notepad++ 查找引用(Find Reference)(适用于c c++及各类脚本比如lua、python等)

    在程序开发过程中,程序员经常用到的一个功能就是查找引用(Find Reference),Visual Studio里面的对应功能是“查找所有引用”(Find All References)。

    我在使用notepad++写代码的时候一开始一直因为找不到类似的功能而苦恼。只好每次使用“在文件中查找”(Find in files)来找到所有引用。



    这个插件就是NppGTags。NppGTags的默认解析器是只针对C, C++, Yacc, Java, PHP4和汇编的源文件的,但是稍微改一下配置就可以支持lua、python或者其他类型的语言了。

    在NppGTags目录下面(取决于你的notepad++安装目录,我的是C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\NppGTags)有一个文件gtags.conf有一个文件gtags.conf


   接下来(确保在setting里面切回默认解析器,而不是pygments或ctags。如果没有改过setting那么就肯定是默认解析器,不需要做切换。),然后点击插件->NppGtags->Create Database创建索引数据库,然后选中关键词后就可以查找引用(点击插件->NppGtags->Find Reference)了,结果如下图所示(查找结果在最下面的窗口,这里是查找对”rect“的引用):

    配合快捷键使用就很方便了。我一般对Find Reference设置快捷键ctrl+shift+G,选中关键词后按快捷键就能得到查找引用的结果了。从查找结果中双击可以进入源文件对应位置进行查看修改。


    同理,其他语言只需要将对应源文件的后缀名按同样的方法加入gtags.conf就可以使用查找引用了(比如只需要在gtags.conf相应位置加入.py就能支持python文件的查找引用了)。怎么样,还是很酷的吧 :D


    下面是找到如何处理非c c++文件(我这里是尝试lua文件)之前的一些尝试,仅作记录:

    这个插件的官方声明里是这样说的:GTags built-in code parser supports C, C++, Yacc, Java, PHP4 and Assembly. Other languages are supported through Pygments + CTags parser.就是说默认的(内建的)语法解析器只支持C C++ Yacc Java PHP4和汇编语言,而可选的Pygments和CTags parser这两个解析器是可以支持其他语言的。我用notepad++是开发lua脚本的,所以看来只能选择后两种解析器了。可是CTags parser实际上只能用到Find Definitions而Find Reference(查找引用)这个功能没有用。Pygments这个一直不能成功使用,提示"gtags: cannot open shared object 'pygments-parser.dll'.



    另外一个同类型的插件在plugin manager里面叫“Gtags Search",安装好后叫做"gtagfornplus"。但是经过试用,我发现在当前最新版本(的notepad++中无法使用。使用方法参见:

How can FR2 help? Just select one or more asset in Project panel and FR2 will show you: - Exactly what's being included in each scene or in each prefab. Remember that one redundant reference may resulted in asset being duplicated in each assetbundles and increase AssetBundle build sizes (Animation / Texture / Audio duplication) or degrade performance (Material duplication - increase drawcalls) - Which assets referenced to and make selected assets included in the build. This will help you confident that intermediate project assets will not be included in final build - Duplicated assets you may accidentally copy over and over. Using FR2 you can then redidrect all those references to a single copy of your choice and safely delete other duplications (usage count of those assets should now be 0) - See all assets not being referenced by any other asset so you can delete them all without worrying about breaking any references. - GUID Tools Advanced tool where you can see GUID of each asset and redirect references from one asset to another You can use this to redirect all references to TextureA (using TextureA) to TextureB, the same applied for shader, materials, mesh... Beware that replace references is very powerful yet dangerous operation you'd better don't use it if you don't understand how GUID works in Unity Other Features - Full C# source code - Top notch support 24/7 - Blazing fast - built for HUGE PROJECTS - Support with Unity 4.3+ and Unity 5.x - Quickly disable FR2 when not in used (zeroing performance cost) - Display usage count in project panel so you know which asset being used and how many times it's being used - Find script dependencies (experimental, C# only) - Export assets with references FR2 helps instantly clean up asset references for your projects Email | Documentation | Forum Why FR2? - Optimize your projects reference to minimize build size - Split your big projects to smaller / managable modules - Safely remove all duplicated assets - Safely replace prefabs / materials / shader with another one - Remove obsolete assets that you don't need anymore How can FR2 help? Just select one or more asset in Project panel and FR2 will show you: - Exactly what's being included in each scene or in each prefab. Remember that one redundant reference may resulted in asset being duplicated in each assetbundles and increase AssetBundle build sizes (Animation / Texture / Audio duplication) or degrade performance (Material duplication - increase drawcalls) - Which assets referenced to and make selected assets included in the build. This will help you confident that intermediate project assets will not be included in final build - Duplicated assets you may accidentally copy over and over. Using FR2 you can then redidrect all those references to a single copy of your choice and safely delete other duplications (usage count of those assets should now be 0) - See all assets not being referenced by any other asset so you can delete them all without worrying about breaking any references. - GUID Tools Advanced tool where you can see GUID of each asset and redirect references from one asset to another You can use this to redirect all references to TextureA (using TextureA) to TextureB, the same applied for shader, materials, mesh... Beware that replace references is very powerful yet dangerous operation you'd better don't use it if you don't understand how GUID works in Unity Other Features - Full C# source code - Top notch support 24/7 - Blazing fast - built for HUGE PROJECTS - Support with Unity 4.3+ and Unity 5.x - Quickly disable FR2 when not in used (zeroing performance cost) - Display usage count in project panel so you know which asset being used and how many times it's being used - Find script dependencies (experimental, C# only) - Export assets with references
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