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原创 MDNet论文阅读和代码整理笔记

为什么要提出MDNet?现有的一些目标跟踪算法是通过在大规模分类数据集ImageNet上进行预训练,但是跟踪任务和分类任务是不同的视觉任务,它们的模型之间存在“鸿沟”。 为了充分的发挥CNN在视觉跟踪方面强大的表现力,需要在大规模专门用于视觉跟踪的数据集上做训练,要求该数据集中包含目标和背景的各种变化,但是在具有完全不同特征的视频序列上学习统一的特征表示具有很大的挑战性(比如说同一类型的对象可...

2019-07-17 21:16:18 2384 17

原创 计算IOU(取自MDNet代码)

def overlap_ratio(rect1, rect2): # 计算bounding box和ground truth的IOU ''' target bbox (min_x,min_y,w,h) ''' if rect1.ndim == 1: # 判断维度是否为一维 rect1 = rect1[None, :] # 给np.array增...

2018-11-17 10:05:34 1279

原创 常用PyTorch整理(持续更新)

for child in module.children(): # 遍历模型的网络结构 # child为每一层网络的每一个部分 for k, p in child._parameters.items(): # k为每一层的参数名称,如weight,bias # p为参数的具体数值for name, module in self.layers...

2018-11-17 09:11:28 383

原创 常用numpy整理(持续更新)

#常用的提取矩阵特定行:>>> xarray([[6.93528128e-310, 4.68328808e-310, 1.58101007e-322], [1.58101007e-322, 4.68328790e-310, 0.00000000e+000], [3.16202013e-322, 1.58101007e-322, 4.6832878...

2018-11-17 09:10:06 316

原创 利用python3 爬取教务处实现自动查询成绩并发送给用户QQ邮箱


2018-01-18 21:09:07 8586 1

原创 拓扑排序模板

拓扑排序模板/*邻接表拓扑排序模板*/#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstdlib>#include<cstring>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;const int m...

2017-03-05 20:14:02 406 1

原创 Snakes & Ladders

题目大意:题目的大概意思是又N*N的棋盘,编号从1 到 N*N 棋盘中分布着蛇和梯子玩家在位置1处,  然后掷骰子,如果点数在梯子尾则顺着梯子到达梯子头,若掷到蛇头,则滑到蛇尾  问最快到达终点所需掷的次数...  解题思路:bfs,创建两个地图,一个为前一步的地图,一个为这次能走的地图 #include<iostream>#include<cstdi...

2017-03-05 17:48:42 756

原创 ZOJ - 1649 Rescue

题目: Angel was caught by the MOLIGPY! He was put in prison by Moligpy. The prison is described as a N * M (N, M <= 200) matrix. There are WALLs, ROADs, and GUARDs in the prison.Angel's friends...

2017-03-01 16:21:24 387

原创 poj 1979 Red and Black

题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=1979题目: There is a rectangular room, covered with square tiles. Each tile is colored either red or black. A man is standing on a black tile. From a tile, he can mo...

2017-02-27 18:56:18 439

原创 ZOJ 2412 Farm Irrigation

题目链接:http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=2412题目: Benny has a spacious farm land to irrigate. The farm land is a rectangle, and is divided into a lot of samll squares. Wa...

2017-02-27 18:51:16 311

原创 ZOJ 2110 Tempter of the Bone

题目链接:http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemId=1110题目: The doggie found a bone in an ancient maze, which fascinated him a lot. However, when he picked it up, the maze began to s...

2017-02-27 18:42:40 307

原创 codeforces 766 C Mahmoud and a Message

题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/766/problem/C题目: Mahmoud wrote a message s of length n. He wants to send it as a birthday present to his friend Moaz who likes strings. He wrote it on a magica...

2017-02-20 20:59:15 407

原创 codeforces 766 B Mahmoud and a Triangle

题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/766/problem/B题目: Mahmoud has n line segments, the i-th of them has length ai. Ehab challenged him to useexactly 3 line segments to form a non-degenerate triang...

2017-02-20 20:48:48 310

原创 codeforces 766 A Mahmoud and Longest Uncommon Subsequence

 题目链接:http://codeforces.com/contest/766/problem/A 题目: A. Mahmoud and Longest Uncommon Subsequencetime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard ...

2017-02-20 20:42:04 354

原创 poj 1659 Frogs' Neighborhood

题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=1659解题思路:Havel-Hakimi定理的套用,该定理详见http://sbp810050504.blog.51cto.com/2799422/883904AC代码: //我的图论学习之路 2#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include&l...

2017-02-14 22:39:06 320

原创 codeforces 762A k-th divisor

题目描述: You are given two integers n and k. Find k-th smallest divisor of n, or report that it doesn't exist.Divisor of n is any such natural number, that n can be divided by it without remainder....

2017-01-27 10:03:36 467

原创 codeforces 750A New Year and Hurry

题目描述: Limak is going to participate in a contest on the last day of the 2016. The contest will start at 20:00 and will last four hours, exactly until midnight. There will ben problems, sorted by d...

2017-01-17 14:36:53 648

原创 codeforces 735 C Tennis Championship

题目描述: Famous Brazil city Rio de Janeiro holds a tennis tournament and Ostap Bender doesn't want to miss this event. There will be n players participating, and the tournament will follow knockout r...

2017-01-15 21:50:20 386

原创 codeforces 735 B Urbanization

题目描述: Local authorities have heard a lot about combinatorial abilities of Ostap Bender so they decided to ask his help in the question of urbanization. There are n people who plan to move to the c...

2017-01-15 21:41:26 223

原创 codeforces 735 A Ostap and Grasshopper

题目描述:On the way to Rio de Janeiro Ostap kills time playing with a grasshopper he took with him in a special box. Ostap builds a line of length n such that some cells of this line are empty and some ...

2017-01-14 17:34:38 363

原创 codeforces 754 B Ilya and tic-tac-toe game

题目描述: Ilya is an experienced player in tic-tac-toe on the 4 × 4 field. He always starts and plays with Xs. He played a lot of games today with his friend Arseny. The friends became tired and didn'...

2017-01-09 11:36:59 271

原创 codeforces 754 A Lesha and array splitting

题目描述:One spring day on his way to university Lesha found an array A. Lesha likes to split arrays into several parts. This time Lesha decided to split the array A into several, possibly one, new arra...

2017-01-08 15:42:45 693

原创 hdu 5546 Ancient Go

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5546题目描述: Problem DescriptionYu Zhou likes to play Go with Su Lu. From the historical research, we found that there are much difference on the ru...

2016-11-21 00:19:37 429

原创 codeforces 729_B

题目链接:http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/429/B 题目描述: B. Working outtime limit per test2 secondsmemory limit per test256 megabytesinputstandard inputoutputstandard output...

2016-11-17 23:05:40 351

原创 aoj 7 Redraiment猜想

题目链接:http://ccpc.ahu.edu.cn:8000/OJ/Problem.aspx?id=7 题目描述: Descriptionredraiment在家极度无聊,于是找了张纸开始统计素数的个数。 设函数f(n)返回从1->n之间素数的个数。 redraiment发现: f(1) = 0 f(10) = 4 f(100) = 25 ... 满足g...

2016-11-16 00:04:14 702

转载 直线,折线,曲线分割平面以及平面分割空间问题

注明出处,摘自 http://www.cnblogs.com/chaosheng/archive/2012/01/26/2329583.html(1) n条直线最多分平面问题 题目大致如:n条直线,最多可以把平面分为多少个区域。 析:可能你以前就见过这题目,这充其量是一道初中的思考题。但一个类型的题目还是从简单的入手,才容易发现规律。当有n-1条直线时,平面最多被分...

2016-11-15 22:44:39 545

转载 hdu 2044 一只小蜜蜂...

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2044题目描述: Problem Description有一只经过训练的蜜蜂只能爬向右侧相邻的蜂房,不能反向爬行。请编程计算蜜蜂从蜂房a爬到蜂房b的可能路线数。其中,蜂房的结构如下所示。  Input输入数据的第一行是一个整数N,表示测试实例的个数,然后是N 行数据,每...

2016-11-15 22:36:32 207

转载 dp总结

转载请注明出处,谢谢。   http://blog.csdn.NET/cc_again?viewmode=list          ----------  Accagain  2014年5月15日动态规划一直是ACM竞赛中的重点,同时又是难点,因为该算法时间效率高,代码量少,多元性强,主要考察思维能力、建模抽象能力、灵活度。本人动态规划博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/...

2016-11-15 22:22:12 362

原创 hdu 5935 Car

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5935 题目描述: Problem DescriptionRuins is driving a car to participating in a programming contest. As on a very tight schedule, he will drive the ...

2016-11-15 12:45:26 355

原创 hdu 5933 ArcSoft's Office Rearrangement

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5933题目描述: Problem DescriptionArcSoft, Inc. is a leading global professional computer photography and computer vision technology company.There ar...

2016-11-15 11:03:56 380

原创 hdu 5938 Four Operations

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5938 题目描述: Problem DescriptionLittle Ruins is a studious boy, recently he learned the four operations!Now he want to use four operations to ge...

2016-11-14 23:04:51 301

原创 hdu 2104 hide handkerchief

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2104 题目描述: Problem DescriptionThe Children’s Day has passed for some days .Has you remembered something happened at your childhood? I remembere...

2016-11-06 16:27:14 208

原创 hdu 1062 Text Reverse

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1062 题目描述: Problem DescriptionIgnatius likes to write words in reverse way. Given a single line of text which is written by Ignatius, you shoul...

2016-11-06 16:08:43 309

原创 hdu 1010 Tempter of the Bone

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1010 题目描述: Problem DescriptionThe doggie found a bone in an ancient maze, which fascinated him a lot. However, when he picked it up, the maze b...

2016-11-05 01:20:06 186

原创 aoj 667 抢占白房子

题目链接:http://ccpc.ahu.edu.cn:8000/OJ/Problem.aspx?id=667 题目描述: Description在一个8×8的宫格图中,每个格子要么是白色,要么是黑色,且相邻的两个格子的颜色一定不同;已知左上角(1,1)的格子的颜色为白色。现给出用字符描述的该图G,如果有G(i,j)='F',则说明从上向下数的第i行(从1开始数),从左向右数的...

2016-11-05 00:00:28 346

原创 poj 3278 Catch That Cow

题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=3278题目描述: DescriptionFarmer John has been informed of the location of a fugitive cow and wants to catch her immediately. He starts at a point N (0 ≤ N ≤ 100,000)...

2016-10-31 22:30:08 420

原创 bestcode Fxx and string

题目描述: Problem DescriptionYoung theoretical computer scientist Fxx get a string which contains lowercase letters only.The string SS contains nn lowercase letters S_1S_2\ldots S_nS​1​​S​2​​…S​n​...

2016-10-29 20:25:12 472

原创 poj 2249 Binomial Showdown

题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=2249 题目描述: DescriptionIn how many ways can you choose k elements out of n elements, not taking order into account? Write a program to compute this number.In...

2016-10-29 14:09:16 214

原创 poj 1503 Integer Inquiry

题目链接:http://poj.org/problem?id=1503 题目描述: DescriptionOne of the first users of BIT's new supercomputer was Chip Diller. He extended his exploration of powers of 3 to go from 0 to 333 and he ...

2016-10-28 23:26:04 291

原创 hdu 2553 N皇后问题

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=2553 题目描述: Problem Description在N*N的方格棋盘放置了N个皇后,使得它们不相互攻击(即任意2个皇后不允许处在同一排,同一列,也不允许处在与棋盘边框成45角的斜线上。你的任务是,对于给定的N,求出有多少种合法的放置方法。   Input共...

2016-10-23 15:24:52 300





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