<Introduction to Java Programming> Note 02

Chapter 30 Multithreading and Parallel Programming

  • You can create additional threads to run concurrent tasks in the program.
  • In Java, each task is an instance of the Runnable interface, also called a runnable object.
  • A thread is essentially an object that facilitates the execution of a task.

Since the Thread class implements Runnable, you could define a class that extends Thread and implements the run method, and then create an object from the class and invoke its start method in a client program to start the thread:

Instead of using the stop() method, you should assign null to a Thread variable to indicate that has stopped.

If a sleep method is invoked in a loop, you should wrap the loop in a try-catch block, as shown in (a) below. If the loop is outside the try-catch block, as shown in (b), the thread may continue to execute even though it is being interrupted.

This book is a brief version of Introduction to Java Programming, Comprehensive Version, 8E. This version is designed for an introductory programming course, commonly known as CS1. This version contains the first twenty chapters in the comprehensive version. This book uses the fundamentals-first approach and teaches programming concepts and techniques in a problem-driven way. The fundamentals-first approach introduces basic programming concepts and techniques before objects and classes. My own experience, confirmed by the experiences of many colleagues, demonstrates that new programmers in order to succeed must learn basic logic and fundamental programming techniques such as loops and stepwise refinement. The fundamental concepts and techniques of loops, methods, and arrays are the foundation for programming. Building the foundation prepares students to learn object-oriented programming, GUI, database, and Web programming. Problem-driven means focused on problem-solving rather than syntax. We make introductory programming interesting by using interesting problems. The central thread of this book is on solving problems. Appropriate syntax and library are introduced to support the writing of a program for solving the problems. To support teaching programming in a problemdriven way, the book provides a wide variety of problems at various levels of difficulty to motivate students. In order to appeal to students in all majors, the problems cover many application areas in math, science, business, financials, gaming, animation, and multimedia. 精美文字版pdf电子书。
本书是Java语言的经典教材,中文版为基础篇和进阶篇,主要介绍程序设计基础、面向对象编程、GUI程序设计、数据结构和算法、高级Java程序设计等内容。本书以示例讲解解决问题的技巧,提供大量的程序清单,每章配有大量复习题和编程练习题,帮助读者掌握编程技术,并应用所学技术解决实际应用开发中遇到的问题。您手中的这本是其中的基础篇,主要介绍了基本程序设计、语法结构、面向对象程序设计、继承和多态、异常处理和文本I/O、抽象类和接口等内容。本书可作为高等院校程序设计相关专业的基础教材,也可作为Java语言及编程开发爱好者的参考资料。 作者:(美国)粱勇(Y.Daniel Liang) 译者:戴开宇 梁勇(Y.Daniel Liang),现为阿姆斯特朗亚特兰大州立大学计算机科学系教授。之前曾是普度大学计算机科学系副教授。并两次获得普度大学杰出研究奖。他所编写的Java教程在美国大学Java课程中采用率极高。同时他还兼任Prentice Hall Java系列丛书的编辑。他是“Java Champion”荣誉得主,并在世界各地为在校学生和程序员做JAVA程序设计方法及技术方面的讲座。 戴开宇,复旦大学软件学院教师,工程硕士导师。中国计算机学会会员。博士毕业于上海交通大学计算机应用专业,2011~2012年在美国佛罗里达大学作访问学者。承担多门本科专业课程、通识教育课程以及工程硕士课程,这些课程被评为校精品课程,上海市重点建设课程,IBM—教育部精品课程等。




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