Notes for Java(part a)


Notes for Java



         Comments are an important part of every program

         are purely for documentation purposes

        ie they are ignored by the compiler

        can be used anywhere in a program

         Essential comments are:

        Program header

         Program name, author, date written, program description

        Statement description

         To describe a particular statement eg a mathematical formula that may not be clear to someone reading the program

         Space precludes using adequate comments in lecture examples

         Java comments can take two main forms:

// this comment runs to the end of the line

/*  this comment runs to the terminating

    symbol, even across line breaks        */

Initialising Variables

         Initialising a variable means to assign a value to the variable for the first time.

                        int total;

                        total = 0;

         Variables can be initialised at the time they’re declared

                        int total = 0;

                        int rate = 0, value = 100;

Trying to use uninitialized variables will generate a Syntax Error when the code is compiled

Primitive Data Types

         There are eight primitive (or simple) data types in Java

         Four of them represent integers:

       byte, short, int, long

         Two of them represent floating point numbers:

       float, double

         One of them represents characters:


         And one of them represents boolean values:


Numeric Primitive Data

         The difference between the various numeric primitive types is their size, and therefore the values they can store

         We will predominantly use int and double


         A char variable stores a single character

         Character literals are delimited by single quotes:

'a'   'X'    '7'    '$'    ','    ‘ ‘

            char charVariable = 'X‘;

            char anotherCharVariable = ‘&‘;


         A boolean value represents a true or false condition

         The reserved words true and false are the only valid values for a boolean type

            boolean invalidInput = false;

            boolean repeatLoop = true;


         Identifiers are the words you devise to use in a program ie.

        variables, constants, methods or the program name

                                    total, countTotalParts, DemoProgram

         Use letters, digits, the underscore (_), and the dollar sign

         An identifier cannot begin with a digit

         Java is case sensitive, therefore Total and total are different identifiers

         There is no length limit

        make the identifier name understandable


         A rule that we agree to follow, even though it’s not required by the language, is said to be a convention

        capitalise the first letter of each word after the first.

         begin a program (class) name with an uppercase letter :


         Variable names should begin with a lower case letter



Variable Names

         Variable names should be descriptive.

         Descriptive names allow the code to be more readable; therefore, the code is more maintainable.

         Which of the following is more descriptive?

double tr = 0.0725;

double salesTaxRate = 0.0725;

         Java programs should be self-documenting.

         More Java naming conventions can be found at:


Arithmetic Operators

Operator          Meaning           Type    Example

+          Addition           Binary  total = cost + tax;

-           Subtraction       Binary  cost = total – tax;

*          Multiplication    Binary  tax = cost * rate;

/           Division            Binary  salePrice = original / 2;

%         Modulus           Binary  remainder = value % 5;


Increment and Decrement Operators

         Shortcuts – use them sparingly

         The increment operator (++) adds one to its operand

         The decrement operator (--) subtracts one from its operand

     count++;      is equivalent to      count = count + 1;


         A constant is a type of variable, but one whose value doesn’t change during the execution of a program.

         Constants can be named by assigning them to variables:

                        double base = 32.0;

                        double conversionFactor = 5.0 / 9.0;

         To prevent a constant from being changed, the reserved word final can be added to its declaration:

                        final double base = 32.0;

                        final double conversionFactor = 5.0 / 9.0;

Naming Constants

         A convention

         The names of constants are written entirely in uppercase letters, with underscores used to indicate boundaries between words:

                        final double BASE = 32.0;

                        final double CONVERSION_FACTOR = 5.0 / 9.0;

         Programs are easier to read and modify

         Inconsistencies and typographical errors are less likely

Input and Output

         Programs use both input and output

         Input is any data the program requires

        It can be already stored in the program or

        Entered by a user or

        Obtained from a file or other input device

         Output is any data produced by the program

        It can be displayed to the terminal or

        Written to a file or

        Used to operate devices

Displaying output on the screen

System.out.println( )

       Prints what is contained in the argument ie. between (  )

       println() always advances to the next line after displaying its argument

System.out.print( )

        Does not advance to the next line after displaying its argument

Displaying output

         Strings are any characters contained within  double quotes

         They are often displayed  as output

                        System.out.println(“This string will be displayed”);

          System.out.println( ) and System.out.print( ) can only display arguments of a single type egs Strings or variables

                        System.out.println(fahrenheitTemp);  //displays the value of the variable

         To display mixed types we need to concatenate or join numeric types into a string

The plus operator

         So the plus operator (+) is used for addition and concatenation

         The function that the + operator performs depends on the type of the information on which it operates

         If both operands are strings, or if one is a string and one is a number, it performs string concatenation

         If both operands are numeric, it adds them

         The + operator is evaluated left to right

         Parentheses can be used to force the operation order

Escape Sequences

         Escape sequences start with / followed by a character and are inserted in a string being displayed to alter the display


       /n to start a new line:

                        System.out.println("A hop,/nand a jump");

                        A hop,

                        and a jump

       /t          represents a tab space

                        System.out.println("John’s total:/t " + salesTotal);

                        John’s total:                  225

二、classes, objects, methods

String class

         The String class is one of the most important prewritten classes that come with Java

         Every character string delimited by double quotation marks, represents a String object

         Note that class names always start with a capital letter

         A variable either holds

        a primitive type, int totalValue;

        or it holds an object String title;

         A class name can be thought of as a type to declare an object

                        String title;

                        title =  "Java Software Solutions”;

         Or just like primitive variables, combine the 2 steps

                        String title = "Java Software Solutions";


         Methods are easy to recognise –

        An identifier that is always followed by ( )

         Once an object has been created, we can do things to it by calling the methods in the object’s class

         In general a method call takes this form:

            object . method-name (parameters)

         Parameters (or arguments) are data that the method requires

         Methods may require

        no parameter, one parameter, many parameters

Class Methods

         Some methods can be invoked through the class name, instead of through an object of the class

         These methods are called class methods or static methods

         The Math class contains many static methods, providing various mathematical functions, such as

        absolute value, trigonometry functions, square root, etc.

         These methods are invoked by the class name

                        Class . method-name (parameters)

Using the Result of a Method Call

         The value returned by a method can be saved in a variable:

                        double y = Math.abs(x);

         Or use the result returned by a method directly, without first saving it in a variable.

                        double z = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(x));



Classes are in packages

         Import the classes you need at the start of the program

            import javax.swing.JOptionPane;           or

             import javax.swing.*;

Dialog Boxes

         A dialog box is a graphical window that pops up on top of any currently active window for the user

         Import the  JOptionPane class from the swing package

                        import javax.swing.JOptionPane;    or

                        import javax.swing.*;

Getting Input

To display a dialog box with the specified message and an input text field. The contents of the text field are returned.

         For example

String numStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter an integer:");

Displaying an Output Message

         To display a dialog box containing the specified message. (null centres the box on the screen)

         For example

JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, result);

Arithmetic promotion

         Arithmetic promotion happens automatically when operators in expressions are different data types

         Java converts operands to a type that will safely accommodate both values

         For expressions using integer and floating-point values:

anInteger = aDouble * anInteger;

        The integer value is temporarily converted to a double type

        The operation is performed

        The result is a double

        It is stored according to the receiving variable type

Wrapper Classes

         Contain static methods that convert Strings to the associated type  eg.

                        static int parseInt (String str)

                        static double parseDouble (String str)

         eg Integer and Double classes methods convert an integer or double stored in a String :

                        String aString = “ 123” ;

                        int num1 = Integer.parseInt (aString);

                        String anotherString = “ 123.999” ;

                        double num2 = Double.parseDouble(anotherString);


-- fundamentals of java





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