[翻译]High Performance JavaScript(021)

Splitting Up Tasks  分解任务


    What we typically think of as one task can often be broken down into a series of subtasks. If a single function is taking too long to execute, check to see whether it can be broken down into a series of smaller functions that complete in smaller amounts of time. This is often as simple as considering a single line of code as an atomic task, even though multiple lines of code typically can be grouped together into a single task. Some functions are already easily broken down based on the other functions they call. For example:



function saveDocument(id){
  //save the document
  //update the UI to indicate success

    If this function is taking too long, it can easily be split up into a series of smaller steps by breaking out the individual methods into separate timers. You can accomplish this by adding each function into an array and then using a pattern similar to the array-processing pattern from the previous section:



function saveDocument(id){
  var tasks = [openDocument, writeText, closeDocument, updateUI];
    //execute the next task
    var task = tasks.shift();
    //determine if there's more
    if (tasks.length > 0){
      setTimeout(arguments.callee, 25);
  }, 25);

    This version of the function places each method into the tasks array and then executes only one method with each timer. Fundamentally, this now becomes an array-processing pattern, with the sole difference that processing an item involves executing the function contained in the item. As discussed in the previous section, this pattern can be encapsulated for reuse:



function multistep(steps, args, callback){
  var tasks = steps.concat(); //clone the array
    //execute the next task
    var task = tasks.shift();
    task.apply(null, args || []);
    //determine if there's more
    if (tasks.length > 0){
      setTimeout(arguments.callee, 25);
    } else {
  }, 25);

    The multistep() function accepts three arguments: an array of functions to execute, an array of arguments to pass into each function when it executes, and a callback function to call when the process is complete. This function can be used like the following:



function saveDocument(id){
  var tasks = [openDocument, writeText, closeDocument, updateUI];
  multistep(tasks, [id], function(){
    alert("Save completed!");

    Note that the second argument to multistep() must be an array, so one is created containing just id. As with array processing, this function is best used when the tasks can be processed asynchronously without affecting the user experience or causing errors in dependent code.



Timed Code  限时运行代码


    Sometimes executing just one task at a time is inefficient. Consider processing an array of 1,000 items for which processing a single item takes 1 millisecond. If one item is processed in each timer and there is a delay of 25 milliseconds in between, that means the total amount of time to process the array is (25 + 1) × 1,000 = 26,000 milliseconds, or 26 seconds. What if you processed the items in batches of 50 with a 25-millisecond delay between them? The entire processing time then becomes (1,000 / 50) × 25 + 1,000 = 1,500 milliseconds, or 1.5 seconds, and the user is still never blocked from the interface because the longest the script has executed continuously is 50 milliseconds. It's typically faster to process items in batches than one at a time.

    有时每次只执行一个任务效率不高。考虑这样一种情况:处理一个拥有1'000个项的数组,每处理一个项需要1毫秒。如果每个定时器中处理一个项,在两次处理之间间隔25毫秒,那么处理此数组的总时间是(25 + 1) × 1'000 = 26'000毫秒,也就是26秒。如果每批处理50个,每批之间间隔25毫秒会怎么样呢?整个处理过程变成(1'000 / 50) × 25 + 1'000 = 1'500毫秒,也就是1.5秒,而且用户也不会察觉界面阻塞,因为最长的脚本运行只持续了50毫秒。通常批量处理比每次处理一个更快。


    If you keep 100 milliseconds in mind as the absolute maximum amount of time that JavaScript should be allowed to run continuously, then you can start optimizing the previous patterns. My recommendation is to cut that number in half and never let any JavaScript code execute for longer than 50 milliseconds continuously, just to make sure the code never gets close to affecting the user experience.



    It's possible to track how long a piece of code has been running by using the native Date object. This is the way most JavaScript profiling works:



var start = +new Date(),
stop = +new Date();
if(stop-start < 50){
  alert("Just about right.");
} else {
  alert("Taking too long.");

    Since each new Date object is initialized with the current system time, you can time code by creating new Date objects periodically and comparing their values. The plus operator (+) converts the Date object into a numeric representation so that any further arithmetic doesn't involve conversions. This same basic technique can be used to optimize the previous timer patterns.



    The processArray() method can be augmented to process multiple items per timer by adding in a time check:



function timedProcessArray(items, process, callback){
  var todo = items.concat(); //create a clone of the original
    var start = +new Date();
    do {
    } while (todo.length > 0 && (+new Date() - start < 50));

    if (todo.length > 0){
      setTimeout(arguments.callee, 25);
    } else {
  }, 25);

    The addition of a do-while loop in this function enables checking the time after each item is processed. The array will always contain at least one item when the timer function executes, so a post-test loop makes more sense than a pretest one. When run in Firefox 3, this function processes an array of 1,000 items, where process() is an empty function, in 38–43 milliseconds; the original processArray() function processes the same array in over 25,000 milliseconds. This is the power of timing tasks before breaking them up into smaller chunks.

    此函数中添加了一个do-while循环,它在每个数组项处理之后检测时间。定时器函数运行时数组中存放了至少一个项,所以后测试循环比前测试更合理。在Firefox 3中,如果process()是一个空函数,处理一个1'000个项的数组需要38 - 34毫秒;原始的processArray()函数处理同一个数组需要超过25'000毫秒。这就是定时任务的作用,避免将任务分解成过于碎小的片断。


Timers and Performance  定时器与性能


    Timers can make a huge difference in the overall performance of your JavaScript code, but overusing them can have a negative effect on performance. The code in this section has used sequenced timers such that only one timer exists at a time and new ones are created only when the last timer has finished. Using timers in this way will not result in performance issues.



    Performance issues start to appear when multiple repeating timers are being created at the same time. Since there is only one UI thread, all of the timers compete for time to execute. Neil Thomas of Google Mobile researched this topic as a way of measuring performance on the mobile Gmail application for the iPhone and Android.

    当多个重复的定时器被同时创建会产生性能问题。因为只有一个UI线程,所有定时器竞争运行时间。Google Mobile的Neil Thomas将此问题作为测量性能的方法进行研究,针对iPhone和Android上运行的移动Gmail程序。


    Thomas found that low-frequency repeating timers—those occurring at intervals of one second or greater—had little effect on overall web application responsiveness. The timer delays in this case are too large to create a bottleneck on the UI thread and are therefore safe to use repeatedly. When multiple repeating timers are used with a much greater frequency (between 100 and 200 milliseconds), however, Thomas found that the mobile Gmail application became noticeably slower and less responsive.



    The takeaway from Thomas's research is to limit the number of high-frequency repeating timers in your web application. Instead, Thomas suggests creating a single repeating timer that performs multiple operations with each execution.



Web Workers  网页工人线程


    Since JavaScript was introduced, there has been no way to execute code outside of the browser UI thread. The web workers API changes this by introducing an interface through which code can be executed without taking time on the browser UI thread. Originally part of HTML 5, the web workers API has been split out into its own specification (http://www.w3.org/TR/workers/); web workers have already been implemented natively in Firefox 3.5, Chrome 3, and Safari 4.

    自JavaScript诞生以来,还没有办法在浏览器UI线程之外运行代码。网页工人线程API改变了这种状况,它引入一个接口,使代码运行而不占用浏览器UI线程的时间。作为最初的HTML 5的一部分,网页工人线程API已经分离出去成为独立的规范(http://www.w3.org/TR/workers/)。网页工人线程已经被Firefox 3.5,Chrome 3,和Safari 4原生实现。


    Web workers represent a potentially huge performance improvement for web applications because each new worker spawns its own thread in which to execute JavaScript. That means not only will code executing in a worker not affect the browser UI, but it also won't affect code executing in other workers.



Worker Environment  工人线程运行环境


    Since web workers aren't bound to the UI thread, it also means that they cannot access a lot of browser resources. Part of the reason that JavaScript and UI updates share the same process is because one can affect the other quite frequently, and so executing these tasks out of order results in a bad user experience. Web workers could introduce user interface errors by making changes to the DOM from an outside thread, but each web worker has its own global environment that has only a subset of JavaScript features available. The worker environment is made up of the following:



• A navigator object, which contains only four properties: appName, appVersion, userAgent, and platform

  一个浏览器对象,只包含四个属性:appName, appVersion, userAgent, 和platform


• A location object (same as on window, except all properties are read-only)



• A self object that points to the global worker object



• An importScripts() method that is used to load external JavaScript for use in the worker



• All ECMAScript objects, such as Object, Array, Date, etc.



• The XMLHttpRequest constructor



• The setTimeout() and setInterval() methods



• A close() method that stops the worker immediately



    Because web workers have a different global environment, you can't create one from any JavaScript code. In fact, you'll need to create an entirely separate JavaScript file containing just the code for the worker to execute. To create a web worker, you must pass in the URL for the JavaScript file:



var worker = new Worker("code.js");

    Once this is executed, a new thread with a new worker environment is created for the specified file. This file is downloaded asynchronously, and the worker will not begin until the file has been completely downloaded and executed.



Worker Communication  工人线程交互


    Communication between a worker and the web page code is established through an event interface. The web page code can pass data to the worker via the postMessage() method, which accepts a single argument indicating the data to pass into the worker.There is also an onmessage event handler that is used to receive information from the worker. For example:



var worker = new Worker("code.js");
worker.onmessage = function(event){

    The worker receives this data through the firing of a message event. An onmessage event handler is defined, and the event object has a data property containing the data that was passed in. The worker can then pass information back to the web page by using its own postMessage() method:



//inside code.js
self.onmessage = function(event){
  self.postMessage("Hello, " + event.data + "!");

    The final string ends up in the onmessage event handler for the worker. This messaging system is the only way in which the web page and the worker can communicate.



    Only certain types of data can be passed using postMessage(). You can pass primitive values (strings, numbers, Booleans, null, and undefined) as well as instances of Object and Array; you cannot pass any other data types. Valid data is serialized, transmitted to or from the worker, and then deserialized. Even though it seems like the objects are being passed through directly, the instances are completely separate representations of the same data. Attempting to pass an unsupported data type results in a JavaScript error.



Loading External Files  加载外部文件


    Loading extra JavaScript files into a worker is done via the importScripts() method, which accepts one or more URLs for JavaScript files to load. The call to importScripts() is blocking within the worker, so the script won't continue until all files have been loaded and executed. Since the worker is running outside of the UI thread, there is no concern about UI responsiveness when this blocking occurs. For example:



//inside code.js
importScripts("file1.js", "file2.js");
self.onmessage = function(event){
  self.postMessage("Hello, " + event.data + "!");

    The first line in this code includes two JavaScript files so that they will be available in the context of the worker.



Practical Uses  实际用途


    Web workers are suitable for any long-running scripts that work on pure data and that have no ties to the browser UI. This may seem like a fairly small number of uses, but buried in web applications there are typically some data-handling approaches that would benefit from using a worker instead of timers.



    Consider, for example, parsing a large JSON string (JSON parsing is discussed further in Chapter 7). Suppose that the data is large enough that parsing takes at least 500 milliseconds. That is clearly too long to allow JavaScript to run on the client, as it will interfere with the user experience. This particular task is difficult to break into small chunks with timers, so a worker is the ideal solution. The following code illustrates usage from a web page:



var worker = new Worker("jsonparser.js");
//when the data is available, this event handler is called
worker.onmessage = function(event){
  //the JSON structure is passed back
  var jsonData = event.data;
  //the JSON structure is used
//pass in the large JSON string to parse


    The code for the worker responsible for JSON parsing is as follows:



//inside of jsonparser.js
//this event handler is called when JSON data is available

self.onmessage = function(event){
  //the JSON string comes in as event.data
  var jsonText = event.data;
  //parse the structure
  var jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonText);
  //send back to the results

    Note that even though JSON.parse() is likely to take 500 milliseconds or more, there is no need to write any additional code to split up the processing. This execution takes place on a separate thread, so you can let it run for as long as the parsing takes without interfering with the user experience.



    The page passes a JSON string into the worker by using postMessage(). The worker receives the string as event.data in its onmessage event handler and then proceeds to parse it. When complete, the resulting JSON object is passed back to the page using the worker's postMessage() method. This object is then available as event.data in the page's onmessage event handler. Keep in mind that this presently works only in Firefox 3.5 and later, as Safari 4 and Chrome 3's implementations allow strings to be passed only between page and worker.

    页面使用postMessage()将一个JSON字符串传给工人线程。工人线程在它的onmessage事件句柄中收到这个字符串也就是event.data,然后开始解析它。完成时所产生的JSON对象通过工人线程的postMessage()方法传回页面。然后此对象便成为页面onmessage事件句柄的event.data。请记住,此工程只能在Firefox 3.5和更高版本中运行,而Safari 4和Chrome 3中,页面和工人线程之间只允许传递字符串。


    Parsing a large string is just one of many possible tasks that can benefit from web workers. Some other possibilities are:



• Encoding/decoding a large string



• Complex mathematical calculations (including image or video processing)



• Sorting a large array



    Any time a process takes longer than 100 milliseconds to complete, you should consider whether a worker solution is more appropriate than a timer-based one. This, of course, is based on browser capabilities.



Summary  总结


    JavaScript and user interface updates operate within the same process, so only one can be done at a time. This means that the user interface cannot react to input while JavaScript code is executing and vice versa. Managing the UI thread effectively means ensuring that JavaScript isn't allowed to run so long that the user experience is affected. To that end, the following should be kept in mind:



• No JavaScript task should take longer than 100 milliseconds to execute. Longer execution times cause a noticeable delay in updates to the UI and negatively impact the overall user experience.


• Browsers behave differently in response to user interaction during JavaScript execution.
Regardless of the behavior, the user experience becomes confusing and disjointed when JavaScript takes a long time to execute.


• Timers can be used to schedule code for later execution, which allows you to split up long-running scripts into a series of smaller tasks.


• Web workers are a feature in newer browsers that allow you to execute JavaScript code outside of the UI thread, thus preventing UI locking.



    The more complex the web application, the more critical it is to manage the UI thread in a proactive manner. No JavaScript code is so important that it should adversely affect the user's experience.






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