components should be all connected to the same junction
                            vector<Port*> lPortsToReconnect = lJunction2->getPorts();
                            for(unsigned int k = 0; k < lPortsToReconnect.size(); ++k) {
                                if(lPortsToReconnect[k] != lIncomingPort) {
                                    Port* lPort = lPortsToReconnect[k];
                                    reconnectComponent(lPort->getBond()->getOtherEnd(lPort), lJunction);
                            //remove the extra junction once all te component are reconnected

/*! \brief Simply Redundant Components
 *  Simplify the bond graph by combining passive component located at the same junction.
 *  \return True if component are grouped together so that junction could be further simplified
bool BondGraph::simplifyRemoveRedundantComponents() {
    bool lSingleComponentIdentified = false;
    //Simplify redundant component at the same junction
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        if(mComponents[i] != 0) {
            Component* lJctComponent = mComponents[i];
            if( lJctComponent->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::eJunction ) {
                Junction* lJunction = dynamic_cast<Junction*>(lJctComponent);
                vector<Passive*> lCapacitors;
                vector<Passive*> lResistors;
                vector<Passive*> lInductors;
                //Find all R,C and I
                for(unsigned int j = 0; j < lJunction->getPorts().size(); ++j) {
                    Bond* lBond = lJunction->getPorts()[j]->getBond();
                    Component* lComponent = lBond->getOtherEnd(lJunction->getPorts()[j])->getComponent();
                    if(lComponent->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::ePassive) {
                        //Exclude the one that are part of the output
                        if( find(mEffortOutputBonds.begin(),mEffortOutputBonds.end(),lBond) == mEffortOutputBonds.end()
                           && find(mFlowOutputBonds.begin(),mFlowOutputBonds.end(),lBond) == mFlowOutputBonds.end() ) {
                            Passive* lPassive = dynamic_cast<Passive*>(lComponent);
                            switch(lPassive->getType()) {
                                case Passive::eResistor:
                                case Passive::eCapacitor:
                                case Passive::eInductor:
                //Apply simplification rule and replace the components by a single one
                if(lResistors.size() > 1) {
                    Passive* lNewResistor = combineRedundantPassive(lResistors, lJunction->getType());
                    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < lResistors.size(); ++k) {
                    if(lNewResistor != 0)
                        connect(lJunction, lNewResistor);
                    if(lJunction->getPorts().size() <= 2)
                        lSingleComponentIdentified = true;
                if(lCapacitors.size() > 1) {                    
                    Passive* lNewCapacitor = combineRedundantPassive(lCapacitors, lJunction->getType());
                    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < lCapacitors.size(); ++k) {
                    if(lNewCapacitor != 0)
                        connect(lJunction, lNewCapacitor);
                    if(lJunction->getPorts().size() <= 2)
                        lSingleComponentIdentified = true;
                if(lInductors.size() > 1) {
                    Passive* lNewInductor = combineRedundantPassive(lInductors, lJunction->getType());
                    for(unsigned int k = 0; k < lInductors.size(); ++k) {
                    if(lNewInductor != 0)
                        connect(lJunction, lNewInductor);
                    if(lJunction->getPorts().size() <= 2)
                        lSingleComponentIdentified = true;
    return lSingleComponentIdentified;

Passive* BondGraph::combineRedundantPassive(std::vector<Passive*>& inComponents, Junction::JunctionType inJunctionType) {
    if(inComponents.size() == 0)
        return 0;
    if(inComponents.size() == 1)
        return inComponents[0];
    Passive* lNewPassive = new Passive(inComponents[0]->getType());
    double lValue;
    if(inJunctionType == Junction::eZero) {
        //Parrallel network simplification
        if(lNewPassive->getType() == Passive::eCapacitor) {
            lValue = 0;
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < inComponents.size(); ++i) {
                    lValue += inComponents[i]->getValue();
                    lValue -= inComponents[i]->getValue();
        } else {
            lValue = 1/inComponents[0]->getValue();
            for(unsigned int i = 1; i < inComponents.size(); ++i) {
                    lValue += 1/inComponents[i]->getValue();
                    lValue -= 1/inComponents[i]->getValue();
            lValue = 1/lValue;
    } else {
        //Serie network simplification
        if(lNewPassive->getType() == Passive::eCapacitor) {
            lValue = 1/inComponents[0]->getValue();
            for(unsigned int i = 1; i < inComponents.size(); ++i) {
                    lValue += 1/inComponents[i]->getValue();
                    lValue -= 1/inComponents[i]->getValue();
            lValue = 1/lValue;
        } else {
            lValue = 0;
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < inComponents.size(); ++i) {
                    lValue += inComponents[i]->getValue();
                    lValue -= inComponents[i]->getValue();
    return lNewPassive;

//Source* BondGraph::combineRedundantSource(vector<Source*>& inComponents, Junction::JunctionType inJunctionType) {
//    if(inComponents.size() == 0)
//        return 0;
//    if(inComponents.size() == 1)
//        return inComponents[0];
//    Source* lNewSource = new Source(inComponents[0]->getType());
//    double lValue = 0;
//    if(inJunctionType == Junction::eZero) {
//        if(lNewSource->getType() != Source::eFlow)
//            throw BGException("Multiple effort sources found on a zero junction.");
//        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < inComponents.size(); ++i) {
//            if(inComponents[i]->getPorts()[0]->isPowerSide())
//                lValue += inComponents[i]->getValue();
//            else
//                lValue -= inComponents[i]->getValue();
//        }
//    } else {
//        if(lNewSource->getType() != Source::eEffort)
//            throw BGException("Multiple flow sources found on an one junction.");
//        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < inComponents.size(); ++i) {
//            if(inComponents[i]->getPorts()[0]->isPowerSide())
//                lValue += inComponents[i]->getValue();
//            else
//                lValue -= inComponents[i]->getValue();
//        }
//    }
//    lNewSource->setValue(lValue);
//    return lNewSource;

string BondGraph::serialize(bool inIndent) const {
    std::ostringstream lOSS;
    PACC::XML::Streamer lStreamer(lOSS, 4);
    write(lStreamer, inIndent);
    return lOSS.str();

void BondGraph::write(PACC::XML::Streamer& inStream, bool inIndent) const {
    inStream.openTag("BondGraph", inIndent);
    //Write output variable
    ostringstream lOSS;
    if(mEffortOutputBonds.size() > 0) {
        if(mEffortOutputBonds[0] != 0)
            lOSS << mEffortOutputBonds[0]->getId();
        for(unsigned int i = 1; i < mEffortOutputBonds.size(); ++i) {
            if(mEffortOutputBonds[i] != 0)
                lOSS << "," << mEffortOutputBonds[i]->getId();
        string lEffortOutputId = lOSS.str();
        inStream.insertAttribute("eout", lEffortOutputId);

    if(mFlowOutputBonds.size() > 0) {
        if(mFlowOutputBonds[0] != 0)
            lOSS << mFlowOutputBonds[0]->getId();
        for(unsigned int i = 1; i < mFlowOutputBonds.size(); ++i) {
            if(mFlowOutputBonds[i] != 0)
                lOSS << "," << mFlowOutputBonds[i]->getId();

        string lFlowOutputId = lOSS.str();
        inStream.insertAttribute("fout", lFlowOutputId);
    //Write component
    for(vector<Component*>::const_iterator lComponent = mComponents.begin(); lComponent != mComponents.end(); ++lComponent) {
        if(*lComponent != 0)
    for(vector<Bond*>::const_iterator lBond = mBonds.begin(); lBond != mBonds.end(); ++lBond) {
        if(*lBond != 0 )

void BondGraph::read(PACC::XML::ConstIterator inNode)
    //Remove all previous components and bonds
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mBonds.size(); ++i) {
        if(mBonds[i] != 0) {
            delete mBonds[i];
            mBonds[i] = 0;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        if(mComponents[i] != 0) {
            delete mComponents[i];
            mComponents[i] = 0;

    if((inNode->getType() != PACC::XML::eData) || (inNode->getValue() != "BondGraph"))
        throw BGException("tag <BondGraph> expected!");
    //Get output Id
    string lEffortOut = inNode->getAttribute("eout");
    string lFlowOut = inNode->getAttribute("fout");

    //Go through all component
    for(PACC::XML::ConstIterator lChild=inNode->getFirstChild(); lChild; lChild=lChild->getNextSibling()) {
        if(lChild->getValue() == "Component") {
            int lSubType = atoi(lChild->getAttribute("subtype").c_str());
            int lId = atoi(lChild->getAttribute("id").c_str());
            if(lChild->getAttribute("type") == "Junction") {
                addComponent(new Junction(Junction::JunctionType(lSubType),lId));
            else if(lChild->getAttribute("type") == "Source"){
                addComponent(new Source(Source::SourceType(lSubType),atof(lChild->getAttribute("value").c_str()),lId));  
            else if(lChild->getAttribute("type") == "Passive"){
                addComponent(new Passive(Passive::PassiveType(lSubType),atof(lChild->getAttribute("value").c_str()),lId));  
            } else {
                throw BGException("Unknown component type!");
    mElementIdCounter = mComponents.size()+1;
    //Add the bond
    for(PACC::XML::ConstIterator lChild=inNode->getFirstChild(); lChild; lChild=lChild->getNextSibling()) {
        if(lChild->getValue() == "Bond") {
            int lFrom = atoi(lChild->getAttribute("from").c_str());
            int lTo = atoi(lChild->getAttribute("to").c_str());
            Causality lCausality = Causality(atoi(lChild->getAttribute("causality").c_str()));
            int lId = atoi(lChild->getAttribute("id").c_str());
            connect(mComponents[lFrom-1],mComponents[lTo-1], lCausality, lId);
    //Adjust bond counter
    mBondIdCounter = mBonds.size()+1;
    //Assign output bonds
    std::istringstream lISS(lEffortOut);
    if(!lEffortOut.empty()) {
        vector<unsigned int> lEffortOutputId;
        lISS >> lEffortOutputId;
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lEffortOutputId.size(); ++i) {
            assert(mBonds[lEffortOutputId[i]-1]->getId() == lEffortOutputId[i]);
            //Bond* lBond = mBonds[lEffortOutputId[i]-1];

    if(!lFlowOut.empty()) {
        vector<unsigned int> lFlowOutputId;
        lISS >> lFlowOutputId;
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lFlowOutputId.size(); ++i) {
            assert(mBonds[lFlowOutputId[i]-1]->getId() == lFlowOutputId[i]);

/*! \brief Compute the state equation of the bond graph.
 *  This method will compute the state equation of the bond graph in the form
 *    \f$\dot{x} = Ax + Bu\f$. If the bond graph contain differential causality
 *    of the storage component, the form \f$\dot{x} = Ax + Bu + B_2\dot{u}\f$ will
 *    be used.
void BondGraph::computeStateEquation() {

void BondGraph::countComponentType() {
    //Count the number of element in each group
    mUcount = 0;  // Number of source bond
    mScount = 0;  // Number of storage bond with integral causality
    mSDcount = 0; // Number of storage bond with derivative causality
    mRcount = 0;  // Number of dissipative bond
    mJcount = 0;  // Number of junction bond
    for(vector<Bond*>::iterator lIter = mBonds.begin(); lIter != mBonds.end(); ++lIter) {
        if(*lIter != 0) {
            switch( (*lIter)->getGroup() ) {
                case Bond::eU:
                case Bond::eS:
                case Bond::eSd:
                case Bond::eR:
                case Bond::eJ:
                    throw BGException("BondGraph::countComponentType() : Unknown group type");    

/*! \brief Initialize the state equations matrices.
 *  This methods count the number of bond in each Bond::BondGroup. It will resize
 *    the state equation related matrices according to the size of each group. Each
 *    bond will be assign an index and an offset according to their position in their
 *    respective vector.
 *    The \f$x\f$ vector is composed of the state variable corresponding to the
 *    storage component in integral causality. That is, the charge and momentum variable
 *    for capacitor and inertia respectively. \f$z\f$ is the coenergy variable vector. It
 *    form of the effort variable for capacitor and flow variable for inertia. \f$x_d\f$
 *    and \f$z_d\f$ are the same as previously, but for component in differential
 *    causality. \f$d_i\f$ and \f$d_o\f$ are the input and output to the dissipative component respectively.
 *    \f$u\f$ and \f$v\f$ are the output and input of the source component respectively.
 *    Then, the matrices are form such that :
 *    \f[x = S z\f]
 *    \f[z_d = S_d x_d\f]
 *    \f[d_o = L d_i\f]
 *    \f[ \left[\begin{array}{c}\dot{x}\\z_d\\d_i\\v\end{array}\right] = J \left[\begin{array}{c}z\\\dot{x_d}\\d_o\\u\end{array}\right]\f]
 *    \f[ \left[\begin{array}{c} \dot{x} \\ z_d \\ d_i \\ v \end{array}\right] = J_{FE} \left[\begin{array}{c} z \\ \dot{x_d} \\ d_o \\ u \end{array}\right] \f]
 *    \f[ \left[\begin{array}{c} J_{e} \\ J_{f} \end{array}\right] = J_{IE} \left[\begin{array}{c} z \\ \dot{x_d} \\ d_o \\ u \end{array}\right] \f]
 *    \f[ \left[\begin{array}{c} \dot{x} \\ z_d \\ d_i \\ v \end{array}\right] = J_{FI} \left[\begin{array}{c} J_{e} \\ J_{f} \end{array}\right] \f]
 *    \f[ \left[\begin{array}{c} J_{e} \\ J_{f} \end{array}\right] = J_{II} \left[\begin{array}{c} J_{e} \\ J_{f} \end{array}\right] \f]
 *    where \f$J_e\f$ and \f$J_f\f$ are the effort and flow vector of the junctions bonds. For example \f$[J_{e},J_{f}]^T = [e_1,e_2,e_3,f_1,f_2,f_3]^T\f$
 *    The index of the bond give the position of the bond into is respective vector and the
 *    the offset give the additional index into the concatenated vector.
void BondGraph::initializeMatrix() {

    //Count the number of element in each group
    int lUSRcount = mUcount + mScount + mSDcount + mRcount;
    //Resize the matrix according to the relevant group size
    //Assign matrix index to each bond
    int lXidx = 0;
    int lXDidx = 0;
    int lDidx = 0;
    int lUidx = 0;
    int lJidx = 0;
    int lSidx = 0;
    for(vector<Bond*>::iterator lIter = mBonds.begin(); lIter != mBonds.end(); ++lIter) {
        if(*lIter != 0) {
            switch( (*lIter)->getGroup() ) {
                case Bond::eS:
                    if((*lIter)->isEffortInput()) {
                        (*lIter)->setMatrixIndex(lXidx, 0, lXidx, -lXidx-1);
                    } else {
                        (*lIter)->setMatrixIndex(lXidx, 0, -lXidx-1, lXidx);
                case Bond::eSd:
                    if((*lIter)->isEffortInput()) {
                        (*lIter)->setMatrixIndex(lXDidx, mScount, lXDidx+mScount+mSDcount, lXDidx+mScount);
                    } else {
                        (*lIter)->setMatrixIndex(lXDidx, mScount, lXDidx+mScount, lXDidx+mScount+mSDcount);
                case Bond::eR:
                    if((*lIter)->isEffortInput()) {
                        (*lIter)->setMatrixIndex(lDidx, mScount+mSDcount, lDidx+mScount+mSDcount+mSDcount+mRcount, lDidx+mScount+mSDcount+mSDcount);
                    } else {
                        (*lIter)->setMatrixIndex(lDidx, mScount+mSDcount, lDidx+mScount+mSDcount+mSDcount, lDidx+mScount+mSDcount+mSDcount+mRcount);
                case Bond::eU:
                    if((*lIter)->isEffortInput()) {
                        (*lIter)->setMatrixIndex(lUidx, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, -lUidx-mScount-1, lUidx+mScount+mSDcount+mSDcount+mRcount+mRcount);
                    } else {
                        (*lIter)->setMatrixIndex(lUidx, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, lUidx+mScount+mSDcount+mSDcount+mRcount+mRcount, -lUidx-mScount-1);
                case Bond::eJ:
                    (*lIter)->setMatrixIndex(lJidx, 0, lJidx+mScount+mSDcount+mSDcount+mRcount+mRcount+mUcount, lJidx+mScount+mSDcount+mSDcount+mRcount+mRcount+mUcount+mJcount, mJcount);
                    throw BGException("BondGraph::initializeMatrix() : Unknown bond group");

#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
            if( (*lIter)->getGroup() == Bond::eJ ) {
                cout << "Bond " << (*lIter)->getId() << " is part of group " << (*lIter)->getGroup() << " with index " << (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().index << " and joffset " << (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().joffset << ". Effort and flow index are : " << (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().effort << ", " << (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().flow << endl;
            } else {
                cout << "Bond " << (*lIter)->getId() << " is part of group " << (*lIter)->getGroup() << " with index " << (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().index << " and offset " << (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().index << ". Effort and flow index are : " << (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().effort << ", " << (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().flow << endl;
    //Compute the U vector and name vector
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mComponents.size(); ++i) {
        if(mComponents[i] != 0) {
            switch( mComponents[i]->getComponentGroup() ) {
                case Component::eU:
                    mSources[mComponents[i]->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index] = dynamic_cast<Source*>(mComponents[i]);//->getValue();
                    mNameU[mComponents[i]->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index] = mComponents[i]->getName();
                case Component::eS:
                    if(mComponents[i]->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getGroup() != Bond::eSd) {
                        mNameX[mComponents[i]->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index] = mComponents[i]->getName();
                    } else {
                        mNameXd[mComponents[i]->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index] = mComponents[i]->getName();
    //Form the output name vector
    mOutputName.resize(2*mBonds.size() - mUcount);
    for(vector<Bond*>::iterator lIter = mBonds.begin(); lIter != mBonds.end(); ++lIter) {
        if(*lIter != 0) {
            Bond::MatrixIndex lIdx = (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex();
            if(lIdx.effort >= 0)
                mOutputName[lIdx.effort] = string((*lIter)->getName()+".e");
            if(lIdx.flow >= 0)
                mOutputName[lIdx.flow] = string((*lIter)->getName()+".f");
//    std::cout << "NameX: " << mNameX << std::endl;
//    std::cout << "NameXd: " << mNameXd << std::endl;
//    std::cout << "mOutputName: " << mOutputName << std::endl;

/*! \brief Compute the S matrix
 *  This method compute the diagonal S matrix describes in #initializeMatrix.
void BondGraph::computeSMatrix() {
    for(vector<Component*>::iterator lIter = mComponents.begin(); lIter != mComponents.end(); ++lIter) {
        if(*lIter != 0) {
            if( (*lIter)->getComponentGroup() == Component::eS) {
                if( (*lIter)->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eS ) {
                    int lIdx = (*lIter)->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index;
                    if( (*lIter)->getValue() == 0 ) {
                        mS(lIdx,lIdx) = DBL_MAX;
                    } else {
                        mS(lIdx,lIdx) = 1/(*lIter)->getValue();
                } else {
                    int lIdx = (*lIter)->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index;
                    mSd(lIdx,lIdx) = (*lIter)->getValue();
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
    PACC::XML::Streamer lStream(cout);
    mS.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    mSd.write(lStream); cout << endl;

/*! \brief Compute the L matrix
 *  This method compute the diagonal L matrix describes in #initializeMatrix.
void BondGraph::computeLMatrix() {    
    for(vector<Component*>::iterator lIter = mComponents.begin(); lIter != mComponents.end(); ++lIter) {
        if(*lIter != 0) {
            if( (*lIter)->getComponentGroup() == Component::eR) {
                int lIdx = (*lIter)->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index;
                if( (*lIter)->getPorts()[0]->getCausality() == eEffortCausal ) {
                    if( (*lIter)->getValue() == 0 ) {
                        mL(lIdx,lIdx) = DBL_MAX;
                    } else {
                        mL(lIdx,lIdx) = 1/(*lIter)->getValue();
                } else {
                    mL(lIdx,lIdx) = (*lIter)->getValue();
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
    PACC::XML::Streamer lStream(cout);
    mL.write(lStream); cout << endl;

/*! \brief Compute the J matrix
 *  First this methods fill the elements of the JIE,JFI,JFE and JII matrix from the bond graph junction
 *    structure. Then, the J matrix is computed as \f$J = J_{FE} + J_{FI}(I-J_{II})^{-1} J_{IE} \f$
 *    if \f$J_{II}\f$ is not zero or \f$J = J_{FE} + J_{FI}J_{IE} \f$ otherwise.
void BondGraph::computeJMatrix() {
    //Compute JE,JF,JFE and JI matrix
    for(vector<Component*>::iterator lIter = mComponents.begin(); lIter != mComponents.end(); ++lIter) {
        if(*lIter != 0) {
            if( (*lIter)->getComponentGroup() == Component::eJ ) {
                if( (*lIter)->getElementType() == BondGraphElement::eJunction ) {
                    Junction* lJunction = dynamic_cast<Junction*> (*lIter);
                    if( lJunction->getType() == Junction::eZero ) {
                        //Find the base, i.e. the effort causal connected port
                        Port* lBasePort = 0;
                        for(vector<Port*>::iterator lIter = lJunction->getPorts().begin(); lIter != lJunction->getPorts().end(); ++lIter) {
                            if( (*lIter)->getCausality() == eEffortCausal ) {
                                lBasePort = *lIter;
                        if(lBasePort == 0) {
                            throw BGException(string("Invalid causality assignment. No baseport found on junction ")+lJunction->getName());
                        //Fill the matrix according to the equation ei = eb and the sum relation for f
                        for(vector<Port*>::iterator lIter = lJunction->getPorts().begin(); lIter != lJunction->getPorts().end(); ++lIter) {
                            if( (*lIter)->getCausality() != eEffortCausal ) {
                                setJMatrixElement(lBasePort, *lIter, lJunction->getType());
                    } else { //Junction eOne
                        //Find the base, i.e. the flow causal connected port
                        Port* lBasePort = 0;
                        for(vector<Port*>::iterator lIter = lJunction->getPorts().begin(); lIter != lJunction->getPorts().end(); ++lIter) {
                            if( (*lIter)->getCausality() == eFlowCausal ) {
                                lBasePort = *lIter;
                        if(lBasePort == 0) {
                            throw BGException(string("Invalid causality assignment. No baseport found on junction ")+lJunction->getName());
                        //Fill the matrix according to the equation fi = fb and the sum relation for e
                        for(vector<Port*>::iterator lIter = lJunction->getPorts().begin(); lIter != lJunction->getPorts().end(); ++lIter) {
                            if( (*lIter)->getCausality() != eFlowCausal ) {
                                setJMatrixElement(lBasePort, *lIter, lJunction->getType());
                } else { //GY or TR
                    Passive* lPassive = dynamic_cast<Passive*> (*lIter);
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
    PACC::XML::Streamer lStream(cout);
    mJFE.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    mJIE.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    mJFI.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    mJII.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    //Compute the J matrix with J = JFE + JFI*inv(I-JI)*JIE if JII is not zero or J = JFE + JFI*JIE if JII is zero.
    bool lIsJIZero = true;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < mJII.getRows(); ++i) {
        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < mJII.getCols(); ++j) {
            if(mJII(i,j) != 0) {
                lIsJIZero = false;
    if(!lIsJIZero) {
        PACC::Matrix lEye;
        PACC::Matrix lInvJI = (lEye-mJII).invert();
        mJj = lInvJI*mJIE;
        mJ = mJFE + mJFI*lInvJI*mJIE;
    } else {
        mJj = mJIE;
        mJ = mJFE + mJFI*mJIE;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
    mJ.write(lStream); cout << endl;

//#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
//void BondGraph::displayEquation(const std::vector< Port* > &inPorts, Passive::PassiveType inType) {
//    if(inType == Passive::eTransformer || inType == Passive::eTransformerM) {
//        cout << "Equation : e" << inPorts[1]->getBond()->getId() << " = e" << inPorts[0]->getBond()->getId() << endl;
//    } else {
//    }    

/*! \brief Assign element of the appropriate J matrix according to the constrains of the TF and GY elements
 *  This methods fill the JFE, JIE, JFI or JII according to the type of bond involved.
 *  \param  inPorts Ports of the component
 *  \param  inType Type of component
void BondGraph::setJMatrixElement(const std::vector< Port* > &inPorts, Passive::PassiveType inType) {
    assert(inPorts.size() == 2); //There should have to port to TF or GY
    Port *lBasePort, *lPort;
    //Find the base port
    if(inPorts[0]->isPowerSide()) {
        assert(!inPorts[1]->isPowerSide()); //Power should flow
        lBasePort = inPorts[0];
        lPort = inPorts[1];
    } else {
        assert(inPorts[1]->isPowerSide()); //Power should flow
        lBasePort = inPorts[1];
        lPort = inPorts[0];

    //Find the value of the transformation
    bool lIsEffortCausal;
    double lValue;
    if( lBasePort->getCausality() == eEffortCausal ) {
        lValue = 1/lBasePort->getComponent()->getValue();
        lIsEffortCausal = true;
    else {
        lValue = lBasePort->getComponent()->getValue();
        lIsEffortCausal = false;
    //If the power direction is the same -> -1, if opposed -> 1
    if( (lBasePort->isPowerSide() && lPort->isPowerSide()) ||
       (!lBasePort->isPowerSide() && !lPort->isPowerSide()) ) {
        lValue = -lValue;

    int lIdx1 = lBasePort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index + lBasePort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().offset;
    int lIdx2 = lPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index + lPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().offset;
    if( lBasePort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eS || lBasePort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eSd || lBasePort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eR || lBasePort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eU) {
        if( lPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eS || lPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eSd || lPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eR || lPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eU) {
            mJFE(lIdx1, lIdx2) = lValue;
            mJFE(lIdx2, lIdx1) = lValue;

        } else { //SUR and J
            int lIdx2F = lIdx2 + lPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset;
            if(inType == Passive::eTransformer || inType == Passive::eTransformerM) {
                if(lIsEffortCausal) {
                    mJFI(lIdx1,lIdx2F) = lValue;
                    mJIE(lIdx2,lIdx1) = lValue;
                } else {
                    mJFI(lIdx1,lIdx2) = lValue;
                    mJIE(lIdx2F,lIdx1) = lValue;
            } else {
                if(lIsEffortCausal) {
                    mJFI(lIdx1, lIdx2) = lValue;
                    mJIE(lIdx2F, lIdx1) = lValue;
                } else {
                    mJFI(lIdx1, lIdx2F) = lValue;
                    mJIE(lIdx2, lIdx1) = lValue;
    } else {
        if( lPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eS || lPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eSd || lPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eR || lPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eU) {
            //J and USR
            int lIdx1F = lIdx1 + lBasePort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset;
            if(inType == Passive::eTransformer || inType == Passive::eTransformerM) {
                if(lIsEffortCausal) {
                    mJIE(lIdx1F,lIdx2) = lValue;
                    mJFI(lIdx2,lIdx1) = lValue;
                } else {
                    mJIE(lIdx1,lIdx2) = lValue;
                    mJFI(lIdx2,lIdx1F) = lValue;
            } else {
                if(lIsEffortCausal) {
                    mJIE(lIdx1F, lIdx2) = lValue;
                    mJFI(lIdx2, lIdx1) = lValue;
                } else {
                    mJIE(lIdx1, lIdx2) = lValue;
                    mJFI(lIdx2, lIdx1F) = lValue;
        } else {//J and J
            int lIdx1F = lIdx1 + lBasePort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset;
            int lIdx2F = lIdx2 + lPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset;
            if(inType == Passive::eTransformer || inType == Passive::eTransformerM) {
                if(lIsEffortCausal) {
                    mJII(lIdx1F,lIdx2F) = lValue;
                    mJII(lIdx2,lIdx1) = lValue;
                } else {
                    mJII(lIdx1,lIdx2) = lValue;
                    mJII(lIdx2F,lIdx1F) = lValue;
            } else {
                if(lIsEffortCausal) {
                    mJII(lIdx1F, lIdx2) = lValue;
                    mJII(lIdx2F, lIdx1) = lValue;
                } else {
                    mJII(lIdx1, lIdx2F) = lValue;
                    mJII(lIdx2, lIdx1F) = lValue;

/*! \brief Assign element of the appropriate J matrix according to the constrains of the junction-0 or junction-1.
 *  Set the element of the JFE, JIE, JFI or JII matrix based on the type bonds involved.
 *  \param  inBasePort The base bond of the junction
 *  \param  inPort A dependent bond of the junction
 *    \param    inType The type of junction
void BondGraph::setJMatrixElement(const Port* inBasePort, const Port* inPort, Junction::JunctionType inType) {
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
    int lIdxBase = inBasePort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index + inBasePort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().offset;
    int lIdx = inPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().index + inPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().offset;
    if( inBasePort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eS || inBasePort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eSd || inBasePort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eR || inBasePort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eU) {
        if( inPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eS || inPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eSd || inPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eR || inPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eU) {
            //Set equality relation
            mJFE(lIdx, lIdxBase) = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
            cout << "Jfe(" << lIdx << ", " << lIdxBase << ") = 1" << endl;
            //Set sum equality relation. If the power direction is the same -> -1, if opposed -> 1
            if( (inBasePort->isPowerSide() && inPort->isPowerSide()) ||
               (!inBasePort->isPowerSide() && !inPort->isPowerSide()) ) {
                mJFE(lIdxBase, lIdx) = -1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
                cout << "Jfe(" << lIdxBase << ", " << lIdx << ") = -1" << endl;
            } else {
                mJFE(lIdxBase, lIdx) = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
                cout << "Jfe(" << lIdxBase << ", " << lIdx << ") = 1" << endl;
        } else {//inPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eJ
            int lIdxE = lIdx;
            int lIdxF = lIdx;
            if(inType == Junction::eZero) {
                lIdxF = lIdx + inPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset;
            } else {
                lIdxE = lIdx + inPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset;
            mJIE(lIdxE, lIdxBase) = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
            cout << "Je(" << lIdxE << ", " << lIdxBase << ") = 1" << endl;            
            //Set sum equality relation. If the power direction is the same -> -1, if opposed -> 1
            if( (inBasePort->isPowerSide() && inPort->isPowerSide()) ||
               (!inBasePort->isPowerSide() && !inPort->isPowerSide()) ) {
                mJFI(lIdxBase, lIdxF) = -1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
                cout << "Jf(" << lIdxBase << ", " << lIdxF << ") = -1" << endl;
            } else {
                mJFI(lIdxBase, lIdxF) = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
                cout << "Jf(" << lIdxBase << ", " << lIdxF << ") = 1" << endl;
    } else { //inBasePort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eJ
        if( inPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eS || inPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eSd || inPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eR || inPort->getBond()->getGroup() == Bond::eU) {
            int lIdxBaseE = lIdxBase;
            int lIdxBaseF = lIdxBase;
            if(inType == Junction::eZero) {
                lIdxBaseF = lIdxBase + inBasePort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset; //Change from lIdx
            } else {
                lIdxBaseE = lIdxBase + inBasePort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset; //Change from lIdx

            mJFI(lIdx, lIdxBaseE) = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
            cout << "Jf(" << lIdx << ", " << lIdxBaseE << ") = 1" << endl;
            //Set sum equality relation. If the power direction is the same -> -1, if opposed -> 1
            if( (inBasePort->isPowerSide() && inPort->isPowerSide()) ||
                (!inBasePort->isPowerSide() && !inPort->isPowerSide()) ) {
                mJIE(lIdxBaseF, lIdx) = -1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
                cout << "Je(" << lIdxBaseF << ", " << lIdx << ") = -1" << endl;
            } else {
                mJIE(lIdxBaseF, lIdx) = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
                cout << "Je(" << lIdxBaseF << ", " << lIdx << ") = 1" << endl;
        } else {//inPort->->getBond()getGroup() == Bond::eJ
            int lIdxBaseE = lIdxBase;
            int lIdxBaseF = lIdxBase;
            int lIdxE = lIdx;
            int lIdxF = lIdx;
            if(inType == Junction::eZero) {
                lIdxF = lIdx + inPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset;
                lIdxBaseF = lIdxBase + inPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset;//Change from lIdx
            } else {
                lIdxE = lIdx + inPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset;
                lIdxBaseE = lIdxBase + inPort->getBond()->getMatrixIndex().joffset;//Change from lIdx
            mJII(lIdxE, lIdxBaseE) = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
            cout << "Ji(" << lIdxE << ", " << lIdxBaseE << ") = 1" << endl;
            //Set sum equality relation. If the power direction is the same -> -1, if opposed -> 1
            if( (inBasePort->isPowerSide() && inPort->isPowerSide()) ||
               (!inBasePort->isPowerSide() && !inPort->isPowerSide()) ) {
                mJII(lIdxBaseF, lIdxF) = -1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
                cout << "Ji(" << lIdxBaseF << ", " << lIdxF << ") = -1" << endl;
            } else {
                mJII(lIdxBaseF, lIdxF) = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
                cout << "Ji(" << lIdxBaseF << ", " << lIdxF << ") = 1" << endl;

#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
void BondGraph::displayEquation(const Port* inBasePort, const Port* inPort, Junction::JunctionType inType) {
    if(inType == Junction::eZero)
        cout << "Equation : e" << inPort->getBond()->getId() << " = e" << inBasePort->getBond()->getId() << endl;
        cout << "Equation : f" << inPort->getBond()->getId() << " = f" << inBasePort->getBond()->getId() << endl;
    if( (inBasePort->isPowerSide() && inPort->isPowerSide()) ||
       (!inBasePort->isPowerSide() && !inPort->isPowerSide()) ) {
        if(inType == Junction::eZero)
            cout << "Equation : f" << inBasePort->getBond()->getId() << " = -f" << inPort->getBond()->getId() << " + ... " << endl;
            cout << "Equation : e" << inBasePort->getBond()->getId() << " = -e" << inPort->getBond()->getId() << " + ... " << endl;
    } else {
        if(inType == Junction::eZero)
            cout << "Equation : f" << inBasePort->getBond()->getId() << " = f" << inPort->getBond()->getId() << " + ... " << endl;
            cout << "Equation : e" << inBasePort->getBond()->getId() << " = e" << inPort->getBond()->getId() << " + ... " << endl;

void BondGraph::computeCDMatrix() {

    //Check if there is derivative causality
    if(mSDcount == 0) {

        //Extract the submatrix from J
        PACC::Matrix lJxz("Jxz"), lJxd("Jxd"), lJxu("Jxu");
        PACC::Matrix lJdz("Jdz"), lJdd("Jdd"), lJdu("Jdu");
        PACC::Matrix lJvz("Jvz"), lJvd("Jvd"), lJvu("Jvu");
        if(mScount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(lJxz, 0, mScount-1, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(lJxd, 0, mScount-1, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1);
            if(mUcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(lJxu, 0, mScount-1, mScount + mRcount, mScount + mRcount + mUcount-1);
        if(mRcount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(lJdd, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1);
            if(mScount > 0)
                mJ.extract(lJdz, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mUcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(lJdu, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1, mScount + mRcount, mScount + mRcount + mUcount-1);
        if(mUcount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(lJvu, mScount+mRcount, mScount + mRcount + mUcount-1, mScount + mRcount, mScount + mRcount + mUcount-1);
            if(mScount > 0)
                mJ.extract(lJvz, mScount+mRcount, mScount + mRcount + mUcount-1, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(lJvd, mScount+mRcount, mScount + mRcount + mUcount-1, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1);
        //Extract submatrix from Jj
        PACC::Matrix lJjz,lJjd,lJju;
        if(mJj.size() > 0) {
            if(mScount > 0)
                mJj.extractColumns(lJjz, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJj.extractColumns(lJjd, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1);
            if(mUcount > 0)
                mJj.extractColumns(lJju, mScount+mRcount, mScount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
        //Compute Cdo = L*inv(I-Jdd*L)*Jdz*S
        //Compute Cdi = I + Jdd*L*inv(I-Jdd*L)*Jdz*S  ///not the same as in the code
        //Compute Cj = (Jjz + Jjd*L*inv(I-Jdd*L)*Jdz)*S
        //Compute Dj = Jju + Jjd*L*inv(I-Jdd*L)*Jdu
        //where Jj = inv(I-Jii)*Jie

        PACC::Matrix lCdo,lDdo,lCdi,lDdi,lCj,lDj,lCv,lDv;
        mC = mS;
        if(mRcount > 0) {
            PACC::Matrix lI;
            PACC::Matrix lInv = mL*((lI - lJdd*mL).invert());
            PACC::Matrix lM = (lI + lJdd*lInv);
            if(mScount > 0) {
                lCdi = lM*lJdz*mS;
                lCdo = lInv*lJdz*mS;

            if(mUcount > 0) {
                lDdo = lInv*lJdu;
                lDdi = lM*lJdu;
                if(mScount > 0)
                    lCv = (lJvz+lJvd*lInv*lJdz)*mS;
                lDv = lJvd*lInv*lJdu+lJvu; //To verify : lInv*lJdu+lJvu;

                if(mScount > 0)
                if(mJj.size() > 0) {
                    lDj = lJju + lJjd*lInv*lJdu;
            } else {
            if(mJj.size() > 0) {                
                if(mScount > 0) {
                    lCj = (lJjz + lJjd*lInv*lJdz)*mS;
        } else {
            if(mUcount > 0) {
                if(mScount > 0) {
                    lCv = lJvz*mS;
                lDv = lJvu;
                mD.concatenateRows(mD,lDv); //Problem here when S ->| 0 ->| I
            if(mJj.size() > 0) {
                if(mScount > 0) {
                    lCj = lJjz*mS;
                if(mUcount > 0) {
                    lDv = lJvu;
                    mD.concatenateRows(mD,lDv); //to verify
                    lDj = lJju;
                } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
        PACC::XML::Streamer lStream(cout);
        mC.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        mD.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    } else {
        //There is some derivative causality
        //Extract the submatrix from J
        PACC::Matrix Jii("Jii"), Jid("Jid"), Jil("Jil"), Jiu("Jiu");
        PACC::Matrix Jdi("Jdi"), Jdu("Jdu");
        PACC::Matrix Jli("Jli"), Jld("Jld"), Jll("Jll"), Jlu("Jlu");
        PACC::Matrix Jvi("Jvi"), Jvd("Jvd"), Jvl("Jvl"), Jvu("Jvu");
        if(mScount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(Jii, 0, mScount-1, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mSDcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jdi, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jli, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, 0, mScount-1);
        if(mSDcount > 0) {
            if(mScount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jid, 0, mScount-1, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jld, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1);
        if(mRcount > 0) {
            if(mScount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jil, 0, mScount-1, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jll, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1);
        if(mUcount > 0) {
            if(mScount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jiu, 0, mScount-1, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
            if(mSDcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jdu, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jlu, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
        //Extract submatrix for computing v
        if(mUcount > 0) {
            unsigned int lIdx1 = mScount+mSDcount+mRcount;
            unsigned int lIdx2 = mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1;
            mJ.extract(Jvu, lIdx1, lIdx2, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jvd, lIdx1, lIdx2, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jvd, lIdx1, lIdx2, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1);
            if(mScount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jvi, lIdx1, lIdx2, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jvl, lIdx1, lIdx2, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1);
        //Extract submatrix from Jj
        PACC::Matrix Jji,Jjd,Jju,Jjl;
        if(mJj.size() > 0) {
            mJj.extractColumns(Jjd, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1);
            if(mScount > 0)
                mJj.extractColumns(Jji, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJj.extractColumns(Jjl, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1);
            if(mUcount > 0)
                mJj.extractColumns(Jju, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
        //Matrix declaration
        PACC::Matrix Czd,Dzd,Dzd2,Cxd,Dxd,Dxd2,Cdo,Ddo,Ddo2,Cdi,Ddi,Ddi2,Cj,Dj,Dj2,Cv,Dv,Dv2;
        PACC::Matrix F,G1,G2,H,K,M;        
        //Useful invert
        PACC::Matrix lI; lI.setIdentity(Jll.getRows());
        PACC::Matrix P = mL*(lI - Jll).invert();
        //Useful substitution
        if(mScount != 0) {
            F = mSd*Jdi*mS*mA;
            G1 = mSd*Jdi*mS*mB;
            H =    P*(Jli*mS + Jld*F);
            G2 = mSd*Jdi*mS*mB2 + mSd*Jdu;
        } else {
            G2 = mSd*Jdu;
        K = P*(Jlu + Jld*G1);        
        M = P*Jld*G2;

        //Compute C and D matrix
        mC = mS;
        if(mScount > 0) {
            Czd = Jdi*mS;
            Cxd = F;
        if(mRcount > 0 && mScount > 0) {
            Cdo = H;
            Cdi = Jli*mS+Jld*F+Jll*H;
        if(mUcount > 0) {
            Dzd = Jdu;
            Dzd2 = PACC::Matrix(Jdu.getRows(),Jdu.getCols());
            if(mScount > 0) {
                Cv = Jvi*mS+Jvd*F+Jvl*H;
            Dxd = G1;
            Dxd2 = G2;
            if(mRcount > 0) {
                Ddo = K;
                Ddo2 = M;
                Ddi = Jlu + Jld*G1 + Jll*K;
                Ddi2 = Jld*G2 + Jll*M;
            Dv = Jvu + Jvd*G1 + Jvl*K;
            Dv2 = Jvd*G2 + Jvl*M;
            if(mJcount > 0) {
                Dj = Jjl*K + Jjd*G1 + Jju;
                Dj2 = Jjl*M + Jjd*G2;
        if(mJcount > 0 && mScount > 0) {
            Cj = Jji*mS + Jjl*H + Jjd*F;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
        PACC::XML::Streamer lStream(cout);
        mC.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        mD.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        mD2.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        cout << getOutputVariableNames() << endl;
    if(mScount != 0 && mUcount != 0 && (mC.getRows() != mD.getRows()) ) {
        throw BGException("Matrix C and D don't have the same number of rows");
    if(mUcount != 0 && mSDcount != 0 && (mD.getRows() != mD2.getRows()) ) {
        throw BGException("Matrix D and D2 don't have the same number of rows");

/*! \brief Compute the value of the A and B matrix of the state equation
 *    In the case where there is no differential causality, the state equation
 *    can be formulated as \f$\dot{x} = Ax + Bu\f$. The matrices are then computed
 *    as :
 *    \f[
 *    \begin{array}{cl}
 *        A &= (J_{xz} + J_{xd}L(I - J_{dd}L)^{-1}J_{dz})S \\
 *        B &= J_{xu} + J_{xd}L(I - J_{dd}L)^{-1}J_{du}
 *    \end{array}
 *    \f]
 *    where the submatrices are extracted as :
 *    \f[ \begin{array}{cl}
 *        \left[\begin{array}{c}\dot{x}\\d_i\\v\end{array}\right] &= J \left[\begin{array}{c}z\\d_o\\u\end{array}\right] \\
 *        \left[\begin{array}{c}\dot{x}\\d_i\end{array}\right] &= \left[\begin{array}{ccc} J_{xz} & J_{xd} & J_{xu} \\ J_{dz} & J_{dd} & J_{du} \end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{c}z\\\dot{x_d}\\d_o\\u\end{array}\right]
 *    \end{array}\f]
 *    In the case where there is differential causality involved, the state equation
 *    are formulated as \f$\dot{x} = Ax + Bu + B_2\dot{u}\f$. The matrices are then
 *    computed as :
 *    \f[
 *    \begin{array}{cl}
 *        K &= J_{il}L(I - LJ_{ll})^{-1}\\
 *        T_{ii} &= J_{ii}S +  K J_{li}S \\
 *        T_{iu} &= J_{iu} + K J{lu} \\
 *        T_f &= I - J_{id} S_{d} J_{di} S - K J_{ld} S_d J_{di} S \\
 *        T_{i\dot{u}} &= K J_{ld} S_{d} J_{du} + J_{id} S_{d} J_{du} \\
 *        A &= T_f^{-1}T_{ii} \\
 *        B &= T_f^{-1}T_{iu} \\
 *        B_2 &= T_f^{-1}T_{i\dot{u}}
 *    \end{array}
 *    \f]
 *    where the submatrices are extracted as :
 *    \f[ \begin{array}{cl}
 *        \left[\begin{array}{c}\dot{x}\\z_d\\d_i\\v\end{array}\right] &= J \left[\begin{array}{c}z\\\dot{x_d}\\d_o\\u\end{array}\right] \\
 *        \left[\begin{array}{c}\dot{x}\\z_d\\d_i\end{array}\right] &= \left[\begin{array}{cccc} J_{ii} & J_{id} & J_{il} & J_{iu} \\ J_{di} & J_{dd} & J_{dl} & J_{du} \\ J_{li} & J_{ld} & J_{ll} & J_{lu} \end{array}\right] \left[\begin{array}{c}z\\\dot{x_d}\\d_o\\u\end{array}\right]
 *    \end{array}\f]
void BondGraph::computeABMatrix() {
    //Check if there is any state to the system. If not, clear A and B.
    if(mScount == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
        PACC::XML::Streamer lStream(cout);
        mA.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        mB.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    //Check if there is derivative causality
    if(mSDcount == 0) {
        //Extract the submatrix from J
        PACC::Matrix lJxz, lJxd, lJxu;
        PACC::Matrix lJdz, lJdd, lJdu;
        if(mScount > 0)
            mJ.extract(lJxz, 0, mScount-1, 0, mScount-1);
        if(mRcount > 0)
            mJ.extract(lJxd, 0, mScount-1, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1);
        if(mUcount > 0)
            mJ.extract(lJxu, 0, mScount-1, mScount + mRcount, mScount + mRcount + mUcount-1);

        if(mRcount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(lJdd, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1);
            if(mScount > 0)
                mJ.extract(lJdz, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mUcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(lJdu, mScount, mScount+mRcount-1, mScount + mRcount, mScount + mRcount + mUcount-1);
        //Compute A and B matrix as A = (Jxz + Jxd*L*inv(I - Jdd*L)*Jdz)*S and B = Jxu + Jxd*L*inv(I - Jdd*L)*Jdu
        if(mRcount > 0) {
            PACC::Matrix lI;
            PACC::Matrix lInv = lJxd*mL*(lI - lJdd*mL).invert(); //Jxd*L*inv(I - Jdd*L)
            mA = (lJxz + lInv*lJdz)*mS;
            if(mUcount > 0)
                mB = lJxu + lInv*lJdu;
        else {
            mA = lJxz*mS;
            if(mUcount > 0)
                mB = lJxu;
    } else {
        //Compute using A, B in presence of differential causality
        //Extract the submatrix from J
        PACC::Matrix Jii("Jii"), Jid("Jid"), Jil("Jil"), Jiu("Jiu");
        PACC::Matrix Jdi("Jdi"), Jdu("Jdu");
        PACC::Matrix Jli("Jli"), Jld("Jld"), Jll("Jll"), Jlu("Jlu");

        if(mScount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(Jii, 0, mScount-1, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mSDcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jdi, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1, 0, mScount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jli, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, 0, mScount-1);
        if(mSDcount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(Jid, 0, mScount-1, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jld, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1);
        if(mRcount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(Jil, 0, mScount-1, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jll, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1);
        if(mUcount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(Jiu, 0, mScount-1, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jdu, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
            if(mRcount > 0)
                mJ.extract(Jlu, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
        if(mScount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(Jii, 0, mScount-1, 0, mScount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jdi, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1, 0, mScount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jli, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, 0, mScount-1);
        if(mSDcount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(Jid, 0, mScount-1, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jld, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1);
        if(mRcount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(Jil, 0, mScount-1, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jll, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1);
        if(mUcount > 0) {
            mJ.extract(Jiu, 0, mScount-1, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jdu, mScount, mScount+mSDcount-1, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
            mJ.extract(Jlu, mScount+mSDcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount-1, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount, mScount+mSDcount+mRcount+mUcount-1);
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
        PACC::XML::Streamer lStream(cout);
        Jii.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        Jdi.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        Jli.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        Jid.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        Jld.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        Jil.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        Jll.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        Jiu.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        Jdu.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        Jlu.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        //Check if Jdi = 0 and Jdu = 0, if so Tf.invert = identity and Tiuu = 0
        bool lJdiZero = true;
        bool lJduZero = true;
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Jdi.getRows(); ++i) {
            for(unsigned int j = 0; j < Jdi.getCols(); ++j) {
                if( Jdi(i,j) != 0 ) {
                    lJdiZero = false;
        if(lJdiZero) {
            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < Jdu.getRows(); ++i) {
                for(unsigned int j = 0; j < Jdu.getCols(); ++j) {
                    if( Jdu(i,j) != 0 ) {
                        lJdiZero = false;
        //Compute A, B and B2 matrices
        PACC::Matrix Il;
        PACC::Matrix Tii("Tii"), Tiu("Tiu");

        PACC::Matrix lInv;
        if(mRcount > 0)
            lInv = Jil*mL*(Il - mL*Jll).invert();
        Tii = Jii*mS + lInv*Jli*mS;
        if(mUcount > 0)
            Tiu = Jiu + lInv*Jlu;
        if( !(lJdiZero && lJduZero) ) {
            PACC::Matrix Tf("Tf"), Tiuu("Tiuu"), Ii;
            if(mRcount > 0)        
                Tf = Ii - Jid*mSd*Jdi*mS - lInv*Jld*mSd*Jdi*mS;
                Tf = Ii - Jid*mSd*Jdi*mS;
            PACC::Matrix Tf_inv = Tf.invert();
            mA = Tf_inv * Tii;
            if(mUcount > 0) {
                    if(mRcount > 0)    
                        Tiuu = lInv*Jld*mSd*Jdu + Jid*mSd*Jdu;        
                        Tiuu = Jid*mSd*Jdu;        
                //Tiuu = lInv*Jld*mSd*Jdi*mS + Jid*mSd*Jdu;    
                mB = Tf_inv * Tiu;
                mB2 = Tf_inv * Tiuu;
            } else {
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
            Tiuu.write(lStream); cout << endl;
            Tf.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        } else {
            mA = Tii;
            mB = Tiu;
            mB2 = PACC::Matrix(mScount,mUcount,0);
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
        Tii.write(lStream); cout << endl;
        Tiu.write(lStream); cout << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
    PACC::XML::Streamer lStream(cout);
    mA.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    mB.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    if(mSDcount != 0)
        mB2.write(lStream); cout << endl;

void BondGraph::setInitialState(const std::vector<double> &inValues) {    
    if(mScount != inValues.size()) {
        throw BGException("The number of initial values must be equal to the number of states in the system.");

const vector<double>& BondGraph::getInputs() const {
    return( mDynamics.getInput() );

const vector<double>& BondGraph::getInputsDt() const {
    return( mDynamics.getDuDt() );

//void BondGraph::getStateVariables(vector<double>& outStates) const {
//    outStates = mDynamics.getStateVariables();

const vector<double>& BondGraph::getOutputVariables() {
    return mDynamics.getObservableVariables();

const vector<double>& BondGraph::getStateVariables() const {
    return mDynamics.getStateVariables();

//void BondGraph::getOutputVariables(vector<double>& outOutputs) {
//    outOutputs = mDynamics.getObservableVariables();

vector<double> BondGraph::getSourceValues(double inTime) const {
    vector<double> lOutValues(mSources.size());
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mSources.size(); ++i) {
        lOutValues[i] = mSources[i]->getValue(inTime);
    return lOutValues;

void BondGraph::simulate(double inStopTime, double inSimulationStep/*, double inLogStep*/) {
    while(mDynamics.getTime() < inStopTime) {
        //Get source value
        mDynamics.setInput( getSourceValues(mDynamics.getTime()) );
        //Simulate the system with the source value
        mDynamics.simulate(mDynamics.getTime() + inSimulationStep);


/*! \brief Write the simulation log to file
 *  \param  inFilename Name of the file to write the simulation to.
void BondGraph::writeSimulationLog(std::string inFilename) {
    if(mSimulationLog.size() > 0) {
        ofstream lStream(inFilename.c_str());
        //Write the header
        lStream << "#" << mSimulationLog.begin()->first;
        for(std::map<string, vector<double> >::const_iterator lIter = ++(mSimulationLog.begin()); lIter != mSimulationLog.end(); ++lIter) {
            lStream << "," << lIter->first;
        lStream << endl;
        //Write the data
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mSimulationLog.begin()->second.size(); ++i) {
            lStream << (mSimulationLog.begin()->second)[i];
            for(std::map<string, vector<double> >::const_iterator lIter = ++(mSimulationLog.begin()); lIter != mSimulationLog.end(); ++lIter) {
                lStream << "," << (lIter->second)[i];
            lStream << endl;

/*! \brief Defined the output bonds.
 *  This methods assign the bonds that will form the output vector.
 *  \param  inEffortBonds Bonds for which the effort is monitored.
 *  \param  inFlowBonds Bonds for which the flow is monitored.
void BondGraph::setOutputBonds(const std::vector<Bond*> &inEffortBonds,const std::vector<Bond*> &inFlowBonds) {
    mEffortOutputBonds = inEffortBonds;
    mFlowOutputBonds = inFlowBonds;

void BondGraph::setOutputBonds(Bond* inEffortBond, Bond* inFlowBond) {
    if(inEffortBond != 0)
        mEffortOutputBonds.resize(1, inEffortBond);
    if(inFlowBond != 0)

void BondGraph::addOutputBonds(Bond* inBond, ValueType inType) {
    if(inType == eEffort) {
        vector<Bond*>::iterator lIter = find(mEffortOutputBonds.begin(), mEffortOutputBonds.end(), inBond);
        if(lIter == mEffortOutputBonds.end()) {
    } else {
        vector<Bond*>::iterator lIter = find(mFlowOutputBonds.begin(), mFlowOutputBonds.end(), inBond);
        if(lIter == mFlowOutputBonds.end()) {

void BondGraph::computeReducedOutputMatrix() {
    if( (mC.size() > 0 || mD.size() > 0) &&
        !((mEffortOutputBonds.size() == 0) && (mFlowOutputBonds.size() == 0)) )
        PACC::Matrix lRow;
        for(vector<Bond*>::iterator lIter = mEffortOutputBonds.begin(); lIter != mEffortOutputBonds.end(); ++lIter) {
            int lIdx = (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().effort;
            if(lIdx >= 0) {
                //Variable from the full output vector
                if(mC.size() > 0)
                if(mD.size() > 0)
            } else {
                lIdx = -lIdx-1;
                if( lIdx < mA.getRows() ) {
                    //Variable form the dot{x} vector
                    if(mC.size() > 0)
                    if(mD.size() > 0)
                else {
                    //Variable is part of the u vector
                    if(mC.size() > 0) {
                        lRow.resize(1,mA.getCols()); //resize
                    if(mD.size() > 0) {
                        lRow(0,lIdx - mA.getRows() ) = 1;
            if(mC.size() > 0) {
                (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().reffort = mCr.getRows()-1;
            } else {
                (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().reffort = mDr.getRows()-1;
        for(vector<Bond*>::iterator lIter = mFlowOutputBonds.begin(); lIter != mFlowOutputBonds.end(); ++lIter) {
            int lIdx = (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().flow;
            if(lIdx >= 0) {
                //Variable from the full output vector
                if(mC.size() > 0)
                if(mD.size() > 0)
            } else {
                //Variable form the dot{x} vector
                lIdx = -lIdx-1;
                if( lIdx < mA.getRows() ) {
                    if(mC.size() > 0)
                    if(mD.size() > 0)
                else {
                    //Variable is part of the u vector
                    if(mC.size() > 0) {
                    if(mD.size() > 0) {
                        lRow(0,lIdx - mA.getRows()) = 1;
            if(mC.size() > 0) {
                (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().rflow = mCr.getRows()-1;
            } else {
                (*lIter)->getMatrixIndex().rflow = mDr.getRows()-1;
    } else {
        mCr = mC;
        mDr = mD;
        mD2r = mD2;
#ifdef DEBUG_EQN
    PACC::XML::Streamer lStream(cout);
    mCr.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    mDr.write(lStream); cout << endl;
    mD2r.write(lStream); cout << endl;

//Go through all junctions
bool BondGraph::parsingCompare(Component* inComponent1, Component* inComponent2) {
    //Compare the number of connection to that component
    if( inComponent1->getPorts().size() != inComponent2->getPorts().size() ) return false;
    //Compare the type of component connected to the junction
    if( !(inComponent1->countConnectionByGroup() == inComponent2->countConnectionByGroup()) ) return false;
    //Go through all the port of the component to continue to parse the graph.
    for(vector<Port*>::const_iterator lIter1 = inComponent1->getPorts().begin(); lIter1 != inComponent1->getPorts().end(); ++lIter1) {
        //Get the bond connected to this port
        Bond* lBond1 = (*lIter1)->getBond();
        //Get the other end port
        Port* lToPort1 = lBond1->getOtherEnd(*lIter1);
        //Get the other component
        Component* lComponent1 = lToPort1->getComponent();
        //Mark visited port
        //Parse only junction
        if( lComponent1->getComponentGroup() == Component::eJ ) {
            //Here with need to test all branch, if there is no match branch, return false
            bool lMatchingBranch = false;
            for(vector<Port*>::const_iterator lIter2 = inComponent2->getPorts().begin(); lIter2 != inComponent2->getPorts().end(); ++lIter2) {
                //Get the bond connected to this port
                Bond* lBond2 = (*lIter2)->getBond();
                //Get the other end port
                Port* lToPort2 = lBond2->getOtherEnd(*lIter2);
                //Get the other component
                Component* lComponent2 = lToPort2->getComponent();
                if( lComponent2->getComponentGroup() == Component::eJ ) {
                    if( parsingCompare(lComponent1,lComponent2) ) {
                        lMatchingBranch = true;
                        break; //Found a matching branch
                return false;
    return true;

/*! \brief Compare the structure of two bond graph
 *  \param  inBondgraph The bond graph to be compared against
 *  \param  inStart1 A bond that serve as a starting point of comparison
 *  \param  inStart2 A bond that serve as a starting point of comparison from the inBondgraph
 *  \return True is the two bond graph have the same structure
bool BondGraph::compare(BondGraph& inBondgraph, const Bond* inStart1, const Bond* inStart2) {
    //The function assume that the bond graph have been already simplified
    //Compare the number of each type of elements
    if( mUcount != inBondgraph.mUcount) return false;
    if( mScount+mSDcount != inBondgraph.mScount+inBondgraph.mSDcount) return false;
    if( mRcount != inBondgraph.mRcount) return false;
    if( mJcount != inBondgraph.mJcount) return false;
    //Clear the visited port flag
    if(inStart1 != 0 && inStart2 != 0) {
        //Get both starting junction
        Component* lToComponent1 = inStart1->getToPort()->getComponent();
        Component* lToComponent2 = inStart2->getToPort()->getComponent();
        if( lToComponent1->getComponentGroup() != lToComponent2->getComponentGroup() ) return false;
        if( lToComponent1->getComponentGroup() == Component::eJ ) {
            return parsingCompare(lToComponent1,lToComponent2);
        else {
            //if not a junction, the other one must be one
            return parsingCompare(inStart1->getFromPort()->getComponent(),inStart2->getFromPort()->getComponent());
        return true;
    } else {
        //There is no starting point, hence all combinaison of starting point should be tried.
        //Get the smallest component set to make starting points
        std::vector<unsigned int> lCounts;
        if(mUcount != 0) lCounts.push_back(mUcount);
        if(mScount+mSDcount != 0) lCounts.push_back(mScount+mSDcount);
        if(mRcount != 0) lCounts.push_back(mRcount);
        if(mJcount != 0) lCounts.push_back(mJcount);
        int lMin = *(std::min_element( lCounts.begin(), lCounts.end() ) );
        //Go true all the matching pair
        for(vector<Component*>::const_iterator lIter1 = mComponents.begin(); lIter1 != mComponents.end(); ++lIter1) {
            if( *lIter1 == 0 ) continue;
            Component *lComponent1 = *lIter1;
            if(mJcount == lMin) {
                if( (*lIter1)->getComponentGroup() != Component::eJ )
            } else {                
                if(mUcount == lMin) { //Use U set
                    if( (*lIter1)->getComponentGroup() != Component::eU )
                } else if( (mScount+mSDcount) == lMin ) { //Use S set
                    if( (*lIter1)->getComponentGroup() != Component::eS)
                } else { //Use R set
                    if( (*lIter1)->getComponentGroup() != Component::eR )
                //Get the junction that is connected to the component
                lComponent1 = (*lIter1)->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getOtherEnd((*lIter1)->getPorts()[0])->getComponent();
            for(vector<Component*>::const_iterator lIter2 = inBondgraph.mComponents.begin(); lIter2 != inBondgraph.mComponents.end(); ++lIter2) {
                if( *lIter2 == 0 ) continue;
                Component *lComponent2 = *lIter2;
                if(mJcount == lMin) {
                    if( (*lIter2)->getComponentGroup() != Component::eJ )
                } else {                
                    if(mUcount == lMin) { //Use U set
                        if( (*lIter2)->getComponentGroup() != Component::eU )
                    } else if( (mScount+mSDcount) == lMin ) { //Use S set
                        if( (*lIter2)->getComponentGroup() != Component::eS)
                    } else { //Use R set
                        if( (*lIter2)->getComponentGroup() != Component::eR )
                    //Get the junction that is connected to the component
                    lComponent2 = (*lIter2)->getPorts()[0]->getBond()->getOtherEnd((*lIter2)->getPorts()[0])->getComponent();

                //Compare the pair
                    return true;
        return false; //No matching structure found from all the possible combination of the starting set.




I'm trying to run a example from the "Using Graphviz as a library" in

#include <gvc.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    Agraph_t *g;
    Agnode_t *n, *m;
    Agedge_t *e;
    Agsym_t *a;
    GVC_t *gvc;
    /* set up a graphviz context */
    gvc = gvContext();
    /* parse command line args - minimally argv[0] sets layout engine */
    gvParseArgs(gvc, argc, argv);
    /* Create a simple digraph */
    g = agopen("g", Agdirected);
    n = agnode(g, "n", 1);
    m = agnode(g, "m", 1);
    e = agedge(g, n, m, 0, 1);
    /* Set an attribute - in this case one that affects the visible rendering */
    agsafeset(n, "color", "red", "");
    /* Compute a layout using layout engine from command line args */
    gvLayoutJobs(gvc, g);
    /* Write the graph according to -T and -o options */
    gvRenderJobs(gvc, g);
    /* Free layout data */
    gvFreeLayout(gvc, g);
    /* Free graph structures */
    /* close output file, free context, and return number of errors */
    return (gvFreeContext(gvc));

I'm compiling and linking with : gcc -Wall pkg-config libgvc --cflags --libs *.c -o EXE -lgvc

and then I see this result:

graph.c: In function main’:
graph.c:14:18: error: Agdirected undeclared (first use in this function)
graph.c:14:18: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
graph.c:15:2: error: too many arguments to function agnode
In file included from /usr/include/graphviz/types.h:717:0,
                 from /usr/include/graphviz/gvc.h:20,
                 from graph.c:1:
/usr/include/graphviz/graph.h:185:22: note: declared here
graph.c:16:2: error: too many arguments to function agnode
In file included from /usr/include/graphviz/types.h:717:0,
                 from /usr/include/graphviz/gvc.h:20,
                 from graph.c:1:
/usr/include/graphviz/graph.h:185:22: note: declared here
graph.c:17:2: error: too many arguments to function agedge
In file included from /usr/include/graphviz/types.h:717:0,
                 from /usr/include/graphviz/gvc.h:20,
                 from graph.c:1:
/usr/include/graphviz/graph.h:192:22: note: declared here
graph.c:7:11: warning: unused variable a [-Wunused-variable]
graph.c:6:12: warning: variable e set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]

Could anyone help me understand what is going on? Why the compiler is complaining about those arguments in those functions?

Thank you!!!!

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What isAgdirected? Is it supposed to be a string? Otherwise you need to declare it. Also, all of the error messages are pretty clear, most of them are because you have to many arguments to some functions. –  Some programmer dude Oct 25 '13 at 12:27

1 Answer

up vote 0 down vote accepted

I saved your code as g.c, then issued this command line

gcc -Wall `pkg-config libgvc --cflags --libs` g.c -o EXE -lgvc

that yields

g.c: In function main’:
g.c:14:5: error: too few arguments to function agopen
/usr/local/include/graphviz/cgraph.h:266:18: note: declared here
g.c:7:14: warning: unused variable a [-Wunused-variable]
g.c:6:15: warning: variable e set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]

then I added the miss parameter

g = agopen("g", Agdirected, 0);

and the miss library

gcc -Wall `pkg-config libgvc --cflags --libs` g.c -lgvc -lcgraph

now the code compile and link with just 2 warnings:

g.c: In function main’:
g.c:7:14: warning: unused variable a [-Wunused-variable]
g.c:6:15: warning: variable e set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]

I think it works because I've built graphviz from source, then pkg-config is up-to-date...The program still need some debug, running it i get:


There is no layout engine support for "a.out"
Use one of: circo dot fdp neato nop nop1 nop2 osage patchwork sfdp twopi
Error: Layout was not done.  Missing layout plugins? 

The message is because by default the layout engine use the exe name (i.e. a.out, default of gcc compile-and-link) as layout string...

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I did what you said, however I still get the same error! I'm using a debian 7 based system, I installed the libgraphviz from the default repo. –  Rafael Castro Oct 25 '13 at 13:17
I think it's because pkg-config info could be old. try to add -DWITH_CGRAPH when compiling. –  CapelliC Oct 25 '13 at 14:36
-DWITH_CGRAPH solved my problem, thank you very much! –  Rafael Castro Oct 26 '13 at 12:15




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