
)插件(访问文件的路径),录制了一小段语音(cordova-plugin-media),需要先存储起来(有默认的存储地址),然后利用(cordova-plugin-file-transfer)插件的方法,把存储中的语音文件获取进行上传,然后进行回应,之后返回结果合成文字,然后再语音播放出来。就是小的智能问答系统。由于android平台下的文件目录系统下能够直接查看,但是在ios 中查看一个应用的目录没那个容易。

     我首先尝试使用PP助手来查看但是提示的是要越狱,为了看到文件,直接把touch给越狱了,但是未果在应用列表,选择单个应用,查看文件,结果查看的还是应用外部的文件夹,不如DCIM,Books,AirFair,Airlock,PhotoData 等,根本不是我想要看到的结果,后来又忙活了半天,终于找到了一个正解。

      如何查看真机的沙盒(图文教程)  虽然是博主转载的,还是要再次感谢!

下面我列出下插件包cordova-plugin-file里面关于ios 文件系统的支持情况,供大家在遇到的时候有一个参考,基于h5的cordova项目操作源生的文件。摘自README.md文件有如下内容。

## Where to Store Files

As of v1.2.0, URLs to important file-system directories are provided.

Each URL is in the form _file:///path/to/spot/_, and can be converted to a

`DirectoryEntry` using `window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL()`.

* `cordova.file.applicationDirectory` - Read-only directory where the application

  is installed. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_, _windows_)

* `cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory` - Root directory of the application's

  sandbox; on iOS & windows this location is read-only (but specific subdirectories[like

  `/Documents` on iOS or `/localState` on windows] are read-write). All data contained within

  is private to the app. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_)

* `cordova.file.dataDirectory` - Persistent and private data storage within the

  application's sandbox using internal memory (on Android, if you need to use

  external memory, use `.externalDataDirectory`). On iOS, this directory is not

  synced with iCloud (use `.syncedDataDirectory`). (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _windows_)

* `cordova.file.cacheDirectory` -  Directory for cached data files or any files

  that your app can re-create easily. The OS may delete these files when the device

  runs low on storage, nevertheless, apps should not rely on the OS to delete files

  in here. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_, _windows_)

* `cordova.file.externalApplicationStorageDirectory` - Application space on

  external storage. (_Android_)

* `cordova.file.externalDataDirectory` - Where to put app-specific data files on

  external storage. (_Android_)

* `cordova.file.externalCacheDirectory` - Application cache on external storage.


* `cordova.file.externalRootDirectory` - External storage (SD card) root. (_Android_, _BlackBerry 10_)

* `cordova.file.tempDirectory` - Temp directory that the OS can clear at will. Do not

  rely on the OS to clear this directory; your app should always remove files as

  applicable. (_iOS_, _OSX_, _windows_)

* `cordova.file.syncedDataDirectory` - Holds app-specific files that should be synced

  (e.g. to iCloud). (_iOS_, _windows_)

* `cordova.file.documentsDirectory` - Files private to the app, but that are meaningful

  to other application (e.g. Office files). Note that for _OSX_ this is the user's`~/Documents` directory. (_iOS_, _OSX_)

* `cordova.file.sharedDirectory` - Files globally available to all applications (_BlackBerry 10_)

### iOS File System Layout

| Device Path                                    | `cordova.file.*`            |`iosExtraFileSystems` | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | sync | private |


| `/var/mobile/Applications/<UUID>/`             | applicationStorageDirectory | -                     | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |

| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`appname.app/`               | applicationDirectory        | bundle                | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |

| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`www/`     | -                           | -                     | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |

| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Documents/`                 | documentsDirectory          | documents             | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes  |   Yes   |

| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`NoCloud/` | -                           | documents-nosync      | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | No   |   Yes   |

| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Library`                    | -                           | library               | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes? |   Yes   |

| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`NoCloud/` | dataDirectory               | library-nosync        | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | No   |   Yes   |

| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Cloud/`   | syncedDataDirectory         | -                     | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes  |   Yes   |

| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Caches/`  | cacheDirectory              | cache                 | r/w  |     Yes*    |  Yes\*\*\*| No   |   Yes   |

| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`tmp/`                       | tempDirectory               | -                     | r/w  |     No\*\*  |  Yes\*\*\*| No   |   Yes   |

  \* Files persist across app restarts and upgrades, but this directory can

     be cleared whenever the OS desires. Your app should be able to recreate any

     content that might be deleted.

\*\* Files may persist across app restarts, but do not rely on this behavior. Files

     are not guaranteed to persist across updates. Your app should remove files from

     this directory when it is applicable, as the OS does not guarantee when (or even

     if) these files are removed.

\*\*\* The OS may clear the contents of this directory whenever it feels it is

     necessary, but do not rely on this. You should clear this directory as

     appropriate for your application.


  基于此,大家可以对ios应用的文件目录有一个大致的了解。如果一点基础都没有,大家可以参考之前的文章 iOS学习之沙盒机制

总结:1.对于各个平台的差异性,在相对应的插件中有相关的说明,可以在README.md文件中进行查看,其中还有使用说明,类似于开发的API 这在开发中十分重要!




比如 摘自上文media的README.me文件:

### iOS Quirks

- __numberOfLoops__: Pass this option to the `play` method to specify

  the number of times you want the media file to play, e.g.:

        var myMedia = new Media("http://audio.ibeat.org/content/p1rj1s/p1rj1s_-_rockGuitar.mp3")

        myMedia.play({ numberOfLoops: 2 })

- __playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked__: Pass in this option to the `play`

  method to specify whether you want to allow playback when the screen

  is locked.  If set to `true` (the default value), the state of the

  hardware mute button is ignored, e.g.:

        var myMedia = new Media("http://audio.ibeat.org/content/p1rj1s/p1rj1s_-_rockGuitar.mp3")

        myMedia.play({ playAudioWhenScreenIsLocked : false })

- __order of file search__: When only a file name or simple path is

  provided, iOS searches in the `www` directory for the file, then in

  the application's `documents/tmp` directory:

        var myMedia = new Media("audio/beer.mp3")

        myMedia.play()  // first looks for file in www/audio/beer.mp3 then in <application>/documents/tmp/audio/beer.mp3




 var fileURL = cordova.file.cacheDirectory + recog_src; //音频地址  (可能的首选) 

打印log 文件地址file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/CE28CF34-18B0-46D1-AB1E-31DC28227E3E/Library/Caches/qxj_Chat.wav

var fileURL = cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory + recog_src; //音频地址 (不适用)

打印的log  file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F6B713A7-8951-490D-961F-2F5D245E9C3F/qxj_Chat.wav

 var fileURL = cordova.file.dataDirectory + recog_src; //音频地址 (不适用)

打印的log 文件地址file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/963BEF7B-DA2C-4203-A01F-EA2D69185316/Library/NoCloud/qxj_Chat.wav

 var fileURL = cordova.file.syncedDataDirectory + recog_src; //音频地址 (不适用)

打印log   文件地址file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/CD70862A-D0CB-4DB6-89BC-3FC447D30933/Library/Cloud/qxj_Chat.wav

 var fileURL = cordova.file.documentsDirectory + recog_src; //音频地址 (不适用)

打印log   upload error source file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/EB48A50D-1E5B-4B4D-8B32-BA054706EC2C/Documents/qxj_Chat.wav

  而qxj_Chat.wav 就是我想看到的文件,但是路径和说明中的不一样,这也是程序一直报错(没有找到相关的目录和路径)的原因。



         var fileURL = cordova.file.externalRootDirectory + recog_src; //音频地址    是在外存储的根目录下  recog_src=qxj_Chat.wav


        var fileURL = cordova.file.tempDirectory + recog_src;//音频地址  //tmp


      fileName = fileURL.substr(fileURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); //qxj_Chat.wav










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