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原创 不要62(数位DP)

Description杭州人称那些傻乎乎粘嗒嗒的人为62(音:laoer)。 杭州交通管理局经常会扩充一些的士车牌照,新近出来一个好消息,以后上牌照,不再含有不吉利的数字了,这样一来,就可以消除个别的士司机和乘客的心理障碍,更安全地服务大众。不吉利的数字为所有含有4或62的号码。例如: 62315 73418 88914 都属于不吉利号码。但是,61152虽然含有6和2

2015-01-30 14:37:31 321

原创 windy数(数位DP)

Descriptionwindy定义了一种windy数。不含前导零且相邻两个数字之差至少为2的正整数被称为windy数。 windy想知道,在A和B之间,包括A和B,总共有多少个windy数?Input包含两个整数,A B。Output一个整数。Sample Input【输入样例

2015-01-30 13:32:57 395

原创 Bribing FIPA(树形DP)

DescriptionThere is going to be a voting at FIPA (Fédération Internationale de Programmation Association) to determine the host of the next IPWC (International Programming World Cup). Benj

2015-01-29 18:41:24 418

原创 Round and Round We Go

DescriptionA cyclic number is an integer n digits in length which, when multiplied by any integer from 1 to n, yields a"cycle"of the digits of the original number. That is, if you consider the

2015-01-29 18:37:20 272

原创 A Simple Problem with Integers

DescriptionYou have N integers, A1,A2, ... , AN. You need to deal with two kinds of operations. One type of operation is to add some given number to each number in a given interval. Th

2015-01-29 17:04:53 273

原创 A计划


2015-01-29 16:29:59 380

原创 Train Problem I

DescriptionAs the new term comes, the Ignatius Train Station is very busy nowadays. A lot of student want to get back to school by train(because the trains in the Ignatius Train Station is the fas

2015-01-29 16:24:58 280

原创 小希的迷宫

Description上次Gardon的迷宫城堡小希玩了很久(见Problem B),现在她也想设计一个迷宫让Gardon来走。但是她设计迷宫的思路不一样,首先她认为所有的通道都应该是双向连通的,就是说如果有一个通道连通了房间A和B,那么既可以通过它从房间A走到房间B,也可以通过它从房间B走到房间A,为了提高难度,小希希望任意两个房间有且仅有一条路径可以相通(除非走了回头路)。

2015-01-29 16:03:53 537 2

原创 More is better(并查集)

DescriptionMr Wang wants some boys to help him with a project. Because the project is rather complex,the more boys come, the better it will be. Of course there are certain requirements.

2015-01-29 14:51:15 260

原创 Rescue

Problem DescriptionAngel was caught by the MOLIGPY! He was put in prison by Moligpy. The prison is described as a N * M (N, M Angel's friends want to save Angel. Their task is: approach Ange

2015-01-28 14:43:39 306

原创 畅通工程NO.3


2015-01-28 14:15:26 333

原创 A Game Between Alice and Bob

DescriptionAlice and Bob play the following game. A series of numbers is written on the blackboard. Alice and Bob take turns choosing one of the numbers, and replace it with one of its posit

2015-01-26 19:18:06 686

原创 整数划分

题目描述:整数划分是一个经典的问题,希望这道题对你的组合数学有所帮助. 提示 1. 将5划分成若干正整数之和的划分为: 5, 4+1, 3+2, 3+1+1, 2+2+1, 2+1+1+1, 1+1+1+1+1 2. 将5划分成2个正整数之和的划分为: 3+2, 4+1 3. 将5划分成最大数不超过2的划分为: 1+1+1+1+1, 1+1+1+2, 1+2+2 4.

2015-01-26 15:48:40 340

原创 Common Subsequence(最长公共子序列)

DescriptionA subsequence of a given sequence is the given sequence with some elements (possible none) left out. Given a sequence X = another sequence Z = is a subsequence of X if there exi

2015-01-25 12:01:06 291

原创 Brackets Sequence

DescriptionLet us define a regular brackets sequence in the following way:1. Empty sequence is a regular sequence. 2. If S is a regular sequence, then (S) and [S] are both regular se

2015-01-24 15:30:28 740

原创 To the Max

DescriptionGiven a two-dimensional array of positive and negative integers, a sub-rectangle is any contiguous sub-array of size 1*1 or greater located within the whole array. The sum of a re

2015-01-24 12:42:30 253

原创 Dungeon Master

DescriptionYou are trapped in a 3D dungeon and need to find the quickest way out! The dungeon is composed of unit cubes which may or may not be filled with rock. It takes one minute to move

2015-01-23 20:22:55 312

原创 推箱子


2015-01-23 14:55:38 877

原创 数独

#include#include#include#include#include/* 构造完成标志 */int sign; //0代表false,1代表true/* 创建数独矩阵 */int num[9][9];/* 函数声明 */void Input();void Output();int Check(int n, int key);//返回0代表fals

2015-01-23 13:26:52 489

原创 Battle City

DescriptionMany of us had played the game "Battle city" in our childhood, and some people (like me) even often play it on computer now.What we are discussing is a simple edition of t

2015-01-22 11:00:18 360

原创 翻纸牌游戏

Problem Description有一种纸牌游戏,很有意思,给你N张纸牌,一字排开,纸牌有正反两面,开始的纸牌可能是一种乱的状态(有些朝正,有些朝反),现在你需要整理这些纸牌。但是麻烦的是,每当你翻一张纸牌(由正翻到反,或者有反翻到正)时,他左右两张纸牌(最左边和最右边的纸牌,只会影响附近一张)也必须跟着翻动,现在给你一个乱的状态,问你能否把他们整理好,使得每张纸牌都正面朝上,如果可以

2015-01-22 10:42:45 477

原创 Dearboy's Puzzle

DescriptionDearboy is a game lover. Recently, he loves playing the game Lian Lian Kan. This game is played on a board with N*M grids, and lots of cards are put on the board in the grids. You

2015-01-21 22:06:58 350

原创 The Game

DescriptionOne morning, you wake up and think: "I am such a good programmer. Why not make some money?'' So you decide to write a computer game.The game takes place on a rectangular board

2015-01-21 16:14:18 308

原创 Stealing Harry Potter's Precious

Description  Harry Potter has some precious. For example, his invisible robe, his wand and his owl. When Hogwarts school is in holiday, Harry Potter has to go back to uncle Vernon's home. Bu

2015-01-21 12:41:42 396

原创 Last non-zero Digit in N!

DescriptionThe expression N!, read as "N factorial," denotes the product of the first N positive integers, where N is nonnegative. So, for example,N N! 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 6 4 24 5

2015-01-21 10:35:51 244

原创 Square

DescriptionGiven a set of sticks of various lengths, is it possible to join them end-to-end to form a square?  InputThe first line of input contains N, the number of test c

2015-01-21 00:19:42 269



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