Code specification, Sprint task and Time planning for Team Witness Paradox

Which course does this assignment belong toEE308
Where are the requirements for this assignment?Requirement of this project
Team NameWitness Paradox
Reference documentsCSDN, 《构建之法》

①. Code specification

The programming language we used in the game is C#, here is a link to the programming specification for the language.

②. Sprint task

In the 10-day sprint task, the team leader divided the division of labor for each group member, and everyone participated in the programming task, but the proportion was different. The details are shown below.

③. Personnel division

③.1 Teng Junyi (group leader)

Made overall arrangements for all projects, randomly assigned all the sprint tasks, searched for code specifications and sprint plan notes, participated in the design of game content, and conducted animation simulation of the transition of the opening animation.

③.2 Lei Wutong

Mainly responsible for writing the blog, collecting all the essays and publishing them, and participating in the front-end code implementation.

③.3 Yang Xiao

The main force to complete the content of the game, making the interface between characters and objects.

③.4 Li Xingda

Mainly responsible for assisting the realization of the game content, taking into account the development and testing of the game, and completing the test essay.

③.5 Lai Binyu

In charge of making the ppt, and releasing the questionnaire for students to get real-time feedback on the project test.

③.6 Chen Xuqi

Mainly responsible for the layout of the game frame and scene.

③.7 Wei Mingjiang

Using Maya, Unity and other software to independently model the scene of the game, while referring to the auxiliary material library to complete the summary essay.

③.8 Lu Weitao

Using hand-drawing tools to design various objects and character models in the game (some materials are hand-drawn).

③.9 Zhu Rundong

Learn how to use unity, assist developers and testers, and complete test essays.

③.10 Deng Hongyu

Assisted in the production of PPT projects, and communicated with testers on the feedback of questionnaires.

③.11 Yao Shutong

Learn 3D rendering technology, try to optimize the scene after the completion of the game production, and finish the summary essay.

③.12 Wang Xuebin

Backup support personnel, responsible for connecting problems arising at any time in team cooperation, responsible for transmitting team information to ensure timely and effective communication among team members.

③.13 Sun Jiahong

Responsible for defense report, docking with experience users, and feedback to test personnel.

④. Time planning

11.21-11.22Ensure that each member clearly defines their own division of labor, and the project is officially launched.
11.23-11.24Complete the setup of the game login screen, including entry, tutorial and exit.
11.25-11.26Some people designed the playing method of the game and designed the game screen.
11.27-11.30Everyone participates in the programming as much as possible to complete the implementation of the game.
12:01-12.02Test the completed part, investigate the user experience, and improve after the fact.
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