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Open source software has become an entrenched component of embeddedsystems within the last decade. Marc Andreessen, cofounder ofNetscape and the key investor in LinkedIn, recently announced that“Software is eating the world”. There are more instances ofembedded software in the world today than any other type ofsoftware combined. It is at the heart of transportation, safety,health care, food, agriculture, defense, entertainment andtherefore virtually every sector of industry that one way oranother touches our everyday lives.

Complexity of software design within the embedded space hasincreased exponentially. In a way it has mirrored and followed theway gate complexity in integrated devices has doubled every 18months in the last forty years. The growth in code complexity hasoverlapped the change in business dynamics of our interconnectedglobal market. Demands for shortening product development times,increasing functionality in products and reducing development costshas led to an increase in outsourcing, contracting, and code-reuse.Open source software, the ultimate manifestation of code-reuse, hasbecome a key enabler of today’s competitive embedded market.

From the first GNU in 1983 to invasion of the whole IT stack by2011, open source has penetrated every facet of softwaredevelopment. Such desirable attributes as faster time to market,lower development cost, better security, peer-reviewed quality,variety, zero licensing cost and multiple sources from mostlyreputable suppliers are some of the reasons where open source hasbecome the software of choice for over 40% of embedded projects(download Select Findings: Embedded Engineering Survey [PDF file]from VDC Research).

Open Source Has Conquered Embedded Devices

Better known examples of open source software targeted for embeddedapplications include Android, embedded Linux and other open sourceReal Time Operating Systems (RTOS), Qt User Interface (UI) used inphones and PDAs, refrigerators and industrial control systems, androughly 100,000 other projects that cover everything fromcommunications stacks, web browsing, user interfaces, remotemanagement, embedded databases, audio and video codecs and evenvirtual machines (as in Java Virtual Machine). More than 40% of theRTOS solutions for embedded environment are open source, and apartfrom Android, they include the heavyweights from vendors such asMontaVista, QNX and Mentor.

Open Source Adoption Must be Managed

The advantages of open source software can only be realized if itsadoption is managed. Open source software invariable comes withobligations that are represented in their associated licenses,copyrights, security vulnerability notices and export controlclassifications. Failure to understand and respect theseobligations has repercussions that are similar to those due toshortcomings in product quality. Embedded devices such as consumerproducts are distributed in volume, and any impairment in quality,or in meeting licensing obligations, can be very costly in thefield.

Project-level or organizational policies usually frame theacceptable terms and obligations. Although some may find itdifficult to admit, today’s resourceful developers do not writecode from scratch. They know where to get code and enhance it withtheir own creativity. It is unreasonable and impractical to expectdevelopers to be aware of, and manage, code obligations as theycreate software under tight schedules. Increasingly, organizationsare deploying practices that allow managed adoption open source inprojects, shortening development intervals and reducing developmentcosts.

A survey of more than hundred technology organizations, from largemultinationals to small technology firms of less than 50 people hasidentified the best practices used in embedded industry forleveraging and managing open source software. Establishing licensepolicies, adopting package pre-approval processes, creating abaseline of the existing inventory of software, regular softwareanalysis in real-time and at build-time, before the final productis shipped to the market, are some of the steps deployed by theembedded industry.

Open source software has become entrenched in the embedded devicemarket, offering a range of advantages to developers and managementin embedded system enterprises and to the end users of embeddedsolutions. These advantages include lower development costs, lowercost products in the market, shorter time to market, faster productevolutions, peer-reviewed quality solutions, and variety ofsolutions and sources that ensure long term product viability withreduced uncertainties around supply disruption. Ease of adoption ofopen source software is particularly attractive to resourcefuldevelopers, where they can concentrate on applying their creativityto existing code, resulting in a faster innovation cycles. Pitfallsof readily available open source code include lapses in good recordkeeping in order to know the open source content of an embeddedproject, keeping track of the newer versions, potential licensingand copyright obligations, and knowledge of known securityviabilities and the patched to mitigate these impairments.

A structured Open Source Software Adoption Process (OSSAP) allowsorganizations to take advantage of open source software in acontrolled and managed fashion. The steps involved in OSSAP includeestablishing a policy, software package pre-approval, establishinga baseline of existing code and scanning code acquired fromcommercial suppliers or outsourcers. Regular scanning of codeportfolio in a project, complemented with real-time identificationand management of software as it is checked into the projectlibrary or as it is developed on a developer workstation, ensuresthat at any time the open source software content within a projectis known and understood. Build-time scanning ensures that the finalartifact that is shipped to market satisfies the open sourcepolicies adopted by the organization.

文章来源:Electronic Design





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