
  • cultural barrier 文化障碍
  • civilisation  文明,文化
  • compromise  
    • n 妥协 这种方法
      • arrive at some compromise  
    • vt 连累,牺牲,损害
      • Other intangibles such as creativity,are also important,but they might be compromised by prior experience.
  • conservative   保守的,守旧的,传统的
    • Society is not as conservative as it used to be.When Chinese gets married,they will often prefer not to live in the same house with their parents,although they might still feel quite obligated to care for them in their old age.
  • cirsis   
    • There might be more immigrants than factory jobs available,leading to an unemployment cirsis with a rising crime rate as a potential negative side effect.
  • degenerate 
    • vi 衰退,堕落,退化
    • The gross domestic production will suffer a decline,which inevitably results in the recession in the economic field.In the long run,other social aspects are also doomed to degenerate.
  • disseminate
    • vt  散步,传播
    • The Internet is a great invention because it disseminates information freely.But,in light of the information anarchy on the Internet,people need to learn and understand how to evaluate and use the information they find at their figertips.
  • expose
    • If people are exposed to noise every day,they may suffer from psychological as well as physics health problems.
    • psychological   噪声
  • fascinating
    • 迷人的,有极大吸引力的
    • Movies are so popular because they are the most fascinating and easiest escape means from increasing pressure,which comes from family,school,and working place.
  • habitual 
    • 习惯的,惯常的
    • Some people enjoy change,and look forward to new experiences,while others enjoy a steady paced,habitual existence.
  • harmonious 
    • There are unknown rules that society has put in place to ensure harmonious living.
  • hazard
    • It is time to realize this hazard and take action to prevent further disaster while making progroess.
  • hypocritical
    • 虚伪的,伪善的
    • Although most people were hostile to the pypocritical behaviors,and believe profoundly in the sacredness of truth and the inviolable freedom of those who dare to tell the truth,they often betray their principle,dignity,and in effect become accompanies of other hypocriites.
    • inviolable   不容亵渎的
  • inevitable
    • 不可避免的,必然发生的
    • Gonvernments have an inevitable role to play in developing a healthy and educated society but that financial burben on governments should not be neglected.
  • longevity
    • 长寿,寿命
    • Various types of insurances are readily available,which make people feel safe,and have a large extne to reduced people's anxieties,and therefore indirectly contribute significantly to the longevity of people.
  • underestimate
    • University should carry on some fundamental but essential researches,in the areas such as physics and astronautics,where it is less likely for graduates to find jobs with high salaries but the long-term significance can never be underestimated.
  • oversimplify
    • However,they are oversimplifying the situation.In fact,the defense of a person's right should never be at the sacrifice of others'.
  • reciprocatr
    • 报答,酬谢
  • superiority
    • The superiority of museums and art galleries lies in the fact that they are real-life space as against computer's limited size of screen.
  • pass off 冒充,误导
    • She tried to pass off as a man,but it didn't work.
  • discrete  分开的;不连续的
    • ​​​​​​​The abacus is made up of discrete units.算盘是由分开的单元组成的。
  • off-hand   临时的,未经准备的;当即
    • ​​​​​​​Being off-hand,I didn't perform well during the interview.
  • premium 额外费用,溢价,高级的
    • ​​​​​​​sold at a premium
  • compliance   遵守,依从
    • ​​​​​​​Complicance with the law is expected of all citizens.
  • give oneself (put on) airs
    • ​​​​​​​The player gives himslef airs and always makes difficulties for his teammate.
    • 装腔作势
  • hierarchy
    • ​​​​​​​阶层,等级制度
  • martyr
    • ​​​​​​​烈士
    • 迫害,折磨
  • 日复一日,年复一年
    • ​​​​​​​day in,day out,year in,year out
  • be at odds(with sb)(over sth)
    • ​​​​​​​与。。。有争执
  • learn sth the hard way
    • ​​​​​​​经过艰难困苦而学到






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