【评测】IDT CRISPR核酸内切酶解决方案

IDT 成立于 1989年,是基因组学领域开发的领先者,也是公认的定制核酸生产行业的领导者。IDT 凭借在 DNA 合成领域的领导能力,为基因组学应用开发了专有技术,例如下一代测序、CRISPR 基因组编辑、合成生物学、数字 PCR 和 RNA 干扰。通过 GMP 服务,IDT的产品被科学家用于研究多种癌症以及大多数遗传性和传染性疾病。IDT 亚洲、欧洲和北美洲设有工厂,为一百多个国家及地区的超过十二万名生命科学界研究人员提供服务,每天生产的寡核苷酸数量 超过七万份















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  • Tröder SE, Eber LK, et al. (2018) An optimized electroporation approach for efficient CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in murine zygotes.PLoS One, 13 (5) : e0196891.
  • Brinkman EK, Kousholt AN, et al. (2018) Easy quantification of template-directed CRISPR/Cas9 editing. Nucleic Acids Res. doi: 10.1093/nar/gky164
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  • Al Abdallah Q, Ge W, Fortwendel JR. (2017) A simple and universal system for gene manipulation in Aspergillus fumigatus: in vitro-assembled Cas9 guide RNA ribonucleoproteins coupled with microhomology repair templates. mSphere, 2 : e00446–17.
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  • Nachmanson D, Lian S, et al. (2017) CRISPR-DS: An efficient, low DNA input method for ultra-accurate sequencing. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/207027
  • Schwinn MK, Machleidt T, et al. (2017) CRISPR-mediated tagging of endogenous proteins with a luminescent peptide. ACS Chem Biol.doi: 10.1021/acschembio.7b00549
  • Xu MM, Pu Y, et al.. (2017) Dendritic cells but not macrophages sense tumor mitochondrial DNA for cross-priming through signal regulatory protein α signaling. Immunity, 47 : 363–37.
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  • Wefers B, Bashir S, et al. (2017) Gene editing in mouse zygotes using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Methods, 121–122 : 55–67.
  • Rivera-Torres N, Banas K, et al.. (2017) Insertional mutagenesis by CRISPR/Cas9 ribonucleoprotein gene editing in cells targeted for point mutation repair directed by short single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides . PLoS One, 12 : e0169350.
  • Agudelo D, Duringer A, et al.. (2017) Marker-free coselection for CRISPR-driven genome editing in human cells. Nature Methods, 14 :615–620.
  • Luo L, Bokil N, et al.. (2017) SCIMP is a transmembrane non-TIR TLR adaptor that promotes proinflammatory cytokine production from macrophages . Nat Commun, 8 : 14133.
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  • Jacobi AM, Rettig GR, Turk R, Collingwood MA, Zeiner SA, Quadros RM, Harms DW, Bonthuis PJ, Gregg C, Ohtsuka M, Gurumurthy CB, Behlke MA. (2017) Simplified CRISPR tools for efficient genome editing and streamlined protocols for their delivery into mammalian cells and mouse zygotes. Methods, 121–122 : 16–28.
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