SAP 结账流程

Full closing Check List:
1 _execute Report for Inter Company Activity & Journal Entries

2 Open posting period for next yr (T.Code: OB52)
3 Run Business Area’s Assignment report. (T.Code: F.50)
4 Review list of recurring journal entries (T.Code: FBD3)
5 _execute Recurring Entries for A/R, A/P, G/L (T. Code: F.14)
6 Process Parked A/R, A/P, G/L accounting documents (T.Code: FBV0)

7 Final Cutoff for the Maintenance of Fixed Asset- Add Transferand Retire (T.Code: ABUMN)

8 Run Depreciation in Test Run and post (T.Code: AFAB)
9 Verify Display Log for Depreciation Test Run (T.Code: AFBP)
10 Capitalize AUC Assets if needed (T.Code: AIAB, AIBU)
11 Enter Payroll Data to SAP (T.Code: CAT2)
12 Verify Depreciation Balances with GL balances ( T.Code: ABST2)
13 Post Depreciation (T.Code: AFAB)

14 _execute Asset History Report, and retire assets if needed(T.Code: S_ALR_87011963, ABAVN)

15 Adjust specific depreciation areas if necessary (T.Code: ABCO)
16 Reconcile AM sub ledger with GL (T.Code: ABST2)
17 Check Bank Data (T.Code: S_P99_41000212)
18 Review AR Open Items (T.Code: FBL5N)
19 Review AP Open Items (FBL1N)
20 _execute Pending Invoices(T.Code: MRBP)
21 Clear Open Item for GRIR, freight (T.Code: F.13)

22 Reconciliation of Financial Documents and transactional figures(F.03)

23 Open new CO Posting Period: (T.Code: OKP1)

24 Compare current (cost estimates) with last current price(Moving Avg) ( T.Code: OKBH)

25 __updatecurrent cost price to material__master price field(T.Code: CK11N, CK24)

26 Process Freight__charges, Match SD freight to actual (T.Code:V-31)

27 Review Internal Order Postings(T.Code: OKSA)
28 Settle All Orders (T.Code: KO88)

29 Verify All Post Goods Issue have been Invoiced (Billing DueList) (T.Code: VF04)

30 Review SD Billing Doc from prior month that have not yet beenreleased to accounting (T.Code : F.2D)

31 Reconciliation of MM movements in Transit Intra-SAP to Non SAP
32 Reconcile PI Inventory with SAP (T.Code: MI07)
33 Perform Manual Adjustment if needed (T.Code: F-02, FB50)
34 Verify balance of the GR/IR ac__count( T.Code: MB5S)
35 Post Accruals and Deferrals (T.Code: FBS1)
36 Clearing of Cancelled Documents (T.Code: F-03, F-32, F-44)
37 Check Profitability Segment Adjustment (T.Code: KISR)

38 Aging Report-Reconcile GL balances with sub ledger balances AP( T.code: FBL1N, FBL5N, FBL3N)

39 Check the check run numbers (T.Code: FCH1, FCHI)
40 Bank reconciliation Data (T.Code: FF67 & FEBA)
41 Enter Tax Journal Entry (T.Code: FB41)

42 Reconcile GL balances with sub ledger balances AR/MM/AP (T.Code: F.03)

43 Display Balance Sheet Adjustments (T.Code: F.5F)
44 Post Balance Sheet Adjustments (T.Code: F.5E)

45 Post Foreign Currency Valuation (foreign exchange) (T.Code:F.05)

46 Check generic cost centers for posting with wrong accounts

47.Correct wrong postings on generic cost centers

48 Check Validation dates for Cost Centers, Cost Elements, CO area(T.Code: GGB0)

49 Check COGI–for both month end and year end
50 Doubtful receivables (T.Code : F104)
51 Verify In-transit Inventory
52 Reconcile PA to G/L (T.Code: KE5U)

53 Post Cost Center Assessments and Distributions (T.Code: KSU5& KSV5)

54 Run CO-FI Reconciliation to balance (T.Code: KALC)
55 Run BW reports P&L and Balance Sheet
56 Maintain CO yr variant (T.Code: KCRQ)
57 Fiscal Yr Balance carry forward AP/AR/AM (T.Code: F.07,
58 Fiscal Yr Balance carry forward CO (T.Code: CXS1)
59 Fiscal Yr balance carry forward FI ( T.Code: F.16)
60 Fiscal Yr balance carry forward PCA (T.Code: 2KES)
61 Set Document number ranges - FI - new year (T.Code: OBH2, OBA7)
62 Set Document number ranges AP/AR - new year (OBA7)

63 Generate Financial statement Reports ( T.Code:OB58) OR (T.Code:FSE2)

64 Change Fiscal Year For Assets (T.Code: AJRW)

65 Year end Closing– Asset Accounting–final for year end (T.Code:AJAB)

66 Close CO Posting Period : (T.Code: OKP1)
67 Close Prior A/R Posting Period ( T.Code: OB52)
68 Close Prior A/P Posting Period (T.Code: OB52)
69 Close Prior MM Posting Period (T.Code: OMSY)
70 Reverse accruals and deferrals for the new month (T.Code: F.81)

71 Reconciliation of Financial Documents from old fiscal year andnew fiscal year ( T.Code: FNSL)

72 Load Balances, Budget Data for Cost centers, sales

73 __updateRetained Earning Ac__count, balance carry fwd (T.Code:F.16)

(月结)Month end closing Activities
1. All the expenses including amortization, prepaid expenses, Preliminaryexpenses and accruals have been booked.

2. Complete Bank Reconciliation (T.Code: FF67)
3. Make sure that Sum of Inter company balances is Zero
4. Suspense Accounts should be cleared regularly.

5. Ensure that all documents related to MM & SD have beenentered in system. ( T.Code:F-22 & F-43)

6. Ensure that all billing documents are released to accounting.
7. Calculate Overheads on all process Orders (CO43)

8. Technically complete all process orders which are fullyprocessed (CORM).

9. Calculate Variance (KKS1)à (Relevant only if Standard cost iscalculated).

10. Settle all process orders which are technically complete(CO88).

11. Close All settled Process Orders
12. Clo**** period (Transaction Code: MMPV).
13. Carry out GR/IR clearing (F.13) transaction
14. Depreciation Run (AFAB) has been carried out for the month

15. Close FI Posting period after the month end closing activityis over (T.Code:OB52)

(年结)Year end closing Activities:
1. Calculate production work in progress on process orders which are nottechnically complete. (CO88).

2. Carry out Assessment cycle for Cost Centers.(T.Code: KSUB)
3. All month end closing Activities should be carried out.

4. Carry Forward Balances to next year ( TC: F.16 we can carryforward the balance to next year.With TC: OBH2 copy the number ranges to nextyear,Open next year periods by selecting the Posting Period Variant.then testby posting the transaction in F-02)

适用对象: 1.对SAP感兴趣,对财务熟悉,想了解SAP财务模块的财务人员;2.刚刚入行或准备入行的从业人员且想从事SAP财务模块的朋友;3.从事公司IT运维,侧重于财务方向的内部顾问;4.有一定经验的SAP业务顾问,想全面学习SAP财务模块的顾问;5.财会专业大学毕业生,或大四、研三在校生;6.审计人员,想要了解SAP原理。 讲师介绍: 讲师:LEO 从业超过10年的SAP资深财务顾问。 具有多个国内外项目实施经验,涉及电力,制造,地产、电子和零售行业。现任某电子行业的资深财务顾问,提供财务建设的咨询实施服务。精通SAP财务模块,包括财务会计模块(FI),成本会计模块(CO),财务会计模块FI与MM模块集成,财务会计模块FI与SD模块集成,成本会计模块CO与PP模块集成,并且对SAP系统中的MM、SD、PP等模块有比较深的实践, 对业财一体化有较深刻理解,有多家公司的系统实施和运维经验。 课程概述: 一、讲解内容: 1.全面讲解SAP财务模块相关的内容,涵盖总账模块、应付模块、应收模块、固定资产模块、 业务伙伴BP模块、月结&年结模块、后台配置系统讲解、上线数据导入等,不局限于FICO模块。2.侧重FICO相关的模块的系统逻辑和业务场景的联系的讲解。3.侧重FICO前台操作和后台配置的联系的讲解。4.侧重财务和业务联系的讲解,不限于FI-SD集成、FI-MM集成、CO-PP集成等。二、讲课方式: 采用【思维导图+PPT+系统演示(前台操作+后台配置)+实际业务场景】等多种形式。三、通过此课程,你将掌握: 1.SAP基本和复杂操作2.总账会计模块3.应收会计模块4.应付会计模块5.固定资产会计模块6.FI月结和年结 7.FI模块全面的后台配置8.FICO与SD、MM、PP模块的集成9.FICO模块的实施上线10.FICO相关原理和业务四、本次课程【SAP S4 HANA FI财务模块实战课程】主要讲FI财务会计模块,FI财务会计模块内容如下:五、特别说明:CO成本会计模块安排另一套课程【SAP S4 HANA CO成本模块实战课程】,CO成本会计模块内容如下 




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