一、 回顾
看完了Part 1的部分,是不是对我们即将开展的实验充满期待?那话不多说,实验立刻开始!
2.1、Exercise 1
Exercise 1 - Switching on and off a pair of LEDs
a. Select two LEDs from the parts available in the lab – one should be a red LED and the other should be a green LED.
b. Use the breadboard to connect the mbed and the LEDs. Connect the anode of the red LED to digital-pin 5 (D5) on the mbed and the cathode to ground. The anode of the LED has the longer leg while the cathode has the shorter leg. Connect the anode of the green LED to digital-pin 6 of the mbed board and the cathode to ground.
c. Based on what you have learned above, and with reference to the DigitalOut page on the mbed website, generate code that will cause the LEDs to switch on and off, where the red LED is ON while the green LED is off and visa versa. The duration of illumination of each LED should be 1 second.
代码 | 功能 |
#include “mbed.h” | 头文件,内置许多已经定义好的库函数,作用等同之前所学<stdio.h> |
DigitalOut "variablename”(“pin number”); | DigitalOut表示数字输出,用于定义一个向外进行数字输出数据的引脚。如DigitalOut myled(D5),表示定义了一个名为myled的可以输出数字信号的引脚,位置在D5;DigitalOut myled(LED1)表示定义了一个名为myled的可以输出数字信号的引脚,若输出高电平则LD3亮 |
int main() { | main函数,作用同C语言中的int main(void) |
while(1) { | 同C语言,表示无限循环 |
myled=1&myled=0; | 让之前定义的引脚myled输出高电平(3.3V)或低电平(0V) |
wait(“time”); | 保持此刻状态,维持time时长(单位:秒),如wait(0.2);表示持续0.2秒 |
#include "mbed.h"
// main() runs in its own thread in the OS;
DigitalOut red_led(D5); //定义红灯引脚
DigitalOut green_led(D6); //定义绿灯引脚
int main()
while (1)
red_led = 1; //将红灯点亮,拉至高电平
green_led = 0; //将绿灯熄灭,保持低电平
thread_sleep_for(1000); //维持当前状态1000ms
red_led = 0;
green_led = 1;
void thread_sleep_for(std::uint32_t millisec) //单位为毫秒
//Sleep for a specified time period in millisec:
2.2、Exercise 2
#include "mbed.h"
DigitalOut redled(D3);
DigitalOut greenled(D4);
DigitalIn switchinput(D5);
int main()
while (1)
if (switchinput == 1)
{ // test value of switch input
// execute following block of code if switch input is 1
greenled = 0; // green LED is off
redled = 1; // flash red LED
redled = 0;
} // end of if
// execute this block of code if switchinput is 0
redled = 0; // redled is off
greenled = 1; // flash green LED
greenled = 0;
} // end of else
} // end of while(1)
} // end of main
代码 | 功能 |
DigitalIn switchinput(“pin number”); | 类似DigitalOut,只不过为读取输入的电平值 |
class DigitalIn {}: A digital input, used for reading the state of a pin
题目中还要求输出Pwm方波,这里需要使用PwmOut函数:PwmOut switchinput(“pin number”);‘
PwmOut test(D5);
test.period_ms(1); //频率1kHz
test.write(0.5); //占空比50%
public: void period_ms(int ms):Set the PWM period, specified in milliseconds (int), keeping the duty cycle the same.
public: void write(float value):Set the output duty-cycle, specified as a percentage (float). The value should lie between 0.0f (representing on 0%) and 1.0f (representing on 100%). Values outside this range will be saturated to 0.0f or 1.0f.
这里介绍一下占空比:占空比(Duty Ratio)是指在一个脉冲循环内,通电时间(高电平)相对于总时间所占的比例。比如说这里设置频率1kHz,占空比为50%,则高电平所占时间就为1ms*50%=0.5ms。
2.3、Exercise 3
Exercise 3 - Create a square wave whose frequency depends on the position of a switch
The 74HC4066 is a quad (4) SPST analog switch. Each switch features input pin (Y) and output pin (Z) and an active HIGH enable input (E). For instance, for switch 1, input pin is labelled as 1Y, output pin is labelled as 1Z and the enable pin is labelled as 1E. After connecting Vcc and GND to the power supply, when enable pin E is LOW, the analog switch is turned off. By contrast, when enable pin E is HIGH, the analog switch works as a normal switch. Please refer to the truth table above for all the possible configurations.
Modify Program 2 above so that it will output one of two possible frequencies, 200 Hz and 500 Hz depending on the position of a switch (ON or OFF), which you will wire to one of the input pins on your mbed.
Input | Input | Input | Output |
Vcc | E(1,4,8,11) | Y(13,5,6,12) | Z(2,3,9,10) |
0 | x | x | 0 |
1 | 0 | x | 0 |
1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
因此我们可以选取一组,将其中2个接入3V3,就可以只控制余下一个来控制输出了。随后结合Exercise 2,分别写一个输出200Hz和500Hz的波即可完成。
2.4、Exercise 4
Exercise 4 – Multiplexing/Demultiplexing
a. Connect the anodes of 4 LEDs to the outputs of the 2 x 4 demultiplexer.
b. Connect the cathodes of the LEDs to ground.
c. Connect the power and ground to the demultiplexer.
d. Write a program to use the output from 2 pins on the microcontroller to turn ON and OFF the LEDs in a sequence.
其中X0-X3,Y0-Y3为输出引脚;ENABLE为使能引脚(使之开始工作);A、B为输入引脚,控制输出;X 、Y、Vcc接3V3,GND接地,其余不用管~~
A | B | pin for high |
0 | 0 | X0 |
1 | 0 | X1 |
0 | 1 | X2 |
1 | 1 | X3 |
2.5、Exercise 5
Exercise 5 - Drive a seven-segment display to display 0-9 and a word H E L P repeatedly
In program 1 you switched ON and OFF a pair of LEDs. LEDs are often packaged together to form patterns, digits, alphanumeric characters etc. A number of standard groupings of LEDs are available including a seven-segment display, which is composed of seven individual LEDs that can be used to display all numerical digits along with quite a few letters from the English alphabet by lighting different combinations of the seven LED segments.
//class BusOut: A digital output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins
BusOut display(D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11); //集体定义8个变量
BusOut display(D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11);
display = 0x69;
通常来说,为方便起见,BusOut中定义的顺序为A-B-C-D-E-F-G-DP;例如,按照上述声明方式,A灯由mbed上D2控制,查阅可知A灯由数码管上pin-7控制,因此将D2与pin-7相连。在复杂的插线及调试代码之后,便可以让数码管显示所有数字啦!(H E L P 四个字母同理)。
#include "mbed.h"
// main() runs in its own thread in the OS
BusOut leds1(A1, A2, A3, D11, D12, A6, A7, D10); // 对应 A数码管的 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,DP
BusOut leds2(D3, D13, D9, D5, D4, D2, D1, D10); // 对应 B数码管的 A,B,C,D,E,F,G,DP
int number[10] = {0x3F, 0x6, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x66, 0x6D, 0x7D, 0x7, 0x7F, 0x6F}; // 对应数字 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
int main()
while (1)
int i, j;
leds1 = number[6]; //初始化为6
leds2 = number[0]; //初始化为0
for (i = 5; i >= 0; i--) //十位上(A数码管)循环6至0循环
leds1 = number[i];
for (j = 9; j >= 0; j--) //个位上(B数码管)循环9至0循环
leds2 = number[j];
thread_sleep_for(1000); //持续1秒
1、微信公众号:格院生存指南 / MS LAB | Part 1