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翻译 The AWS Well-Architected Framework Module 2 - Operational Excellence Pillar

AWS良好设计框架模块2 - 运营支柱AWS良好设计框架,以下简称WAF(不是Web应用防火墙!!!),本文为第二部分——运营优化支柱(简称运营支柱)。

2022-09-30 17:06:55 420 1

原创 The AWS Well-Architected Framework Module 1 - Overview

AWS Well-Architected Framework Module 1 - Overview

2022-09-20 17:28:48 728

原创 存储技术和灾备解决方案要点


2022-06-05 22:54:47 1063

原创 Notes of Java Web Development Under The Hood

Udemy course 2017, by Matt Greecroft, 20210201-0219Servlets, JSP, JSTL, AJAX, Comet, Websocket

2022-03-06 14:23:56 1500

原创 HCIA-IoT V2.5 华为物联网认证笔记

文章目录1 华为物联网解决方案1.1 1个OS、2类接入、1个平台(1+2+1)1.2 华为云物联网平台架构1.3 NB-IoT端到端解决方案1.4 终端网关1.5 物联网操作系统 Huawei LiteOS1.6 物联网安全2 物联网通信技术2.1 有线RS-232与RS-485Meter-Bus有线通信技术简要对比2.2 无线短距无线蜂窝通信LPWA(Low Power Wide Area)无线通信技术对比2.3 NB-IoT技术及解决方案(重点)2.3.1 NB-IOT商用情况2.3.2 NB-IoT

2022-01-17 16:48:48 6779

原创 HCIA-5G行业应用解决方案

source: 华为HCIA-5G V2.0文章目录1 5G行业应用和发展趋势2 车联网解决方案2.1 车联网概述2.2 车联网业务场景和需求分析2.3 Celluar-V2X演进及关键技术2.3.1 C-V2X标准2.3.2 D2D(Device to Device)在C-V2X的应用2.3.3 LTE-V2X通信接口和关键技术2.3.4 5G-V2X新技术2.4 车联网解决方案2.4.1 华为车联网解决方案2.4.2 车联网部署路线3 智能电网解决方案4 智慧港口解决方案5 智能制造解决方案1 5

2021-11-25 16:55:24 1048

原创 HCIA-5GtoB基础业务能力和基础业务应用

source: 华为HCIA-5G V2.0认证培训1 5GtoB产业理解2 5GtoB基础业务能力2.1 E2E带宽2.1.1 典型场景带宽需求2.2.2 空口带宽保障—关键在上行信号电平要求CSI-RSRP (Channel State Information - Reference SignalReceived Power) 大于 -103 dBm可满足上行10Mbps要求用户数量控制QoS或资源预留超级上行增加Sub3G频段,全时隙发送上行数据。

2021-11-23 16:09:59 2063

原创 HCIA-5G新技术融合创新应用

souce: 华为HCIA-5G V2.0date: 2021-11-21老师以念PPT为主,笔记主要扩展了解物联网技术。其他如云计算、大数据、AI和应用案例等没有太多深入内容,略。文章目录1 物联网新技术的特征与现状1.1 短距无线技术1.1.1 Bluetooth蓝牙(bluetooth.com)1.1.2 Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi Alliance, wi-fi.org,数字编号命名)1.1.3 ZigBee(ZigBee Alliance, zigbeealliance.org. Now CS

2021-11-22 13:19:30 3907

原创 HCIA-5G网络架构及关键技术

来源:https://talent.huaweiuniversity.com/,华为HCIA-5G V2.0培训送刘大勇老师五星好评!跟其他章节老师相比,刘老师讲的最深入浅出,不仅讲知识点,而且能解释原因,方便学习理解和记忆,赞赞赞!文章目录1 5G网络架构1.1 5G组网场景1.1.1 4G到5G的网络演进1.1.2 5G组网架构1.2 5G核心网架构1.2.1 概述1.2.2 2G/3G/4G核心网架构1.2.3 5G核心网架构1.3 5G承载网(以前称为传输网)架构1.4 5G无线网架构1.5 端

2021-11-18 15:51:43 3021

原创 中国电信5G定制网产品要点

来源:中国电信5G定制网产品手册(2020年11月)版本说明:2021年11月4日初稿。网络能力(N)产品化比较清晰。边缘智能(I)、云边协同(C)、应用随选(E)还需要了解实际情况。文章目录1 5G定制网总体认识2 5G定制网三种服务模式2.1 致远模式—广域优先、成本最低2.2 比邻模式—超低时延、数据自主2.3 如翼模式—完全定制、成本最高3 产品和能力组件NICES3.1 定制网的能力(全部产品化)3.2 定制边缘的能力(也就是MEC的能力,尚未产品化)3.2.1 MEC提供的5G网络能力

2021-11-04 15:30:28 11233

原创 AWS Technical Essentials

Source: aws.trainingModule 1: Introduction to Amazon Web Services1.1 Introduction to AWS CloudChoose the right AWS region, consider four main aspects – latency, price, service availability, and compliance.Interacting with AWS: AWS Management Console,

2021-10-26 23:37:21 1378

原创 Deploy LNMP and Wordpress on Ali ECS Cloud Linux 20211012

source: help.aliyun.comInstance:ecs.s6-c1m2.smallos: Alibaba Cloud Linux 5.10.23Nginx 1.16.1MySQL 5.7.30PHP 7.0.331 Prepare1.1 Stop firewalldsystemctl status firewalldif inactive,go to 1.2if active,systemctl stop firewalld //stop temperatelysys

2021-10-24 00:04:09 1217

原创 Docker Get Started

source: https://docs.docker.com/1 Docker Overview1.1 Docker ArchitectureDocker is an open container platform for developing, shipping, and running applications.1.2 Docker ComponentsDocker daemon (dockerd) listens for Docker API requests and manages

2021-10-06 12:06:41 546

原创 Java Web Application Tutorial (not success, to do later)20210925

1 Sourcehttps://www.vogella.com/tutorials/JavaWebTerminology/article.html, by Lars Vogelhttps://www.javaguides.net/2020/01/java-web-application-tutorial.html, by Ramesh FadatareIn order to deploy my ECS instance2 Basic terms2.1 Web developmentSince

2021-10-04 09:10:13 236

原创 Apache Tomcat Web Sevice Setup on Ali ECS

Backgroundurl:https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/172784.htmlDate: 2021-09-21Subject: Deploy Tomcat Web Service on Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 ECSInstance: ecs.s6-c1m2.small, 1 core 2 GiBOS: Alibaba Cloud Linux 3.2104 64bitJDK Version: JDK 1.8.0_302

2021-09-23 00:02:33 160

原创 ACA云原生6DevOps

1 DevOps概念及组成1.1 DevOps概念一个典型开发案例存在的问题传统开发模式存在的“Walls”DevOps的解决之道DevOps基础概念与传统开发模式的对比1.2 DevOps组成组织文化自上而下的架构,各部门沟通协作,一致性(思维、目标、技术栈、工具集)理念,敏捷性、学习型团队,容许犯错自动化流水线1)CI开发提交新代码后,立即构建和单一测试。根据测试结果,确定新旧代码是否能正确集成2)CD开发对应有更改自动进行测试,并上传到存储库3)持续部

2021-09-12 12:20:02 553

原创 ACA云原生5消息队列MQ和PTS\ARM等工具

1 企业级微服务架构分析1.1 企业应用评判指标核心指标1)高可用:内部组件损坏或外部资源不可用时,有充分的应对措施2)高并发:可承受并发访问量大,能应对瞬间激增的访问量3)高性能:应用消耗资源少,同等访问量的服务成本低4)易扩展:可以快速迭代发布性业务,对旧业务影响小前面章节的容器、微服务、Serverless等技术主要解决高性能、易扩展问题,接下来的技术/产品重点解决高可用、高并发问题。高可用架构设计五大原则假定失效、多可用区,自动扩展,自我修复,松耦合1.2 高并发场景的可靠性

2021-09-12 10:06:27 943

原创 Machine Learning Week 11 Application Example and Thank you Andrew Ng

1 Photo OCR1.1 Program description and pipeline1.2 Sliding windowstake pedestrian detection as an exampleusing different rectangles to scan the image, step by step-size or stride, say 4 pixelsText detectiongot the result like this1.3 Character

2021-09-09 17:40:56 102

原创 ACA云原生4微服务和Serverless架构

1 企业应用架构的演进与微服务架构1.1 企业应用架构的演进单体应用SOA(Service Oriented Architecture),2000年出现1.2 微服务架构与微服务框架微服务出现2012年,Fred George团队将100万行J2EE代码分解成20多个5K行代码服务,最后分解成200个500行代码微服务。2014年,Martin Fowler, James Lewis 提出微服务架构,服务组件化、简单化,。。。微服务去中心化(抛弃ESB)调用通过注册中心注册,服务调

2021-09-09 11:23:12 239

原创 Machine Learning Week 10 Learning with Large Dataset

1 Stochastic Gradient Descent1.1 Alternative algorithm to classic (or batch) gradient descentStochastic Gradient Descent is more efficient and scalable to large data sets, say 100,000,000 or more. It is computational expensive to summarise total examples

2021-09-08 17:14:50 109

原创 ACA云原生3阿里云容器产品体系

1 阿里云容器服务体系概述双11是全球最大规模的云原生实践,每万笔峰值交易的IT成本较4年前下降80%,规模化应用交付效率提升1倍。2020年双11创造了诸多“云原生的第一次”,例如:80%核心业务部署在ACK,1小时内扩展超百万容器,首次大规模应用Serverless,弹性伸缩新年提升10倍。基于K8s的容器技术成为阿里云计算的新界面阿里云容器服务产品体系的核心价值1) 向下封装基础设施,屏蔽底层架构的差异2) 拓展云计算新边界,云边端一体化管理3) 向上支持多种Workload和分布式

2021-09-08 12:54:15 6565

原创 ACA云原生2容器技术基础

1 容器与Docker简介1.1 容器容器自包含、可移植、隔离、轻量级容器与VM比较1.2 Docker核心概念和架构Docker是跨平台可移植的容器解决方案,Google Go语言开发, 基于Linux内核的cgroup, namespace, 对进程封装。Docker能自动执行重复性任务,例如搭建和配置开发环境,解放开发人员Docker使用场景(服务器整合?难理解todo)Docker三大核心概念:容器(Containers)是镜像的运行实例,镜像(Images)是标准化打包,

2021-09-08 07:26:45 139

原创 ACA云原生1概要介绍

阿里云ACA云原生认证课程第一部分1. 云原生概念及发展1.1 云原生是云计算的下半场云计算的历程:VMWare虚拟化 - Google分布式计算 - Amazon ECS - Aliyun云计算存在的问题:1)云上应用未发挥云的价值和能力;2)数字化转型需要更敏捷的开发方式3)软件运维成本居高不下1.2 Cloud Native发展及概念Cloud Native发展简史定义

2021-09-07 18:39:29 227

原创 Machine Learning Week 9 Anomaly Detection & Recommender & ex8

1 Anomaly Detection Algorithm1.1 Algorithm1.2 Developing an Anomaly Detection System1.3 Anomaly Detection vs. Supervised Learnig1.4 Choose Features1.5 Multivariate Gaussian Distribution1.6 Anomaly Detection using Multivariate Gaussian Distribution2

2021-09-07 17:42:56 78

原创 Dynamic Programming Basic Summary

1 (prepare) Overlapping Subproblems Propertyfrom url: geeksforgeeks.org/overlapping-subproblems-property-in-dynamic-programming-dp-11.1 Overlapping SubproblemsDP is manily used when solutions of same subproblems are needed again and again. In DP, comput

2021-09-05 16:34:40 89

原创 Speed Up Your Python Program With Concurrency

https://realpython.com/python-concurrency/, by Jim Anderson1 Basic ConceptsConcurrency is simultaneous occurrence. In Python, these are called by different names (thread, task, process) but at a high level, they are only the same. Once digging into the

2021-08-21 21:14:29 158

原创 multiprocessing and threading in Python

url: https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/multiprocessing-python1 Basic conceptsPython’s “multiprocessing” module feels like threads, but actually launches processes.Downside to threads is the global interpreter lock (GIL). Because a thread cedes the G

2021-08-16 16:48:32 88

原创 Machine Learning Week8 Unsupervised Learning and ex7

1 Clustering1.1 Introduction to Unsupervised LearningUNSL uses an unlabeled training set. We don’t have the vector of expected results, and we only have a dataset of features to find structure. UNSL is good for:Market segmentationSocial network analys

2021-08-10 15:39:21 135

原创 Machine Learning Week 7 SVM with Kernels and ex6

1 Optiomization ObjectiveSupport Vector Machine(SVM) is another type of supervised ML algorithm.1.1 cost review of LogReg1.h(x) and y2. cost of LogReg1.2 SVMreplace with SVM cost: cost1 and cost0cost1(z) = max(0, k(1+z)), subscirpt 1 stands for y=

2021-08-03 15:23:00 138

原创 Data Science Intro by Michigan University - Week4

1. assignment 41.1 data cleaningimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport re#nhl_df=pd.read_csv("assets/nhl.csv")cities=pd.read_html("assets/wikipedia_data.html")[1]cities=cities.iloc[:-1,[0,3,5,6,7,8]]cities = cities.rename(columns = {'Populati

2021-08-02 23:07:19 96

原创 Data Science Intro by Michigan University - Week1 Data Visualization Theory

1 Tools for Thinking About Design1.1 The Functional Art, by Alberto Cairovisualization wheelAbstraction – Figuration– Boxes and charts (abstraction) or real-world physical objects(figuration)Functionality – Decoration– No embellishments (functio

2021-08-02 11:08:15 100

原创 Machine Learning week6 Advice for applying ML and ex5

1. Deciding what to try firstsome avenues may be:getting more training examplestrying smaller sets of featurestrying additional featurestrying polynomial features, x1x2, x1^3,…increasing or decreasing lambdabut don’t pick it randomly2 first evalu

2021-07-30 11:48:45 154

原创 Machine Learning week4&5 and ex3&4

1. Nueral Networks(NN)Performing LinReg with a complex set of data with many features is very unwieldly.100 features quadratic, 5050 resulting new features50*50 image, n=2500, n^2/2=3125000 new featuresso neural networks is applied with many features1

2021-07-19 16:30:43 62

原创 Machine Learning week3 logistic regression ex2

Logistic Regression(LogReg) is an approach to classifiction problems, not regression problems. Don’t be confused by the name.1. Binary ClassificationIn linear regression, output vector y is a continuous range of values. But in logistic regression, y={0.

2021-07-02 16:41:03 73

原创 Data Science Intro by Michigan University - Week3

1. venn diagramfull outer join (union)inner join (intersection)2. merge (join horizontally)staff_df = pd.DataFrame([{'Name': 'Kelly', 'Role': 'HR'}, {'Name': 'Sally', 'Role': 'TA'}, {'Name': 'James', 'Role': 'GD'}])staff_df = staff_df.set_index('Name'

2021-07-01 12:02:16 245

原创 Machine Learning week1-2 ex1

1. linear regress with 1 varible (week 1)1.1 Linear regression model with 1 varibleit is hard to write mathematical formula, so I just give upHypothesish(x) = theta0 + theta1 * xcost function: J(theta0, theta1)Goal: minimize Jsimplyfy first, theta0=

2021-06-28 20:12:54 96

原创 Data Science Intro by Michigan University - Week2 Series and Dataframes

seriesOS command line in jupyter notebook!catseriesimport pandas as pdstudents_classes = {'Alice': 'Physics', 'Jack': 'Chemistry', 'Molly': 'English', 'Sam': 'History'}s = pd.Series(students_

2021-06-24 11:21:42 149

原创 Week1 notes of data science intro by Michigan University

1. Python basics for data science1.1 Functions:def add_numbers(x, y): return x + y1.2 types and sequencestype(None)NoneTypetype(add_numbers) functionslice a string:x = 'This is a string'x[0] #first character x[0:2] #first 2 characters x[

2021-06-18 15:38:47 602

原创 html basics

html basicsource:https://htmldog.com/guides/html/beginner/20210605HTML is used for meaning and CSS is used for presentation.1. getting startedtype a sentence with notepad, save is as test.html, opened with browser : ./path/test.html, there is your fir

2021-06-05 22:45:40 110

原创 seed lab - web security 2 - xss lab

seed lab - web security 2 - xss lab1. Lab Setupsame as csrf lab.2. xss Attack - add friend2.1 Vim “xssaddfriend.txt”:var sendurl=“http://www.xsslabelgg.com/action/friends/add”+"?friend=47"+token+ts;Ajax.open(“GET”,sendurl,true);2.2 Run firefox, visi

2021-05-28 22:30:01 853 1



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